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niosii hello world

subDesTagesMitExtraKaese hace 3 años
Se han modificado 100 ficheros con 44527 adiciones y 0 borrados
  1. 71 0
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  98. 17 0
      software/.metadata/.plugins/org.eclipse.debug.core/.launches/hello_world Nios II Hardware configuration.launch
  99. 27 0
  100. 0 0

+ 71 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,71 @@
+# from https://github.com/thomasrussellmurphy/quartus-DE0-project/blob/master/.gitignore
+# Working with Altera Quartus II (Q2) and do proper versioning is not that easy
+# but if you follow some rules it can be accomplished. :)
+# This file should be placed into the main directory where the .qpf file is
+# found. Generally Q2 throws all entities and so on in the main directory, but
+# you can place all stuff also in separate folders. This approach is followed
+# here. So when you create a new design create one or more folders where your
+# entities will be located and put a .gitignore in there that overrides the
+# ignores of this file, e.g. one single rule stating "!*" which allows now all
+# type of files. When you add a MegaFunction or another entity to your design,
+# simply add it to one of your private folders and Q2 will be happy and manage
+# everything quite good. When you want to do versioning of your generated
+# SOF/POF files, you can do this by redirecting the generated output to an own
+# folder. To do this go to:
+# "Assignments"
+# -> "Settings
+# -> "Compilation Process Settings"
+# -> "Save project output files in specified directory"
+# Now you can either place a .gitignore in the directory and allow the following
+# list of types:
+# !*.sof
+# !*.pof
+# or you create an own submodule in the folder to keep binary files out of your
+# design.
+# Need to keep all HDL files
+# *.vhd
+# *.v
+# ignore Quartus II generated files
+*.txt # Explicitly add any text files used
+# *.sdc # I want those timing files
+# ignore Quartus II generated folders
+# ignore eclipse temp files

+ 2 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<filters version="18.1" />

La diferencia del archivo ha sido suprimido porque es demasiado grande
+ 2167 - 0

+ 8 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+# # File gsaved with Nlview version 6.3.8  2013-12-19 bk=1.2992 VDI=34 GEI=35
+preplace inst unsaved.clk_0 -pg 1 -lvl 1 -y 30
+preplace inst unsaved -pg 1 -lvl 1 -y 40 -regy -20
+preplace netloc EXPORT<net_container>unsaved</net_container>(SLAVE)unsaved.reset,(SLAVE)clk_0.clk_in_reset) 1 0 1 NJ
+preplace netloc EXPORT<net_container>unsaved</net_container>(SLAVE)clk_0.clk_in,(SLAVE)unsaved.clk) 1 0 1 NJ
+levelinfo -pg 1 0 50 270
+levelinfo -hier unsaved 60 90 260

+ 15 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+ <debug showDebugMenu="0" />
+ <systemtable filter="All Interfaces">
+  <columns>
+   <connections preferredWidth="143" />
+   <irq preferredWidth="34" />
+  </columns>
+ </systemtable>
+ <library
+   expandedCategories="Library/Processors and Peripherals,Library/Processors and Peripherals/Peripherals,Library,Library/Interface Protocols,Library/Interface Protocols/PCI Express/QSYS Example Designs,Project,Library/Interface Protocols/PCI Express" />
+ <window width="1440" height="860" x="0" y="-1" />
+ <hdlexample language="VHDL" />
+ <generation synthesis="VHDL" />

+ 31 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
+# -------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
+# Copyright (C) 2019  Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.
+# Your use of Intel Corporation's design tools, logic functions 
+# and other software and tools, and any partner logic 
+# functions, and any output files from any of the foregoing 
+# (including device programming or simulation files), and any 
+# associated documentation or information are expressly subject 
+# to the terms and conditions of the Intel Program License 
+# Subscription Agreement, the Intel Quartus Prime License Agreement,
+# the Intel FPGA IP License Agreement, or other applicable license
+# agreement, including, without limitation, that your use is for
+# the sole purpose of programming logic devices manufactured by
+# Intel and sold by Intel or its authorized distributors.  Please
+# refer to the applicable agreement for further details, at
+# https://fpgasoftware.intel.com/eula.
+# -------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
+# Quartus Prime
+# Version 18.1.1 Build 646 04/11/2019 SJ Lite Edition
+# Date created = 15:57:19  November 19, 2020
+# -------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
+DATE = "15:57:19  November 19, 2020"
+# Revisions
+PROJECT_REVISION = "myfirst_niosii"

+ 109 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,109 @@
+# -------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
+# Copyright (C) 2019  Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.
+# Your use of Intel Corporation's design tools, logic functions 
+# and other software and tools, and any partner logic 
+# functions, and any output files from any of the foregoing 
+# (including device programming or simulation files), and any 
+# associated documentation or information are expressly subject 
+# to the terms and conditions of the Intel Program License 
+# Subscription Agreement, the Intel Quartus Prime License Agreement,
+# the Intel FPGA IP License Agreement, or other applicable license
+# agreement, including, without limitation, that your use is for
+# the sole purpose of programming logic devices manufactured by
+# Intel and sold by Intel or its authorized distributors.  Please
+# refer to the applicable agreement for further details, at
+# https://fpgasoftware.intel.com/eula.
+# -------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
+# Quartus Prime
+# Version 18.1.1 Build 646 04/11/2019 SJ Lite Edition
+# Date created = 15:57:19  November 19, 2020
+# -------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
+# Notes:
+# 1) The default values for assignments are stored in the file:
+#		myfirst_niosii_assignment_defaults.qdf
+#    If this file doesn't exist, see file:
+#		assignment_defaults.qdf
+# 2) Altera recommends that you do not modify this file. This
+#    file is updated automatically by the Quartus Prime software
+#    and any changes you make may be lost or overwritten.
+# -------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
+set_global_assignment -name FAMILY "Cyclone IV E"
+set_global_assignment -name DEVICE EP4CE115F29C7
+set_global_assignment -name TOP_LEVEL_ENTITY myfirst_niosii
+set_global_assignment -name ORIGINAL_QUARTUS_VERSION 18.1.1
+set_global_assignment -name PROJECT_CREATION_TIME_DATE "15:57:19  NOVEMBER 19, 2020"
+set_global_assignment -name LAST_QUARTUS_VERSION "18.1.0 Lite Edition"
+set_global_assignment -name PROJECT_OUTPUT_DIRECTORY output_files
+set_global_assignment -name MIN_CORE_JUNCTION_TEMP 0
+set_global_assignment -name MAX_CORE_JUNCTION_TEMP 85
+set_global_assignment -name ERROR_CHECK_FREQUENCY_DIVISOR 1
+set_global_assignment -name NOMINAL_CORE_SUPPLY_VOLTAGE 1.2V
+set_global_assignment -name EDA_SIMULATION_TOOL "ModelSim-Altera (Verilog)"
+set_global_assignment -name EDA_TIME_SCALE "1 ps" -section_id eda_simulation
+set_global_assignment -name EDA_OUTPUT_DATA_FORMAT "VERILOG HDL" -section_id eda_simulation
+set_global_assignment -name EDA_GENERATE_FUNCTIONAL_NETLIST OFF -section_id eda_board_design_timing
+set_global_assignment -name EDA_GENERATE_FUNCTIONAL_NETLIST OFF -section_id eda_board_design_symbol
+set_global_assignment -name EDA_GENERATE_FUNCTIONAL_NETLIST OFF -section_id eda_board_design_signal_integrity
+set_global_assignment -name EDA_GENERATE_FUNCTIONAL_NETLIST OFF -section_id eda_board_design_boundary_scan
+set_global_assignment -name POWER_BOARD_THERMAL_MODEL "NONE (CONSERVATIVE)"
+set_global_assignment -name EDA_DESIGN_ENTRY_SYNTHESIS_TOOL "Blast FPGA" -entity nios2_uc.qip
+set_global_assignment -name EDA_INPUT_GND_NAME GND -entity nios2_uc.qip -section_id eda_design_synthesis
+set_global_assignment -name EDA_INPUT_VCC_NAME VDD -entity nios2_uc.qip -section_id eda_design_synthesis
+set_global_assignment -name EDA_LMF_FILE blast.lmf -entity nios2_uc.qip -section_id eda_design_synthesis
+set_global_assignment -name EDA_SHOW_LMF_MAPPING_MESSAGES OFF -entity nios2_uc.qip -section_id eda_design_synthesis
+set_global_assignment -name EDA_RUN_TOOL_AUTOMATICALLY OFF -entity nios2_uc.qip -section_id eda_design_synthesis
+set_global_assignment -name EDA_INPUT_DATA_FORMAT VQM -entity nios2_uc.qip -section_id eda_design_synthesis
+set_global_assignment -name PARTITION_NETLIST_TYPE SOURCE -section_id Top
+set_global_assignment -name PARTITION_COLOR 16764057 -section_id Top
+set_global_assignment -name QIP_FILE nios2_uc/synthesis/nios2_uc.qip
+set_global_assignment -name VHDL_FILE myfirst_niosii.vhd
+set_global_assignment -name EDA_DESIGN_ENTRY_SYNTHESIS_TOOL "Blast FPGA" -entity myfirst_niosii.vhd
+set_global_assignment -name EDA_INPUT_GND_NAME GND -entity myfirst_niosii.vhd -section_id eda_design_synthesis
+set_global_assignment -name EDA_INPUT_VCC_NAME VDD -entity myfirst_niosii.vhd -section_id eda_design_synthesis
+set_global_assignment -name EDA_LMF_FILE blast.lmf -entity myfirst_niosii.vhd -section_id eda_design_synthesis
+set_global_assignment -name EDA_SHOW_LMF_MAPPING_MESSAGES OFF -entity myfirst_niosii.vhd -section_id eda_design_synthesis
+set_global_assignment -name EDA_RUN_TOOL_AUTOMATICALLY OFF -entity myfirst_niosii.vhd -section_id eda_design_synthesis
+set_global_assignment -name EDA_INPUT_DATA_FORMAT VQM -entity myfirst_niosii.vhd -section_id eda_design_synthesis
+set_location_assignment PIN_E21 -to pio_led[0]
+set_location_assignment PIN_E22 -to pio_led[1]
+set_location_assignment PIN_E25 -to pio_led[2]
+set_location_assignment PIN_E24 -to pio_led[3]
+set_location_assignment PIN_H21 -to pio_led[4]
+set_location_assignment PIN_G20 -to pio_led[5]
+set_location_assignment PIN_G22 -to pio_led[6]
+set_location_assignment PIN_G21 -to pio_led[7]
+set_location_assignment PIN_G19 -to pio_led[8]
+set_location_assignment PIN_Y23 -to rst
+set_location_assignment PIN_Y2 -to clk
+set_location_assignment PIN_F19 -to pio_led[9]
+set_location_assignment PIN_E19 -to pio_led[10]
+set_location_assignment PIN_F21 -to pio_led[11]
+set_location_assignment PIN_F18 -to pio_led[12]
+set_location_assignment PIN_E18 -to pio_led[13]
+set_location_assignment PIN_J19 -to pio_led[14]
+set_location_assignment PIN_H19 -to pio_led[15]
+set_location_assignment PIN_J17 -to pio_led[16]
+set_location_assignment PIN_G17 -to pio_led[17]
+set_location_assignment PIN_J15 -to pio_led[18]
+set_location_assignment PIN_H16 -to pio_led[19]
+set_location_assignment PIN_J16 -to pio_led[20]
+set_location_assignment PIN_H17 -to pio_led[21]
+set_location_assignment PIN_F15 -to pio_led[22]
+set_location_assignment PIN_G15 -to pio_led[23]
+set_location_assignment PIN_G16 -to pio_led[24]
+set_location_assignment PIN_H15 -to pio_led[25]
+set_location_assignment PIN_M23 -to toggle_button
+set_location_assignment PIN_F17 -to toggle_led
+set_instance_assignment -name PARTITION_HIERARCHY root_partition -to | -section_id Top

+ 63 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,63 @@
+library IEEE;
+use IEEE.std_logic_arith.ALL;
+entity myfirst_niosii is port (
+		clk: in std_logic;
+		rst: in std_logic;
+		pio_led: out std_logic_vector(31 downto 0);
+		toggle_button: in std_logic;
+		toggle_led: out std_logic
+	);
+end myfirst_niosii;
+architecture behav of myfirst_niosii is
+    component nios2_uc is
+        port (
+            clk_clk                 : in  std_logic                     := 'X'; -- clk
+            pio_led_ext_conn_export : out std_logic_vector(31 downto 0);        -- export
+            reset_reset_n           : in  std_logic                     := 'X'  -- reset_n
+        );
+    end component nios2_uc;
+	 signal toggle_led_s: std_logic := '0';
+	 signal state: std_logic := '0';
+	 signal counter: integer range 0 to 2**15-1 := 0;
+	     u0 : component nios2_uc
+        port map (
+            clk_clk                 => clk,                 --              clk.clk
+            pio_led_ext_conn_export => pio_led, -- pio_led_ext_conn.export
+            reset_reset_n           => rst            --            reset.reset_n
+        );
+		  toggle: process(clk, rst)
+		  begin
+				if rst = '0' then
+					counter <= 0;
+					state <= '0';
+				elsif rising_edge(clk) then
+					if counter = 2**15-1 then
+						counter <= 0;
+						if toggle_button = not state then
+							state <= toggle_button;
+							if toggle_button = '1' then
+								toggle_led_s <= not toggle_led_s;
+							end if;
+						end if;
+					else
+						counter <= counter + 1;
+					end if;
+				end if;
+		  end process;
+		  toggle_led <= toggle_led_s;
+end behav;

La diferencia del archivo ha sido suprimido porque es demasiado grande
+ 488 - 0

La diferencia del archivo ha sido suprimido porque es demasiado grande
+ 6984 - 0

+ 71 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,71 @@
+WARNING: Do NOT edit the input and output ports in this file in a text
+editor if you plan to continue editing the block that represents it in
+the Block Editor! File corruption is VERY likely to occur.
+Copyright (C) 2019  Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.
+Your use of Intel Corporation's design tools, logic functions 
+and other software and tools, and any partner logic 
+functions, and any output files from any of the foregoing 
+(including device programming or simulation files), and any 
+associated documentation or information are expressly subject 
+to the terms and conditions of the Intel Program License 
+Subscription Agreement, the Intel Quartus Prime License Agreement,
+the Intel FPGA IP License Agreement, or other applicable license
+agreement, including, without limitation, that your use is for
+the sole purpose of programming logic devices manufactured by
+Intel and sold by Intel or its authorized distributors.  Please
+refer to the applicable agreement for further details, at
+(header "symbol" (version "1.1"))
+	(rect 0 0 416 184)
+	(text "nios2_uc" (rect 182 -1 217 11)(font "Arial" (font_size 10)))
+	(text "inst" (rect 8 168 20 180)(font "Arial" ))
+	(port
+		(pt 0 72)
+		(input)
+		(text "clk_clk" (rect 0 0 27 12)(font "Arial" (font_size 8)))
+		(text "clk_clk" (rect 4 61 46 72)(font "Arial" (font_size 8)))
+		(line (pt 0 72)(pt 176 72)(line_width 1))
+	)
+	(port
+		(pt 0 152)
+		(input)
+		(text "reset_reset_n" (rect 0 0 56 12)(font "Arial" (font_size 8)))
+		(text "reset_reset_n" (rect 4 141 82 152)(font "Arial" (font_size 8)))
+		(line (pt 0 152)(pt 176 152)(line_width 1))
+	)
+	(port
+		(pt 0 112)
+		(output)
+		(text "pio_led_ext_conn_export[31..0]" (rect 0 0 123 12)(font "Arial" (font_size 8)))
+		(text "pio_led_ext_conn_export[31..0]" (rect 4 101 184 112)(font "Arial" (font_size 8)))
+		(line (pt 0 112)(pt 176 112)(line_width 3))
+	)
+	(drawing
+		(text "clk" (rect 161 43 340 99)(font "Arial" (color 128 0 0)(font_size 9)))
+		(text "clk" (rect 181 67 380 144)(font "Arial" (color 0 0 0)))
+		(text "pio_led_ext_conn" (rect 75 83 246 179)(font "Arial" (color 128 0 0)(font_size 9)))
+		(text "export" (rect 181 107 398 224)(font "Arial" (color 0 0 0)))
+		(text "reset" (rect 147 123 324 259)(font "Arial" (color 128 0 0)(font_size 9)))
+		(text "reset_n" (rect 181 147 404 304)(font "Arial" (color 0 0 0)))
+		(text " nios2_uc " (rect 375 168 810 346)(font "Arial" ))
+		(line (pt 176 32)(pt 240 32)(line_width 1))
+		(line (pt 240 32)(pt 240 168)(line_width 1))
+		(line (pt 176 168)(pt 240 168)(line_width 1))
+		(line (pt 176 32)(pt 176 168)(line_width 1))
+		(line (pt 177 52)(pt 177 76)(line_width 1))
+		(line (pt 178 52)(pt 178 76)(line_width 1))
+		(line (pt 177 92)(pt 177 116)(line_width 1))
+		(line (pt 178 92)(pt 178 116)(line_width 1))
+		(line (pt 177 132)(pt 177 156)(line_width 1))
+		(line (pt 178 132)(pt 178 156)(line_width 1))
+		(line (pt 0 0)(pt 416 0)(line_width 1))
+		(line (pt 416 0)(pt 416 184)(line_width 1))
+		(line (pt 0 184)(pt 416 184)(line_width 1))
+		(line (pt 0 0)(pt 0 184)(line_width 1))
+	)

La diferencia del archivo ha sido suprimido porque es demasiado grande
+ 2724 - 0

+ 10 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+module nios2_uc (
+	clk_clk,
+	reset_reset_n,
+	pio_led_ext_conn_export);	
+	input		clk_clk;
+	input		reset_reset_n;
+	output	[31:0]	pio_led_ext_conn_export;

+ 6 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+	nios2_uc u0 (
+		.clk_clk                 (<connected-to-clk_clk>),                 //              clk.clk
+		.reset_reset_n           (<connected-to-reset_reset_n>),           //            reset.reset_n
+		.pio_led_ext_conn_export (<connected-to-pio_led_ext_conn_export>)  // pio_led_ext_conn.export
+	);

La diferencia del archivo ha sido suprimido porque es demasiado grande
+ 10371 - 0

La diferencia del archivo ha sido suprimido porque es demasiado grande
+ 991 - 0

La diferencia del archivo ha sido suprimido porque es demasiado grande
+ 212 - 0

+ 465 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,465 @@
+-- nios2_uc.vhd
+-- Generated using ACDS version 18.1 646
+library IEEE;
+use IEEE.std_logic_1164.all;
+use IEEE.numeric_std.all;
+entity nios2_uc is
+	port (
+		clk_clk                 : in  std_logic                     := '0'; --              clk.clk
+		pio_led_ext_conn_export : out std_logic_vector(31 downto 0);        -- pio_led_ext_conn.export
+		reset_reset_n           : in  std_logic                     := '0'  --            reset.reset_n
+	);
+end entity nios2_uc;
+architecture rtl of nios2_uc is
+	component nios2_uc_jtag_uart is
+		port (
+			clk            : in  std_logic                     := 'X';             -- clk
+			rst_n          : in  std_logic                     := 'X';             -- reset_n
+			av_chipselect  : in  std_logic                     := 'X';             -- chipselect
+			av_address     : in  std_logic                     := 'X';             -- address
+			av_read_n      : in  std_logic                     := 'X';             -- read_n
+			av_readdata    : out std_logic_vector(31 downto 0);                    -- readdata
+			av_write_n     : in  std_logic                     := 'X';             -- write_n
+			av_writedata   : in  std_logic_vector(31 downto 0) := (others => 'X'); -- writedata
+			av_waitrequest : out std_logic;                                        -- waitrequest
+			av_irq         : out std_logic                                         -- irq
+		);
+	end component nios2_uc_jtag_uart;
+	component nios2_uc_nios2 is
+		port (
+			clk                                 : in  std_logic                     := 'X';             -- clk
+			reset_n                             : in  std_logic                     := 'X';             -- reset_n
+			reset_req                           : in  std_logic                     := 'X';             -- reset_req
+			d_address                           : out std_logic_vector(19 downto 0);                    -- address
+			d_byteenable                        : out std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);                     -- byteenable
+			d_read                              : out std_logic;                                        -- read
+			d_readdata                          : in  std_logic_vector(31 downto 0) := (others => 'X'); -- readdata
+			d_waitrequest                       : in  std_logic                     := 'X';             -- waitrequest
+			d_write                             : out std_logic;                                        -- write
+			d_writedata                         : out std_logic_vector(31 downto 0);                    -- writedata
+			debug_mem_slave_debugaccess_to_roms : out std_logic;                                        -- debugaccess
+			i_address                           : out std_logic_vector(19 downto 0);                    -- address
+			i_read                              : out std_logic;                                        -- read
+			i_readdata                          : in  std_logic_vector(31 downto 0) := (others => 'X'); -- readdata
+			i_waitrequest                       : in  std_logic                     := 'X';             -- waitrequest
+			irq                                 : in  std_logic_vector(31 downto 0) := (others => 'X'); -- irq
+			debug_reset_request                 : out std_logic;                                        -- reset
+			debug_mem_slave_address             : in  std_logic_vector(8 downto 0)  := (others => 'X'); -- address
+			debug_mem_slave_byteenable          : in  std_logic_vector(3 downto 0)  := (others => 'X'); -- byteenable
+			debug_mem_slave_debugaccess         : in  std_logic                     := 'X';             -- debugaccess
+			debug_mem_slave_read                : in  std_logic                     := 'X';             -- read
+			debug_mem_slave_readdata            : out std_logic_vector(31 downto 0);                    -- readdata
+			debug_mem_slave_waitrequest         : out std_logic;                                        -- waitrequest
+			debug_mem_slave_write               : in  std_logic                     := 'X';             -- write
+			debug_mem_slave_writedata           : in  std_logic_vector(31 downto 0) := (others => 'X'); -- writedata
+			dummy_ci_port                       : out std_logic                                         -- readra
+		);
+	end component nios2_uc_nios2;
+	component nios2_uc_onchip_memory2 is
+		port (
+			clk        : in  std_logic                     := 'X';             -- clk
+			address    : in  std_logic_vector(15 downto 0) := (others => 'X'); -- address
+			clken      : in  std_logic                     := 'X';             -- clken
+			chipselect : in  std_logic                     := 'X';             -- chipselect
+			write      : in  std_logic                     := 'X';             -- write
+			readdata   : out std_logic_vector(31 downto 0);                    -- readdata
+			writedata  : in  std_logic_vector(31 downto 0) := (others => 'X'); -- writedata
+			byteenable : in  std_logic_vector(3 downto 0)  := (others => 'X'); -- byteenable
+			reset      : in  std_logic                     := 'X';             -- reset
+			reset_req  : in  std_logic                     := 'X';             -- reset_req
+			freeze     : in  std_logic                     := 'X'              -- freeze
+		);
+	end component nios2_uc_onchip_memory2;
+	component nios2_uc_pio_LED is
+		port (
+			clk        : in  std_logic                     := 'X';             -- clk
+			reset_n    : in  std_logic                     := 'X';             -- reset_n
+			address    : in  std_logic_vector(1 downto 0)  := (others => 'X'); -- address
+			write_n    : in  std_logic                     := 'X';             -- write_n
+			writedata  : in  std_logic_vector(31 downto 0) := (others => 'X'); -- writedata
+			chipselect : in  std_logic                     := 'X';             -- chipselect
+			readdata   : out std_logic_vector(31 downto 0);                    -- readdata
+			out_port   : out std_logic_vector(31 downto 0)                     -- export
+		);
+	end component nios2_uc_pio_LED;
+	component nios2_uc_mm_interconnect_0 is
+		port (
+			clk_50_clk_clk                          : in  std_logic                     := 'X';             -- clk
+			nios2_reset_reset_bridge_in_reset_reset : in  std_logic                     := 'X';             -- reset
+			nios2_data_master_address               : in  std_logic_vector(19 downto 0) := (others => 'X'); -- address
+			nios2_data_master_waitrequest           : out std_logic;                                        -- waitrequest
+			nios2_data_master_byteenable            : in  std_logic_vector(3 downto 0)  := (others => 'X'); -- byteenable
+			nios2_data_master_read                  : in  std_logic                     := 'X';             -- read
+			nios2_data_master_readdata              : out std_logic_vector(31 downto 0);                    -- readdata
+			nios2_data_master_write                 : in  std_logic                     := 'X';             -- write
+			nios2_data_master_writedata             : in  std_logic_vector(31 downto 0) := (others => 'X'); -- writedata
+			nios2_data_master_debugaccess           : in  std_logic                     := 'X';             -- debugaccess
+			nios2_instruction_master_address        : in  std_logic_vector(19 downto 0) := (others => 'X'); -- address
+			nios2_instruction_master_waitrequest    : out std_logic;                                        -- waitrequest
+			nios2_instruction_master_read           : in  std_logic                     := 'X';             -- read
+			nios2_instruction_master_readdata       : out std_logic_vector(31 downto 0);                    -- readdata
+			jtag_uart_avalon_jtag_slave_address     : out std_logic_vector(0 downto 0);                     -- address
+			jtag_uart_avalon_jtag_slave_write       : out std_logic;                                        -- write
+			jtag_uart_avalon_jtag_slave_read        : out std_logic;                                        -- read
+			jtag_uart_avalon_jtag_slave_readdata    : in  std_logic_vector(31 downto 0) := (others => 'X'); -- readdata
+			jtag_uart_avalon_jtag_slave_writedata   : out std_logic_vector(31 downto 0);                    -- writedata
+			jtag_uart_avalon_jtag_slave_waitrequest : in  std_logic                     := 'X';             -- waitrequest
+			jtag_uart_avalon_jtag_slave_chipselect  : out std_logic;                                        -- chipselect
+			nios2_debug_mem_slave_address           : out std_logic_vector(8 downto 0);                     -- address
+			nios2_debug_mem_slave_write             : out std_logic;                                        -- write
+			nios2_debug_mem_slave_read              : out std_logic;                                        -- read
+			nios2_debug_mem_slave_readdata          : in  std_logic_vector(31 downto 0) := (others => 'X'); -- readdata
+			nios2_debug_mem_slave_writedata         : out std_logic_vector(31 downto 0);                    -- writedata
+			nios2_debug_mem_slave_byteenable        : out std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);                     -- byteenable
+			nios2_debug_mem_slave_waitrequest       : in  std_logic                     := 'X';             -- waitrequest
+			nios2_debug_mem_slave_debugaccess       : out std_logic;                                        -- debugaccess
+			onchip_memory2_s1_address               : out std_logic_vector(15 downto 0);                    -- address
+			onchip_memory2_s1_write                 : out std_logic;                                        -- write
+			onchip_memory2_s1_readdata              : in  std_logic_vector(31 downto 0) := (others => 'X'); -- readdata
+			onchip_memory2_s1_writedata             : out std_logic_vector(31 downto 0);                    -- writedata
+			onchip_memory2_s1_byteenable            : out std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);                     -- byteenable
+			onchip_memory2_s1_chipselect            : out std_logic;                                        -- chipselect
+			onchip_memory2_s1_clken                 : out std_logic;                                        -- clken
+			pio_LED_s1_address                      : out std_logic_vector(1 downto 0);                     -- address
+			pio_LED_s1_write                        : out std_logic;                                        -- write
+			pio_LED_s1_readdata                     : in  std_logic_vector(31 downto 0) := (others => 'X'); -- readdata
+			pio_LED_s1_writedata                    : out std_logic_vector(31 downto 0);                    -- writedata
+			pio_LED_s1_chipselect                   : out std_logic                                         -- chipselect
+		);
+	end component nios2_uc_mm_interconnect_0;
+	component nios2_uc_irq_mapper is
+		port (
+			clk           : in  std_logic                     := 'X'; -- clk
+			reset         : in  std_logic                     := 'X'; -- reset
+			receiver0_irq : in  std_logic                     := 'X'; -- irq
+			sender_irq    : out std_logic_vector(31 downto 0)         -- irq
+		);
+	end component nios2_uc_irq_mapper;
+	component altera_reset_controller is
+		generic (
+			NUM_RESET_INPUTS          : integer := 6;
+			OUTPUT_RESET_SYNC_EDGES   : string  := "deassert";
+			SYNC_DEPTH                : integer := 2;
+			RESET_REQUEST_PRESENT     : integer := 0;
+			RESET_REQ_WAIT_TIME       : integer := 1;
+			MIN_RST_ASSERTION_TIME    : integer := 3;
+			RESET_REQ_EARLY_DSRT_TIME : integer := 1;
+			USE_RESET_REQUEST_IN0     : integer := 0;
+			USE_RESET_REQUEST_IN1     : integer := 0;
+			USE_RESET_REQUEST_IN2     : integer := 0;
+			USE_RESET_REQUEST_IN3     : integer := 0;
+			USE_RESET_REQUEST_IN4     : integer := 0;
+			USE_RESET_REQUEST_IN5     : integer := 0;
+			USE_RESET_REQUEST_IN6     : integer := 0;
+			USE_RESET_REQUEST_IN7     : integer := 0;
+			USE_RESET_REQUEST_IN8     : integer := 0;
+			USE_RESET_REQUEST_IN9     : integer := 0;
+			USE_RESET_REQUEST_IN10    : integer := 0;
+			USE_RESET_REQUEST_IN11    : integer := 0;
+			USE_RESET_REQUEST_IN12    : integer := 0;
+			USE_RESET_REQUEST_IN13    : integer := 0;
+			USE_RESET_REQUEST_IN14    : integer := 0;
+			USE_RESET_REQUEST_IN15    : integer := 0;
+			ADAPT_RESET_REQUEST       : integer := 0
+		);
+		port (
+			reset_in0      : in  std_logic := 'X'; -- reset
+			reset_in1      : in  std_logic := 'X'; -- reset
+			clk            : in  std_logic := 'X'; -- clk
+			reset_out      : out std_logic;        -- reset
+			reset_req      : out std_logic;        -- reset_req
+			reset_req_in0  : in  std_logic := 'X'; -- reset_req
+			reset_req_in1  : in  std_logic := 'X'; -- reset_req
+			reset_in2      : in  std_logic := 'X'; -- reset
+			reset_req_in2  : in  std_logic := 'X'; -- reset_req
+			reset_in3      : in  std_logic := 'X'; -- reset
+			reset_req_in3  : in  std_logic := 'X'; -- reset_req
+			reset_in4      : in  std_logic := 'X'; -- reset
+			reset_req_in4  : in  std_logic := 'X'; -- reset_req
+			reset_in5      : in  std_logic := 'X'; -- reset
+			reset_req_in5  : in  std_logic := 'X'; -- reset_req
+			reset_in6      : in  std_logic := 'X'; -- reset
+			reset_req_in6  : in  std_logic := 'X'; -- reset_req
+			reset_in7      : in  std_logic := 'X'; -- reset
+			reset_req_in7  : in  std_logic := 'X'; -- reset_req
+			reset_in8      : in  std_logic := 'X'; -- reset
+			reset_req_in8  : in  std_logic := 'X'; -- reset_req
+			reset_in9      : in  std_logic := 'X'; -- reset
+			reset_req_in9  : in  std_logic := 'X'; -- reset_req
+			reset_in10     : in  std_logic := 'X'; -- reset
+			reset_req_in10 : in  std_logic := 'X'; -- reset_req
+			reset_in11     : in  std_logic := 'X'; -- reset
+			reset_req_in11 : in  std_logic := 'X'; -- reset_req
+			reset_in12     : in  std_logic := 'X'; -- reset
+			reset_req_in12 : in  std_logic := 'X'; -- reset_req
+			reset_in13     : in  std_logic := 'X'; -- reset
+			reset_req_in13 : in  std_logic := 'X'; -- reset_req
+			reset_in14     : in  std_logic := 'X'; -- reset
+			reset_req_in14 : in  std_logic := 'X'; -- reset_req
+			reset_in15     : in  std_logic := 'X'; -- reset
+			reset_req_in15 : in  std_logic := 'X'  -- reset_req
+		);
+	end component altera_reset_controller;
+	signal nios2_data_master_readdata                                    : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0); -- mm_interconnect_0:nios2_data_master_readdata -> nios2:d_readdata
+	signal nios2_data_master_waitrequest                                 : std_logic;                     -- mm_interconnect_0:nios2_data_master_waitrequest -> nios2:d_waitrequest
+	signal nios2_data_master_debugaccess                                 : std_logic;                     -- nios2:debug_mem_slave_debugaccess_to_roms -> mm_interconnect_0:nios2_data_master_debugaccess
+	signal nios2_data_master_address                                     : std_logic_vector(19 downto 0); -- nios2:d_address -> mm_interconnect_0:nios2_data_master_address
+	signal nios2_data_master_byteenable                                  : std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);  -- nios2:d_byteenable -> mm_interconnect_0:nios2_data_master_byteenable
+	signal nios2_data_master_read                                        : std_logic;                     -- nios2:d_read -> mm_interconnect_0:nios2_data_master_read
+	signal nios2_data_master_write                                       : std_logic;                     -- nios2:d_write -> mm_interconnect_0:nios2_data_master_write
+	signal nios2_data_master_writedata                                   : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0); -- nios2:d_writedata -> mm_interconnect_0:nios2_data_master_writedata
+	signal nios2_instruction_master_readdata                             : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0); -- mm_interconnect_0:nios2_instruction_master_readdata -> nios2:i_readdata
+	signal nios2_instruction_master_waitrequest                          : std_logic;                     -- mm_interconnect_0:nios2_instruction_master_waitrequest -> nios2:i_waitrequest
+	signal nios2_instruction_master_address                              : std_logic_vector(19 downto 0); -- nios2:i_address -> mm_interconnect_0:nios2_instruction_master_address
+	signal nios2_instruction_master_read                                 : std_logic;                     -- nios2:i_read -> mm_interconnect_0:nios2_instruction_master_read
+	signal mm_interconnect_0_jtag_uart_avalon_jtag_slave_chipselect      : std_logic;                     -- mm_interconnect_0:jtag_uart_avalon_jtag_slave_chipselect -> jtag_uart:av_chipselect
+	signal mm_interconnect_0_jtag_uart_avalon_jtag_slave_readdata        : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0); -- jtag_uart:av_readdata -> mm_interconnect_0:jtag_uart_avalon_jtag_slave_readdata
+	signal mm_interconnect_0_jtag_uart_avalon_jtag_slave_waitrequest     : std_logic;                     -- jtag_uart:av_waitrequest -> mm_interconnect_0:jtag_uart_avalon_jtag_slave_waitrequest
+	signal mm_interconnect_0_jtag_uart_avalon_jtag_slave_address         : std_logic_vector(0 downto 0);  -- mm_interconnect_0:jtag_uart_avalon_jtag_slave_address -> jtag_uart:av_address
+	signal mm_interconnect_0_jtag_uart_avalon_jtag_slave_read            : std_logic;                     -- mm_interconnect_0:jtag_uart_avalon_jtag_slave_read -> mm_interconnect_0_jtag_uart_avalon_jtag_slave_read:in
+	signal mm_interconnect_0_jtag_uart_avalon_jtag_slave_write           : std_logic;                     -- mm_interconnect_0:jtag_uart_avalon_jtag_slave_write -> mm_interconnect_0_jtag_uart_avalon_jtag_slave_write:in
+	signal mm_interconnect_0_jtag_uart_avalon_jtag_slave_writedata       : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0); -- mm_interconnect_0:jtag_uart_avalon_jtag_slave_writedata -> jtag_uart:av_writedata
+	signal mm_interconnect_0_nios2_debug_mem_slave_readdata              : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0); -- nios2:debug_mem_slave_readdata -> mm_interconnect_0:nios2_debug_mem_slave_readdata
+	signal mm_interconnect_0_nios2_debug_mem_slave_waitrequest           : std_logic;                     -- nios2:debug_mem_slave_waitrequest -> mm_interconnect_0:nios2_debug_mem_slave_waitrequest
+	signal mm_interconnect_0_nios2_debug_mem_slave_debugaccess           : std_logic;                     -- mm_interconnect_0:nios2_debug_mem_slave_debugaccess -> nios2:debug_mem_slave_debugaccess
+	signal mm_interconnect_0_nios2_debug_mem_slave_address               : std_logic_vector(8 downto 0);  -- mm_interconnect_0:nios2_debug_mem_slave_address -> nios2:debug_mem_slave_address
+	signal mm_interconnect_0_nios2_debug_mem_slave_read                  : std_logic;                     -- mm_interconnect_0:nios2_debug_mem_slave_read -> nios2:debug_mem_slave_read
+	signal mm_interconnect_0_nios2_debug_mem_slave_byteenable            : std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);  -- mm_interconnect_0:nios2_debug_mem_slave_byteenable -> nios2:debug_mem_slave_byteenable
+	signal mm_interconnect_0_nios2_debug_mem_slave_write                 : std_logic;                     -- mm_interconnect_0:nios2_debug_mem_slave_write -> nios2:debug_mem_slave_write
+	signal mm_interconnect_0_nios2_debug_mem_slave_writedata             : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0); -- mm_interconnect_0:nios2_debug_mem_slave_writedata -> nios2:debug_mem_slave_writedata
+	signal mm_interconnect_0_onchip_memory2_s1_chipselect                : std_logic;                     -- mm_interconnect_0:onchip_memory2_s1_chipselect -> onchip_memory2:chipselect
+	signal mm_interconnect_0_onchip_memory2_s1_readdata                  : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0); -- onchip_memory2:readdata -> mm_interconnect_0:onchip_memory2_s1_readdata
+	signal mm_interconnect_0_onchip_memory2_s1_address                   : std_logic_vector(15 downto 0); -- mm_interconnect_0:onchip_memory2_s1_address -> onchip_memory2:address
+	signal mm_interconnect_0_onchip_memory2_s1_byteenable                : std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);  -- mm_interconnect_0:onchip_memory2_s1_byteenable -> onchip_memory2:byteenable
+	signal mm_interconnect_0_onchip_memory2_s1_write                     : std_logic;                     -- mm_interconnect_0:onchip_memory2_s1_write -> onchip_memory2:write
+	signal mm_interconnect_0_onchip_memory2_s1_writedata                 : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0); -- mm_interconnect_0:onchip_memory2_s1_writedata -> onchip_memory2:writedata
+	signal mm_interconnect_0_onchip_memory2_s1_clken                     : std_logic;                     -- mm_interconnect_0:onchip_memory2_s1_clken -> onchip_memory2:clken
+	signal mm_interconnect_0_pio_led_s1_chipselect                       : std_logic;                     -- mm_interconnect_0:pio_LED_s1_chipselect -> pio_LED:chipselect
+	signal mm_interconnect_0_pio_led_s1_readdata                         : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0); -- pio_LED:readdata -> mm_interconnect_0:pio_LED_s1_readdata
+	signal mm_interconnect_0_pio_led_s1_address                          : std_logic_vector(1 downto 0);  -- mm_interconnect_0:pio_LED_s1_address -> pio_LED:address
+	signal mm_interconnect_0_pio_led_s1_write                            : std_logic;                     -- mm_interconnect_0:pio_LED_s1_write -> mm_interconnect_0_pio_led_s1_write:in
+	signal mm_interconnect_0_pio_led_s1_writedata                        : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0); -- mm_interconnect_0:pio_LED_s1_writedata -> pio_LED:writedata
+	signal irq_mapper_receiver0_irq                                      : std_logic;                     -- jtag_uart:av_irq -> irq_mapper:receiver0_irq
+	signal nios2_irq_irq                                                 : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0); -- irq_mapper:sender_irq -> nios2:irq
+	signal rst_controller_reset_out_reset                                : std_logic;                     -- rst_controller:reset_out -> [irq_mapper:reset, mm_interconnect_0:nios2_reset_reset_bridge_in_reset_reset, onchip_memory2:reset, rst_controller_reset_out_reset:in, rst_translator:in_reset]
+	signal rst_controller_reset_out_reset_req                            : std_logic;                     -- rst_controller:reset_req -> [nios2:reset_req, onchip_memory2:reset_req, rst_translator:reset_req_in]
+	signal nios2_debug_reset_request_reset                               : std_logic;                     -- nios2:debug_reset_request -> rst_controller:reset_in1
+	signal reset_reset_n_ports_inv                                       : std_logic;                     -- reset_reset_n:inv -> rst_controller:reset_in0
+	signal mm_interconnect_0_jtag_uart_avalon_jtag_slave_read_ports_inv  : std_logic;                     -- mm_interconnect_0_jtag_uart_avalon_jtag_slave_read:inv -> jtag_uart:av_read_n
+	signal mm_interconnect_0_jtag_uart_avalon_jtag_slave_write_ports_inv : std_logic;                     -- mm_interconnect_0_jtag_uart_avalon_jtag_slave_write:inv -> jtag_uart:av_write_n
+	signal mm_interconnect_0_pio_led_s1_write_ports_inv                  : std_logic;                     -- mm_interconnect_0_pio_led_s1_write:inv -> pio_LED:write_n
+	signal rst_controller_reset_out_reset_ports_inv                      : std_logic;                     -- rst_controller_reset_out_reset:inv -> [jtag_uart:rst_n, nios2:reset_n, pio_LED:reset_n]
+	jtag_uart : component nios2_uc_jtag_uart
+		port map (
+			clk            => clk_clk,                                                       --               clk.clk
+			rst_n          => rst_controller_reset_out_reset_ports_inv,                      --             reset.reset_n
+			av_chipselect  => mm_interconnect_0_jtag_uart_avalon_jtag_slave_chipselect,      -- avalon_jtag_slave.chipselect
+			av_address     => mm_interconnect_0_jtag_uart_avalon_jtag_slave_address(0),      --                  .address
+			av_read_n      => mm_interconnect_0_jtag_uart_avalon_jtag_slave_read_ports_inv,  --                  .read_n
+			av_readdata    => mm_interconnect_0_jtag_uart_avalon_jtag_slave_readdata,        --                  .readdata
+			av_write_n     => mm_interconnect_0_jtag_uart_avalon_jtag_slave_write_ports_inv, --                  .write_n
+			av_writedata   => mm_interconnect_0_jtag_uart_avalon_jtag_slave_writedata,       --                  .writedata
+			av_waitrequest => mm_interconnect_0_jtag_uart_avalon_jtag_slave_waitrequest,     --                  .waitrequest
+			av_irq         => irq_mapper_receiver0_irq                                       --               irq.irq
+		);
+	nios2 : component nios2_uc_nios2
+		port map (
+			clk                                 => clk_clk,                                             --                       clk.clk
+			reset_n                             => rst_controller_reset_out_reset_ports_inv,            --                     reset.reset_n
+			reset_req                           => rst_controller_reset_out_reset_req,                  --                          .reset_req
+			d_address                           => nios2_data_master_address,                           --               data_master.address
+			d_byteenable                        => nios2_data_master_byteenable,                        --                          .byteenable
+			d_read                              => nios2_data_master_read,                              --                          .read
+			d_readdata                          => nios2_data_master_readdata,                          --                          .readdata
+			d_waitrequest                       => nios2_data_master_waitrequest,                       --                          .waitrequest
+			d_write                             => nios2_data_master_write,                             --                          .write
+			d_writedata                         => nios2_data_master_writedata,                         --                          .writedata
+			debug_mem_slave_debugaccess_to_roms => nios2_data_master_debugaccess,                       --                          .debugaccess
+			i_address                           => nios2_instruction_master_address,                    --        instruction_master.address
+			i_read                              => nios2_instruction_master_read,                       --                          .read
+			i_readdata                          => nios2_instruction_master_readdata,                   --                          .readdata
+			i_waitrequest                       => nios2_instruction_master_waitrequest,                --                          .waitrequest
+			irq                                 => nios2_irq_irq,                                       --                       irq.irq
+			debug_reset_request                 => nios2_debug_reset_request_reset,                     --       debug_reset_request.reset
+			debug_mem_slave_address             => mm_interconnect_0_nios2_debug_mem_slave_address,     --           debug_mem_slave.address
+			debug_mem_slave_byteenable          => mm_interconnect_0_nios2_debug_mem_slave_byteenable,  --                          .byteenable
+			debug_mem_slave_debugaccess         => mm_interconnect_0_nios2_debug_mem_slave_debugaccess, --                          .debugaccess
+			debug_mem_slave_read                => mm_interconnect_0_nios2_debug_mem_slave_read,        --                          .read
+			debug_mem_slave_readdata            => mm_interconnect_0_nios2_debug_mem_slave_readdata,    --                          .readdata
+			debug_mem_slave_waitrequest         => mm_interconnect_0_nios2_debug_mem_slave_waitrequest, --                          .waitrequest
+			debug_mem_slave_write               => mm_interconnect_0_nios2_debug_mem_slave_write,       --                          .write
+			debug_mem_slave_writedata           => mm_interconnect_0_nios2_debug_mem_slave_writedata,   --                          .writedata
+			dummy_ci_port                       => open                                                 -- custom_instruction_master.readra
+		);
+	onchip_memory2 : component nios2_uc_onchip_memory2
+		port map (
+			clk        => clk_clk,                                        --   clk1.clk
+			address    => mm_interconnect_0_onchip_memory2_s1_address,    --     s1.address
+			clken      => mm_interconnect_0_onchip_memory2_s1_clken,      --       .clken
+			chipselect => mm_interconnect_0_onchip_memory2_s1_chipselect, --       .chipselect
+			write      => mm_interconnect_0_onchip_memory2_s1_write,      --       .write
+			readdata   => mm_interconnect_0_onchip_memory2_s1_readdata,   --       .readdata
+			writedata  => mm_interconnect_0_onchip_memory2_s1_writedata,  --       .writedata
+			byteenable => mm_interconnect_0_onchip_memory2_s1_byteenable, --       .byteenable
+			reset      => rst_controller_reset_out_reset,                 -- reset1.reset
+			reset_req  => rst_controller_reset_out_reset_req,             --       .reset_req
+			freeze     => '0'                                             -- (terminated)
+		);
+	pio_led : component nios2_uc_pio_LED
+		port map (
+			clk        => clk_clk,                                      --                 clk.clk
+			reset_n    => rst_controller_reset_out_reset_ports_inv,     --               reset.reset_n
+			address    => mm_interconnect_0_pio_led_s1_address,         --                  s1.address
+			write_n    => mm_interconnect_0_pio_led_s1_write_ports_inv, --                    .write_n
+			writedata  => mm_interconnect_0_pio_led_s1_writedata,       --                    .writedata
+			chipselect => mm_interconnect_0_pio_led_s1_chipselect,      --                    .chipselect
+			readdata   => mm_interconnect_0_pio_led_s1_readdata,        --                    .readdata
+			out_port   => pio_led_ext_conn_export                       -- external_connection.export
+		);
+	mm_interconnect_0 : component nios2_uc_mm_interconnect_0
+		port map (
+			clk_50_clk_clk                          => clk_clk,                                                   --                        clk_50_clk.clk
+			nios2_reset_reset_bridge_in_reset_reset => rst_controller_reset_out_reset,                            -- nios2_reset_reset_bridge_in_reset.reset
+			nios2_data_master_address               => nios2_data_master_address,                                 --                 nios2_data_master.address
+			nios2_data_master_waitrequest           => nios2_data_master_waitrequest,                             --                                  .waitrequest
+			nios2_data_master_byteenable            => nios2_data_master_byteenable,                              --                                  .byteenable
+			nios2_data_master_read                  => nios2_data_master_read,                                    --                                  .read
+			nios2_data_master_readdata              => nios2_data_master_readdata,                                --                                  .readdata
+			nios2_data_master_write                 => nios2_data_master_write,                                   --                                  .write
+			nios2_data_master_writedata             => nios2_data_master_writedata,                               --                                  .writedata
+			nios2_data_master_debugaccess           => nios2_data_master_debugaccess,                             --                                  .debugaccess
+			nios2_instruction_master_address        => nios2_instruction_master_address,                          --          nios2_instruction_master.address
+			nios2_instruction_master_waitrequest    => nios2_instruction_master_waitrequest,                      --                                  .waitrequest
+			nios2_instruction_master_read           => nios2_instruction_master_read,                             --                                  .read
+			nios2_instruction_master_readdata       => nios2_instruction_master_readdata,                         --                                  .readdata
+			jtag_uart_avalon_jtag_slave_address     => mm_interconnect_0_jtag_uart_avalon_jtag_slave_address,     --       jtag_uart_avalon_jtag_slave.address
+			jtag_uart_avalon_jtag_slave_write       => mm_interconnect_0_jtag_uart_avalon_jtag_slave_write,       --                                  .write
+			jtag_uart_avalon_jtag_slave_read        => mm_interconnect_0_jtag_uart_avalon_jtag_slave_read,        --                                  .read
+			jtag_uart_avalon_jtag_slave_readdata    => mm_interconnect_0_jtag_uart_avalon_jtag_slave_readdata,    --                                  .readdata
+			jtag_uart_avalon_jtag_slave_writedata   => mm_interconnect_0_jtag_uart_avalon_jtag_slave_writedata,   --                                  .writedata
+			jtag_uart_avalon_jtag_slave_waitrequest => mm_interconnect_0_jtag_uart_avalon_jtag_slave_waitrequest, --                                  .waitrequest
+			jtag_uart_avalon_jtag_slave_chipselect  => mm_interconnect_0_jtag_uart_avalon_jtag_slave_chipselect,  --                                  .chipselect
+			nios2_debug_mem_slave_address           => mm_interconnect_0_nios2_debug_mem_slave_address,           --             nios2_debug_mem_slave.address
+			nios2_debug_mem_slave_write             => mm_interconnect_0_nios2_debug_mem_slave_write,             --                                  .write
+			nios2_debug_mem_slave_read              => mm_interconnect_0_nios2_debug_mem_slave_read,              --                                  .read
+			nios2_debug_mem_slave_readdata          => mm_interconnect_0_nios2_debug_mem_slave_readdata,          --                                  .readdata
+			nios2_debug_mem_slave_writedata         => mm_interconnect_0_nios2_debug_mem_slave_writedata,         --                                  .writedata
+			nios2_debug_mem_slave_byteenable        => mm_interconnect_0_nios2_debug_mem_slave_byteenable,        --                                  .byteenable
+			nios2_debug_mem_slave_waitrequest       => mm_interconnect_0_nios2_debug_mem_slave_waitrequest,       --                                  .waitrequest
+			nios2_debug_mem_slave_debugaccess       => mm_interconnect_0_nios2_debug_mem_slave_debugaccess,       --                                  .debugaccess
+			onchip_memory2_s1_address               => mm_interconnect_0_onchip_memory2_s1_address,               --                 onchip_memory2_s1.address
+			onchip_memory2_s1_write                 => mm_interconnect_0_onchip_memory2_s1_write,                 --                                  .write
+			onchip_memory2_s1_readdata              => mm_interconnect_0_onchip_memory2_s1_readdata,              --                                  .readdata
+			onchip_memory2_s1_writedata             => mm_interconnect_0_onchip_memory2_s1_writedata,             --                                  .writedata
+			onchip_memory2_s1_byteenable            => mm_interconnect_0_onchip_memory2_s1_byteenable,            --                                  .byteenable
+			onchip_memory2_s1_chipselect            => mm_interconnect_0_onchip_memory2_s1_chipselect,            --                                  .chipselect
+			onchip_memory2_s1_clken                 => mm_interconnect_0_onchip_memory2_s1_clken,                 --                                  .clken
+			pio_LED_s1_address                      => mm_interconnect_0_pio_led_s1_address,                      --                        pio_LED_s1.address
+			pio_LED_s1_write                        => mm_interconnect_0_pio_led_s1_write,                        --                                  .write
+			pio_LED_s1_readdata                     => mm_interconnect_0_pio_led_s1_readdata,                     --                                  .readdata
+			pio_LED_s1_writedata                    => mm_interconnect_0_pio_led_s1_writedata,                    --                                  .writedata
+			pio_LED_s1_chipselect                   => mm_interconnect_0_pio_led_s1_chipselect                    --                                  .chipselect
+		);
+	irq_mapper : component nios2_uc_irq_mapper
+		port map (
+			clk           => clk_clk,                        --       clk.clk
+			reset         => rst_controller_reset_out_reset, -- clk_reset.reset
+			receiver0_irq => irq_mapper_receiver0_irq,       -- receiver0.irq
+			sender_irq    => nios2_irq_irq                   --    sender.irq
+		);
+	rst_controller : component altera_reset_controller
+		generic map (
+			NUM_RESET_INPUTS          => 2,
+			OUTPUT_RESET_SYNC_EDGES   => "deassert",
+			SYNC_DEPTH                => 2,
+			RESET_REQ_WAIT_TIME       => 1,
+			USE_RESET_REQUEST_IN0     => 0,
+			USE_RESET_REQUEST_IN1     => 0,
+			USE_RESET_REQUEST_IN2     => 0,
+			USE_RESET_REQUEST_IN3     => 0,
+			USE_RESET_REQUEST_IN4     => 0,
+			USE_RESET_REQUEST_IN5     => 0,
+			USE_RESET_REQUEST_IN6     => 0,
+			USE_RESET_REQUEST_IN7     => 0,
+			USE_RESET_REQUEST_IN8     => 0,
+			USE_RESET_REQUEST_IN9     => 0,
+			USE_RESET_REQUEST_IN10    => 0,
+			USE_RESET_REQUEST_IN11    => 0,
+			USE_RESET_REQUEST_IN12    => 0,
+			USE_RESET_REQUEST_IN13    => 0,
+			USE_RESET_REQUEST_IN14    => 0,
+			USE_RESET_REQUEST_IN15    => 0,
+			ADAPT_RESET_REQUEST       => 0
+		)
+		port map (
+			reset_in0      => reset_reset_n_ports_inv,            -- reset_in0.reset
+			reset_in1      => nios2_debug_reset_request_reset,    -- reset_in1.reset
+			clk            => clk_clk,                            --       clk.clk
+			reset_out      => rst_controller_reset_out_reset,     -- reset_out.reset
+			reset_req      => rst_controller_reset_out_reset_req, --          .reset_req
+			reset_req_in0  => '0',                                -- (terminated)
+			reset_req_in1  => '0',                                -- (terminated)
+			reset_in2      => '0',                                -- (terminated)
+			reset_req_in2  => '0',                                -- (terminated)
+			reset_in3      => '0',                                -- (terminated)
+			reset_req_in3  => '0',                                -- (terminated)
+			reset_in4      => '0',                                -- (terminated)
+			reset_req_in4  => '0',                                -- (terminated)
+			reset_in5      => '0',                                -- (terminated)
+			reset_req_in5  => '0',                                -- (terminated)
+			reset_in6      => '0',                                -- (terminated)
+			reset_req_in6  => '0',                                -- (terminated)
+			reset_in7      => '0',                                -- (terminated)
+			reset_req_in7  => '0',                                -- (terminated)
+			reset_in8      => '0',                                -- (terminated)
+			reset_req_in8  => '0',                                -- (terminated)
+			reset_in9      => '0',                                -- (terminated)
+			reset_req_in9  => '0',                                -- (terminated)
+			reset_in10     => '0',                                -- (terminated)
+			reset_req_in10 => '0',                                -- (terminated)
+			reset_in11     => '0',                                -- (terminated)
+			reset_req_in11 => '0',                                -- (terminated)
+			reset_in12     => '0',                                -- (terminated)
+			reset_req_in12 => '0',                                -- (terminated)
+			reset_in13     => '0',                                -- (terminated)
+			reset_req_in13 => '0',                                -- (terminated)
+			reset_in14     => '0',                                -- (terminated)
+			reset_req_in14 => '0',                                -- (terminated)
+			reset_in15     => '0',                                -- (terminated)
+			reset_req_in15 => '0'                                 -- (terminated)
+		);
+	reset_reset_n_ports_inv <= not reset_reset_n;
+	mm_interconnect_0_jtag_uart_avalon_jtag_slave_read_ports_inv <= not mm_interconnect_0_jtag_uart_avalon_jtag_slave_read;
+	mm_interconnect_0_jtag_uart_avalon_jtag_slave_write_ports_inv <= not mm_interconnect_0_jtag_uart_avalon_jtag_slave_write;
+	mm_interconnect_0_pio_led_s1_write_ports_inv <= not mm_interconnect_0_pio_led_s1_write;
+	rst_controller_reset_out_reset_ports_inv <= not rst_controller_reset_out_reset;
+end architecture rtl; -- of nios2_uc

+ 915 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,915 @@
+// -----------------------------------------------------------
+// Legal Notice: (C)2007 Altera Corporation. All rights reserved.  Your
+// use of Altera Corporation's design tools, logic functions and other
+// software and tools, and its AMPP partner logic functions, and any
+// output files any of the foregoing (including device programming or
+// simulation files), and any associated documentation or information are
+// expressly subject to the terms and conditions of the Altera Program
+// License Subscription Agreement or other applicable license agreement,
+// including, without limitation, that your use is for the sole purpose
+// of programming logic devices manufactured by Altera and sold by Altera
+// or its authorized distributors.  Please refer to the applicable
+// agreement for further details.
+// Description: Single clock Avalon-ST FIFO.
+// -----------------------------------------------------------
+`timescale 1 ns / 1 ns
+//altera message_off 10036
+module altera_avalon_sc_fifo
+    // --------------------------------------------------
+    // Parameters
+    // --------------------------------------------------
+    parameter SYMBOLS_PER_BEAT  = 1,
+    parameter BITS_PER_SYMBOL   = 8,
+    parameter FIFO_DEPTH        = 16,
+    parameter CHANNEL_WIDTH     = 0,
+    parameter ERROR_WIDTH       = 0,
+    parameter USE_PACKETS       = 0,
+    parameter USE_FILL_LEVEL    = 0,
+    parameter USE_STORE_FORWARD = 0,
+    parameter USE_ALMOST_FULL_IF = 0,
+    parameter USE_ALMOST_EMPTY_IF = 0,
+    // --------------------------------------------------
+    // Empty latency is defined as the number of cycles
+    // required for a write to deassert the empty flag.
+    // For example, a latency of 1 means that the empty
+    // flag is deasserted on the cycle after a write.
+    //
+    // Another way to think of it is the latency for a
+    // write to propagate to the output. 
+    // 
+    // An empty latency of 0 implies lookahead, which is
+    // only implemented for the register-based FIFO.
+    // --------------------------------------------------
+    parameter EMPTY_LATENCY     = 3,
+    parameter USE_MEMORY_BLOCKS = 1,
+    // --------------------------------------------------
+    // Internal Parameters
+    // --------------------------------------------------
+    parameter EMPTY_WIDTH = log2ceil(SYMBOLS_PER_BEAT)
+    // --------------------------------------------------
+    // Ports
+    // --------------------------------------------------
+    input                       clk,
+    input                       reset,
+    input [DATA_WIDTH-1: 0]     in_data,
+    input                       in_valid,
+    input                       in_startofpacket,
+    input                       in_endofpacket,
+    input [((EMPTY_WIDTH>0) ? (EMPTY_WIDTH-1):0) : 0]     in_empty,
+    input [((ERROR_WIDTH>0) ? (ERROR_WIDTH-1):0) : 0]     in_error,
+    input [((CHANNEL_WIDTH>0) ? (CHANNEL_WIDTH-1):0): 0]  in_channel,
+    output                      in_ready,
+    output [DATA_WIDTH-1 : 0]   out_data,
+    output reg                  out_valid,
+    output                      out_startofpacket,
+    output                      out_endofpacket,
+    output [((EMPTY_WIDTH>0) ? (EMPTY_WIDTH-1):0) : 0]    out_empty,
+    output [((ERROR_WIDTH>0) ? (ERROR_WIDTH-1):0) : 0]    out_error,
+    output [((CHANNEL_WIDTH>0) ? (CHANNEL_WIDTH-1):0): 0] out_channel,
+    input                       out_ready,
+    input [(USE_STORE_FORWARD ? 2 : 1) : 0]   csr_address,
+    input                       csr_write,
+    input                       csr_read,
+    input [31 : 0]              csr_writedata,
+    output reg [31 : 0]         csr_readdata,
+    output  wire                almost_full_data,
+    output  wire                almost_empty_data
+    // --------------------------------------------------
+    // Local Parameters
+    // --------------------------------------------------
+    localparam ADDR_WIDTH   = log2ceil(FIFO_DEPTH);
+    localparam DEPTH        = FIFO_DEPTH;
+    localparam PKT_SIGNALS_WIDTH = 2 + EMPTY_WIDTH;
+    localparam PAYLOAD_WIDTH     = (USE_PACKETS == 1) ? 
+    // --------------------------------------------------
+    // Internal Signals
+    // --------------------------------------------------
+    genvar i;
+    reg [PAYLOAD_WIDTH-1 : 0] mem [DEPTH-1 : 0];
+    reg [ADDR_WIDTH-1 : 0]  wr_ptr;
+    reg [ADDR_WIDTH-1 : 0]  rd_ptr;
+    reg [DEPTH-1      : 0]  mem_used;
+    wire [ADDR_WIDTH-1 : 0] next_wr_ptr;
+    wire [ADDR_WIDTH-1 : 0] next_rd_ptr;
+    wire [ADDR_WIDTH-1 : 0] incremented_wr_ptr;
+    wire [ADDR_WIDTH-1 : 0] incremented_rd_ptr;
+    wire [ADDR_WIDTH-1 : 0] mem_rd_ptr;
+    wire read;
+    wire write;
+    reg empty;
+    reg next_empty;
+    reg full;
+    reg next_full;
+    wire [PKT_SIGNALS_WIDTH-1 : 0] in_packet_signals;
+    wire [PKT_SIGNALS_WIDTH-1 : 0] out_packet_signals;
+    wire [PAYLOAD_WIDTH-1 : 0] in_payload;
+    reg  [PAYLOAD_WIDTH-1 : 0] internal_out_payload;
+    reg  [PAYLOAD_WIDTH-1 : 0] out_payload;
+    reg  internal_out_valid;
+    wire internal_out_ready;
+    reg  [ADDR_WIDTH : 0] fifo_fill_level;
+    reg  [ADDR_WIDTH : 0] fill_level;
+    reg  [ADDR_WIDTH-1 : 0]   sop_ptr = 0;
+    wire [ADDR_WIDTH-1 : 0]   curr_sop_ptr;
+    reg  [23:0]   almost_full_threshold;
+    reg  [23:0]   almost_empty_threshold;
+    reg  [23:0]   cut_through_threshold;
+    reg  [15:0]   pkt_cnt;
+    reg           drop_on_error_en;
+    reg           error_in_pkt;
+    reg           pkt_has_started;
+    reg           sop_has_left_fifo;
+    reg           fifo_too_small_r;
+    reg           pkt_cnt_eq_zero;
+    reg           pkt_cnt_eq_one;
+    wire          wait_for_threshold;
+    reg           pkt_mode;
+    wire          wait_for_pkt;
+    wire          ok_to_forward;
+    wire          in_pkt_eop_arrive;
+    wire          out_pkt_leave;
+    wire          in_pkt_start;
+    wire          in_pkt_error;
+    wire          drop_on_error;
+    wire          fifo_too_small;
+    wire          out_pkt_sop_leave;
+    wire [31:0]   max_fifo_size;
+    reg           fifo_fill_level_lt_cut_through_threshold;
+    // --------------------------------------------------
+    // Define Payload
+    //
+    // Icky part where we decide which signals form the
+    // payload to the FIFO with generate blocks.
+    // --------------------------------------------------
+    generate
+        if (EMPTY_WIDTH > 0) begin : gen_blk1
+            assign in_packet_signals = {in_startofpacket, in_endofpacket, in_empty};
+            assign {out_startofpacket, out_endofpacket, out_empty} = out_packet_signals;
+        end 
+        else begin : gen_blk1_else
+            assign out_empty = in_error;
+            assign in_packet_signals = {in_startofpacket, in_endofpacket};
+            assign {out_startofpacket, out_endofpacket} = out_packet_signals;
+        end
+    endgenerate
+    generate
+        if (USE_PACKETS) begin : gen_blk2
+            if (ERROR_WIDTH > 0) begin : gen_blk3
+                if (CHANNEL_WIDTH > 0) begin : gen_blk4
+                    assign in_payload = {in_packet_signals, in_data, in_error, in_channel};
+                    assign {out_packet_signals, out_data, out_error, out_channel} = out_payload;
+                end
+                else begin : gen_blk4_else
+                    assign out_channel = in_channel;
+                    assign in_payload = {in_packet_signals, in_data, in_error};
+                    assign {out_packet_signals, out_data, out_error} = out_payload;
+                end
+            end
+            else begin : gen_blk3_else
+                assign out_error = in_error;
+                if (CHANNEL_WIDTH > 0) begin : gen_blk5
+                    assign in_payload = {in_packet_signals, in_data, in_channel};
+                    assign {out_packet_signals, out_data, out_channel} = out_payload;
+                end
+                else begin : gen_blk5_else
+                    assign out_channel = in_channel;
+                    assign in_payload = {in_packet_signals, in_data};
+                    assign {out_packet_signals, out_data} = out_payload;
+                end
+            end
+        end
+        else begin : gen_blk2_else
+            assign out_packet_signals = 0;
+            if (ERROR_WIDTH > 0) begin : gen_blk6
+                if (CHANNEL_WIDTH > 0) begin : gen_blk7
+                    assign in_payload = {in_data, in_error, in_channel};
+                    assign {out_data, out_error, out_channel} = out_payload;
+                end
+                else begin : gen_blk7_else
+                    assign out_channel = in_channel;
+                    assign in_payload = {in_data, in_error};
+                    assign {out_data, out_error} = out_payload;
+                end
+            end
+            else begin : gen_blk6_else
+                assign out_error = in_error;
+                if (CHANNEL_WIDTH > 0) begin : gen_blk8
+                    assign in_payload = {in_data, in_channel};
+                    assign {out_data, out_channel} = out_payload;
+                end
+                else begin : gen_blk8_else
+                    assign out_channel = in_channel;
+                    assign in_payload = in_data;
+                    assign out_data = out_payload;
+                end
+            end
+        end
+    endgenerate
+    // --------------------------------------------------
+    // Memory-based FIFO storage
+    //
+    // To allow a ready latency of 0, the read index is 
+    // obtained from the next read pointer and memory 
+    // outputs are unregistered.
+    //
+    // If the empty latency is 1, we infer bypass logic
+    // around the memory so writes propagate to the
+    // outputs on the next cycle.
+    //
+    // Do not change the way this is coded: Quartus needs
+    // a perfect match to the template, and any attempt to 
+    // refactor the two always blocks into one will break
+    // memory inference.
+    // --------------------------------------------------
+    generate if (USE_MEMORY_BLOCKS == 1) begin  : gen_blk9
+        if (EMPTY_LATENCY == 1) begin : gen_blk10
+            always @(posedge clk) begin
+                if (in_valid && in_ready)
+                    mem[wr_ptr] = in_payload;
+                internal_out_payload = mem[mem_rd_ptr];
+            end
+        end else begin : gen_blk10_else
+            always @(posedge clk) begin
+                if (in_valid && in_ready)
+                    mem[wr_ptr] <= in_payload;
+                internal_out_payload <= mem[mem_rd_ptr];
+            end
+        end
+        assign mem_rd_ptr = next_rd_ptr;
+    end else begin : gen_blk9_else
+    // --------------------------------------------------
+    // Register-based FIFO storage
+    //
+    // Uses a shift register as the storage element. Each
+    // shift register slot has a bit which indicates if
+    // the slot is occupied (credit to Sam H for the idea).
+    // The occupancy bits are contiguous and start from the
+    // lsb, so 0000, 0001, 0011, 0111, 1111 for a 4-deep
+    // FIFO.
+    // 
+    // Each slot is enabled during a read or when it
+    // is unoccupied. New data is always written to every
+    // going-to-be-empty slot (we keep track of which ones
+    // are actually useful with the occupancy bits). On a
+    // read we shift occupied slots.
+    // 
+    // The exception is the last slot, which always gets 
+    // new data when it is unoccupied.
+    // --------------------------------------------------
+        for (i = 0; i < DEPTH-1; i = i + 1) begin : shift_reg
+            always @(posedge clk or posedge reset) begin
+                if (reset) begin
+                    mem[i] <= 0;
+                end 
+                else if (read || !mem_used[i]) begin
+                    if (!mem_used[i+1])
+                        mem[i] <= in_payload;
+                    else
+                        mem[i] <= mem[i+1];
+                end
+            end
+        end
+        always @(posedge clk, posedge reset) begin
+            if (reset) begin
+                mem[DEPTH-1] <= 0;
+            end 
+            else begin
+                if (DEPTH == 1) begin
+                    if (write)
+                        mem[DEPTH-1] <= in_payload;
+                end
+                else if (!mem_used[DEPTH-1])
+                    mem[DEPTH-1] <= in_payload;    
+            end
+        end
+    end
+    endgenerate
+    assign read  = internal_out_ready && internal_out_valid  && ok_to_forward;
+    assign write = in_ready && in_valid;
+    // --------------------------------------------------
+    // Pointer Management
+    // --------------------------------------------------
+    generate if (USE_MEMORY_BLOCKS == 1) begin : gen_blk11
+        assign incremented_wr_ptr = wr_ptr + 1'b1;
+        assign incremented_rd_ptr = rd_ptr + 1'b1;
+        assign next_wr_ptr =  drop_on_error ? curr_sop_ptr : write ?  incremented_wr_ptr : wr_ptr;
+        assign next_rd_ptr = (read) ? incremented_rd_ptr : rd_ptr;
+        always @(posedge clk or posedge reset) begin
+            if (reset) begin
+                wr_ptr <= 0;
+                rd_ptr <= 0;
+            end
+            else begin
+                wr_ptr <= next_wr_ptr;
+                rd_ptr <= next_rd_ptr;
+            end
+        end
+    end else begin : gen_blk11_else
+    // --------------------------------------------------
+    // Shift Register Occupancy Bits
+    //
+    // Consider a 4-deep FIFO with 2 entries: 0011
+    // On a read and write, do not modify the bits.
+    // On a write, left-shift the bits to get 0111.
+    // On a read, right-shift the bits to get 0001.
+    //
+    // Also, on a write we set bit0 (the head), while
+    // clearing the tail on a read.
+    // --------------------------------------------------
+        always @(posedge clk or posedge reset) begin
+            if (reset) begin
+                mem_used[0] <= 0;
+            end 
+            else begin
+                if (write ^ read) begin
+                    if (write)
+                        mem_used[0] <= 1;
+                    else if (read) begin
+                        if (DEPTH > 1)
+                            mem_used[0] <= mem_used[1];
+                        else
+                            mem_used[0] <= 0;
+                    end    
+                end
+            end
+        end
+        if (DEPTH > 1) begin : gen_blk12
+            always @(posedge clk or posedge reset) begin
+                if (reset) begin
+                    mem_used[DEPTH-1] <= 0;
+                end
+                else begin 
+                    if (write ^ read) begin            
+                        mem_used[DEPTH-1] <= 0;
+                        if (write)
+                            mem_used[DEPTH-1] <= mem_used[DEPTH-2];
+                    end
+                end
+            end
+          end
+        for (i = 1; i < DEPTH-1; i = i + 1) begin : storage_logic
+            always @(posedge clk, posedge reset) begin
+                if (reset) begin
+                    mem_used[i] <= 0;
+                end 
+                else begin
+                    if (write ^ read) begin
+                        if (write)
+                            mem_used[i] <= mem_used[i-1];
+                        else if (read)
+                            mem_used[i] <= mem_used[i+1];     
+                    end
+                end
+            end
+        end
+    end
+    endgenerate
+    // --------------------------------------------------
+    // Memory FIFO Status Management
+    //
+    // Generates the full and empty signals from the
+    // pointers. The FIFO is full when the next write 
+    // pointer will be equal to the read pointer after
+    // a write. Reading from a FIFO clears full.
+    //
+    // The FIFO is empty when the next read pointer will
+    // be equal to the write pointer after a read. Writing
+    // to a FIFO clears empty.
+    //
+    // A simultaneous read and write must not change any of 
+    // the empty or full flags unless there is a drop on error event.
+    // --------------------------------------------------
+    generate if (USE_MEMORY_BLOCKS == 1) begin : gen_blk13
+        always @* begin
+            next_full = full;
+            next_empty = empty;
+            if (read && !write) begin
+                next_full = 1'b0;
+                if (incremented_rd_ptr == wr_ptr)
+                    next_empty = 1'b1;
+            end
+            if (write && !read) begin
+                if (!drop_on_error)
+                  next_empty = 1'b0;
+                else if (curr_sop_ptr == rd_ptr)   // drop on error and only 1 pkt in fifo
+                  next_empty = 1'b1;
+                if (incremented_wr_ptr == rd_ptr && !drop_on_error)
+                    next_full = 1'b1;
+            end
+            if (write && read && drop_on_error) begin
+                if (curr_sop_ptr == next_rd_ptr)
+                  next_empty = 1'b1;
+            end
+        end
+        always @(posedge clk or posedge reset) begin
+            if (reset) begin
+                empty <= 1;
+                full  <= 0;
+            end
+            else begin 
+                empty <= next_empty;
+                full  <= next_full;
+            end
+        end
+    end else begin : gen_blk13_else
+    // --------------------------------------------------
+    // Register FIFO Status Management
+    //
+    // Full when the tail occupancy bit is 1. Empty when
+    // the head occupancy bit is 0.
+    // --------------------------------------------------
+        always @* begin
+            full  = mem_used[DEPTH-1];
+            empty = !mem_used[0];
+            // ------------------------------------------
+            // For a single slot FIFO, reading clears the
+            // full status immediately.
+            // ------------------------------------------
+            if (DEPTH == 1)
+                full = mem_used[0] && !read;
+            internal_out_payload = mem[0];
+            // ------------------------------------------
+            // Writes clear empty immediately for lookahead modes.
+            // Note that we use in_valid instead of write to avoid
+            // combinational loops (in lookahead mode, qualifying
+            // with in_ready is meaningless).
+            //
+            // In a 1-deep FIFO, a possible combinational loop runs
+            // from write -> out_valid -> out_ready -> write
+            // ------------------------------------------
+            if (EMPTY_LATENCY == 0) begin
+                empty = !mem_used[0] && !in_valid;
+                if (!mem_used[0] && in_valid)
+                    internal_out_payload = in_payload;
+            end
+        end
+    end
+    endgenerate
+    // --------------------------------------------------
+    // Avalon-ST Signals
+    //
+    // The in_ready signal is straightforward. 
+    //
+    // To match memory latency when empty latency > 1, 
+    // out_valid assertions must be delayed by one clock
+    // cycle.
+    //
+    // Note: out_valid deassertions must not be delayed or 
+    // the FIFO will underflow.
+    // --------------------------------------------------
+    assign in_ready = !full;
+    assign internal_out_ready = out_ready || !out_valid;
+    generate if (EMPTY_LATENCY > 1) begin : gen_blk14
+        always @(posedge clk or posedge reset) begin
+            if (reset)
+                internal_out_valid <= 0;
+            else begin
+                internal_out_valid <= !empty & ok_to_forward & ~drop_on_error;
+                if (read) begin
+                    if (incremented_rd_ptr == wr_ptr)
+                        internal_out_valid <= 1'b0;
+                end
+            end
+        end
+    end else begin : gen_blk14_else
+        always @* begin
+            internal_out_valid = !empty & ok_to_forward;
+        end
+    end
+    endgenerate
+    // --------------------------------------------------
+    // Single Output Pipeline Stage
+    //
+    // This output pipeline stage is enabled if the FIFO's 
+    // empty latency is set to 3 (default). It is disabled
+    // for all other allowed latencies.
+    //
+    // Reason: The memory outputs are unregistered, so we have to
+    // register the output or fmax will drop if combinatorial
+    // logic is present on the output datapath.
+    // 
+    // Q: The Avalon-ST spec says that I have to register my outputs
+    //    But isn't the memory counted as a register?
+    // A: The path from the address lookup to the memory output is
+    //    slow. Registering the memory outputs is a good idea. 
+    //
+    // The registers get packed into the memory by the fitter
+    // which means minimal resources are consumed (the result
+    // is a altsyncram with registered outputs, available on 
+    // all modern Altera devices). 
+    //
+    // This output stage acts as an extra slot in the FIFO, 
+    // and complicates the fill level.
+    // --------------------------------------------------
+    generate if (EMPTY_LATENCY == 3) begin : gen_blk15
+        always @(posedge clk or posedge reset) begin
+            if (reset) begin
+                out_valid   <= 0;
+                out_payload <= 0;
+            end
+            else begin
+                if (internal_out_ready) begin
+                    out_valid   <= internal_out_valid & ok_to_forward;
+                    out_payload <= internal_out_payload;
+                end
+            end
+        end
+    end
+    else begin : gen_blk15_else
+        always @* begin
+            out_valid   = internal_out_valid;
+            out_payload = internal_out_payload;
+        end
+    end
+    endgenerate
+    // --------------------------------------------------
+    // Fill Level
+    //
+    // The fill level is calculated from the next write
+    // and read pointers to avoid unnecessary latency
+    // and logic.
+    //
+    // However, if the store-and-forward mode of the FIFO
+    // is enabled, the fill level is an up-down counter
+    // for fmax optimization reasons.
+    //
+    // If the output pipeline is enabled, the fill level 
+    // must account for it, or we'll always be off by one.
+    // This may, or may not be important depending on the
+    // application.
+    //
+    // For now, we'll always calculate the exact fill level
+    // at the cost of an extra adder when the output stage
+    // is enabled.
+    // --------------------------------------------------
+    generate if (USE_FILL_LEVEL) begin : gen_blk16
+        wire [31:0] depth32;
+        assign depth32 = DEPTH;
+        if (USE_STORE_FORWARD) begin
+            reg [ADDR_WIDTH : 0] curr_packet_len_less_one;
+            // --------------------------------------------------
+            // We only drop on endofpacket. As long as we don't add to the fill
+            // level on the dropped endofpacket cycle, we can simply subtract
+            // (packet length - 1) from the fill level for dropped packets.
+            // --------------------------------------------------
+            always @(posedge clk or posedge reset) begin
+                if (reset) begin
+                    curr_packet_len_less_one <= 0;
+                end else begin
+                    if (write) begin
+                        curr_packet_len_less_one <= curr_packet_len_less_one + 1'b1;
+                        if (in_endofpacket)
+                            curr_packet_len_less_one <= 0;
+                    end
+                end
+            end
+            always @(posedge clk or posedge reset) begin
+                if (reset) begin
+                    fifo_fill_level <= 0;
+                end else if (drop_on_error) begin
+                    fifo_fill_level <= fifo_fill_level - curr_packet_len_less_one;
+                    if (read)
+                        fifo_fill_level <= fifo_fill_level - curr_packet_len_less_one - 1'b1;
+                end else if (write && !read) begin
+                    fifo_fill_level <= fifo_fill_level + 1'b1;
+                end else if (read && !write) begin
+                    fifo_fill_level <= fifo_fill_level - 1'b1;
+                end
+            end
+        end else begin
+            always @(posedge clk or posedge reset) begin
+                if (reset) 
+                    fifo_fill_level <= 0;
+                else if (next_full & !drop_on_error)
+                    fifo_fill_level <= depth32[ADDR_WIDTH:0];
+                else begin
+                    fifo_fill_level[ADDR_WIDTH]     <= 1'b0;
+                    fifo_fill_level[ADDR_WIDTH-1 : 0] <= next_wr_ptr - next_rd_ptr;
+                end
+            end
+        end
+        always @* begin
+            fill_level = fifo_fill_level;
+            if (EMPTY_LATENCY == 3)
+                fill_level = fifo_fill_level + {{ADDR_WIDTH{1'b0}}, out_valid};
+        end
+    end
+    else begin : gen_blk16_else
+        always @* begin
+            fill_level = 0;
+        end  
+    end
+    endgenerate
+    generate if (USE_ALMOST_FULL_IF) begin : gen_blk17
+      assign almost_full_data = (fill_level >= almost_full_threshold);
+    end
+    else
+      assign almost_full_data = 0;
+    endgenerate
+    generate if (USE_ALMOST_EMPTY_IF) begin : gen_blk18
+      assign almost_empty_data = (fill_level <= almost_empty_threshold);
+    end
+    else
+      assign almost_empty_data = 0;
+    endgenerate
+    // --------------------------------------------------
+    // Avalon-MM Status & Control Connection Point
+    //
+    // Register map:
+    //
+    // | Addr   | RW |     31 - 0      |
+    // |  0     | R  |   Fill level    |
+    //
+    // The registering of this connection point means
+    // that there is a cycle of latency between 
+    // reads/writes and the updating of the fill level.
+    // --------------------------------------------------
+    generate if (USE_STORE_FORWARD) begin : gen_blk19
+    assign max_fifo_size = FIFO_DEPTH - 1;
+      always @(posedge clk or posedge reset) begin
+          if (reset) begin
+              almost_full_threshold  <= max_fifo_size[23 : 0];
+              almost_empty_threshold <= 0;
+              cut_through_threshold  <= 0;
+              drop_on_error_en       <= 0;
+              csr_readdata           <= 0;
+              pkt_mode               <= 1'b1;
+          end
+          else begin
+              if (csr_read) begin
+                csr_readdata <= 32'b0;
+                if (csr_address == 5)
+                    csr_readdata <= {31'b0, drop_on_error_en};
+                else if (csr_address == 4)
+                    csr_readdata <= {8'b0, cut_through_threshold};
+                else if (csr_address == 3)
+                    csr_readdata <= {8'b0, almost_empty_threshold};
+                else if (csr_address == 2)
+                    csr_readdata <= {8'b0, almost_full_threshold};
+                else if (csr_address == 0)
+                    csr_readdata <= {{(31 - ADDR_WIDTH){1'b0}}, fill_level};
+             end
+             else if (csr_write) begin
+               if(csr_address == 3'b101)
+                   drop_on_error_en       <= csr_writedata[0];
+               else if(csr_address == 3'b100) begin
+                   cut_through_threshold  <= csr_writedata[23:0];
+                   pkt_mode <= (csr_writedata[23:0] == 0);
+               end
+               else if(csr_address == 3'b011)
+                    almost_empty_threshold <= csr_writedata[23:0];
+               else if(csr_address == 3'b010)
+                  almost_full_threshold  <= csr_writedata[23:0];
+             end     
+          end
+      end
+    end
+    else if (USE_ALMOST_FULL_IF || USE_ALMOST_EMPTY_IF) begin : gen_blk19_else1
+    assign max_fifo_size = FIFO_DEPTH - 1;
+      always @(posedge clk or posedge reset) begin
+          if (reset) begin
+              almost_full_threshold  <= max_fifo_size[23 : 0];
+              almost_empty_threshold <= 0;
+              csr_readdata           <= 0;
+          end
+          else begin
+             if (csr_read) begin
+                csr_readdata <= 32'b0;
+                if (csr_address == 3)
+                    csr_readdata <= {8'b0, almost_empty_threshold};
+                else if (csr_address == 2)
+                    csr_readdata <= {8'b0, almost_full_threshold};
+                else if (csr_address == 0)
+                    csr_readdata <= {{(31 - ADDR_WIDTH){1'b0}}, fill_level};
+             end
+             else if (csr_write) begin
+               if(csr_address == 3'b011)
+                   almost_empty_threshold <= csr_writedata[23:0];
+               else if(csr_address == 3'b010)
+                  almost_full_threshold  <= csr_writedata[23:0];
+             end       
+          end
+      end
+    end
+    else begin : gen_blk19_else2
+      always @(posedge clk or posedge reset) begin
+          if (reset) begin
+              csr_readdata <= 0;
+          end
+          else if (csr_read) begin
+              csr_readdata <= 0;
+              if (csr_address == 0) 
+                  csr_readdata <= {{(31 - ADDR_WIDTH){1'b0}}, fill_level};
+          end
+      end
+    end
+    endgenerate
+    // --------------------------------------------------
+    // Store and forward logic
+    // --------------------------------------------------
+    // if the fifo gets full before the entire packet or the
+    // cut-threshold condition is met then start sending out
+    // data in order to avoid dead-lock situation
+    generate if (USE_STORE_FORWARD) begin : gen_blk20
+      assign wait_for_threshold   = (fifo_fill_level_lt_cut_through_threshold) & wait_for_pkt ;
+      assign wait_for_pkt         = pkt_cnt_eq_zero  | (pkt_cnt_eq_one  & out_pkt_leave);
+      assign ok_to_forward        = (pkt_mode ? (~wait_for_pkt | ~pkt_has_started) : 
+                                     ~wait_for_threshold) | fifo_too_small_r;
+      assign in_pkt_eop_arrive    = in_valid & in_ready & in_endofpacket;
+      assign in_pkt_start         = in_valid & in_ready & in_startofpacket;
+      assign in_pkt_error         = in_valid & in_ready & |in_error;
+      assign out_pkt_sop_leave    = out_valid & out_ready & out_startofpacket;
+      assign out_pkt_leave        = out_valid & out_ready & out_endofpacket;
+      assign fifo_too_small       = (pkt_mode ? wait_for_pkt : wait_for_threshold) & full & out_ready;
+      // count packets coming and going into the fifo
+      always @(posedge clk or posedge reset) begin
+        if (reset) begin
+          pkt_cnt           <= 0;
+          pkt_has_started   <= 0;
+          sop_has_left_fifo <= 0;
+          fifo_too_small_r  <= 0;
+          pkt_cnt_eq_zero   <= 1'b1;
+          pkt_cnt_eq_one    <= 1'b0;
+          fifo_fill_level_lt_cut_through_threshold <= 1'b1;
+        end
+        else begin
+          fifo_fill_level_lt_cut_through_threshold <= fifo_fill_level < cut_through_threshold;
+          fifo_too_small_r <= fifo_too_small;
+          if( in_pkt_eop_arrive )
+            sop_has_left_fifo <= 1'b0;
+          else if (out_pkt_sop_leave & pkt_cnt_eq_zero )
+            sop_has_left_fifo <= 1'b1;
+          if (in_pkt_eop_arrive & ~out_pkt_leave & ~drop_on_error ) begin
+            pkt_cnt <= pkt_cnt + 1'b1;
+            pkt_cnt_eq_zero <= 0;
+            if (pkt_cnt == 0)
+              pkt_cnt_eq_one <= 1'b1;
+            else
+              pkt_cnt_eq_one <= 1'b0;
+          end
+          else if((~in_pkt_eop_arrive | drop_on_error) & out_pkt_leave) begin
+            pkt_cnt <= pkt_cnt - 1'b1;
+            if (pkt_cnt == 1) 
+              pkt_cnt_eq_zero <= 1'b1;
+            else
+              pkt_cnt_eq_zero <= 1'b0;
+            if (pkt_cnt == 2) 
+              pkt_cnt_eq_one <= 1'b1;
+            else
+              pkt_cnt_eq_one <= 1'b0;
+          end
+          if (in_pkt_start)
+            pkt_has_started <= 1'b1;
+          else if (in_pkt_eop_arrive)
+            pkt_has_started <= 1'b0;
+        end
+      end
+      // drop on error logic
+      always @(posedge clk or posedge reset) begin
+        if (reset) begin
+          sop_ptr <= 0;
+          error_in_pkt <= 0;
+        end
+        else begin
+          // save the location of the SOP
+          if ( in_pkt_start ) 
+            sop_ptr <= wr_ptr;
+          // remember if error in pkt
+          // log error only if packet has already started
+          if (in_pkt_eop_arrive)
+            error_in_pkt <= 1'b0;
+          else if ( in_pkt_error & (pkt_has_started | in_pkt_start))
+            error_in_pkt <= 1'b1;
+        end
+      end
+      assign drop_on_error = drop_on_error_en & (error_in_pkt | in_pkt_error) & in_pkt_eop_arrive & 
+                            ~sop_has_left_fifo & ~(out_pkt_sop_leave & pkt_cnt_eq_zero);
+      assign curr_sop_ptr = (write && in_startofpacket && in_endofpacket) ? wr_ptr : sop_ptr;
+    end
+    else begin : gen_blk20_else
+      assign ok_to_forward = 1'b1;
+      assign drop_on_error = 1'b0;
+      if (ADDR_WIDTH <= 1)
+        assign curr_sop_ptr = 1'b0;
+      else
+        assign curr_sop_ptr = {ADDR_WIDTH - 1 { 1'b0 }};
+    end
+    endgenerate
+    // --------------------------------------------------
+    // Calculates the log2ceil of the input value
+    // --------------------------------------------------
+    function integer log2ceil;
+        input integer val;
+        reg[31:0] i;
+        begin
+            i = 1;
+            log2ceil = 0;
+            while (i < val) begin
+                log2ceil = log2ceil + 1;
+                i = i[30:0] << 1;
+            end
+        end
+    endfunction

+ 272 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,272 @@
+// (C) 2001-2019 Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.
+// Your use of Intel Corporation's design tools, logic functions and other 
+// software and tools, and its AMPP partner logic functions, and any output 
+// files from any of the foregoing (including device programming or simulation 
+// files), and any associated documentation or information are expressly subject 
+// to the terms and conditions of the Intel Program License Subscription 
+// Agreement, Intel FPGA IP License Agreement, or other applicable 
+// license agreement, including, without limitation, that your use is for the 
+// sole purpose of programming logic devices manufactured by Intel and sold by 
+// Intel or its authorized distributors.  Please refer to the applicable 
+// agreement for further details.
+// (C) 2001-2010 Altera Corporation. All rights reserved.
+// Your use of Altera Corporation's design tools, logic functions and other 
+// software and tools, and its AMPP partner logic functions, and any output 
+// files any of the foregoing (including device programming or simulation 
+// files), and any associated documentation or information are expressly subject 
+// to the terms and conditions of the Altera Program License Subscription 
+// Agreement, Altera MegaCore Function License Agreement, or other applicable 
+// license agreement, including, without limitation, that your use is for the 
+// sole purpose of programming logic devices manufactured by Altera and sold by 
+// Altera or its authorized distributors.  Please refer to the applicable 
+// agreement for further details.
+// $Id: //acds/main/ip/merlin/altera_merlin_std_arbitrator/altera_merlin_std_arbitrator_core.sv#3 $
+// $Revision: #3 $
+// $Date: 2010/07/07 $
+// $Author: jyeap $
+/* -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+Round-robin/fixed arbitration implementation.
+Q: how do you find the least-significant set-bit in an n-bit binary number, X?
+A: M = X & (~X + 1)
+Example: X = 101000100
+ 101000100 & 
+ 010111011 + 1 =
+ 101000100 &
+ 010111100 =
+ -----------
+ 000000100
+The method can be generalized to find the first set-bit
+at a bit index no lower than bit-index N, simply by adding
+2**N rather than 1.
+Q: how does this relate to round-robin arbitration?
+Let X be the concatenation of all request signals.
+Let the number to be added to X (hereafter called the
+top_priority) initialize to 1, and be assigned from the
+concatenation of the previous saved-grant, left-rotated
+by one position, each time arbitration occurs.  The
+concatenation of grants is then M.
+Problem: consider this case:
+top_priority            = 010000
+request                 = 001001
+~request + top_priority = 000110
+next_grant              = 000000 <- no one is granted!
+There was no "set bit at a bit index no lower than bit-index 4", so 
+the result was 0.
+We need to propagate the carry out from (~request + top_priority) to the LSB, so
+that the sum becomes 000111, and next_grant is 000001.  This operation could be
+called a "circular add". 
+A bit of experimentation on the circular add reveals a significant amount of 
+delay in exiting and re-entering the carry chain - this will vary with device
+family.  Quartus also reports a combinational loop warning.  Finally, 
+Modelsim 6.3g has trouble with the expression, evaluating it to 'X'.  But 
+Modelsim _doesn't_ report a combinational loop!)
+An alternate solution: concatenate the request vector with itself, and OR
+corresponding bits from the top and bottom halves to determine next_grant.
+top_priority                        =        010000
+{request, request}                  = 001001 001001
+{~request, ~request} + top_priority = 110111 000110
+result of & operation               = 000001 000000
+next_grant                          =        000001
+Notice that if request = 0, the sum operation will overflow, but we can ignore
+this; the next_grant result is 0 (no one granted), as you might expect.
+In the implementation, the last-granted value must be maintained as
+a non-zero value - best probably simply not to update it when no requests
+----------------------------------------------------------------------- */ 
+`timescale 1 ns / 1 ns
+module altera_merlin_arbitrator
+    parameter NUM_REQUESTERS = 8,
+    // --------------------------------------
+    // Implemented schemes
+    // "round-robin"
+    // "fixed-priority"
+    // "no-arb"
+    // --------------------------------------
+    parameter SCHEME         = "round-robin",
+    parameter PIPELINE       = 0
+    input clk,
+    input reset,
+    // --------------------------------------
+    // Requests
+    // --------------------------------------
+    input [NUM_REQUESTERS-1:0]  request,
+    // --------------------------------------
+    // Grants
+    // --------------------------------------
+    output [NUM_REQUESTERS-1:0] grant,
+    // --------------------------------------
+    // Control Signals
+    // --------------------------------------
+    input                       increment_top_priority,
+    input                       save_top_priority
+    // --------------------------------------
+    // Signals
+    // --------------------------------------
+    wire [NUM_REQUESTERS-1:0]   top_priority;
+    reg  [NUM_REQUESTERS-1:0]   top_priority_reg;
+    reg  [NUM_REQUESTERS-1:0]   last_grant;
+    wire [2*NUM_REQUESTERS-1:0] result;
+    // --------------------------------------
+    // Scheme Selection
+    // --------------------------------------
+    generate
+        if (SCHEME == "round-robin" && NUM_REQUESTERS > 1) begin
+            assign top_priority = top_priority_reg;
+        end
+        else begin
+            // Fixed arbitration (or single-requester corner case)
+            assign top_priority = 1'b1;
+        end
+    endgenerate
+    // --------------------------------------
+    // Decision Logic
+    // --------------------------------------
+    altera_merlin_arb_adder
+    #(
+        .WIDTH (2 * NUM_REQUESTERS)
+    ) 
+    adder
+    (
+        .a ({ ~request, ~request }),
+        .b ({{NUM_REQUESTERS{1'b0}}, top_priority}),
+        .sum (result)
+    );
+    generate if (SCHEME == "no-arb") begin
+        // --------------------------------------
+        // No arbitration: just wire request directly to grant
+        // --------------------------------------
+        assign grant = request;
+    end else begin
+        // Do the math in double-vector domain
+        wire [2*NUM_REQUESTERS-1:0] grant_double_vector;
+        assign grant_double_vector = {request, request} & result;
+        // --------------------------------------
+        // Extract grant from the top and bottom halves
+        // of the double vector.
+        // --------------------------------------
+        assign grant =
+            grant_double_vector[NUM_REQUESTERS - 1 : 0] |
+            grant_double_vector[2 * NUM_REQUESTERS - 1 : NUM_REQUESTERS];
+    end
+    endgenerate
+    // --------------------------------------
+    // Left-rotate the last grant vector to create top_priority.
+    // --------------------------------------
+    always @(posedge clk or posedge reset) begin
+        if (reset) begin
+            top_priority_reg <= 1'b1;
+        end
+        else begin
+            if (PIPELINE) begin
+                if (increment_top_priority) begin
+                    top_priority_reg <= (|request) ? {grant[NUM_REQUESTERS-2:0],
+                        grant[NUM_REQUESTERS-1]} : top_priority_reg;
+                end
+            end else begin
+                if (increment_top_priority) begin
+                    if (|request)
+                        top_priority_reg <= { grant[NUM_REQUESTERS-2:0],
+                            grant[NUM_REQUESTERS-1] };
+                    else
+                        top_priority_reg <= { top_priority_reg[NUM_REQUESTERS-2:0], top_priority_reg[NUM_REQUESTERS-1] };
+                end
+                else if (save_top_priority) begin
+                    top_priority_reg <= grant; 
+                end
+            end
+        end
+    end
+// ----------------------------------------------
+// Adder for the standard arbitrator
+// ----------------------------------------------
+module altera_merlin_arb_adder
+    parameter WIDTH = 8
+    input [WIDTH-1:0] a,
+    input [WIDTH-1:0] b,
+    output [WIDTH-1:0] sum
+    wire [WIDTH:0] sum_lint;
+    // ----------------------------------------------
+    // Benchmarks indicate that for small widths, the full
+    // adder has higher fmax because synthesis can merge
+    // it with the mux, allowing partial decisions to be 
+    // made early.
+    //
+    // The magic number is 4 requesters, which means an
+    // 8 bit adder.
+    // ----------------------------------------------
+    genvar i;
+    generate if (WIDTH <= 8) begin : full_adder
+        wire cout[WIDTH-1:0];
+        assign sum[0]  = (a[0] ^ b[0]);
+        assign cout[0] = (a[0] & b[0]);
+        for (i = 1; i < WIDTH; i = i+1) begin : arb
+            assign sum[i] = (a[i] ^ b[i]) ^ cout[i-1];
+            assign cout[i] = (a[i] & b[i]) | (cout[i-1] & (a[i] ^ b[i]));
+        end
+    end else begin : carry_chain
+        assign sum_lint = a + b;
+        assign sum = sum_lint[WIDTH-1:0];
+    end
+    endgenerate

+ 296 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,296 @@
+// (C) 2001-2019 Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.
+// Your use of Intel Corporation's design tools, logic functions and other 
+// software and tools, and its AMPP partner logic functions, and any output 
+// files from any of the foregoing (including device programming or simulation 
+// files), and any associated documentation or information are expressly subject 
+// to the terms and conditions of the Intel Program License Subscription 
+// Agreement, Intel FPGA IP License Agreement, or other applicable 
+// license agreement, including, without limitation, that your use is for the 
+// sole purpose of programming logic devices manufactured by Intel and sold by 
+// Intel or its authorized distributors.  Please refer to the applicable 
+// agreement for further details.
+// (C) 2001-2012 Altera Corporation. All rights reserved.
+// Your use of Altera Corporation's design tools, logic functions and other 
+// software and tools, and its AMPP partner logic functions, and any output 
+// files any of the foregoing (including device programming or simulation 
+// files), and any associated documentation or information are expressly subject 
+// to the terms and conditions of the Altera Program License Subscription 
+// Agreement, Altera MegaCore Function License Agreement, or other applicable 
+// license agreement, including, without limitation, that your use is for the 
+// sole purpose of programming logic devices manufactured by Altera and sold by 
+// Altera or its authorized distributors.  Please refer to the applicable 
+// agreement for further details.
+// $Id: //acds/rel/19.1std/ip/merlin/altera_merlin_slave_agent/altera_merlin_burst_uncompressor.sv#1 $
+// $Revision: #1 $
+// $Date: 2018/11/07 $
+// $Author: psgswbuild $
+// ------------------------------------------
+// Merlin Burst Uncompressor
+// Compressed read bursts -> uncompressed
+// ------------------------------------------
+`timescale 1 ns / 1 ns
+module altera_merlin_burst_uncompressor
+    parameter ADDR_W      = 16,
+    parameter BURSTWRAP_W = 3,
+    parameter BYTE_CNT_W  = 4,
+    parameter PKT_SYMBOLS = 4,
+    parameter BURST_SIZE_W = 3
+    input clk,
+    input reset,
+    // sink ST signals
+    input sink_startofpacket,
+    input sink_endofpacket,
+    input sink_valid,
+    output sink_ready,
+    // sink ST "data"
+    input [ADDR_W - 1: 0] sink_addr,
+    input [BURSTWRAP_W - 1 : 0] sink_burstwrap,
+    input [BYTE_CNT_W - 1 : 0] sink_byte_cnt,
+    input sink_is_compressed,
+    input [BURST_SIZE_W-1 : 0] sink_burstsize,
+    // source ST signals
+    output source_startofpacket,
+    output source_endofpacket,
+    output source_valid,
+    input source_ready,
+    // source ST "data"
+    output [ADDR_W - 1: 0] source_addr,
+    output [BURSTWRAP_W - 1 : 0] source_burstwrap,
+    output [BYTE_CNT_W - 1 : 0] source_byte_cnt,
+    // Note: in the slave agent, the output should always be uncompressed.  In
+    // other applications, it may be required to leave-compressed or not. How to
+    // control?  Seems like a simple mux - pass-through if no uncompression is
+    // required.
+    output source_is_compressed,
+    output [BURST_SIZE_W-1 : 0] source_burstsize
+// AXSIZE decoding
+// Turns the axsize value into the actual number of bytes
+// being transferred.
+// ---------------------------------------------------
+function reg[63:0] bytes_in_transfer;
+    input [BURST_SIZE_W-1:0] axsize;
+    case (axsize)
+        4'b0000: bytes_in_transfer = 64'b0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001;
+        4'b0001: bytes_in_transfer = 64'b0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000010;
+        4'b0010: bytes_in_transfer = 64'b0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000100;
+        4'b0011: bytes_in_transfer = 64'b0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001000;
+        4'b0100: bytes_in_transfer = 64'b0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000010000;
+        4'b0101: bytes_in_transfer = 64'b0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000100000;
+        4'b0110: bytes_in_transfer = 64'b0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001000000;
+        4'b0111: bytes_in_transfer = 64'b0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000010000000;
+        4'b1000: bytes_in_transfer = 64'b0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000100000000;
+        4'b1001: bytes_in_transfer = 64'b0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001000000000;
+        default:bytes_in_transfer = 64'b0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001;
+    endcase
+   // num_symbols is PKT_SYMBOLS, appropriately sized.
+   wire [31:0] int_num_symbols = PKT_SYMBOLS;
+   wire [BYTE_CNT_W-1:0] num_symbols = int_num_symbols[BYTE_CNT_W-1:0];
+   // def: Burst Compression.  In a merlin network, a compressed burst is one 
+   // which is transmitted in a single beat.  Example: read burst.  In 
+   // constrast, an uncompressed burst (example: write burst) is transmitted in
+   // one beat per writedata item.
+   //
+   // For compressed bursts which require response packets, burst
+   // uncompression is required.  Concrete example: a read burst of size 8
+   // occupies one response-fifo position.  When that fifo position reaches the
+   // front of the FIFO, the slave starts providing the required 8 readdatavalid
+   // pulses.  The 8 return response beats must be provided in a single packet,
+   // with incrementing address and decrementing byte_cnt fields.  Upon receipt
+   // of the final readdata item of the burst, the response FIFO item is
+   // retired.
+   // Burst uncompression logic provides:
+   //   a) 2-state FSM (idle, busy)
+   //     reset to idle state
+   //     transition to busy state for 2nd and subsequent rdv pulses
+   //     - a single-cycle burst (aka non-burst read) causes no transition to
+   //     busy state.
+   //   b) response startofpacket/endofpacket logic.  The response FIFO item 
+   //   will have sop asserted, and may have eop asserted. (In the case of
+   //   multiple read bursts transmit in the command fabric in a single packet,
+   //   the eop assertion will come in a later FIFO item.)  To support packet
+   //   conservation, and emit a well-formed packet on the response fabric,
+   //     i) response fabric startofpacket is asserted only for the first resp.
+   //     beat;
+   //     ii) response fabric endofpacket is asserted only for the last resp.
+   //     beat.
+   //   c) response address field.  The response address field contains an
+   //   incrementing sequence, such that each readdata item is associated with
+   //   its slave-map location.  N.b. a) computing the address correctly requires
+   //   knowledge of burstwrap behavior b) there may be no clients of the address
+   //   field, which makes this field a good target for optimization.  See
+   //   burst_uncompress_address_counter below.
+   //   d) response byte_cnt field.  The response byte_cnt field contains a
+   //   decrementing sequence, such that each beat of the response contains the
+   //   count of bytes to follow.  In the case of sub-bursts in a single packet,
+   //   the byte_cnt field may decrement down to num_symbols, then back up to
+   //   some value, multiple times in the packet.
+   reg burst_uncompress_busy;
+   reg [BYTE_CNT_W:0] burst_uncompress_byte_counter;
+   wire [BYTE_CNT_W-1:0] burst_uncompress_byte_counter_lint;
+   wire first_packet_beat;
+   wire last_packet_beat;
+   assign first_packet_beat = sink_valid & ~burst_uncompress_busy;
+   assign burst_uncompress_byte_counter_lint = burst_uncompress_byte_counter[BYTE_CNT_W-1:0];
+   // First cycle: burst_uncompress_byte_counter isn't ready yet, mux the input to
+   // the output.
+   assign source_byte_cnt =
+     first_packet_beat ? sink_byte_cnt : burst_uncompress_byte_counter_lint;
+   assign source_valid = sink_valid;
+   // Last packet beat is set throughout receipt of an uncompressed read burst
+   // from the response FIFO - this forces all the burst uncompression machinery
+   // idle.
+   assign last_packet_beat = ~sink_is_compressed |
+     (
+     burst_uncompress_busy ?
+       (sink_valid & (burst_uncompress_byte_counter_lint == num_symbols)) :
+         sink_valid & (sink_byte_cnt == num_symbols)
+     );
+   always @(posedge clk or posedge reset) begin
+     if (reset) begin
+       burst_uncompress_busy <= '0;
+       burst_uncompress_byte_counter <= '0;
+     end
+     else begin
+       if (source_valid & source_ready & sink_valid) begin
+         // No matter what the current state, last_packet_beat leads to
+         // idle.
+         if (last_packet_beat) begin
+           burst_uncompress_busy <= '0;
+           burst_uncompress_byte_counter <= '0;
+         end
+         else begin
+           if (burst_uncompress_busy) begin
+             burst_uncompress_byte_counter <= (burst_uncompress_byte_counter > 0) ? 
+               (burst_uncompress_byte_counter_lint - num_symbols) :
+               (sink_byte_cnt - num_symbols);
+           end
+           else begin // not busy, at least one more beat to go
+             burst_uncompress_byte_counter <= sink_byte_cnt - num_symbols;
+             // To do: should busy go true for numsymbols-size compressed
+             // bursts?
+             burst_uncompress_busy <= 1'b1;
+           end
+         end
+       end
+     end
+   end
+   reg [ADDR_W - 1 : 0 ] burst_uncompress_address_base;
+   reg [ADDR_W - 1 : 0] burst_uncompress_address_offset;
+   wire [63:0] decoded_burstsize_wire;
+   wire [ADDR_W-1:0] decoded_burstsize;
+   wire [ADD_BURSTWRAP_W-1:0] addr_width_burstwrap;
+   // The input burstwrap value can be used as a mask against address values,
+   // but with one caveat: the address width may be (probably is) wider than 
+   // the burstwrap width.  The spec says: extend the msb of the burstwrap 
+   // value out over the entire address width (but only if the address width
+   // actually is wider than the burstwrap width; otherwise it's a 0-width or
+   // negative range and concatenation multiplier). 
+   generate
+      if (ADDR_W > BURSTWRAP_W) begin : addr_sign_extend
+         // Sign-extend, just wires:
+            assign addr_width_burstwrap[ADDR_W - 1 : BURSTWRAP_W] =
+                {(ADDR_W - BURSTWRAP_W) {sink_burstwrap[BURSTWRAP_W - 1]}};
+            assign addr_width_burstwrap[BURSTWRAP_W-1:0] = sink_burstwrap [BURSTWRAP_W-1:0];
+      end
+      else begin
+            assign addr_width_burstwrap[BURSTWRAP_W-1 : 0] = sink_burstwrap;
+      end
+   endgenerate
+   always @(posedge clk or posedge reset) begin
+     if (reset) begin
+       burst_uncompress_address_base <= '0;
+     end
+     else if (first_packet_beat & source_ready) begin
+       burst_uncompress_address_base <= sink_addr & ~addr_width_burstwrap[ADDR_W-1:0];
+     end
+   end
+   assign decoded_burstsize_wire = bytes_in_transfer(sink_burstsize);  //expand it to 64 bits
+   assign decoded_burstsize = decoded_burstsize_wire[ADDR_W-1:0];      //then take the width that is needed
+   wire [ADDR_W : 0] p1_burst_uncompress_address_offset =
+   (
+     (first_packet_beat ?
+       sink_addr :
+       burst_uncompress_address_offset) + decoded_burstsize
+    ) &
+    addr_width_burstwrap[ADDR_W-1:0];
+    wire [ADDR_W-1:0] p1_burst_uncompress_address_offset_lint = p1_burst_uncompress_address_offset [ADDR_W-1:0];
+   always @(posedge clk or posedge reset) begin
+     if (reset) begin
+       burst_uncompress_address_offset <= '0;
+     end
+     else begin
+       if (source_ready & source_valid) begin
+         burst_uncompress_address_offset <= p1_burst_uncompress_address_offset_lint;
+         // if (first_packet_beat) begin
+         //   burst_uncompress_address_offset <=
+         //     (sink_addr + num_symbols) & addr_width_burstwrap;
+         // end
+         // else begin
+         //   burst_uncompress_address_offset <=
+         //     (burst_uncompress_address_offset + num_symbols) & addr_width_burstwrap;
+         // end
+       end
+     end
+   end
+   // On the first packet beat, send the input address out unchanged, 
+   // while values are computed/registered for 2nd and subsequent beats.
+   assign source_addr = first_packet_beat ? sink_addr :
+       burst_uncompress_address_base | burst_uncompress_address_offset;
+   assign source_burstwrap = sink_burstwrap;
+   assign source_burstsize = sink_burstsize;
+   //-------------------------------------------------------------------
+   // A single (compressed) read burst will have sop/eop in the same beat.
+   // A sequence of read sub-bursts emitted by a burst adapter in response to a
+   // single read burst will have sop on the first sub-burst, eop on the last.
+   // Assert eop only upon (sink_endofpacket & last_packet_beat) to preserve 
+   // packet conservation.
+   assign source_startofpacket = sink_startofpacket & ~burst_uncompress_busy;
+   assign source_endofpacket   = sink_endofpacket & last_packet_beat;
+   assign sink_ready = source_valid & source_ready & last_packet_beat;
+   // This is correct for the slave agent usage, but won't always be true in the
+   // width adapter.  To do: add an "please uncompress" input, and use it to
+   // pass-through or modify, and set source_is_compressed accordingly.
+   assign source_is_compressed = 1'b0;

+ 303 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,303 @@
+// (C) 2001-2019 Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.
+// Your use of Intel Corporation's design tools, logic functions and other 
+// software and tools, and its AMPP partner logic functions, and any output 
+// files from any of the foregoing (including device programming or simulation 
+// files), and any associated documentation or information are expressly subject 
+// to the terms and conditions of the Intel Program License Subscription 
+// Agreement, Intel FPGA IP License Agreement, or other applicable 
+// license agreement, including, without limitation, that your use is for the 
+// sole purpose of programming logic devices manufactured by Intel and sold by 
+// Intel or its authorized distributors.  Please refer to the applicable 
+// agreement for further details.
+// $Id: //acds/rel/19.1std/ip/merlin/altera_merlin_master_agent/altera_merlin_master_agent.sv#1 $
+// $Revision: #1 $
+// $Date: 2018/11/07 $
+// $Author: psgswbuild $
+// --------------------------------------
+// Merlin Master Agent
+// Converts Avalon-MM transactions into
+// Merlin network packets.
+// --------------------------------------
+`timescale 1 ns / 1 ns
+module altera_merlin_master_agent
+   // -------------------
+   // Packet Format Parameters
+   // -------------------
+   parameter 
+   PKT_QOS_H                  = 109,
+   PKT_QOS_L                  = 106,
+   PKT_DATA_SIDEBAND_H        = 105,
+   PKT_DATA_SIDEBAND_L        = 98,
+   PKT_ADDR_SIDEBAND_H        = 97, 
+   PKT_ADDR_SIDEBAND_L        = 93,
+   PKT_CACHE_H                = 92,
+   PKT_CACHE_L                = 89,
+   PKT_THREAD_ID_H            = 88,
+   PKT_THREAD_ID_L            = 87,
+   PKT_BEGIN_BURST            = 81,
+   PKT_PROTECTION_H           = 80,
+   PKT_PROTECTION_L           = 80,
+   PKT_BURSTWRAP_H            = 79,
+   PKT_BURSTWRAP_L            = 77,
+   PKT_BYTE_CNT_H             = 76,
+   PKT_BYTE_CNT_L             = 74,
+   PKT_ADDR_H                 = 73,
+   PKT_ADDR_L                 = 42,
+   PKT_BURST_SIZE_H           = 86,
+   PKT_BURST_SIZE_L           = 84,
+   PKT_BURST_TYPE_H           = 94,
+   PKT_BURST_TYPE_L           = 93,
+   PKT_TRANS_EXCLUSIVE        = 83,
+   PKT_TRANS_LOCK             = 82,
+   PKT_TRANS_POSTED           = 40,
+   PKT_TRANS_WRITE            = 39,
+   PKT_TRANS_READ             = 38,
+   PKT_DATA_H                 = 37,
+   PKT_DATA_L                 = 6,
+   PKT_BYTEEN_H               = 5,
+   PKT_BYTEEN_L               = 2,
+   PKT_SRC_ID_H               = 1,
+   PKT_SRC_ID_L               = 1,
+   PKT_DEST_ID_H              = 0,
+   PKT_DEST_ID_L              = 0,
+   PKT_RESPONSE_STATUS_L      = 110,
+   PKT_RESPONSE_STATUS_H      = 111,
+   PKT_ORI_BURST_SIZE_L       = 112,
+   PKT_ORI_BURST_SIZE_H       = 114,
+   ST_DATA_W                  = 115,
+   ST_CHANNEL_W               = 1,
+   // -------------------
+   // Agent Parameters
+   // -------------------
+   AV_BURSTCOUNT_W       = 3,
+   ID                    = 1,
+   BURSTWRAP_VALUE       = 4,
+   CACHE_VALUE           = 0,
+   SECURE_ACCESS_BIT     = 1,
+   USE_READRESPONSE      = 0,
+   // -------------------
+   // Derived Parameters
+   // -------------------
+   PKT_ADDR_W        = PKT_ADDR_H - PKT_ADDR_L + 1,
+   PKT_DATA_W        = PKT_DATA_H - PKT_DATA_L + 1,
+   PKT_SRC_ID_W      = PKT_SRC_ID_H - PKT_SRC_ID_L + 1,
+) (
+   // -------------------
+   // Clock & Reset
+   // -------------------
+   input                         clk,
+   input                         reset,
+   // -------------------
+   // Avalon-MM Anti-Master
+   // -------------------
+   input [PKT_ADDR_W-1 : 0]      av_address,
+   input                         av_write,
+   input                         av_read,
+   input [PKT_DATA_W-1 : 0]      av_writedata,
+   output reg [PKT_DATA_W-1 : 0] av_readdata,
+   output reg                    av_waitrequest,
+   output reg                    av_readdatavalid,
+   input [PKT_BYTEEN_W-1 : 0]    av_byteenable,
+   input [AV_BURSTCOUNT_W-1 : 0] av_burstcount,
+   input                         av_debugaccess,
+   input                         av_lock,
+   output reg [1 : 0]            av_response,
+   output reg                    av_writeresponsevalid,
+   // -------------------
+   // Command Source
+   // -------------------
+   output reg                    cp_valid,
+   output reg [ST_DATA_W-1 : 0]  cp_data,
+   output wire                   cp_startofpacket,
+   output wire                   cp_endofpacket,
+   input                         cp_ready,
+   // -------------------
+   // Response Sink
+   // -------------------
+   input                         rp_valid,
+   input [ST_DATA_W-1 : 0]       rp_data,
+   input [ST_CHANNEL_W-1 : 0]    rp_channel,
+   input                         rp_startofpacket,
+   input                         rp_endofpacket,
+   output reg                    rp_ready
+    // ------------------------------------------------------------
+    // Utility Functions
+    // ------------------------------------------------------------
+   function integer clogb2;
+      input [31 : 0] value;
+      begin
+         for (clogb2 = 0; value > 0; clogb2 = clogb2 + 1)
+            value = value >> 1;
+         clogb2 = clogb2 - 1;
+      end
+   endfunction // clogb2
+   localparam MAX_BURST    = 1 << (AV_BURSTCOUNT_W - 1);
+   localparam NUMSYMBOLS   = PKT_BYTEEN_W; 
+   localparam BURSTING     = (MAX_BURST > NUMSYMBOLS);
+   localparam BITS_TO_ZERO = clogb2(NUMSYMBOLS);
+   localparam BURST_SIZE   = clogb2(NUMSYMBOLS);
+   typedef enum bit  [1 : 0]
+   {
+      FIXED       = 2'b00,
+      INCR        = 2'b01,
+      WRAP        = 2'b10,
+      OTHER_WRAP  = 2'b11
+   } MerlinBurstType;
+   // --------------------------------------
+   // Potential optimization: compare in words to save bits?
+   // --------------------------------------
+   wire is_burst;
+   assign is_burst = (BURSTING) & (av_burstcount > NUMSYMBOLS);
+   wire [31 : 0] burstwrap_value_int = BURSTWRAP_VALUE;
+   wire [31 : 0] id_int              = ID; 
+   wire [PKT_BURST_SIZE_W-1 : 0] burstsize_sig = BURST_SIZE[PKT_BURST_SIZE_W-1 : 0];
+   wire [1 : 0] bursttype_value = burstwrap_value_int[PKT_BURSTWRAP_W-1] ? INCR : WRAP;
+   // --------------------------------------
+   // Address alignment
+   //
+   // The packet format requires that addresses be aligned to
+   // the transaction size.
+   // --------------------------------------
+   wire [PKT_ADDR_W-1 : 0] av_address_aligned;
+   generate 
+      if (NUMSYMBOLS > 1) begin
+         assign av_address_aligned = 
+         {av_address[PKT_ADDR_W-1 : BITS_TO_ZERO], {BITS_TO_ZERO {1'b0}}};
+      end
+      else begin
+         assign av_address_aligned = av_address;
+      end 
+   endgenerate
+   // --------------------------------------
+   // Command & Response Construction
+   // --------------------------------------
+   always_comb begin
+      cp_data                                              = '0;
+      cp_data[PKT_PROTECTION_L]                            = av_debugaccess;    
+      cp_data[PKT_PROTECTION_L+1]                          = SECURE_ACCESS_BIT[0];  // secure cache bit
+      cp_data[PKT_PROTECTION_L+2]                          = 1'b0;                  // instruction/data cache bit
+      cp_data[PKT_BURSTWRAP_H : PKT_BURSTWRAP_L]           = burstwrap_value_int[PKT_BURSTWRAP_W-1 : 0];
+      cp_data[PKT_BYTE_CNT_H : PKT_BYTE_CNT_L]             = av_burstcount;
+      cp_data[PKT_ADDR_H : PKT_ADDR_L]                     = av_address_aligned;
+      cp_data[PKT_TRANS_EXCLUSIVE]                         = 1'b0;
+      cp_data[PKT_TRANS_LOCK]                              = av_lock;
+      cp_data[PKT_TRANS_COMPRESSED_READ]                   = av_read & is_burst;
+      cp_data[PKT_TRANS_READ]                              = av_read;
+      cp_data[PKT_TRANS_WRITE]                             = av_write;
+      cp_data[PKT_TRANS_POSTED]                            = av_write & !USE_WRITERESPONSE;
+      cp_data[PKT_DATA_H : PKT_DATA_L]                     = av_writedata;
+      cp_data[PKT_BYTEEN_H : PKT_BYTEEN_L]                 = av_byteenable;
+      cp_data[PKT_BURST_SIZE_H : PKT_BURST_SIZE_L]         = burstsize_sig;
+      cp_data[PKT_ORI_BURST_SIZE_H : PKT_ORI_BURST_SIZE_L] = burstsize_sig;
+      cp_data[PKT_BURST_TYPE_H : PKT_BURST_TYPE_L]         = bursttype_value;
+      cp_data[PKT_SRC_ID_H : PKT_SRC_ID_L]                 = id_int[PKT_SRC_ID_W-1 : 0];
+      cp_data[PKT_THREAD_ID_H : PKT_THREAD_ID_L]           = '0;
+      cp_data[PKT_CACHE_H : PKT_CACHE_L]                   = CACHE_VALUE[3 : 0];
+      cp_data[PKT_QOS_H : PKT_QOS_L]                       = '0;        
+      cp_data[PKT_ADDR_SIDEBAND_H : PKT_ADDR_SIDEBAND_L]   = '0;
+      cp_data[PKT_DATA_SIDEBAND_H : PKT_DATA_SIDEBAND_L]   = '0;
+      av_readdata                                          = rp_data[PKT_DATA_H : PKT_DATA_L];
+         av_response = rp_data[PKT_RESPONSE_STATUS_H : PKT_RESPONSE_STATUS_L];
+      else
+         av_response = '0;
+      end
+   // --------------------------------------
+   // Command Control
+   // --------------------------------------
+   reg hold_waitrequest;
+   always @ (posedge clk, posedge reset) begin
+      if (reset)
+         hold_waitrequest <= 1'b1;
+      else
+         hold_waitrequest <= 1'b0;
+   end  
+   always_comb begin
+      cp_valid = 0;
+      if ((av_write || av_read) && ~hold_waitrequest)
+         cp_valid = 1;
+   end
+   generate if (BURSTING) begin
+      reg sop_enable;
+      always @(posedge clk, posedge reset) begin
+         if (reset) begin
+            sop_enable <= 1'b1;
+         end
+         else begin
+            if (cp_valid && cp_ready) begin
+               sop_enable <= 1'b0;
+               if (cp_endofpacket)
+                  sop_enable <= 1'b1;
+            end
+         end
+      end
+      assign cp_startofpacket = sop_enable;
+      assign cp_endofpacket   = (av_read) | (av_burstcount == NUMSYMBOLS);
+   end 
+   else begin
+      assign cp_startofpacket = 1'b1;
+      assign cp_endofpacket   = 1'b1;
+   end
+   endgenerate
+   // --------------------------------------
+   // Backpressure & Readdatavalid
+   // --------------------------------------
+   always_comb begin
+      rp_ready              = 1;
+      av_readdatavalid      = 0;
+      av_writeresponsevalid = 0;
+      av_waitrequest = hold_waitrequest | !cp_ready;
+      if (USE_WRITERESPONSE && (rp_data[PKT_TRANS_WRITE] == 1))
+         av_writeresponsevalid = rp_valid;
+      else
+         av_readdatavalid      = rp_valid;
+      if (SUPPRESS_0_BYTEEN_RSP) begin
+         if (rp_data[PKT_BYTEEN_H : PKT_BYTEEN_L] == 0)
+            av_readdatavalid = 0;
+      end
+   end

+ 556 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,556 @@
+// (C) 2001-2019 Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.
+// Your use of Intel Corporation's design tools, logic functions and other 
+// software and tools, and its AMPP partner logic functions, and any output 
+// files from any of the foregoing (including device programming or simulation 
+// files), and any associated documentation or information are expressly subject 
+// to the terms and conditions of the Intel Program License Subscription 
+// Agreement, Intel FPGA IP License Agreement, or other applicable 
+// license agreement, including, without limitation, that your use is for the 
+// sole purpose of programming logic devices manufactured by Intel and sold by 
+// Intel or its authorized distributors.  Please refer to the applicable 
+// agreement for further details.
+// $Id: //acds/rel/19.1std/ip/merlin/altera_merlin_master_translator/altera_merlin_master_translator.sv#1 $
+// $Revision: #1 $
+// $Date: 2018/11/07 $
+// $Author: psgswbuild $
+// --------------------------------------
+// Merlin Master Translator
+// Converts an Avalon-MM master interface into an 
+// Avalon-MM "universal" master interface.
+// The universal interface is defined as the superset of ports
+// and parameters that can represent any legal Avalon 
+// interface.
+// --------------------------------------
+`timescale 1 ns / 1 ns
+module altera_merlin_master_translator #(
+   parameter
+      // widths
+      AV_ADDRESS_W                = 32,
+      AV_DATA_W                   = 32,
+      AV_BURSTCOUNT_W             = 4,
+      AV_BYTEENABLE_W             = 4,
+      UAV_ADDRESS_W               = 38,
+      UAV_BURSTCOUNT_W            = 10,
+      // optional ports
+      USE_BURSTCOUNT              = 1,
+      USE_BEGINTRANSFER           = 0,
+      USE_CHIPSELECT              = 0,
+      USE_READ                    = 1,
+      USE_READDATAVALID           = 1,
+      USE_WRITE                   = 1,
+      USE_WAITREQUEST             = 1,
+      USE_WRITERESPONSE           = 0,
+      USE_READRESPONSE            = 0,
+      AV_SYMBOLS_PER_WORD         = 4,
+      AV_ADDRESS_SYMBOLS          = 0,
+      // must be enabled for a bursting master
+      AV_BURSTCOUNT_SYMBOLS       = 0,
+      AV_LINEWRAPBURSTS           = 0
+   input wire                           clk,
+   input wire                           reset,
+   // Universal Avalon Master
+   output reg                           uav_write,
+   output reg                           uav_read,
+   output reg [UAV_ADDRESS_W -1 : 0]    uav_address,
+   output reg [UAV_BURSTCOUNT_W -1 : 0] uav_burstcount,
+   output wire [AV_BYTEENABLE_W -1 : 0] uav_byteenable,
+   output wire [AV_DATA_W -1 : 0]       uav_writedata,
+   output wire                          uav_lock,
+   output wire                          uav_debugaccess,
+   output wire                          uav_clken,
+   input wire [AV_DATA_W -1 : 0]        uav_readdata,
+   input wire                           uav_readdatavalid,
+   input wire                           uav_waitrequest,
+   input wire [1 : 0]                   uav_response,
+   input wire                           uav_writeresponsevalid,
+   // Avalon-MM Anti-master (slave)
+   input reg                            av_write,
+   input reg                            av_read,
+   input wire [AV_ADDRESS_W -1 : 0]     av_address,
+   input wire [AV_BYTEENABLE_W -1 : 0]  av_byteenable,
+   input wire [AV_BURSTCOUNT_W -1 : 0]  av_burstcount,
+   input wire [AV_DATA_W -1 : 0]        av_writedata,
+   input wire                           av_begintransfer,
+   input wire                           av_beginbursttransfer,
+   input wire                           av_lock,
+   input wire                           av_chipselect,
+   input wire                           av_debugaccess,
+   input wire                           av_clken,
+   output wire [AV_DATA_W -1 : 0]       av_readdata,
+   output wire                          av_readdatavalid,
+   output reg                           av_waitrequest,
+   output reg [1 : 0]                   av_response,
+   output reg                           av_writeresponsevalid
+   localparam BITS_PER_WORD = clog2(AV_SYMBOLS_PER_WORD);
+   localparam UAV_BURSTCOUNT_H_OR_31 = (UAV_BURSTCOUNT_W > 32) ? 31 : UAV_BURSTCOUNT_W - 1;
+   localparam UAV_ADDRESS_H_OR_31 = (UAV_ADDRESS_W > 32) ? 31 : UAV_ADDRESS_W - 1;
+   localparam BITS_PER_WORD_ADDRESS    = (UAV_ADDRESS_W == 1) ? 0 : BITS_PER_WORD;
+   function integer flog2;
+      input [31:0]  depth;
+      integer       i;
+      begin
+         i = depth;
+         if ( i <= 0 ) flog2 = 0;
+         else begin
+            for (flog2 = -1; i > 0; flog2 = flog2 + 1)
+               i = i >> 1;
+         end
+      end
+   endfunction // flog2
+    // ------------------------------------------------------------
+    // Calculates the ceil(log2()) of the input val.
+    //
+    // Limited to a positive 32-bit input value.
+    // ------------------------------------------------------------
+    function integer clog2;
+        input[31:0] val;
+        reg[31:0] i;
+        begin
+            i = 1;
+            clog2 = 0;
+            while (i < val) begin
+                clog2 = clog2 + 1;
+                i = i[30:0] << 1;
+            end
+        end
+    endfunction
+   function integer pow2;
+      input [31:0] toShift;
+      begin
+         pow2 = 1;
+         pow2 = pow2 << toShift;
+      end
+   endfunction // pow2
+   // -------------------------------------------------
+   // Assign some constants to appropriately-sized signals to
+   // avoid synthesis warnings. This also helps some simulators
+   // with their inferred sensitivity lists.
+   //
+   // The symbols per word calculation here rounds non-power of two
+   // symbols to the next highest power of two, which is what we want
+   // when calculating the decrementing byte count.
+   // -------------------------------------------------
+   wire [31 : 0] symbols_per_word_int = 2**(clog2(AV_SYMBOLS_PER_WORD[UAV_BURSTCOUNT_H_OR_31 : 0]));
+   wire [UAV_BURSTCOUNT_H_OR_31 : 0] symbols_per_word = symbols_per_word_int[UAV_BURSTCOUNT_H_OR_31 : 0];
+   reg                            internal_beginbursttransfer;
+   reg                            internal_begintransfer;
+   reg [UAV_ADDRESS_W -1 : 0]     uav_address_pre;
+   reg [UAV_BURSTCOUNT_W -1 : 0]  uav_burstcount_pre;
+   reg uav_read_pre;
+   reg uav_write_pre;
+   reg read_accepted;
+   // -------------------------------------------------
+   // Pass through signals that we don't touch
+   // -------------------------------------------------
+   assign uav_writedata    = av_writedata;
+   assign uav_byteenable   = av_byteenable;
+   assign uav_lock         = av_lock;
+   assign uav_debugaccess  = av_debugaccess;
+   assign uav_clken        = av_clken;
+   assign av_readdata      = uav_readdata;
+   assign av_readdatavalid = uav_readdatavalid;
+   // -------------------------------------------------
+   // Response signals
+   // -------------------------------------------------
+   always_comb begin
+         av_response = '0;
+      else
+         av_response = uav_response;
+      if (USE_WRITERESPONSE) begin
+         av_writeresponsevalid = uav_writeresponsevalid;
+      end else begin
+         av_writeresponsevalid = '0;
+      end
+   end
+   // -------------------------------------------------
+   // Convert byte and word addresses into byte addresses
+   // -------------------------------------------------
+   always_comb begin
+      uav_address_pre = {UAV_ADDRESS_W{1'b0}};
+         uav_address_pre[(ADDRESS_HIGH ? ADDRESS_HIGH - 1 : 0) : 0] = av_address[(ADDRESS_HIGH ? ADDRESS_HIGH - 1 : 0) : 0];
+      else begin
+         uav_address_pre[ADDRESS_LOW + ADDRESS_HIGH - 1 : ADDRESS_LOW] = av_address[(ADDRESS_HIGH ? ADDRESS_HIGH - 1 : 0) : 0];
+      end
+   end
+   // -------------------------------------------------
+   // Convert burstcount into symbol units
+   // -------------------------------------------------
+   always_comb begin
+      uav_burstcount_pre = symbols_per_word;  // default to a single transfer
+      if (USE_BURSTCOUNT) begin
+         uav_burstcount_pre = {UAV_BURSTCOUNT_W{1'b0}};
+            uav_burstcount_pre[(BURSTCOUNT_HIGH ? BURSTCOUNT_HIGH - 1 : 0) :0] = av_burstcount[(BURSTCOUNT_HIGH ? BURSTCOUNT_HIGH - 1 : 0) : 0];
+         else begin
+            uav_burstcount_pre[UAV_BURSTCOUNT_W - 1 : BURSTCOUNT_LOW] = av_burstcount[(BURSTCOUNT_HIGH ? BURSTCOUNT_HIGH - 1 : 0) : 0];
+         end
+      end
+   end
+   // -------------------------------------------------
+   // This is where we perform the per-transfer address and burstcount 
+   // calculations that are required by downstream modules.
+   // -------------------------------------------------
+   reg [UAV_ADDRESS_W -1 : 0] address_register;
+   wire [UAV_BURSTCOUNT_W -1 : 0] burstcount_register;
+   reg [UAV_BURSTCOUNT_W : 0] burstcount_register_lint;
+   assign burstcount_register = burstcount_register_lint[UAV_BURSTCOUNT_W -1 : 0];
+   always_comb begin
+      uav_address = uav_address_pre;
+      uav_burstcount = uav_burstcount_pre;
+      if (AV_CONSTANT_BURST_BEHAVIOR && !UAV_CONSTANT_BURST_BEHAVIOR && ~internal_beginbursttransfer) begin
+         uav_address = address_register;
+         uav_burstcount = burstcount_register;
+      end
+   end
+   reg first_burst_stalled;
+   reg burst_stalled;
+   wire [UAV_ADDRESS_W -1 : 0] combi_burst_addr_reg;
+   wire [UAV_ADDRESS_W -1 : 0] combi_addr_reg;
+   generate
+         if (AV_MAX_SYMBOL_BURST > UAV_ADDRESS_W - 1) begin
+            assign combi_burst_addr_reg = { uav_address_pre[UAV_ADDRESS_W-1:0] + AV_SYMBOLS_PER_WORD[UAV_ADDRESS_W-1:0] };
+            assign combi_addr_reg = { address_register[UAV_ADDRESS_W-1:0] + AV_SYMBOLS_PER_WORD[UAV_ADDRESS_W-1:0] };
+         end
+         else begin
+            assign combi_burst_addr_reg = { uav_address_pre[UAV_ADDRESS_W - 1 : AV_MAX_SYMBOL_BURST], uav_address_pre[AV_MAX_SYMBOL_BURST_MINUS_ONE:0] + AV_SYMBOLS_PER_WORD[AV_MAX_SYMBOL_BURST_MINUS_ONE:0] };
+            assign combi_addr_reg = { address_register[UAV_ADDRESS_W - 1 : AV_MAX_SYMBOL_BURST], address_register[AV_MAX_SYMBOL_BURST_MINUS_ONE:0] + AV_SYMBOLS_PER_WORD[AV_MAX_SYMBOL_BURST_MINUS_ONE:0] };
+         end
+      end
+      else begin
+         assign combi_burst_addr_reg = uav_address_pre + AV_SYMBOLS_PER_WORD[UAV_ADDRESS_H_OR_31:0];
+         assign combi_addr_reg = address_register + AV_SYMBOLS_PER_WORD[UAV_ADDRESS_H_OR_31:0];
+      end
+   endgenerate
+   always @(posedge clk, posedge reset) begin
+      if (reset) begin
+         address_register <= '0;
+         burstcount_register_lint <= '0;
+      end else begin
+         address_register <= address_register;
+         burstcount_register_lint <= burstcount_register_lint;
+         if (internal_beginbursttransfer || first_burst_stalled) begin
+            if (av_waitrequest) begin
+               address_register <= uav_address_pre;
+               burstcount_register_lint[UAV_BURSTCOUNT_W - 1 : 0] <= uav_burstcount_pre;
+            end else begin
+               address_register <= combi_burst_addr_reg;
+               burstcount_register_lint <= uav_burstcount_pre - symbols_per_word;
+            end
+         end else if (internal_begintransfer || burst_stalled) begin
+            if (~av_waitrequest) begin
+               address_register <= combi_addr_reg;
+               burstcount_register_lint <= burstcount_register - symbols_per_word;
+            end
+         end
+      end
+   end
+   always @(posedge clk, posedge reset) begin
+      if (reset) begin
+         first_burst_stalled <= 1'b0;
+         burst_stalled <= 1'b0;
+      end else begin
+         if (internal_beginbursttransfer || first_burst_stalled) begin
+            if (av_waitrequest) begin
+               first_burst_stalled <= 1'b1;
+            end else begin
+               first_burst_stalled <= 1'b0;
+            end
+         end else if (internal_begintransfer || burst_stalled) begin
+            if (~av_waitrequest) begin
+               burst_stalled <= 1'b0;
+            end else begin
+               burst_stalled <= 1'b1;
+            end
+         end
+      end
+   end
+   // -------------------------------------------------
+   // Waitrequest translation
+   // -------------------------------------------------
+   always @(posedge clk, posedge reset) begin
+      if (reset)
+         read_accepted <= 1'b0;
+      else begin
+         read_accepted <= read_accepted;
+         if (read_accepted == 0)
+            read_accepted <= av_waitrequest ? uav_read_pre & ~uav_waitrequest : 1'b0;
+         else if (read_accepted == 1 && uav_readdatavalid == 1)  // reset acceptance only when rdv arrives
+            read_accepted <= 1'b0;
+      end
+   end
+   reg write_accepted = 0;
+   generate if (AV_REGISTERINCOMINGSIGNALS) begin
+      always @(posedge clk, posedge reset) begin
+         if (reset)
+            write_accepted <= 1'b0;
+         else begin
+            write_accepted <=
+            ~av_waitrequest ? 1'b0 :
+            uav_write & ~uav_waitrequest? 1'b1 :
+            write_accepted;
+         end
+      end
+   end endgenerate
+   always_comb begin
+      av_waitrequest = uav_waitrequest;
+      if (USE_READDATAVALID == 0) begin
+         av_waitrequest = uav_read_pre ? ~uav_readdatavalid : uav_waitrequest;
+      end
+         av_waitrequest =
+            uav_read_pre ? ~uav_readdatavalid :
+            uav_write_pre ? (internal_begintransfer | uav_waitrequest) & ~write_accepted :
+            1'b1;
+      end
+      if (USE_WAITREQUEST == 0) begin
+         av_waitrequest = 0;
+      end
+   end
+   // -------------------------------------------------
+   // Determine the output read and write signals from 
+   // the read/write/chipselect input signals.
+   // -------------------------------------------------
+   always_comb begin
+      uav_write      =  1'b0;
+      uav_write_pre  =  1'b0;
+      uav_read       =  1'b0;
+      uav_read_pre   =  1'b0;
+      if (!USE_CHIPSELECT) begin
+         if (USE_READ) begin
+            uav_read_pre = av_read;
+         end
+         if (USE_WRITE) begin
+            uav_write_pre = av_write;
+         end
+      end else begin
+         if (!USE_WRITE && USE_READ) begin
+            uav_write_pre = av_chipselect & ~av_read;
+            uav_read_pre = av_read;
+         end else if (!USE_READ && USE_WRITE) begin
+            uav_write_pre = av_write;
+            uav_read_pre = av_chipselect & ~av_write;
+         end else if (USE_READ && USE_WRITE) begin
+            uav_write_pre = av_write;
+            uav_read_pre = av_read;
+         end
+      end
+      if (USE_READDATAVALID == 0)
+         uav_read = uav_read_pre & ~read_accepted;
+      else
+         uav_read = uav_read_pre;
+         uav_write = uav_write_pre;
+      else
+         uav_write = uav_write_pre & ~write_accepted;
+   end
+   // -------------------------------------------------
+   // Begintransfer assignment
+   // -------------------------------------------------
+   reg end_begintransfer;
+   always_comb begin
+      if (USE_BEGINTRANSFER) begin
+         internal_begintransfer = av_begintransfer;
+      end else begin
+         internal_begintransfer = ( uav_write | uav_read ) & ~end_begintransfer;
+      end
+   end
+   always @(posedge clk or posedge reset) begin
+      if (reset) begin
+         end_begintransfer <= 1'b0;
+      end else begin
+         if (internal_begintransfer == 1 && uav_waitrequest)
+            end_begintransfer <= 1'b1;
+         else if (uav_waitrequest)
+            end_begintransfer <= end_begintransfer;
+         else
+            end_begintransfer <= 1'b0;
+      end
+   end
+   // -------------------------------------------------
+   // Beginbursttransfer assignment
+   // -------------------------------------------------
+   reg   end_beginbursttransfer;
+   wire  last_burst_transfer_pre;
+   wire  last_burst_transfer_reg;
+   wire  last_burst_transfer;
+   // compare values before the mux to shorten critical path; benchmark before changing
+   assign last_burst_transfer_pre = (uav_burstcount_pre == symbols_per_word);
+   assign last_burst_transfer_reg = (burstcount_register == symbols_per_word);
+   assign last_burst_transfer     = (internal_beginbursttransfer) ? last_burst_transfer_pre : last_burst_transfer_reg;
+   always_comb begin
+         internal_beginbursttransfer = av_beginbursttransfer;
+      end else begin
+         internal_beginbursttransfer = uav_read ? internal_begintransfer : internal_begintransfer && ~end_beginbursttransfer;
+      end
+   end
+   always @(posedge clk or posedge reset) begin
+      if (reset) begin
+         end_beginbursttransfer <= 1'b0;
+      end else begin
+         end_beginbursttransfer <= end_beginbursttransfer;
+         if (last_burst_transfer && internal_begintransfer || uav_read) begin
+            end_beginbursttransfer <= 1'b0;
+         end
+         else if (uav_write && internal_begintransfer) begin
+            end_beginbursttransfer <= 1'b1;
+         end
+      end
+   end
+   // synthesis translate_off
+   // ------------------------------------------------
+   // check_1   : for waitrequest signal violation
+   //             Ensure that when waitreqeust is asserted, the master is not allowed to change its controls
+   // Exception : begintransfer / beginbursttransfer
+   //           : previously not in any transaction (idle)
+   // Note : Not checking clken which is not exactly part of Avalon controls/inputs
+   //      : Not using system verilog assertions (seq/prop) since it is not supported if using Modelsim_SE
+   // ------------------------------------------------
+   reg av_waitrequest_r;
+   reg av_write_r, av_read_r, av_lock_r, av_chipselect_r, av_debugaccess_r;
+   reg [AV_ADDRESS_W-1:0]    av_address_r;
+   reg [AV_BYTEENABLE_W-1:0] av_byteenable_r;
+   reg [AV_BURSTCOUNT_W-1:0] av_burstcount_r;
+   reg [AV_DATA_W-1:0]       av_writedata_r;
+   always @(posedge clk or posedge reset) begin
+      if (reset) begin
+         av_waitrequest_r           <= '0;
+         av_write_r                 <= '0;
+         av_read_r                  <= '0;
+         av_lock_r                  <= '0;
+         av_chipselect_r            <= '0;
+         av_debugaccess_r           <= '0;
+         av_address_r               <= '0;
+         av_byteenable_r            <= '0;
+         av_burstcount_r            <= '0;
+         av_writedata_r             <= '0;
+      end else begin
+         av_waitrequest_r           <= av_waitrequest;
+         av_write_r                 <= av_write;
+         av_read_r                  <= av_read;
+         av_lock_r                  <= av_lock;
+         av_chipselect_r            <= av_chipselect;
+         av_debugaccess_r           <= av_debugaccess;
+         av_address_r               <= av_address;
+         av_byteenable_r            <= av_byteenable;
+         av_burstcount_r            <= av_burstcount;
+         av_writedata_r             <= av_writedata;
+         if (
+            av_waitrequest_r && // When waitrequest is asserted
+            (
+               (av_write                  != av_write_r) ||   // Checks that : Input controls/data does not change
+               (av_read                   != av_read_r)  ||
+               (av_lock                   != av_lock_r)  ||
+               (av_debugaccess            != av_debugaccess_r) ||
+               (av_address                != av_address_r) ||
+               (av_byteenable             != av_byteenable_r) ||
+               (av_burstcount             != av_burstcount_r)
+            )  &&
+            (av_write_r | av_read_r) &&         // Check only when : previously initiated a write/read
+            (!USE_CHIPSELECT | av_chipselect_r) //                   and chipselect was asserted (or unused)
+         ) begin
+            $display( "%t: %m: Error: Input controls/data changed while av_waitrequest is asserted.", $time());
+            $display("av_address                %x --> %x", av_address_r               , av_address               );
+            $display("av_byteenable             %x --> %x", av_byteenable_r            , av_byteenable            );
+            $display("av_burstcount             %x --> %x", av_burstcount_r            , av_burstcount            );
+            $display("av_writedata              %x --> %x", av_writedata_r             , av_writedata             );
+            $display("av_write                  %x --> %x", av_write_r                 , av_write                 );
+            $display("av_read                   %x --> %x", av_read_r                  , av_read                  );
+            $display("av_lock                   %x --> %x", av_lock_r                  , av_lock                  );
+            $display("av_chipselect             %x --> %x", av_chipselect_r            , av_chipselect            );
+            $display("av_debugaccess            %x --> %x", av_debugaccess_r           , av_debugaccess           );
+         end
+      end
+   // end check_1
+   end
+  // synthesis translate_on

+ 622 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,622 @@
+// (C) 2001-2019 Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.
+// Your use of Intel Corporation's design tools, logic functions and other 
+// software and tools, and its AMPP partner logic functions, and any output 
+// files from any of the foregoing (including device programming or simulation 
+// files), and any associated documentation or information are expressly subject 
+// to the terms and conditions of the Intel Program License Subscription 
+// Agreement, Intel FPGA IP License Agreement, or other applicable 
+// license agreement, including, without limitation, that your use is for the 
+// sole purpose of programming logic devices manufactured by Intel and sold by 
+// Intel or its authorized distributors.  Please refer to the applicable 
+// agreement for further details.
+// (C) 2001-2011 Altera Corporation. All rights reserved.
+// Your use of Altera Corporation's design tools, logic functions and other 
+// software and tools, and its AMPP partner logic functions, and any output 
+// files any of the foregoing (including device programming or simulation 
+// files), and any associated documentation or information are expressly subject 
+// to the terms and conditions of the Altera Program License Subscription 
+// Agreement, Altera MegaCore Function License Agreement, or other applicable 
+// license agreement, including, without limitation, that your use is for the 
+// sole purpose of programming logic devices manufactured by Altera and sold by 
+// Altera or its authorized distributors.  Please refer to the applicable 
+// agreement for further details.
+// $Id: //acds/rel/19.1std/ip/merlin/altera_merlin_slave_agent/altera_merlin_slave_agent.sv#1 $
+// $Revision: #1 $
+// $Date: 2018/11/07 $
+// $Author: psgswbuild $
+`timescale 1 ns / 1 ns
+module altera_merlin_slave_agent
+   // Packet parameters
+   parameter PKT_BEGIN_BURST           = 81,
+   parameter PKT_DATA_H                = 31,
+   parameter PKT_DATA_L                = 0,
+   parameter PKT_SYMBOL_W              = 8,
+   parameter PKT_BYTEEN_H              = 71,
+   parameter PKT_BYTEEN_L              = 68,
+   parameter PKT_ADDR_H                = 63,
+   parameter PKT_ADDR_L                = 32,
+   parameter PKT_TRANS_LOCK            = 87,
+   parameter PKT_TRANS_COMPRESSED_READ = 67,
+   parameter PKT_TRANS_POSTED          = 66, 
+   parameter PKT_TRANS_WRITE           = 65,
+   parameter PKT_TRANS_READ            = 64,
+   parameter PKT_SRC_ID_H              = 74,
+   parameter PKT_SRC_ID_L              = 72,
+   parameter PKT_DEST_ID_H             = 77,
+   parameter PKT_DEST_ID_L             = 75,
+   parameter PKT_BURSTWRAP_H           = 85,
+   parameter PKT_BURSTWRAP_L           = 82,
+   parameter PKT_BYTE_CNT_H            = 81,
+   parameter PKT_BYTE_CNT_L            = 78,
+   parameter PKT_PROTECTION_H          = 86,
+   parameter PKT_PROTECTION_L          = 86,
+   parameter PKT_RESPONSE_STATUS_H     = 89,
+   parameter PKT_RESPONSE_STATUS_L     = 88,
+   parameter PKT_BURST_SIZE_H          = 92,
+   parameter PKT_BURST_SIZE_L          = 90,
+   parameter PKT_ORI_BURST_SIZE_L      = 93,
+   parameter PKT_ORI_BURST_SIZE_H      = 95,
+   parameter ST_DATA_W                 = 96,
+   parameter ST_CHANNEL_W              = 32,
+   // Slave parameters
+   parameter ADDR_W           = PKT_ADDR_H - PKT_ADDR_L + 1,
+   parameter AVS_DATA_W       = PKT_DATA_H - PKT_DATA_L + 1,
+   parameter AVS_BURSTCOUNT_W = 4,
+   parameter PKT_SYMBOLS      = AVS_DATA_W / PKT_SYMBOL_W,
+   // Slave agent parameters
+   parameter PREVENT_FIFO_OVERFLOW = 0,
+   parameter SUPPRESS_0_BYTEEN_CMD = 1,
+   parameter USE_READRESPONSE      = 0,
+   parameter USE_WRITERESPONSE     = 0,
+   // Derived slave parameters
+   parameter AVS_BE_W = PKT_BYTEEN_H - PKT_BYTEEN_L + 1,
+   parameter BURST_SIZE_W = 3,
+   // Derived FIFO width
+   parameter FIFO_DATA_W = ST_DATA_W + 1,
+   // ECC parameter
+   parameter ECC_ENABLE = 0
+) (
+   input                         clk,
+   input                         reset,
+   // Universal-Avalon anti-slave
+   output [ADDR_W-1:0]           m0_address,
+   output [AVS_BURSTCOUNT_W-1:0] m0_burstcount,
+   output [AVS_BE_W-1:0]         m0_byteenable,
+   output                        m0_read,
+   input [AVS_DATA_W-1:0]        m0_readdata,
+   input                         m0_waitrequest,
+   output                        m0_write,
+   output [AVS_DATA_W-1:0]       m0_writedata,
+   input                         m0_readdatavalid,
+   output                        m0_debugaccess,
+   output                        m0_lock,
+   input [1:0]                   m0_response,
+   input                         m0_writeresponsevalid,
+   // Avalon-ST FIFO interfaces.
+   // Note: there's no need to include the "data" field here, at least for
+   // reads, since readdata is filled in from slave info.  To keep life
+   // simple, have a data field, but fill it with 0s.
+   // Av-st response fifo source interface
+   output reg [FIFO_DATA_W-1:0]  rf_source_data,
+   output                        rf_source_valid,
+   output                        rf_source_startofpacket,
+   output                        rf_source_endofpacket,
+   input                         rf_source_ready,
+   // Av-st response fifo sink interface
+   input [FIFO_DATA_W-1:0]       rf_sink_data,
+   input                         rf_sink_valid,
+   input                         rf_sink_startofpacket,
+   input                         rf_sink_endofpacket,
+   output                        rf_sink_ready,
+   // Av-st readdata fifo src interface, data and response
+   // extra 2 bits for storing RESPONSE STATUS
+   output [AVS_DATA_W+1:0]       rdata_fifo_src_data,
+   output                        rdata_fifo_src_valid,
+   input                         rdata_fifo_src_ready,
+   // Av-st readdata fifo sink interface
+   input [AVS_DATA_W+1:0]        rdata_fifo_sink_data,
+   input                         rdata_fifo_sink_valid,
+   output                        rdata_fifo_sink_ready,
+   input                         rdata_fifo_sink_error,
+   // Av-st sink command packet interface
+   output                        cp_ready,
+   input                         cp_valid,
+   input [ST_DATA_W-1:0]         cp_data,
+   input [ST_CHANNEL_W-1:0]      cp_channel,
+   input                         cp_startofpacket,
+   input                         cp_endofpacket,
+   // Av-st source response packet interface
+   input                         rp_ready,
+   output reg                    rp_valid,
+   output reg [ST_DATA_W-1:0]    rp_data,
+   output                        rp_startofpacket,
+   output                        rp_endofpacket
+   // --------------------------------------------------
+   // Ceil(log2()) function log2ceil of 4 = 2
+   // --------------------------------------------------
+   function integer log2ceil;
+      input reg[63:0] val;
+      reg [63:0] i;
+      begin
+         i = 1;
+         log2ceil = 0;
+         while (i < val) begin
+            log2ceil = log2ceil + 1;
+            i = i << 1;
+         end
+      end
+   endfunction     
+   // ------------------------------------------------
+   // Local Parameters
+   // ------------------------------------------------
+   localparam DATA_W       = PKT_DATA_H - PKT_DATA_L + 1;
+   localparam BE_W         = PKT_BYTEEN_H - PKT_BYTEEN_L + 1;
+   localparam MID_W        = PKT_SRC_ID_H - PKT_SRC_ID_L + 1;
+   localparam SID_W        = PKT_DEST_ID_H - PKT_DEST_ID_L + 1;
+   localparam BYTE_CNT_W   = PKT_BYTE_CNT_H - PKT_BYTE_CNT_L + 1;
+   localparam BITS_TO_MASK = log2ceil(PKT_SYMBOLS);
+   localparam MAX_BURST    = 1 << (AVS_BURSTCOUNT_W - 1);
+   localparam BURSTING     = (MAX_BURST > PKT_SYMBOLS);
+   // ------------------------------------------------
+   // Signals
+   // ------------------------------------------------
+   wire [DATA_W-1:0]      cmd_data;
+   wire [BE_W-1:0]        cmd_byteen;
+   wire [ADDR_W-1:0]      cmd_addr;
+   wire [MID_W-1:0]       cmd_mid;
+   wire [SID_W-1:0]       cmd_sid;
+   wire                   cmd_read;
+   wire                   cmd_write;
+   wire                   cmd_compressed;
+   wire                   cmd_posted;
+   wire [BYTE_CNT_W-1:0]  cmd_byte_cnt;
+   wire [BURSTWRAP_W-1:0] cmd_burstwrap;
+   wire [BURSTSIZE_W-1:0] cmd_burstsize;
+   wire                   cmd_debugaccess;
+   wire                   suppress_cmd;
+   wire                   byteen_asserted;
+   wire                   suppress_read;
+   wire                   suppress_write;
+   wire                   needs_response_synthesis;
+   wire                   generate_response;
+   // Assign command fields
+   assign cmd_data         = cp_data[PKT_DATA_H  :PKT_DATA_L  ];
+   assign cmd_byteen       = cp_data[PKT_BYTEEN_H:PKT_BYTEEN_L];
+   assign cmd_addr         = cp_data[PKT_ADDR_H  :PKT_ADDR_L  ];
+   assign cmd_compressed   = cp_data[PKT_TRANS_COMPRESSED_READ];
+   assign cmd_posted       = cp_data[PKT_TRANS_POSTED];
+   assign cmd_write        = cp_data[PKT_TRANS_WRITE];
+   assign cmd_read         = cp_data[PKT_TRANS_READ];
+   assign cmd_mid          = cp_data[PKT_SRC_ID_H :PKT_SRC_ID_L];
+   assign cmd_sid          = cp_data[PKT_DEST_ID_H:PKT_DEST_ID_L];
+   assign cmd_byte_cnt     = cp_data[PKT_BYTE_CNT_H:PKT_BYTE_CNT_L];
+   assign cmd_burstwrap    = cp_data[PKT_BURSTWRAP_H:PKT_BURSTWRAP_L];
+   assign cmd_burstsize    = cp_data[PKT_BURST_SIZE_H:PKT_BURST_SIZE_L];
+   assign cmd_debugaccess  = cp_data[PKT_PROTECTION_L];
+   // Local "ready_for_command" signal: deasserted when the agent is unable to accept
+   // another command, e.g. rdv FIFO is full, (local readdata storage is full &&
+   // ~rp_ready), ...
+   // Say, this could depend on the type of command, for example, even if the
+   // rdv FIFO is full, a write request can be accepted.  For later.
+   wire ready_for_command;
+   wire local_lock  = cp_valid & cp_data[PKT_TRANS_LOCK];
+   wire local_write = cp_valid & cp_data[PKT_TRANS_WRITE];
+   wire local_read  = cp_valid & cp_data[PKT_TRANS_READ];
+   wire local_compressed_read = cp_valid & cp_data[PKT_TRANS_COMPRESSED_READ];
+   wire nonposted_write_endofpacket = ~cp_data[PKT_TRANS_POSTED] & local_write & cp_endofpacket;
+   // num_symbols is PKT_SYMBOLS, appropriately sized.
+   wire [31:0] int_num_symbols = PKT_SYMBOLS;
+   wire [BYTE_CNT_W-1:0] num_symbols = int_num_symbols[BYTE_CNT_W-1:0];
+   generate
+      if (PREVENT_FIFO_OVERFLOW) begin : prevent_fifo_overflow_block
+         // ---------------------------------------------------
+         // Backpressure if the slave says to, or if FIFO overflow may occur.
+         // 
+         // All commands are backpressured once the FIFO is full
+         // even if they don't need storage. This breaks a long
+         // combinatorial path from the master read/write through
+         // this logic and back to the master via the backpressure
+         // path.
+         //
+         // To avoid a loss of throughput the FIFO will be parameterized 
+         // one slot deeper. The extra slot should never be used in normal
+         // operation, but should a slave misbehave and accept one more
+         // read than it should then backpressure will kick in.
+         //
+         // An example: assume a slave with MPRT = 2. It can accept a
+         // command sequence RRWW without backpressuring. If the FIFO is
+         // only 2 deep, we'd backpressure the writes leading to loss of
+         // throughput. If the FIFO is 3 deep, we'll only backpressure when
+         // RRR... which is an illegal condition anyway.
+         // ---------------------------------------------------
+         assign ready_for_command = rf_source_ready;
+         assign cp_ready = (~m0_waitrequest | suppress_cmd) && ready_for_command;
+      end else begin : no_prevent_fifo_overflow_block
+         // Do not suppress the command or the slave will
+         // not be able to waitrequest
+         assign ready_for_command = 1'b1;
+         // Backpressure only if the slave says to.
+         assign cp_ready = ~m0_waitrequest | suppress_cmd;
+      end
+   endgenerate
+   generate if (SUPPRESS_0_BYTEEN_CMD && !BURSTING) begin : suppress_0_byteen_cmd_non_bursting
+      assign byteen_asserted  = |cmd_byteen;
+      assign suppress_read    = ~byteen_asserted;
+      assign suppress_write   = ~byteen_asserted;
+      assign suppress_cmd     = ~byteen_asserted;
+   end else if (SUPPRESS_0_BYTEEN_CMD && BURSTING) begin: suppress_0_byteen_cmd_bursting
+      assign byteen_asserted  = |cmd_byteen;
+      assign suppress_read    = ~byteen_asserted;
+      assign suppress_write   = 1'b0;
+      assign suppress_cmd     = ~byteen_asserted && cmd_read;
+   end else begin : no_suppress_0_byteen_cmd
+      assign suppress_read    = 1'b0;
+      assign suppress_write   = 1'b0;
+      assign suppress_cmd     = 1'b0;
+   end
+   endgenerate
+   // -------------------------------------------------------------------
+   // Extract avalon signals from command packet.
+   // -------------------------------------------------------------------
+   // Mask off the lower bits of address.
+   // The burst adapter before this component will break narrow sized packets
+   // into sub-bursts of length 1. However, the packet addresses are preserved,
+   // which means this component may see size-aligned addresses.
+   //
+   // Masking ensures that the addresses seen by an Avalon slave are aligned to 
+   // the full data width instead of the size.
+   //
+   // Example:
+   // output from burst adapter (datawidth=4, size=2 bytes):
+   // subburst1 addr=0, subburst2 addr=2, subburst3 addr=4, subburst4 addr=6
+   // expected output from slave agent:
+   // subburst1 addr=0, subburst2 addr=0, subburst3 addr=4, subburst4 addr=4
+   generate 
+      if (BITS_TO_MASK > 0) begin : mask_address
+         assign m0_address = { cmd_addr[ADDR_W-1:BITS_TO_MASK], {BITS_TO_MASK{1'b0}} };
+      end else begin : no_mask_address
+         assign m0_address = cmd_addr;
+      end
+   endgenerate
+   assign m0_byteenable = cmd_byteen;
+   assign m0_writedata  = cmd_data;
+   // Note: no Avalon-MM slave in existence accepts uncompressed read bursts -
+   // this sort of burst exists only in merlin fabric ST packets. What to do
+   // if we see such a burst? All beats in that burst need to be transmitted
+   // to the slave so we have enough space-time for byteenable expression.
+   //
+   // There can be multiple bursts in a packet, but only one beat per burst
+   // in <most> cases. The exception is when we've decided not to insert a
+   // burst adapter for efficiency reasons, in which case this agent is also
+   // responsible for driving burstcount to 1 on each beat of an uncompressed
+   // read burst.
+   assign m0_read = ready_for_command & !suppress_read & (local_compressed_read | local_read);
+   generate 
+       // AVS_BURSTCOUNT_W and BYTE_CNT_W may not be equal.  Assign m0_burstcount
+       // from a sub-range, or 0-pad, as appropriate.
+       if (AVS_BURSTCOUNT_W > BYTE_CNT_W) begin : m0_burstcount_zero_pad
+          wire [AVS_BURSTCOUNT_W - BYTE_CNT_W - 1 : 0] zero_pad = {(AVS_BURSTCOUNT_W - BYTE_CNT_W) {1'b0}};
+          assign m0_burstcount = (local_read & ~local_compressed_read) ?
+             {zero_pad, num_symbols} :
+             {zero_pad, cmd_byte_cnt};
+       end
+       else begin : m0_burstcount_no_pad
+          assign m0_burstcount = (local_read & ~local_compressed_read) ? 
+          num_symbols[AVS_BURSTCOUNT_W-1:0] : 
+          cmd_byte_cnt[AVS_BURSTCOUNT_W-1:0];
+       end
+   endgenerate
+   assign m0_write = ready_for_command & local_write & !suppress_write;
+   assign m0_lock  = ready_for_command & local_lock & (m0_read | m0_write);
+   assign m0_debugaccess  = cmd_debugaccess;
+   // -------------------------------------------------------------------
+   // Indirection layer for response packet values.  Some may always wire
+   // directly from the slave translator; others will no doubt emerge from
+   // various FIFOs.
+   // What to put in resp_data when a write occured? Answer: it does not
+   // matter, because only response status is needed for non-posted writes,
+   // and the packet already has a field for that.
+   //
+   // We use the rdata_fifo to store write responses as well. This allows us
+   // to handle backpressure on the response path, and allows write response
+   // merging.
+   assign rdata_fifo_src_valid = m0_readdatavalid | m0_writeresponsevalid;
+   assign rdata_fifo_src_data  = {m0_response, m0_readdata};
+   // ------------------------------------------------------------------
+   // Generate a token when read commands are suppressed. The token
+   // is stored in the response FIFO, and will be used to synthesize 
+   // a read response. The same token is used for non-posted write
+   // response synthesis.
+   //
+   // Note: this token is not generated for suppressed uncompressed read cycles;
+   // the burst uncompression logic at the read side of the response FIFO
+   // generates the correct number of responses.
+   //
+   // When the slave can return the response, let it do its job. Don't 
+   // synthesize a response in that case, unless we've suppressed the
+   // the last transfer in a write sub-burst.
+   // ------------------------------------------------------------------
+   wire write_end_of_subburst;
+   assign needs_response_synthesis = ((local_read | local_compressed_read) & suppress_read) || 
+                                        (!USE_WRITERESPONSE && nonposted_write_endofpacket) ||
+                                        (USE_WRITERESPONSE && write_end_of_subburst && suppress_write);
+   // Avalon-ST interfaces to external response FIFO.
+   //
+   // For efficiency, when synthesizing a write response we only store a non-posted write 
+   // transaction at its endofpacket, even if it was split into multiple sub-bursts.
+   //
+   // When not synthesizing write responses, we store each sub-burst in the FIFO.
+   // Each sub-burst to the slave will return a response, which corresponds to one 
+   // entry in the FIFO. We merge all the sub-burst responses on the final
+   // sub-burst and send it on the response channel.
+   wire internal_cp_endofburst;
+   wire [31:0] minimum_bytecount_wire = PKT_SYMBOLS; // to solve qis warning
+   wire [AVS_BURSTCOUNT_W-1:0] minimum_bytecount;
+   assign minimum_bytecount = minimum_bytecount_wire[AVS_BURSTCOUNT_W-1:0];
+   assign internal_cp_endofburst = (cmd_byte_cnt == minimum_bytecount);
+   assign write_end_of_subburst = local_write & internal_cp_endofburst;
+   assign rf_source_valid = (local_read | local_compressed_read | (nonposted_write_endofpacket && !USE_WRITERESPONSE) | (USE_WRITERESPONSE && internal_cp_endofburst && local_write))
+                             & ready_for_command & cp_ready;
+   assign rf_source_startofpacket = cp_startofpacket;
+   assign rf_source_endofpacket   = cp_endofpacket;
+   always @* begin
+      // default: assign every command packet field to the response FIFO...
+      rf_source_data                                  = {1'b0, cp_data};
+      // ... and override select fields as needed.
+      rf_source_data[FIFO_DATA_W-1]                      = needs_response_synthesis;
+      rf_source_data[PKT_DATA_H   :PKT_DATA_L]           = {DATA_W {1'b0}};
+      rf_source_data[PKT_BYTEEN_H :PKT_BYTEEN_L]         = cmd_byteen;
+      rf_source_data[PKT_ADDR_H   :PKT_ADDR_L]           = cmd_addr;
+      rf_source_data[PKT_TRANS_COMPRESSED_READ]          = cmd_compressed;
+      rf_source_data[PKT_TRANS_POSTED]                   = cmd_posted;
+      rf_source_data[PKT_TRANS_WRITE]                    = cmd_write;
+      rf_source_data[PKT_TRANS_READ]                     = cmd_read;
+      rf_source_data[PKT_SRC_ID_H :PKT_SRC_ID_L]         = cmd_mid;
+      rf_source_data[PKT_DEST_ID_H:PKT_DEST_ID_L]        = cmd_sid;
+      rf_source_data[PKT_BYTE_CNT_H:PKT_BYTE_CNT_L]      = cmd_byte_cnt;
+      rf_source_data[PKT_BURSTWRAP_H:PKT_BURSTWRAP_L]    = cmd_burstwrap;
+      rf_source_data[PKT_BURST_SIZE_H:PKT_BURST_SIZE_L]  = cmd_burstsize;
+      rf_source_data[PKT_PROTECTION_H:PKT_PROTECTION_L]  = '0;
+      rf_source_data[PKT_PROTECTION_L]                   = cmd_debugaccess;
+   end
+   wire uncompressor_source_valid;
+   wire [BURSTSIZE_W-1:0] uncompressor_burstsize;
+   wire last_write_response;
+   // last_write_response indicates the last response of the broken-up write burst (sub-bursts).
+   // At this time, the final merged response is sent, and rp_valid is only asserted
+   // once for the whole burst.
+   generate
+      if (USE_WRITERESPONSE) begin
+         assign last_write_response = rf_sink_data[PKT_TRANS_WRITE] & rf_sink_endofpacket;
+         always @* begin
+            if (rf_sink_data[PKT_TRANS_WRITE] == 1) 
+               rp_valid = (rdata_fifo_sink_valid | generate_response) & last_write_response & !rf_sink_data[PKT_TRANS_POSTED];
+            else
+               rp_valid = rdata_fifo_sink_valid | uncompressor_source_valid;
+         end
+      end else begin
+         assign last_write_response = 1'b0;
+         always @* begin
+            rp_valid = rdata_fifo_sink_valid | uncompressor_source_valid;
+         end
+      end
+   endgenerate
+   // ------------------------------------------------------------------
+   // Response merging
+   // ------------------------------------------------------------------
+   reg [1:0] current_response;
+   reg [1:0] response_merged;
+   generate
+     if (USE_WRITERESPONSE) begin : response_merging_all
+        reg first_write_response;
+        reg reset_merged_output;
+        reg [1:0] previous_response_in;
+        reg [1:0]  previous_response;
+        always_ff @(posedge clk, posedge reset) begin
+           if (reset) begin
+              first_write_response  <= 1'b1;
+           end 
+           else begin // Merging work for write response, for read: previous_response_in = current_response
+              if (rf_sink_valid & (rdata_fifo_sink_valid | generate_response) & rf_sink_data[PKT_TRANS_WRITE]) begin
+                 first_write_response <= 1'b0;
+                 if (rf_sink_endofpacket)
+                    first_write_response <= 1'b1;
+              end
+           end
+        end
+        always_comb begin
+           current_response = generate_response ? 2'b00 : rdata_fifo_sink_data[AVS_DATA_W+1:AVS_DATA_W] | {2{rdata_fifo_sink_error}};
+           reset_merged_output = first_write_response && (rdata_fifo_sink_valid || generate_response);
+           previous_response_in = reset_merged_output ? current_response : previous_response;
+           response_merged = current_response >= previous_response ? current_response: previous_response_in;
+        end
+        always_ff @(posedge clk or posedge reset) begin
+           if (reset) begin 
+              previous_response <= 2'b00;
+           end
+           else begin
+              if (rf_sink_valid & (rdata_fifo_sink_valid || generate_response)) begin
+                 previous_response <= response_merged;
+              end
+           end
+        end
+     end else begin : response_merging_read_only
+        always @* begin
+           current_response = generate_response ? 2'b00: rdata_fifo_sink_data[AVS_DATA_W+1:AVS_DATA_W] | 
+                                                         {2{rdata_fifo_sink_error}};
+           response_merged = current_response;
+        end
+     end
+   endgenerate
+   assign generate_response = rf_sink_data[FIFO_DATA_W-1];
+   wire [BYTE_CNT_W-1:0]  rf_sink_byte_cnt   = rf_sink_data[PKT_BYTE_CNT_H:PKT_BYTE_CNT_L];
+   wire                   rf_sink_compressed = rf_sink_data[PKT_TRANS_COMPRESSED_READ];
+   wire [BURSTWRAP_W-1:0] rf_sink_burstwrap  = rf_sink_data[PKT_BURSTWRAP_H:PKT_BURSTWRAP_L];
+   wire [BURSTSIZE_W-1:0] rf_sink_burstsize  = rf_sink_data[PKT_BURST_SIZE_H:PKT_BURST_SIZE_L];
+   wire [ADDR_W-1:0]      rf_sink_addr       = rf_sink_data[PKT_ADDR_H:PKT_ADDR_L];
+   // a non posted write response is always completed in 1 cycle. Modify the startofpacket signal to 1'b1 instead of taking whatever is in the rf_fifo
+   wire rf_sink_startofpacket_wire = rf_sink_data[PKT_TRANS_WRITE] ? 1'b1 : rf_sink_startofpacket;    
+   wire [BYTE_CNT_W-1:0]   burst_byte_cnt;
+   wire [BURSTWRAP_W-1:0]  rp_burstwrap;
+   wire [ADDR_W-1:0]       rp_address;
+   wire                    rp_is_compressed;
+   wire                    ready_for_response;
+   // ------------------------------------------------------------------
+   // We're typically ready for a response if the network is ready. There
+   // is one exception:
+   //
+   // If the slave issues write responses, we only issue a merged response on 
+   // the final sub-burst. As a result, we only care about response channel 
+   // availability on the final burst when we send out the merged response.
+   // ------------------------------------------------------------------
+   assign ready_for_response = (USE_WRITERESPONSE) ? 
+                            rp_ready || (rf_sink_data[PKT_TRANS_WRITE] && !last_write_response) || rf_sink_data[PKT_TRANS_POSTED]: 
+                            rp_ready;
+   // ------------------------------------------------------------------
+   // Backpressure the readdata fifo if we're supposed to synthesize a response.
+   // This may be a read response (for suppressed reads) or a write response
+   // (for non-posted writes).
+   // ------------------------------------------------------------------
+   assign rdata_fifo_sink_ready = rdata_fifo_sink_valid & ready_for_response & ~(rf_sink_valid & generate_response);
+   always @* begin
+      // By default, return all fields...
+      rp_data                                               = rf_sink_data[ST_DATA_W - 1 : 0];
+      // ... and override specific fields.
+      rp_data[PKT_DATA_H   :PKT_DATA_L]                     = rdata_fifo_sink_data[AVS_DATA_W-1:0];
+      // Assignments directly from the response fifo.
+      rp_data[PKT_TRANS_POSTED]                             = rf_sink_data[PKT_TRANS_POSTED];
+      rp_data[PKT_TRANS_WRITE]                              = rf_sink_data[PKT_TRANS_WRITE];
+      rp_data[PKT_SRC_ID_H :PKT_SRC_ID_L]                   = rf_sink_data[PKT_DEST_ID_H : PKT_DEST_ID_L];
+      rp_data[PKT_DEST_ID_H:PKT_DEST_ID_L]                  = rf_sink_data[PKT_SRC_ID_H : PKT_SRC_ID_L];
+      rp_data[PKT_BYTEEN_H :PKT_BYTEEN_L]                   = rf_sink_data[PKT_BYTEEN_H : PKT_BYTEEN_L];
+      // Burst uncompressor assignments
+      rp_data[PKT_ADDR_H   :PKT_ADDR_L]                     = rp_address;
+      rp_data[PKT_BURSTWRAP_H:PKT_BURSTWRAP_L]              = rp_burstwrap;
+      rp_data[PKT_BYTE_CNT_H:PKT_BYTE_CNT_L]                = burst_byte_cnt;
+      rp_data[PKT_TRANS_READ]                               = rf_sink_data[PKT_TRANS_READ] | rf_sink_data[PKT_TRANS_COMPRESSED_READ];
+      rp_data[PKT_TRANS_COMPRESSED_READ]                    = rp_is_compressed;
+      rp_data[PKT_RESPONSE_STATUS_H:PKT_RESPONSE_STATUS_L]  = response_merged;
+      rp_data[PKT_BURST_SIZE_H:PKT_BURST_SIZE_L]            = uncompressor_burstsize;
+      // bounce the original size back to the master untouched
+   end
+   // ------------------------------------------------------------------
+   // Note: the burst uncompressor may be asked to generate responses for
+   // write packets; these are treated the same as single-cycle uncompressed 
+   // reads.
+   // ------------------------------------------------------------------
+   altera_merlin_burst_uncompressor #(
+      .ADDR_W               (ADDR_W),
+      .BURSTWRAP_W          (BURSTWRAP_W),
+      .BYTE_CNT_W           (BYTE_CNT_W),
+      .PKT_SYMBOLS          (PKT_SYMBOLS),
+      .BURST_SIZE_W         (BURSTSIZE_W)
+   ) uncompressor (
+      .clk                  (clk),
+      .reset                (reset),
+      .sink_startofpacket   (rf_sink_startofpacket_wire),
+      .sink_endofpacket     (rf_sink_endofpacket),
+      .sink_valid           (rf_sink_valid & (rdata_fifo_sink_valid | generate_response)),
+      .sink_ready           (rf_sink_ready),
+      .sink_addr            (rf_sink_addr),
+      .sink_burstwrap       (rf_sink_burstwrap),
+      .sink_byte_cnt        (rf_sink_byte_cnt),
+      .sink_is_compressed   (rf_sink_compressed),
+      .sink_burstsize       (rf_sink_burstsize),
+      .source_startofpacket (rp_startofpacket),
+      .source_endofpacket   (rp_endofpacket),
+      .source_valid         (uncompressor_source_valid),
+      .source_ready         (ready_for_response),
+      .source_addr          (rp_address),
+      .source_burstwrap     (rp_burstwrap),
+      .source_byte_cnt      (burst_byte_cnt),
+      .source_is_compressed (rp_is_compressed),
+      .source_burstsize     (uncompressor_burstsize)
+   );
+   //--------------------------------------
+   // Assertion: In case slave support response. The slave needs return response in order
+   // Ex: non-posted write followed by a read: write response must complete before read data 
+   //--------------------------------------
+   // synthesis translate_off      
+   ERROR_write_response_and_read_response_cannot_happen_same_time:
+   assert property ( @(posedge clk)
+      disable iff (reset) !(m0_writeresponsevalid  && m0_readdatavalid)
+   );    
+   // synthesis translate_on

+ 482 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,482 @@
+// (C) 2001-2019 Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.
+// Your use of Intel Corporation's design tools, logic functions and other 
+// software and tools, and its AMPP partner logic functions, and any output 
+// files from any of the foregoing (including device programming or simulation 
+// files), and any associated documentation or information are expressly subject 
+// to the terms and conditions of the Intel Program License Subscription 
+// Agreement, Intel FPGA IP License Agreement, or other applicable 
+// license agreement, including, without limitation, that your use is for the 
+// sole purpose of programming logic devices manufactured by Intel and sold by 
+// Intel or its authorized distributors.  Please refer to the applicable 
+// agreement for further details.
+// $Id: //acds/rel/19.1std/ip/merlin/altera_merlin_slave_translator/altera_merlin_slave_translator.sv#1 $
+// $Revision: #1 $
+// $Date: 2018/11/07 $
+// $Author: psgswbuild $
+// -------------------------------------
+// Merlin Slave Translator
+// Translates Universal Avalon  MM Slave
+// to any Avalon MM Slave
+// -------------------------------------
+//Notable Note: 0 AV_READLATENCY is not allowed and will be converted to a 1 cycle readlatency in all cases but one
+//If you declare a slave with fixed read timing requirements, the readlatency of such a slave will be allowed to be zero
+//The key feature here is that no same cycle turnaround data is processed through the fabric.
+//import avalon_utilities_pkg::*;
+`timescale 1 ns / 1 ns
+module altera_merlin_slave_translator #(
+   parameter
+   //Widths
+   AV_ADDRESS_W           = 32,
+   AV_DATA_W              = 32,
+   AV_BURSTCOUNT_W        = 4,
+   AV_BYTEENABLE_W        = 4,
+   UAV_BYTEENABLE_W       = 4,
+   //Read Latency
+   AV_READLATENCY          = 1,
+   //Timing
+   AV_READ_WAIT_CYCLES     = 0,
+   AV_DATA_HOLD_CYCLES     = 0,
+   //Optional Port Declarations
+   USE_READDATAVALID       = 1,
+   USE_WAITREQUEST         = 1,
+   USE_READRESPONSE        = 0,
+   USE_WRITERESPONSE       = 0,
+   //Variable Addressing
+   AV_SYMBOLS_PER_WORD     = 4,
+   AV_ADDRESS_SYMBOLS      = 0,
+   BITS_PER_WORD           = clog2_plusone(AV_SYMBOLS_PER_WORD - 1),
+   UAV_ADDRESS_W           = 38,
+   UAV_BURSTCOUNT_W        = 10,
+   UAV_DATA_W              = 32,
+   // Tightly-Coupled Options
+   USE_UAV_CLKEN           = 0,
+) (
+   // -------------------
+   // Clock & Reset
+   // -------------------
+   input wire                             clk,
+   input wire                             reset,
+   // -------------------
+   // Universal Avalon Slave
+   // -------------------
+   input wire [UAV_ADDRESS_W - 1 : 0]     uav_address,
+   input wire [UAV_DATA_W - 1 : 0]        uav_writedata,
+   input wire                             uav_write,
+   input wire                             uav_read,
+   input wire [UAV_BURSTCOUNT_W - 1 : 0]  uav_burstcount,
+   input wire [UAV_BYTEENABLE_W - 1 : 0]  uav_byteenable,
+   input wire                             uav_lock,
+   input wire                             uav_debugaccess,
+   input wire                             uav_clken,
+   output logic                           uav_readdatavalid,
+   output logic                           uav_waitrequest,
+   output logic [UAV_DATA_W - 1 : 0]      uav_readdata,
+   output logic [1:0]                     uav_response,
+   // input wire                             uav_writeresponserequest,
+   output logic                           uav_writeresponsevalid,
+   // -------------------
+   // Customizable Avalon Master
+   // -------------------
+   output logic [AV_ADDRESS_W - 1 : 0]    av_address,
+   output logic [AV_DATA_W - 1 : 0]       av_writedata,
+   output logic                           av_write,
+   output logic                           av_read,
+   output logic [AV_BURSTCOUNT_W - 1 : 0] av_burstcount,
+   output logic [AV_BYTEENABLE_W - 1 : 0] av_byteenable,
+   output logic [AV_BYTEENABLE_W - 1 : 0] av_writebyteenable,
+   output logic                           av_begintransfer,
+   output wire                            av_chipselect,
+   output logic                           av_beginbursttransfer,
+   output logic                           av_lock,
+   output wire                            av_clken,
+   output wire                            av_debugaccess,
+   output wire                            av_outputenable,
+   input logic [AV_DATA_W - 1 : 0]        av_readdata,
+   input logic                            av_readdatavalid,
+   input logic                            av_waitrequest,
+   input logic [1:0]                      av_response,
+   // output logic                           av_writeresponserequest,
+   input wire                             av_writeresponsevalid
+   function integer clog2_plusone;
+      input [31:0] Depth;
+      integer i;
+      begin
+         i = Depth;
+         for(clog2_plusone = 0; i > 0; clog2_plusone = clog2_plusone + 1)
+            i = i >> 1;
+      end
+   endfunction
+   function integer max;
+      //returns the larger of two passed arguments
+      input [31:0] one;
+      input [31:0] two;
+      if(one > two)
+         max=one;
+      else
+         max=two;
+   endfunction // int
+   localparam LOG2_OF_LATENCY_SUM       = max(clog2_plusone(AV_READ_WAIT_INDEXED + 1),clog2_plusone(AV_DATA_HOLD_INDEXED + 1));
+                                          AV_ADDRESS_W :
+                                          UAV_ADDRESS_W - ADDRESS_SHIFT_SELECTOR;
+                                          AV_BURSTCOUNT_W :
+                                          UAV_BURSTCOUNT_W - BURSTCOUNT_SHIFT_SELECTOR;
+   localparam BYTEENABLE_ADDRESS_BITS   = ( clog2_plusone(UAV_BYTEENABLE_W) - 1 ) >= 1 ? clog2_plusone(UAV_BYTEENABLE_W) - 1 : 1;
+   // Calculate the symbols per word as the power of 2 extended symbols per word
+   wire [31 : 0] symbols_per_word_int = 2**(clog2_plusone(AV_SYMBOLS_PER_WORD[UAV_BURSTCOUNT_W : 0] - 1));
+   wire [UAV_BURSTCOUNT_W-1 : 0] symbols_per_word = symbols_per_word_int[UAV_BURSTCOUNT_W-1 : 0];
+   // +--------------------------------
+   // |Backwards Compatibility Signals
+   // +--------------------------------
+   assign av_clken = (USE_UAV_CLKEN) ? uav_clken : 1'b1;
+   assign av_debugaccess = uav_debugaccess;
+   // +-------------------
+   // |Passthru Signals
+   // +-------------------
+   reg [1 : 0] av_response_delayed;
+   always @(posedge clk, posedge reset) begin
+      if (reset) begin
+         av_response_delayed <= 2'b0;
+      end else begin
+         av_response_delayed <= av_response;
+      end
+   end
+   always_comb
+   begin
+         uav_response = '0;
+      end else begin
+         if (AV_READLATENCY != 0 || USE_READDATAVALID) begin
+            uav_response = av_response;
+         end else begin
+            uav_response = av_response_delayed;
+         end
+      end
+   end
+   // assign av_writeresponserequest = uav_writeresponserequest;
+   assign uav_writeresponsevalid = av_writeresponsevalid;
+   //-------------------------
+   //Writedata and Byteenable
+   //-------------------------
+   always@* begin
+      av_byteenable = '0;
+      av_byteenable = uav_byteenable[AV_BYTEENABLE_W - 1 : 0];
+   end
+   always@* begin
+      av_writedata = '0;
+      av_writedata = uav_writedata[AV_DATA_W - 1 : 0];
+   end
+   // +-------------------
+   // |Calculated Signals
+   // +-------------------
+   logic [UAV_ADDRESS_W - 1 : 0 ] real_uav_address;
+   function [BYTEENABLE_ADDRESS_BITS - 1 : 0 ] decode_byteenable;
+      input [UAV_BYTEENABLE_W - 1 : 0 ] byteenable;
+      for(int i = 0 ; i < UAV_BYTEENABLE_W; i++ ) begin
+         if(byteenable[i] == 1) begin
+            return i;
+         end
+      end
+      return '0;
+   endfunction
+   reg [AV_BURSTCOUNT_W - 1 : 0] burstcount_reg;
+   reg [AV_ADDRESS_W    - 1 : 0] address_reg;
+   always@(posedge clk, posedge reset) begin
+      if(reset) begin
+         burstcount_reg <= '0;
+         address_reg    <= '0;
+      end else begin
+         burstcount_reg <= burstcount_reg;
+         address_reg    <= address_reg;
+         if(av_beginbursttransfer) begin
+            burstcount_reg <= uav_burstcount [ BURSTCOUNT_HIGH - 1 + BURSTCOUNT_SHIFT_SELECTOR : BURSTCOUNT_SHIFT_SELECTOR ];
+            address_reg    <= real_uav_address [ ADDRESS_HIGH - 1 + ADDRESS_SHIFT_SELECTOR : ADDRESS_SHIFT_SELECTOR ];
+         end
+      end
+   end
+   logic [BYTEENABLE_ADDRESS_BITS-1:0] temp_wire;
+   always@* begin
+         temp_wire = decode_byteenable(uav_byteenable);
+         real_uav_address = { uav_address[UAV_ADDRESS_W - 1 : BYTEENABLE_ADDRESS_BITS ], temp_wire[BYTEENABLE_ADDRESS_BITS - 1 : 0 ] };
+      end else begin
+         real_uav_address = uav_address;
+      end
+      av_address = real_uav_address[ADDRESS_HIGH - 1  + ADDRESS_SHIFT_SELECTOR : ADDRESS_SHIFT_SELECTOR ];
+      if( AV_CONSTANT_BURST_BEHAVIOR && !UAV_CONSTANT_BURST_BEHAVIOR && ~av_beginbursttransfer )
+         av_address = address_reg;
+   end
+   always@* begin
+      if( AV_CONSTANT_BURST_BEHAVIOR && !UAV_CONSTANT_BURST_BEHAVIOR && ~av_beginbursttransfer )
+         av_burstcount = burstcount_reg;
+   end
+   always@* begin
+      av_lock = uav_lock;
+   end
+   // -------------------
+   // Writebyteenable Assignment
+   // -------------------
+   always@* begin
+      av_writebyteenable = { (AV_BYTEENABLE_W){uav_write} } & uav_byteenable[AV_BYTEENABLE_W - 1 : 0];
+   end
+   // -------------------
+   // Waitrequest Assignment
+   // -------------------
+   reg av_waitrequest_generated;
+   reg av_waitrequest_generated_read;
+   reg av_waitrequest_generated_write;
+   reg waitrequest_reset_override;
+   reg [ ( LOG2_OF_LATENCY_SUM ? LOG2_OF_LATENCY_SUM - 1 : 0 ) : 0 ] wait_latency_counter;
+   always@(posedge reset, posedge clk) begin
+      if(reset) begin
+         wait_latency_counter <= '0;
+         waitrequest_reset_override <= 1'h1;
+      end else begin
+         waitrequest_reset_override <= 1'h0;
+         wait_latency_counter <= '0;
+         if( ~uav_waitrequest | waitrequest_reset_override )
+            wait_latency_counter <= '0;
+         else if( uav_read | uav_write )
+            wait_latency_counter <= wait_latency_counter + 1'h1;
+      end
+   end
+   always @* begin
+      av_read  = uav_read;
+      av_write = uav_write;
+      av_waitrequest_generated         = 1'h1;
+      av_waitrequest_generated_read    = 1'h1;
+      av_waitrequest_generated_write   = 1'h1;
+      if(LOG2_OF_LATENCY_SUM == 1)
+         av_waitrequest_generated = 0;
+      if(LOG2_OF_LATENCY_SUM > 1 && !USE_WAITREQUEST) begin
+         av_read  = wait_latency_counter >= AV_SETUP_WAIT_CYCLES && uav_read;
+         av_write = wait_latency_counter >= AV_SETUP_WAIT_CYCLES && uav_write && wait_latency_counter <= AV_WRITE_WAIT_INDEXED;
+         av_waitrequest_generated_read = wait_latency_counter != AV_READ_WAIT_INDEXED;
+         av_waitrequest_generated_write = wait_latency_counter != AV_DATA_HOLD_INDEXED;
+         if(uav_write)
+            av_waitrequest_generated = av_waitrequest_generated_write;
+         else
+            av_waitrequest_generated = av_waitrequest_generated_read;
+      end
+      if(USE_WAITREQUEST) begin
+         uav_waitrequest = av_waitrequest;
+      end else begin
+         uav_waitrequest = av_waitrequest_generated | waitrequest_reset_override;
+      end
+   end
+   // --------------
+   // Readdata Assignment
+   // --------------
+   reg[(AV_DATA_W ? AV_DATA_W -1 : 0 ): 0] av_readdata_pre;
+   always@(posedge clk, posedge reset) begin
+      if(reset)
+         av_readdata_pre <= 'b0;
+      else
+         av_readdata_pre <= av_readdata;
+   end
+   always@* begin
+      uav_readdata = {UAV_DATA_W{1'b0}};
+      if( AV_READLATENCY != 0  || USE_READDATAVALID ) begin
+         uav_readdata[AV_DATA_W-1:0] = av_readdata;
+      end else begin
+         uav_readdata[AV_DATA_W-1:0] = av_readdata_pre;
+      end
+   end
+   // -------------------
+   // Readdatavalid Assigment
+   // -------------------
+   reg[(AV_READLATENCY>0 ? AV_READLATENCY-1:0) :0] read_latency_shift_reg;
+   reg top_read_latency_shift_reg;
+   always@* begin
+      uav_readdatavalid=top_read_latency_shift_reg;
+      if(USE_READDATAVALID) begin
+         uav_readdatavalid = av_readdatavalid;
+      end
+   end
+   always@* begin
+      top_read_latency_shift_reg = uav_read & ~uav_waitrequest & ~waitrequest_reset_override;
+      if(AV_READLATENCY == 1 || AV_READLATENCY == 0 ) begin
+         top_read_latency_shift_reg=read_latency_shift_reg;
+      end
+      if (AV_READLATENCY > 1) begin
+         top_read_latency_shift_reg = read_latency_shift_reg[(AV_READLATENCY ? AV_READLATENCY-1 : 0)];
+      end
+   end
+   always@(posedge reset, posedge clk) begin
+      if (reset) begin
+         read_latency_shift_reg <= '0;
+      end else if (av_clken) begin
+         read_latency_shift_reg[0] <= uav_read && ~uav_waitrequest & ~waitrequest_reset_override;
+         for (int i=0; i+1 < AV_READLATENCY ; i+=1 ) begin
+            read_latency_shift_reg[i+1] <= read_latency_shift_reg[i];
+         end
+      end
+   end
+   // ------------
+   // Chipselect and OutputEnable
+   // ------------
+   reg av_chipselect_pre;
+   wire cs_extension;
+   reg av_outputenable_pre;
+   assign av_chipselect  = (uav_read | uav_write) ? 1'b1 : av_chipselect_pre;
+   assign cs_extension = ( (^ read_latency_shift_reg) & ~top_read_latency_shift_reg ) | ((| read_latency_shift_reg) & ~(^ read_latency_shift_reg));
+   assign av_outputenable = uav_read ? 1'b1 : av_outputenable_pre;
+   always@(posedge reset, posedge clk) begin
+      if(reset)
+         av_outputenable_pre <= 1'b0;
+      else if( AV_READLATENCY == 0  && AV_READ_WAIT_INDEXED != 0 )
+         av_outputenable_pre <= 0;
+      else
+         av_outputenable_pre <= cs_extension | uav_read;
+   end
+   always@(posedge reset, posedge clk) begin
+      if(reset) begin
+         av_chipselect_pre  <= 1'b0;
+      end else begin
+         av_chipselect_pre  <= 1'b0;
+            //The AV_READLATENCY term is only here to prevent chipselect from remaining asserted while read and write fall.
+            //There is no functional impact as 0 cycle transactions are treated as 1 cycle on the other side of the translator.
+            if(uav_read) begin
+               av_chipselect_pre <= 1'b1;
+            end else if(cs_extension == 1) begin
+               av_chipselect_pre <= 1'b1;
+            end
+         end
+      end
+   end
+   // -------------------
+   // Begintransfer Assigment
+   // -------------------
+   reg end_begintransfer;
+   always@* begin
+      av_begintransfer = ( uav_write | uav_read ) & ~end_begintransfer;
+   end
+   always@ ( posedge clk or posedge reset ) begin
+      if(reset) begin
+         end_begintransfer <= 1'b0;
+      end else begin
+         if(av_begintransfer == 1 && uav_waitrequest && ~waitrequest_reset_override)
+            end_begintransfer <= 1'b1;
+         else if(uav_waitrequest)
+            end_begintransfer <= end_begintransfer;
+         else
+            end_begintransfer <= 1'b0;
+      end
+   end
+   // -------------------
+   // Beginbursttransfer Assigment
+   // -------------------
+   reg end_beginbursttransfer;
+   reg in_transfer;
+   always@* begin
+      av_beginbursttransfer = uav_read ? av_begintransfer : (av_begintransfer && ~end_beginbursttransfer && ~in_transfer);
+   end
+   always@ ( posedge clk or posedge reset ) begin
+      if(reset) begin
+         end_beginbursttransfer <= 1'b0;
+         in_transfer <= 1'b0;
+      end else begin
+         end_beginbursttransfer <= uav_write & ( uav_burstcount != symbols_per_word );
+         if(uav_write && uav_burstcount == symbols_per_word)
+            in_transfer <=1'b0;
+         else if(uav_write)
+            in_transfer <=1'b1;
+      end
+   end

+ 30 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+# (C) 2001-2019 Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.
+# Your use of Intel Corporation's design tools, logic functions and other 
+# software and tools, and its AMPP partner logic functions, and any output 
+# files from any of the foregoing (including device programming or simulation 
+# files), and any associated documentation or information are expressly subject 
+# to the terms and conditions of the Intel Program License Subscription 
+# Agreement, Intel FPGA IP License Agreement, or other applicable 
+# license agreement, including, without limitation, that your use is for the 
+# sole purpose of programming logic devices manufactured by Intel and sold by 
+# Intel or its authorized distributors.  Please refer to the applicable 
+# agreement for further details.
+# +---------------------------------------------------
+# | Cut the async clear paths
+# +---------------------------------------------------
+set aclr_counter 0
+set clrn_counter 0
+set aclr_collection [get_pins -compatibility_mode -nocase -nowarn *|alt_rst_sync_uq1|altera_reset_synchronizer_int_chain*|aclr]
+set clrn_collection [get_pins -compatibility_mode -nocase -nowarn *|alt_rst_sync_uq1|altera_reset_synchronizer_int_chain*|clrn]
+set aclr_counter [get_collection_size $aclr_collection]
+set clrn_counter [get_collection_size $clrn_collection]
+if {$aclr_counter > 0} {
+    set_false_path -to [get_pins -compatibility_mode -nocase *|alt_rst_sync_uq1|altera_reset_synchronizer_int_chain*|aclr]
+if {$clrn_counter > 0} {
+    set_false_path -to [get_pins -compatibility_mode -nocase *|alt_rst_sync_uq1|altera_reset_synchronizer_int_chain*|clrn]

+ 319 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,319 @@
+// (C) 2001-2019 Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.
+// Your use of Intel Corporation's design tools, logic functions and other 
+// software and tools, and its AMPP partner logic functions, and any output 
+// files from any of the foregoing (including device programming or simulation 
+// files), and any associated documentation or information are expressly subject 
+// to the terms and conditions of the Intel Program License Subscription 
+// Agreement, Intel FPGA IP License Agreement, or other applicable 
+// license agreement, including, without limitation, that your use is for the 
+// sole purpose of programming logic devices manufactured by Intel and sold by 
+// Intel or its authorized distributors.  Please refer to the applicable 
+// agreement for further details.
+// (C) 2001-2013 Altera Corporation. All rights reserved.
+// Your use of Altera Corporation's design tools, logic functions and other 
+// software and tools, and its AMPP partner logic functions, and any output 
+// files any of the foregoing (including device programming or simulation 
+// files), and any associated documentation or information are expressly subject 
+// to the terms and conditions of the Altera Program License Subscription 
+// Agreement, Altera MegaCore Function License Agreement, or other applicable 
+// license agreement, including, without limitation, that your use is for the 
+// sole purpose of programming logic devices manufactured by Altera and sold by 
+// Altera or its authorized distributors.  Please refer to the applicable 
+// agreement for further details.
+// $Id: //acds/rel/19.1std/ip/merlin/altera_reset_controller/altera_reset_controller.v#1 $
+// $Revision: #1 $
+// $Date: 2018/11/07 $
+// $Author: psgswbuild $
+// --------------------------------------
+// Reset controller
+// Combines all the input resets and synchronizes
+// the result to the clk.
+// ACDS13.1 - Added reset request as part of reset sequencing
+// --------------------------------------
+`timescale 1 ns / 1 ns
+module altera_reset_controller
+    parameter NUM_RESET_INPUTS              = 6,
+    parameter USE_RESET_REQUEST_IN0 = 0,
+    parameter USE_RESET_REQUEST_IN1 = 0,
+    parameter USE_RESET_REQUEST_IN2 = 0,
+    parameter USE_RESET_REQUEST_IN3 = 0,
+    parameter USE_RESET_REQUEST_IN4 = 0,
+    parameter USE_RESET_REQUEST_IN5 = 0,
+    parameter USE_RESET_REQUEST_IN6 = 0,
+    parameter USE_RESET_REQUEST_IN7 = 0,
+    parameter USE_RESET_REQUEST_IN8 = 0,
+    parameter USE_RESET_REQUEST_IN9 = 0,
+    parameter USE_RESET_REQUEST_IN10 = 0,
+    parameter USE_RESET_REQUEST_IN11 = 0,
+    parameter USE_RESET_REQUEST_IN12 = 0,
+    parameter USE_RESET_REQUEST_IN13 = 0,
+    parameter USE_RESET_REQUEST_IN14 = 0,
+    parameter USE_RESET_REQUEST_IN15 = 0,
+    parameter OUTPUT_RESET_SYNC_EDGES       = "deassert",
+    parameter SYNC_DEPTH                    = 2,
+    parameter RESET_REQUEST_PRESENT         = 0,
+    parameter RESET_REQ_WAIT_TIME           = 3,
+    parameter MIN_RST_ASSERTION_TIME        = 11,
+    parameter RESET_REQ_EARLY_DSRT_TIME     = 4,
+    parameter ADAPT_RESET_REQUEST          = 0
+    // --------------------------------------
+    // We support up to 16 reset inputs, for now
+    // --------------------------------------
+    input reset_in0,
+    input reset_in1,
+    input reset_in2,
+    input reset_in3,
+    input reset_in4,
+    input reset_in5,
+    input reset_in6,
+    input reset_in7,
+    input reset_in8,
+    input reset_in9,
+    input reset_in10,
+    input reset_in11,
+    input reset_in12,
+    input reset_in13,
+    input reset_in14,
+    input reset_in15,
+    input reset_req_in0,
+    input reset_req_in1,
+    input reset_req_in2,
+    input reset_req_in3,
+    input reset_req_in4,
+    input reset_req_in5,
+    input reset_req_in6,
+    input reset_req_in7,
+    input reset_req_in8,
+    input reset_req_in9,
+    input reset_req_in10,
+    input reset_req_in11,
+    input reset_req_in12,
+    input reset_req_in13,
+    input reset_req_in14,
+    input reset_req_in15,
+    input  clk,
+    output reg reset_out,
+    output reg reset_req
+   // Always use async reset synchronizer if reset_req is used
+   localparam ASYNC_RESET = (OUTPUT_RESET_SYNC_EDGES == "deassert");
+   // --------------------------------------
+   // Local parameter to control the reset_req and reset_out timing when RESET_REQUEST_PRESENT==1
+   // --------------------------------------
+   localparam MIN_METASTABLE = 3;
+                                            MIN_RST_ASSERTION_TIME + 1 :
+                                        (
+                                        (MIN_RST_ASSERTION_TIME > LARGER)? 
+                                            MIN_RST_ASSERTION_TIME + (LARGER - MIN_METASTABLE + 1) + 1 :
+                                            MIN_RST_ASSERTION_TIME + RESET_REQ_EARLY_DSRT_TIME + RESET_REQ_WAIT_TIME - MIN_METASTABLE + 2
+                                        );
+   // --------------------------------------
+   wire merged_reset;
+   wire merged_reset_req_in;
+   wire reset_out_pre;
+   wire reset_req_pre;
+   // Registers and Interconnect
+   (*preserve*) reg  [RSTREQ_ASRT_SYNC_TAP: 0]  altera_reset_synchronizer_int_chain;
+   reg [ASSERTION_CHAIN_LENGTH-1: 0]            r_sync_rst_chain;
+   reg                                          r_sync_rst;
+   reg                                          r_early_rst;
+    // --------------------------------------
+    // "Or" all the input resets together
+    // --------------------------------------
+    assign merged_reset = (  
+                              reset_in0 | 
+                              reset_in1 | 
+                              reset_in2 | 
+                              reset_in3 | 
+                              reset_in4 | 
+                              reset_in5 | 
+                              reset_in6 | 
+                              reset_in7 | 
+                              reset_in8 | 
+                              reset_in9 | 
+                              reset_in10 | 
+                              reset_in11 | 
+                              reset_in12 | 
+                              reset_in13 | 
+                              reset_in14 | 
+                              reset_in15
+                          );
+    assign merged_reset_req_in = (
+                              ( (USE_RESET_REQUEST_IN0 == 1) ? reset_req_in0 : 1'b0)  |
+                              ( (USE_RESET_REQUEST_IN1 == 1) ? reset_req_in1 : 1'b0)  |
+                              ( (USE_RESET_REQUEST_IN2 == 1) ? reset_req_in2 : 1'b0)  |
+                              ( (USE_RESET_REQUEST_IN3 == 1) ? reset_req_in3 : 1'b0)  |
+                              ( (USE_RESET_REQUEST_IN4 == 1) ? reset_req_in4 : 1'b0)  |
+                              ( (USE_RESET_REQUEST_IN5 == 1) ? reset_req_in5 : 1'b0)  |
+                              ( (USE_RESET_REQUEST_IN6 == 1) ? reset_req_in6 : 1'b0)  |
+                              ( (USE_RESET_REQUEST_IN7 == 1) ? reset_req_in7 : 1'b0)  |
+                              ( (USE_RESET_REQUEST_IN8 == 1) ? reset_req_in8 : 1'b0)  |
+                              ( (USE_RESET_REQUEST_IN9 == 1) ? reset_req_in9 : 1'b0)  |
+                              ( (USE_RESET_REQUEST_IN10 == 1) ? reset_req_in10 : 1'b0)  |
+                              ( (USE_RESET_REQUEST_IN11 == 1) ? reset_req_in11 : 1'b0)  |
+                              ( (USE_RESET_REQUEST_IN12 == 1) ? reset_req_in12 : 1'b0)  |
+                              ( (USE_RESET_REQUEST_IN13 == 1) ? reset_req_in13 : 1'b0)  |
+                              ( (USE_RESET_REQUEST_IN14 == 1) ? reset_req_in14 : 1'b0)  |
+                              ( (USE_RESET_REQUEST_IN15 == 1) ? reset_req_in15 : 1'b0) 
+                            );
+    // --------------------------------------
+    // And if required, synchronize it to the required clock domain,
+    // with the correct synchronization type
+    // --------------------------------------
+    generate if (OUTPUT_RESET_SYNC_EDGES == "none" && (RESET_REQUEST_PRESENT==0)) begin
+        assign reset_out_pre = merged_reset;
+        assign reset_req_pre = merged_reset_req_in;
+    end else begin
+        altera_reset_synchronizer
+        #(
+            .DEPTH      (SYNC_DEPTH),
+        )
+        alt_rst_sync_uq1
+        (
+            .clk        (clk),
+            .reset_in   (merged_reset),
+            .reset_out  (reset_out_pre)
+        );
+        altera_reset_synchronizer
+        #(
+            .DEPTH      (SYNC_DEPTH),
+            .ASYNC_RESET(0)
+        )
+        alt_rst_req_sync_uq1
+        (
+            .clk        (clk),
+            .reset_in   (merged_reset_req_in),
+            .reset_out  (reset_req_pre)
+        );
+    end
+    endgenerate
+    generate if ( ( (RESET_REQUEST_PRESENT == 0) && (ADAPT_RESET_REQUEST==0) )|
+                  ( (ADAPT_RESET_REQUEST == 1) && (OUTPUT_RESET_SYNC_EDGES != "deassert") ) ) begin
+        always @* begin
+            reset_out = reset_out_pre;
+            reset_req = reset_req_pre;
+        end
+    end else if ( (RESET_REQUEST_PRESENT == 0) && (ADAPT_RESET_REQUEST==1) ) begin
+        wire reset_out_pre2;
+        altera_reset_synchronizer
+        #(
+            .DEPTH      (SYNC_DEPTH+1),
+            .ASYNC_RESET(0)
+        )
+        alt_rst_sync_uq2
+        (
+            .clk        (clk),
+            .reset_in   (reset_out_pre),
+            .reset_out  (reset_out_pre2)
+        );
+        always @* begin
+            reset_out = reset_out_pre2;
+            reset_req = reset_req_pre;
+        end
+    end
+    else begin
+    // 3-FF Metastability Synchronizer
+    initial
+    begin
+        altera_reset_synchronizer_int_chain <= {RSTREQ_ASRT_SYNC_TAP{1'b1}};
+    end
+    always @(posedge clk)
+    begin
+        altera_reset_synchronizer_int_chain[RSTREQ_ASRT_SYNC_TAP:0] <= 
+            {altera_reset_synchronizer_int_chain[RSTREQ_ASRT_SYNC_TAP-1:0], reset_out_pre}; 
+    end
+    // Synchronous reset pipe
+    initial
+    begin
+        r_sync_rst_chain <= {ASSERTION_CHAIN_LENGTH{1'b1}};
+    end
+    always @(posedge clk)
+    begin
+        if (altera_reset_synchronizer_int_chain[MIN_METASTABLE-1] == 1'b1)
+        begin
+            r_sync_rst_chain <= {ASSERTION_CHAIN_LENGTH{1'b1}};
+    end
+    else
+    begin
+        r_sync_rst_chain <= {1'b0, r_sync_rst_chain[ASSERTION_CHAIN_LENGTH-1:1]};
+    end
+    end
+    // Standard synchronous reset output.  From 0-1, the transition lags the early output.  For 1->0, the transition
+    // matches the early input.
+    always @(posedge clk)
+    begin
+        case ({altera_reset_synchronizer_int_chain[RSTREQ_ASRT_SYNC_TAP], r_sync_rst_chain[1], r_sync_rst})
+            3'b000:   r_sync_rst <= 1'b0; // Not reset
+            3'b001:   r_sync_rst <= 1'b0;
+            3'b010:   r_sync_rst <= 1'b0;
+            3'b011:   r_sync_rst <= 1'b1;
+            3'b100:   r_sync_rst <= 1'b1; 
+            3'b101:   r_sync_rst <= 1'b1;
+            3'b110:   r_sync_rst <= 1'b1;
+            3'b111:   r_sync_rst <= 1'b1; // In Reset
+            default:  r_sync_rst <= 1'b1;
+        endcase
+        case ({r_sync_rst_chain[1], r_sync_rst_chain[RESET_REQ_DRST_TAP] | reset_req_pre})
+            2'b00:   r_early_rst <= 1'b0; // Not reset
+            2'b01:   r_early_rst <= 1'b1; // Coming out of reset
+            2'b10:   r_early_rst <= 1'b0; // Spurious reset - should not be possible via synchronous design.
+            2'b11:   r_early_rst <= 1'b1; // Held in reset
+            default: r_early_rst <= 1'b1;
+        endcase
+    end
+    always @* begin
+        reset_out = r_sync_rst;
+        reset_req = r_early_rst;
+    end
+    end
+    endgenerate

+ 87 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,87 @@
+// (C) 2001-2019 Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.
+// Your use of Intel Corporation's design tools, logic functions and other 
+// software and tools, and its AMPP partner logic functions, and any output 
+// files from any of the foregoing (including device programming or simulation 
+// files), and any associated documentation or information are expressly subject 
+// to the terms and conditions of the Intel Program License Subscription 
+// Agreement, Intel FPGA IP License Agreement, or other applicable 
+// license agreement, including, without limitation, that your use is for the 
+// sole purpose of programming logic devices manufactured by Intel and sold by 
+// Intel or its authorized distributors.  Please refer to the applicable 
+// agreement for further details.
+// $Id: //acds/rel/19.1std/ip/merlin/altera_reset_controller/altera_reset_synchronizer.v#1 $
+// $Revision: #1 $
+// $Date: 2018/11/07 $
+// $Author: psgswbuild $
+// -----------------------------------------------
+// Reset Synchronizer
+// -----------------------------------------------
+`timescale 1 ns / 1 ns
+module altera_reset_synchronizer
+    parameter ASYNC_RESET = 1,
+    parameter DEPTH       = 2
+    input   reset_in /* synthesis ALTERA_ATTRIBUTE = "SUPPRESS_DA_RULE_INTERNAL=R101" */,
+    input   clk,
+    output  reset_out
+    // -----------------------------------------------
+    // Synchronizer register chain. We cannot reuse the
+    // standard synchronizer in this implementation 
+    // because our timing constraints are different.
+    //
+    // Instead of cutting the timing path to the d-input 
+    // on the first flop we need to cut the aclr input.
+    // 
+    // We omit the "preserve" attribute on the final
+    // output register, so that the synthesis tool can
+    // duplicate it where needed.
+    // -----------------------------------------------
+    (*preserve*) reg [DEPTH-1:0] altera_reset_synchronizer_int_chain;
+    reg altera_reset_synchronizer_int_chain_out;
+    generate if (ASYNC_RESET) begin
+        // -----------------------------------------------
+        // Assert asynchronously, deassert synchronously.
+        // -----------------------------------------------
+        always @(posedge clk or posedge reset_in) begin
+            if (reset_in) begin
+                altera_reset_synchronizer_int_chain <= {DEPTH{1'b1}};
+                altera_reset_synchronizer_int_chain_out <= 1'b1;
+            end
+            else begin
+                altera_reset_synchronizer_int_chain[DEPTH-2:0] <= altera_reset_synchronizer_int_chain[DEPTH-1:1];
+                altera_reset_synchronizer_int_chain[DEPTH-1] <= 0;
+                altera_reset_synchronizer_int_chain_out <= altera_reset_synchronizer_int_chain[0];
+            end
+        end
+        assign reset_out = altera_reset_synchronizer_int_chain_out;
+    end else begin
+        // -----------------------------------------------
+        // Assert synchronously, deassert synchronously.
+        // -----------------------------------------------
+        always @(posedge clk) begin
+            altera_reset_synchronizer_int_chain[DEPTH-2:0] <= altera_reset_synchronizer_int_chain[DEPTH-1:1];
+            altera_reset_synchronizer_int_chain[DEPTH-1] <= reset_in;
+            altera_reset_synchronizer_int_chain_out <= altera_reset_synchronizer_int_chain[0];
+        end
+        assign reset_out = altera_reset_synchronizer_int_chain_out;
+    end
+    endgenerate

+ 58 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,58 @@
+// (C) 2001-2019 Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.
+// Your use of Intel Corporation's design tools, logic functions and other 
+// software and tools, and its AMPP partner logic functions, and any output 
+// files from any of the foregoing (including device programming or simulation 
+// files), and any associated documentation or information are expressly subject 
+// to the terms and conditions of the Intel Program License Subscription 
+// Agreement, Intel FPGA IP License Agreement, or other applicable 
+// license agreement, including, without limitation, that your use is for the 
+// sole purpose of programming logic devices manufactured by Intel and sold by 
+// Intel or its authorized distributors.  Please refer to the applicable 
+// agreement for further details.
+// $Id: //acds/rel/19.1std/ip/merlin/altera_irq_mapper/altera_irq_mapper.sv.terp#1 $
+// $Revision: #1 $
+// $Date: 2018/11/07 $
+// $Author: psgswbuild $
+// -------------------------------------------------------
+// Altera IRQ Mapper
+// Parameters
+//   NUM_RCVRS        : 1
+//   IRQ_MAP          : 0:0
+// -------------------------------------------------------
+`timescale 1 ns / 1 ns
+module nios2_uc_irq_mapper
+    // -------------------
+    // Clock & Reset
+    // -------------------
+    input clk,
+    input reset,
+    // -------------------
+    // IRQ Receivers
+    // -------------------
+    input                receiver0_irq,
+    // -------------------
+    // Command Source (Output)
+    // -------------------
+    output reg [31 : 0] sender_irq
+    always @* begin
+	sender_irq = 0;
+        sender_irq[0] = receiver0_irq;
+    end

+ 588 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,588 @@
+//Legal Notice: (C)2020 Altera Corporation. All rights reserved.  Your
+//use of Altera Corporation's design tools, logic functions and other
+//software and tools, and its AMPP partner logic functions, and any
+//output files any of the foregoing (including device programming or
+//simulation files), and any associated documentation or information are
+//expressly subject to the terms and conditions of the Altera Program
+//License Subscription Agreement or other applicable license agreement,
+//including, without limitation, that your use is for the sole purpose
+//of programming logic devices manufactured by Altera and sold by Altera
+//or its authorized distributors.  Please refer to the applicable
+//agreement for further details.
+// synthesis translate_off
+`timescale 1ns / 1ps
+// synthesis translate_on
+// turn off superfluous verilog processor warnings 
+// altera message_level Level1 
+// altera message_off 10034 10035 10036 10037 10230 10240 10030 
+module nios2_uc_jtag_uart_sim_scfifo_w (
+                                         // inputs:
+                                          clk,
+                                          fifo_wdata,
+                                          fifo_wr,
+                                         // outputs:
+                                          fifo_FF,
+                                          r_dat,
+                                          wfifo_empty,
+                                          wfifo_used
+                                       )
+  output           fifo_FF;
+  output  [  7: 0] r_dat;
+  output           wfifo_empty;
+  output  [  5: 0] wfifo_used;
+  input            clk;
+  input   [  7: 0] fifo_wdata;
+  input            fifo_wr;
+wire             fifo_FF;
+wire    [  7: 0] r_dat;
+wire             wfifo_empty;
+wire    [  5: 0] wfifo_used;
+//synthesis translate_off
+  always @(posedge clk)
+    begin
+      if (fifo_wr)
+          $write("%c", fifo_wdata);
+    end
+  assign wfifo_used = {6{1'b0}};
+  assign r_dat = {8{1'b0}};
+  assign fifo_FF = 1'b0;
+  assign wfifo_empty = 1'b1;
+//synthesis translate_on
+// synthesis translate_off
+`timescale 1ns / 1ps
+// synthesis translate_on
+// turn off superfluous verilog processor warnings 
+// altera message_level Level1 
+// altera message_off 10034 10035 10036 10037 10230 10240 10030 
+module nios2_uc_jtag_uart_scfifo_w (
+                                     // inputs:
+                                      clk,
+                                      fifo_clear,
+                                      fifo_wdata,
+                                      fifo_wr,
+                                      rd_wfifo,
+                                     // outputs:
+                                      fifo_FF,
+                                      r_dat,
+                                      wfifo_empty,
+                                      wfifo_used
+                                   )
+  output           fifo_FF;
+  output  [  7: 0] r_dat;
+  output           wfifo_empty;
+  output  [  5: 0] wfifo_used;
+  input            clk;
+  input            fifo_clear;
+  input   [  7: 0] fifo_wdata;
+  input            fifo_wr;
+  input            rd_wfifo;
+wire             fifo_FF;
+wire    [  7: 0] r_dat;
+wire             wfifo_empty;
+wire    [  5: 0] wfifo_used;
+//synthesis translate_off
+  nios2_uc_jtag_uart_sim_scfifo_w the_nios2_uc_jtag_uart_sim_scfifo_w
+    (
+      .clk         (clk),
+      .fifo_FF     (fifo_FF),
+      .fifo_wdata  (fifo_wdata),
+      .fifo_wr     (fifo_wr),
+      .r_dat       (r_dat),
+      .wfifo_empty (wfifo_empty),
+      .wfifo_used  (wfifo_used)
+    );
+//synthesis translate_on
+//synthesis read_comments_as_HDL on
+//  scfifo wfifo
+//    (
+//      .aclr (fifo_clear),
+//      .clock (clk),
+//      .data (fifo_wdata),
+//      .empty (wfifo_empty),
+//      .full (fifo_FF),
+//      .q (r_dat),
+//      .rdreq (rd_wfifo),
+//      .usedw (wfifo_used),
+//      .wrreq (fifo_wr)
+//    );
+//  defparam wfifo.lpm_hint = "RAM_BLOCK_TYPE=AUTO",
+//           wfifo.lpm_numwords = 64,
+//           wfifo.lpm_showahead = "OFF",
+//           wfifo.lpm_type = "scfifo",
+//           wfifo.lpm_width = 8,
+//           wfifo.lpm_widthu = 6,
+//           wfifo.overflow_checking = "OFF",
+//           wfifo.underflow_checking = "OFF",
+//           wfifo.use_eab = "ON";
+//synthesis read_comments_as_HDL off
+// synthesis translate_off
+`timescale 1ns / 1ps
+// synthesis translate_on
+// turn off superfluous verilog processor warnings 
+// altera message_level Level1 
+// altera message_off 10034 10035 10036 10037 10230 10240 10030 
+module nios2_uc_jtag_uart_sim_scfifo_r (
+                                         // inputs:
+                                          clk,
+                                          fifo_rd,
+                                          rst_n,
+                                         // outputs:
+                                          fifo_EF,
+                                          fifo_rdata,
+                                          rfifo_full,
+                                          rfifo_used
+                                       )
+  output           fifo_EF;
+  output  [  7: 0] fifo_rdata;
+  output           rfifo_full;
+  output  [  5: 0] rfifo_used;
+  input            clk;
+  input            fifo_rd;
+  input            rst_n;
+reg     [ 31: 0] bytes_left;
+wire             fifo_EF;
+reg              fifo_rd_d;
+wire    [  7: 0] fifo_rdata;
+wire             new_rom;
+wire    [ 31: 0] num_bytes;
+wire    [  6: 0] rfifo_entries;
+wire             rfifo_full;
+wire    [  5: 0] rfifo_used;
+//synthesis translate_off
+  // Generate rfifo_entries for simulation
+  always @(posedge clk or negedge rst_n)
+    begin
+      if (rst_n == 0)
+        begin
+          bytes_left <= 32'h0;
+          fifo_rd_d <= 1'b0;
+        end
+      else 
+        begin
+          fifo_rd_d <= fifo_rd;
+          // decrement on read
+          if (fifo_rd_d)
+              bytes_left <= bytes_left - 1'b1;
+          // catch new contents
+          if (new_rom)
+              bytes_left <= num_bytes;
+        end
+    end
+  assign fifo_EF = bytes_left == 32'b0;
+  assign rfifo_full = bytes_left > 7'h40;
+  assign rfifo_entries = (rfifo_full) ? 7'h40 : bytes_left;
+  assign rfifo_used = rfifo_entries[5 : 0];
+  assign new_rom = 1'b0;
+  assign num_bytes = 32'b0;
+  assign fifo_rdata = 8'b0;
+//synthesis translate_on
+// synthesis translate_off
+`timescale 1ns / 1ps
+// synthesis translate_on
+// turn off superfluous verilog processor warnings 
+// altera message_level Level1 
+// altera message_off 10034 10035 10036 10037 10230 10240 10030 
+module nios2_uc_jtag_uart_scfifo_r (
+                                     // inputs:
+                                      clk,
+                                      fifo_clear,
+                                      fifo_rd,
+                                      rst_n,
+                                      t_dat,
+                                      wr_rfifo,
+                                     // outputs:
+                                      fifo_EF,
+                                      fifo_rdata,
+                                      rfifo_full,
+                                      rfifo_used
+                                   )
+  output           fifo_EF;
+  output  [  7: 0] fifo_rdata;
+  output           rfifo_full;
+  output  [  5: 0] rfifo_used;
+  input            clk;
+  input            fifo_clear;
+  input            fifo_rd;
+  input            rst_n;
+  input   [  7: 0] t_dat;
+  input            wr_rfifo;
+wire             fifo_EF;
+wire    [  7: 0] fifo_rdata;
+wire             rfifo_full;
+wire    [  5: 0] rfifo_used;
+//synthesis translate_off
+  nios2_uc_jtag_uart_sim_scfifo_r the_nios2_uc_jtag_uart_sim_scfifo_r
+    (
+      .clk        (clk),
+      .fifo_EF    (fifo_EF),
+      .fifo_rd    (fifo_rd),
+      .fifo_rdata (fifo_rdata),
+      .rfifo_full (rfifo_full),
+      .rfifo_used (rfifo_used),
+      .rst_n      (rst_n)
+    );
+//synthesis translate_on
+//synthesis read_comments_as_HDL on
+//  scfifo rfifo
+//    (
+//      .aclr (fifo_clear),
+//      .clock (clk),
+//      .data (t_dat),
+//      .empty (fifo_EF),
+//      .full (rfifo_full),
+//      .q (fifo_rdata),
+//      .rdreq (fifo_rd),
+//      .usedw (rfifo_used),
+//      .wrreq (wr_rfifo)
+//    );
+//  defparam rfifo.lpm_hint = "RAM_BLOCK_TYPE=AUTO",
+//           rfifo.lpm_numwords = 64,
+//           rfifo.lpm_showahead = "OFF",
+//           rfifo.lpm_type = "scfifo",
+//           rfifo.lpm_width = 8,
+//           rfifo.lpm_widthu = 6,
+//           rfifo.overflow_checking = "OFF",
+//           rfifo.underflow_checking = "OFF",
+//           rfifo.use_eab = "ON";
+//synthesis read_comments_as_HDL off
+// synthesis translate_off
+`timescale 1ns / 1ps
+// synthesis translate_on
+// turn off superfluous verilog processor warnings 
+// altera message_level Level1 
+// altera message_off 10034 10035 10036 10037 10230 10240 10030 
+module nios2_uc_jtag_uart (
+                            // inputs:
+                             av_address,
+                             av_chipselect,
+                             av_read_n,
+                             av_write_n,
+                             av_writedata,
+                             clk,
+                             rst_n,
+                            // outputs:
+                             av_irq,
+                             av_readdata,
+                             av_waitrequest,
+                             dataavailable,
+                             readyfordata
+                          )
+  /* synthesis ALTERA_ATTRIBUTE = "SUPPRESS_DA_RULE_INTERNAL=\"R101,C106,D101,D103\"" */ ;
+  output           av_irq;
+  output  [ 31: 0] av_readdata;
+  output           av_waitrequest;
+  output           dataavailable;
+  output           readyfordata;
+  input            av_address;
+  input            av_chipselect;
+  input            av_read_n;
+  input            av_write_n;
+  input   [ 31: 0] av_writedata;
+  input            clk;
+  input            rst_n;
+reg              ac;
+wire             activity;
+wire             av_irq;
+wire    [ 31: 0] av_readdata;
+reg              av_waitrequest;
+reg              dataavailable;
+reg              fifo_AE;
+reg              fifo_AF;
+wire             fifo_EF;
+wire             fifo_FF;
+wire             fifo_clear;
+wire             fifo_rd;
+wire    [  7: 0] fifo_rdata;
+wire    [  7: 0] fifo_wdata;
+reg              fifo_wr;
+reg              ien_AE;
+reg              ien_AF;
+wire             ipen_AE;
+wire             ipen_AF;
+reg              pause_irq;
+wire    [  7: 0] r_dat;
+wire             r_ena;
+reg              r_val;
+wire             rd_wfifo;
+reg              read_0;
+reg              readyfordata;
+wire             rfifo_full;
+wire    [  5: 0] rfifo_used;
+reg              rvalid;
+reg              sim_r_ena;
+reg              sim_t_dat;
+reg              sim_t_ena;
+reg              sim_t_pause;
+wire    [  7: 0] t_dat;
+reg              t_dav;
+wire             t_ena;
+wire             t_pause;
+wire             wfifo_empty;
+wire    [  5: 0] wfifo_used;
+reg              woverflow;
+wire             wr_rfifo;
+  //avalon_jtag_slave, which is an e_avalon_slave
+  assign rd_wfifo = r_ena & ~wfifo_empty;
+  assign wr_rfifo = t_ena & ~rfifo_full;
+  assign fifo_clear = ~rst_n;
+  nios2_uc_jtag_uart_scfifo_w the_nios2_uc_jtag_uart_scfifo_w
+    (
+      .clk         (clk),
+      .fifo_FF     (fifo_FF),
+      .fifo_clear  (fifo_clear),
+      .fifo_wdata  (fifo_wdata),
+      .fifo_wr     (fifo_wr),
+      .r_dat       (r_dat),
+      .rd_wfifo    (rd_wfifo),
+      .wfifo_empty (wfifo_empty),
+      .wfifo_used  (wfifo_used)
+    );
+  nios2_uc_jtag_uart_scfifo_r the_nios2_uc_jtag_uart_scfifo_r
+    (
+      .clk        (clk),
+      .fifo_EF    (fifo_EF),
+      .fifo_clear (fifo_clear),
+      .fifo_rd    (fifo_rd),
+      .fifo_rdata (fifo_rdata),
+      .rfifo_full (rfifo_full),
+      .rfifo_used (rfifo_used),
+      .rst_n      (rst_n),
+      .t_dat      (t_dat),
+      .wr_rfifo   (wr_rfifo)
+    );
+  assign ipen_AE = ien_AE & fifo_AE;
+  assign ipen_AF = ien_AF & (pause_irq | fifo_AF);
+  assign av_irq = ipen_AE | ipen_AF;
+  assign activity = t_pause | t_ena;
+  always @(posedge clk or negedge rst_n)
+    begin
+      if (rst_n == 0)
+          pause_irq <= 1'b0;
+      else // only if fifo is not empty...
+      if (t_pause & ~fifo_EF)
+          pause_irq <= 1'b1;
+      else if (read_0)
+          pause_irq <= 1'b0;
+    end
+  always @(posedge clk or negedge rst_n)
+    begin
+      if (rst_n == 0)
+        begin
+          r_val <= 1'b0;
+          t_dav <= 1'b1;
+        end
+      else 
+        begin
+          r_val <= r_ena & ~wfifo_empty;
+          t_dav <= ~rfifo_full;
+        end
+    end
+  always @(posedge clk or negedge rst_n)
+    begin
+      if (rst_n == 0)
+        begin
+          fifo_AE <= 1'b0;
+          fifo_AF <= 1'b0;
+          fifo_wr <= 1'b0;
+          rvalid <= 1'b0;
+          read_0 <= 1'b0;
+          ien_AE <= 1'b0;
+          ien_AF <= 1'b0;
+          ac <= 1'b0;
+          woverflow <= 1'b0;
+          av_waitrequest <= 1'b1;
+        end
+      else 
+        begin
+          fifo_AE <= {fifo_FF,wfifo_used} <= 8;
+          fifo_AF <= (7'h40 - {rfifo_full,rfifo_used}) <= 8;
+          fifo_wr <= 1'b0;
+          read_0 <= 1'b0;
+          av_waitrequest <= ~(av_chipselect & (~av_write_n | ~av_read_n) & av_waitrequest);
+          if (activity)
+              ac <= 1'b1;
+          // write
+          if (av_chipselect & ~av_write_n & av_waitrequest)
+              // addr 1 is control; addr 0 is data
+              if (av_address)
+                begin
+                  ien_AF <= av_writedata[0];
+                  ien_AE <= av_writedata[1];
+                  if (av_writedata[10] & ~activity)
+                      ac <= 1'b0;
+                end
+              else 
+                begin
+                  fifo_wr <= ~fifo_FF;
+                  woverflow <= fifo_FF;
+                end
+          // read
+          if (av_chipselect & ~av_read_n & av_waitrequest)
+            begin
+              // addr 1 is interrupt; addr 0 is data
+              if (~av_address)
+                  rvalid <= ~fifo_EF;
+              read_0 <= ~av_address;
+            end
+        end
+    end
+  assign fifo_wdata = av_writedata[7 : 0];
+  assign fifo_rd = (av_chipselect & ~av_read_n & av_waitrequest & ~av_address) ? ~fifo_EF : 1'b0;
+  assign av_readdata = read_0 ? { {9{1'b0}},rfifo_full,rfifo_used,rvalid,woverflow,~fifo_FF,~fifo_EF,1'b0,ac,ipen_AE,ipen_AF,fifo_rdata } : { {9{1'b0}},(7'h40 - {fifo_FF,wfifo_used}),rvalid,woverflow,~fifo_FF,~fifo_EF,1'b0,ac,ipen_AE,ipen_AF,{6{1'b0}},ien_AE,ien_AF };
+  always @(posedge clk or negedge rst_n)
+    begin
+      if (rst_n == 0)
+          readyfordata <= 0;
+      else 
+        readyfordata <= ~fifo_FF;
+    end
+//synthesis translate_off
+  // Tie off Atlantic Interface signals not used for simulation
+  always @(posedge clk)
+    begin
+      sim_t_pause <= 1'b0;
+      sim_t_ena <= 1'b0;
+      sim_t_dat <= t_dav ? r_dat : {8{r_val}};
+      sim_r_ena <= 1'b0;
+    end
+  assign r_ena = sim_r_ena;
+  assign t_ena = sim_t_ena;
+  assign t_dat = sim_t_dat;
+  assign t_pause = sim_t_pause;
+  always @(fifo_EF)
+    begin
+      dataavailable = ~fifo_EF;
+    end
+//synthesis translate_on
+//synthesis read_comments_as_HDL on
+//  alt_jtag_atlantic nios2_uc_jtag_uart_alt_jtag_atlantic
+//    (
+//      .clk (clk),
+//      .r_dat (r_dat),
+//      .r_ena (r_ena),
+//      .r_val (r_val),
+//      .rst_n (rst_n),
+//      .t_dat (t_dat),
+//      .t_dav (t_dav),
+//      .t_ena (t_ena),
+//      .t_pause (t_pause)
+//    );
+//  defparam nios2_uc_jtag_uart_alt_jtag_atlantic.INSTANCE_ID = 0,
+//           nios2_uc_jtag_uart_alt_jtag_atlantic.LOG2_RXFIFO_DEPTH = 6,
+//           nios2_uc_jtag_uart_alt_jtag_atlantic.LOG2_TXFIFO_DEPTH = 6,
+//           nios2_uc_jtag_uart_alt_jtag_atlantic.SLD_AUTO_INSTANCE_INDEX = "YES";
+//  always @(posedge clk or negedge rst_n)
+//    begin
+//      if (rst_n == 0)
+//          dataavailable <= 0;
+//      else 
+//        dataavailable <= ~fifo_EF;
+//    end
+//synthesis read_comments_as_HDL off

La diferencia del archivo ha sido suprimido porque es demasiado grande
+ 1960 - 0

+ 202 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,202 @@
+// nios2_uc_mm_interconnect_0_avalon_st_adapter.v
+// This file was auto-generated from altera_avalon_st_adapter_hw.tcl.  If you edit it your changes
+// will probably be lost.
+// Generated using ACDS version 18.1 646
+`timescale 1 ps / 1 ps
+module nios2_uc_mm_interconnect_0_avalon_st_adapter #(
+		parameter inBitsPerSymbol = 34,
+		parameter inUsePackets    = 0,
+		parameter inDataWidth     = 34,
+		parameter inChannelWidth  = 0,
+		parameter inErrorWidth    = 0,
+		parameter inUseEmptyPort  = 0,
+		parameter inUseValid      = 1,
+		parameter inUseReady      = 1,
+		parameter inReadyLatency  = 0,
+		parameter outDataWidth    = 34,
+		parameter outChannelWidth = 0,
+		parameter outErrorWidth   = 1,
+		parameter outUseEmptyPort = 0,
+		parameter outUseValid     = 1,
+		parameter outUseReady     = 1,
+		parameter outReadyLatency = 0
+	) (
+		input  wire        in_clk_0_clk,   // in_clk_0.clk
+		input  wire        in_rst_0_reset, // in_rst_0.reset
+		input  wire [33:0] in_0_data,      //     in_0.data
+		input  wire        in_0_valid,     //         .valid
+		output wire        in_0_ready,     //         .ready
+		output wire [33:0] out_0_data,     //    out_0.data
+		output wire        out_0_valid,    //         .valid
+		input  wire        out_0_ready,    //         .ready
+		output wire [0:0]  out_0_error     //         .error
+	);
+	generate
+		// If any of the display statements (or deliberately broken
+		// instantiations) within this generate block triggers then this module
+		// has been instantiated this module with a set of parameters different
+		// from those it was generated for.  This will usually result in a
+		// non-functioning system.
+		if (inBitsPerSymbol != 34)
+		begin
+			initial begin
+				$display("Generated module instantiated with wrong parameters");
+				$stop;
+			end
+			instantiated_with_wrong_parameters_error_see_comment_above
+					inbitspersymbol_check ( .error(1'b1) );
+		end
+		if (inUsePackets != 0)
+		begin
+			initial begin
+				$display("Generated module instantiated with wrong parameters");
+				$stop;
+			end
+			instantiated_with_wrong_parameters_error_see_comment_above
+					inusepackets_check ( .error(1'b1) );
+		end
+		if (inDataWidth != 34)
+		begin
+			initial begin
+				$display("Generated module instantiated with wrong parameters");
+				$stop;
+			end
+			instantiated_with_wrong_parameters_error_see_comment_above
+					indatawidth_check ( .error(1'b1) );
+		end
+		if (inChannelWidth != 0)
+		begin
+			initial begin
+				$display("Generated module instantiated with wrong parameters");
+				$stop;
+			end
+			instantiated_with_wrong_parameters_error_see_comment_above
+					inchannelwidth_check ( .error(1'b1) );
+		end
+		if (inErrorWidth != 0)
+		begin
+			initial begin
+				$display("Generated module instantiated with wrong parameters");
+				$stop;
+			end
+			instantiated_with_wrong_parameters_error_see_comment_above
+					inerrorwidth_check ( .error(1'b1) );
+		end
+		if (inUseEmptyPort != 0)
+		begin
+			initial begin
+				$display("Generated module instantiated with wrong parameters");
+				$stop;
+			end
+			instantiated_with_wrong_parameters_error_see_comment_above
+					inuseemptyport_check ( .error(1'b1) );
+		end
+		if (inUseValid != 1)
+		begin
+			initial begin
+				$display("Generated module instantiated with wrong parameters");
+				$stop;
+			end
+			instantiated_with_wrong_parameters_error_see_comment_above
+					inusevalid_check ( .error(1'b1) );
+		end
+		if (inUseReady != 1)
+		begin
+			initial begin
+				$display("Generated module instantiated with wrong parameters");
+				$stop;
+			end
+			instantiated_with_wrong_parameters_error_see_comment_above
+					inuseready_check ( .error(1'b1) );
+		end
+		if (inReadyLatency != 0)
+		begin
+			initial begin
+				$display("Generated module instantiated with wrong parameters");
+				$stop;
+			end
+			instantiated_with_wrong_parameters_error_see_comment_above
+					inreadylatency_check ( .error(1'b1) );
+		end
+		if (outDataWidth != 34)
+		begin
+			initial begin
+				$display("Generated module instantiated with wrong parameters");
+				$stop;
+			end
+			instantiated_with_wrong_parameters_error_see_comment_above
+					outdatawidth_check ( .error(1'b1) );
+		end
+		if (outChannelWidth != 0)
+		begin
+			initial begin
+				$display("Generated module instantiated with wrong parameters");
+				$stop;
+			end
+			instantiated_with_wrong_parameters_error_see_comment_above
+					outchannelwidth_check ( .error(1'b1) );
+		end
+		if (outErrorWidth != 1)
+		begin
+			initial begin
+				$display("Generated module instantiated with wrong parameters");
+				$stop;
+			end
+			instantiated_with_wrong_parameters_error_see_comment_above
+					outerrorwidth_check ( .error(1'b1) );
+		end
+		if (outUseEmptyPort != 0)
+		begin
+			initial begin
+				$display("Generated module instantiated with wrong parameters");
+				$stop;
+			end
+			instantiated_with_wrong_parameters_error_see_comment_above
+					outuseemptyport_check ( .error(1'b1) );
+		end
+		if (outUseValid != 1)
+		begin
+			initial begin
+				$display("Generated module instantiated with wrong parameters");
+				$stop;
+			end
+			instantiated_with_wrong_parameters_error_see_comment_above
+					outusevalid_check ( .error(1'b1) );
+		end
+		if (outUseReady != 1)
+		begin
+			initial begin
+				$display("Generated module instantiated with wrong parameters");
+				$stop;
+			end
+			instantiated_with_wrong_parameters_error_see_comment_above
+					outuseready_check ( .error(1'b1) );
+		end
+		if (outReadyLatency != 0)
+		begin
+			initial begin
+				$display("Generated module instantiated with wrong parameters");
+				$stop;
+			end
+			instantiated_with_wrong_parameters_error_see_comment_above
+					outreadylatency_check ( .error(1'b1) );
+		end
+	endgenerate
+	nios2_uc_mm_interconnect_0_avalon_st_adapter_error_adapter_0 error_adapter_0 (
+		.clk       (in_clk_0_clk),    //   clk.clk
+		.reset_n   (~in_rst_0_reset), // reset.reset_n
+		.in_data   (in_0_data),       //    in.data
+		.in_valid  (in_0_valid),      //      .valid
+		.in_ready  (in_0_ready),      //      .ready
+		.out_data  (out_0_data),      //   out.data
+		.out_valid (out_0_valid),     //      .valid
+		.out_ready (out_0_ready),     //      .ready
+		.out_error (out_0_error)      //      .error
+	);

+ 107 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,107 @@
+// (C) 2001-2019 Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.
+// Your use of Intel Corporation's design tools, logic functions and other 
+// software and tools, and its AMPP partner logic functions, and any output 
+// files from any of the foregoing (including device programming or simulation 
+// files), and any associated documentation or information are expressly subject 
+// to the terms and conditions of the Intel Program License Subscription 
+// Agreement, Intel FPGA IP License Agreement, or other applicable 
+// license agreement, including, without limitation, that your use is for the 
+// sole purpose of programming logic devices manufactured by Intel and sold by 
+// Intel or its authorized distributors.  Please refer to the applicable 
+// agreement for further details.
+// (C) 2001-2013 Altera Corporation. All rights reserved.
+// Your use of Altera Corporation's design tools, logic functions and other 
+// software and tools, and its AMPP partner logic functions, and any output 
+// files any of the foregoing (including device programming or simulation 
+// files), and any associated documentation or information are expressly subject 
+// to the terms and conditions of the Altera Program License Subscription 
+// Agreement, Altera MegaCore Function License Agreement, or other applicable 
+// license agreement, including, without limitation, that your use is for the 
+// sole purpose of programming logic devices manufactured by Altera and sold by 
+// Altera or its authorized distributors.  Please refer to the applicable 
+// agreement for further details.
+// $Id: //acds/rel/13.1/ip/.../avalon-st_error_adapter.sv.terp#1 $
+// $Revision: #1 $
+// $Date: 2013/09/09 $
+// $Author: dmunday $
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+//| Avalon Streaming Error Adapter
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+`timescale 1ns / 100ps
+// ------------------------------------------
+// Generation parameters:
+//   output_name:        nios2_uc_mm_interconnect_0_avalon_st_adapter_error_adapter_0
+//   use_ready:          true
+//   use_packets:        false
+//   use_empty:          0
+//   empty_width:        0
+//   data_width:         34
+//   channel_width:      0
+//   in_error_width:     0
+//   out_error_width:    1
+//   in_errors_list      
+//   in_errors_indices   0
+//   out_errors_list     
+//   has_in_error_desc:  FALSE
+//   has_out_error_desc: FALSE
+//   out_has_other:      FALSE
+//   out_other_index:    -1
+//   dumpVar:            
+//   inString:            in_error[
+//   closeString:        ] |
+// ------------------------------------------
+module nios2_uc_mm_interconnect_0_avalon_st_adapter_error_adapter_0
+ // Interface: in
+ output reg         in_ready,
+ input              in_valid,
+ input [34-1: 0]     in_data,
+ // Interface: out
+ input               out_ready,
+ output reg          out_valid,
+ output reg [34-1: 0] out_data,
+ output reg [0:0]         out_error,
+  // Interface: clk
+ input              clk,
+ // Interface: reset
+ input              reset_n
+ /*AUTOARG*/);
+   reg in_error = 0;
+   initial in_error = 0;
+   // ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+   //| Pass-through Mapping
+   // ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+   always_comb begin
+      in_ready = out_ready;
+      out_valid = in_valid;
+      out_data = in_data;
+   end
+   // ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+   //| Error Mapping 
+   // ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+   always_comb begin
+      out_error = 0;
+      out_error = in_error;
+   end //always @*

+ 145 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,145 @@
+// (C) 2001-2019 Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.
+// Your use of Intel Corporation's design tools, logic functions and other 
+// software and tools, and its AMPP partner logic functions, and any output 
+// files from any of the foregoing (including device programming or simulation 
+// files), and any associated documentation or information are expressly subject 
+// to the terms and conditions of the Intel Program License Subscription 
+// Agreement, Intel FPGA IP License Agreement, or other applicable 
+// license agreement, including, without limitation, that your use is for the 
+// sole purpose of programming logic devices manufactured by Intel and sold by 
+// Intel or its authorized distributors.  Please refer to the applicable 
+// agreement for further details.
+// $Id: //acds/rel/19.1std/ip/merlin/altera_merlin_demultiplexer/altera_merlin_demultiplexer.sv.terp#1 $
+// $Revision: #1 $
+// $Date: 2018/11/07 $
+// $Author: psgswbuild $
+// -------------------------------------
+// Merlin Demultiplexer
+// Asserts valid on the appropriate output
+// given a one-hot channel signal.
+// -------------------------------------
+`timescale 1 ns / 1 ns
+// ------------------------------------------
+// Generation parameters:
+//   output_name:         nios2_uc_mm_interconnect_0_cmd_demux
+//   ST_DATA_W:           94
+//   ST_CHANNEL_W:        4
+//   NUM_OUTPUTS:         4
+//   VALID_WIDTH:         1
+// ------------------------------------------
+// Message Supression Used
+// QIS Warnings
+// 15610 - Warning: Design contains x input pin(s) that do not drive logic
+module nios2_uc_mm_interconnect_0_cmd_demux
+    // -------------------
+    // Sink
+    // -------------------
+    input  [1-1      : 0]   sink_valid,
+    input  [94-1    : 0]   sink_data, // ST_DATA_W=94
+    input  [4-1 : 0]   sink_channel, // ST_CHANNEL_W=4
+    input                         sink_startofpacket,
+    input                         sink_endofpacket,
+    output                        sink_ready,
+    // -------------------
+    // Sources 
+    // -------------------
+    output reg                      src0_valid,
+    output reg [94-1    : 0] src0_data, // ST_DATA_W=94
+    output reg [4-1 : 0] src0_channel, // ST_CHANNEL_W=4
+    output reg                      src0_startofpacket,
+    output reg                      src0_endofpacket,
+    input                           src0_ready,
+    output reg                      src1_valid,
+    output reg [94-1    : 0] src1_data, // ST_DATA_W=94
+    output reg [4-1 : 0] src1_channel, // ST_CHANNEL_W=4
+    output reg                      src1_startofpacket,
+    output reg                      src1_endofpacket,
+    input                           src1_ready,
+    output reg                      src2_valid,
+    output reg [94-1    : 0] src2_data, // ST_DATA_W=94
+    output reg [4-1 : 0] src2_channel, // ST_CHANNEL_W=4
+    output reg                      src2_startofpacket,
+    output reg                      src2_endofpacket,
+    input                           src2_ready,
+    output reg                      src3_valid,
+    output reg [94-1    : 0] src3_data, // ST_DATA_W=94
+    output reg [4-1 : 0] src3_channel, // ST_CHANNEL_W=4
+    output reg                      src3_startofpacket,
+    output reg                      src3_endofpacket,
+    input                           src3_ready,
+    // -------------------
+    // Clock & Reset
+    // -------------------
+    (*altera_attribute = "-name MESSAGE_DISABLE 15610" *) // setting message suppression on clk
+    input clk,
+    (*altera_attribute = "-name MESSAGE_DISABLE 15610" *) // setting message suppression on reset
+    input reset
+    localparam NUM_OUTPUTS = 4;
+    wire [NUM_OUTPUTS - 1 : 0] ready_vector;
+    // -------------------
+    // Demux
+    // -------------------
+    always @* begin
+        src0_data          = sink_data;
+        src0_startofpacket = sink_startofpacket;
+        src0_endofpacket   = sink_endofpacket;
+        src0_channel       = sink_channel >> NUM_OUTPUTS;
+        src0_valid         = sink_channel[0] && sink_valid;
+        src1_data          = sink_data;
+        src1_startofpacket = sink_startofpacket;
+        src1_endofpacket   = sink_endofpacket;
+        src1_channel       = sink_channel >> NUM_OUTPUTS;
+        src1_valid         = sink_channel[1] && sink_valid;
+        src2_data          = sink_data;
+        src2_startofpacket = sink_startofpacket;
+        src2_endofpacket   = sink_endofpacket;
+        src2_channel       = sink_channel >> NUM_OUTPUTS;
+        src2_valid         = sink_channel[2] && sink_valid;
+        src3_data          = sink_data;
+        src3_startofpacket = sink_startofpacket;
+        src3_endofpacket   = sink_endofpacket;
+        src3_channel       = sink_channel >> NUM_OUTPUTS;
+        src3_valid         = sink_channel[3] && sink_valid;
+    end
+    // -------------------
+    // Backpressure
+    // -------------------
+    assign ready_vector[0] = src0_ready;
+    assign ready_vector[1] = src1_ready;
+    assign ready_vector[2] = src2_ready;
+    assign ready_vector[3] = src3_ready;
+    assign sink_ready = |(sink_channel & ready_vector);

+ 322 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,322 @@
+// (C) 2001-2019 Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.
+// Your use of Intel Corporation's design tools, logic functions and other 
+// software and tools, and its AMPP partner logic functions, and any output 
+// files from any of the foregoing (including device programming or simulation 
+// files), and any associated documentation or information are expressly subject 
+// to the terms and conditions of the Intel Program License Subscription 
+// Agreement, Intel FPGA IP License Agreement, or other applicable 
+// license agreement, including, without limitation, that your use is for the 
+// sole purpose of programming logic devices manufactured by Intel and sold by 
+// Intel or its authorized distributors.  Please refer to the applicable 
+// agreement for further details.
+// (C) 2001-2014 Altera Corporation. All rights reserved.
+// Your use of Altera Corporation's design tools, logic functions and other 
+// software and tools, and its AMPP partner logic functions, and any output 
+// files any of the foregoing (including device programming or simulation 
+// files), and any associated documentation or information are expressly subject 
+// to the terms and conditions of the Altera Program License Subscription 
+// Agreement, Altera MegaCore Function License Agreement, or other applicable 
+// license agreement, including, without limitation, that your use is for the 
+// sole purpose of programming logic devices manufactured by Altera and sold by 
+// Altera or its authorized distributors.  Please refer to the applicable 
+// agreement for further details.
+// $Id: //acds/rel/19.1std/ip/merlin/altera_merlin_multiplexer/altera_merlin_multiplexer.sv.terp#1 $
+// $Revision: #1 $
+// $Date: 2018/11/07 $
+// $Author: psgswbuild $
+// ------------------------------------------
+// Merlin Multiplexer
+// ------------------------------------------
+`timescale 1 ns / 1 ns
+// ------------------------------------------
+// Generation parameters:
+//   output_name:         nios2_uc_mm_interconnect_0_cmd_mux
+//   NUM_INPUTS:          2
+//   ARBITRATION_SCHEME   "round-robin"
+//   PIPELINE_ARB:        1
+//   PKT_TRANS_LOCK:      60 (arbitration locking enabled)
+//   ST_DATA_W:           94
+//   ST_CHANNEL_W:        4
+// ------------------------------------------
+module nios2_uc_mm_interconnect_0_cmd_mux
+    // ----------------------
+    // Sinks
+    // ----------------------
+    input                       sink0_valid,
+    input [94-1   : 0]  sink0_data,
+    input [4-1: 0]  sink0_channel,
+    input                       sink0_startofpacket,
+    input                       sink0_endofpacket,
+    output                      sink0_ready,
+    input                       sink1_valid,
+    input [94-1   : 0]  sink1_data,
+    input [4-1: 0]  sink1_channel,
+    input                       sink1_startofpacket,
+    input                       sink1_endofpacket,
+    output                      sink1_ready,
+    // ----------------------
+    // Source
+    // ----------------------
+    output                      src_valid,
+    output [94-1    : 0] src_data,
+    output [4-1 : 0] src_channel,
+    output                      src_startofpacket,
+    output                      src_endofpacket,
+    input                       src_ready,
+    // ----------------------
+    // Clock & Reset
+    // ----------------------
+    input clk,
+    input reset
+    localparam PAYLOAD_W        = 94 + 4 + 2;
+    localparam NUM_INPUTS       = 2;
+    localparam SHARE_COUNTER_W  = 1;
+    localparam PIPELINE_ARB     = 1;
+    localparam ST_DATA_W        = 94;
+    localparam ST_CHANNEL_W     = 4;
+    localparam PKT_TRANS_LOCK   = 60;
+    // ------------------------------------------
+    // Signals
+    // ------------------------------------------
+    wire [NUM_INPUTS - 1 : 0]      request;
+    wire [NUM_INPUTS - 1 : 0]      valid;
+    wire [NUM_INPUTS - 1 : 0]      grant;
+    wire [NUM_INPUTS - 1 : 0]      next_grant;
+    reg [NUM_INPUTS - 1 : 0]       saved_grant;
+    reg [PAYLOAD_W - 1 : 0]        src_payload;
+    wire                           last_cycle;
+    reg                            packet_in_progress;
+    reg                            update_grant;
+    wire [PAYLOAD_W - 1 : 0] sink0_payload;
+    wire [PAYLOAD_W - 1 : 0] sink1_payload;
+    assign valid[0] = sink0_valid;
+    assign valid[1] = sink1_valid;
+    wire [NUM_INPUTS - 1 : 0] eop;
+    assign eop[0] = sink0_endofpacket;
+    assign eop[1] = sink1_endofpacket;
+    // ------------------------------------------
+    // ------------------------------------------
+    // Grant Logic & Updates
+    // ------------------------------------------
+    // ------------------------------------------
+    reg [NUM_INPUTS - 1 : 0] lock;
+    always @* begin
+      lock[0] = sink0_data[60];
+      lock[1] = sink1_data[60];
+    end
+    reg [NUM_INPUTS - 1 : 0] locked = '0;
+    always @(posedge clk or posedge reset) begin
+      if (reset) begin
+        locked <= '0;
+      end
+      else begin
+        locked <= next_grant & lock;
+      end
+    end
+    assign last_cycle = src_valid & src_ready & src_endofpacket & ~(|(lock & grant));
+    // ------------------------------------------
+    // We're working on a packet at any time valid is high, except
+    // when this is the endofpacket.
+    // ------------------------------------------
+    always @(posedge clk or posedge reset) begin
+      if (reset) begin
+        packet_in_progress <= 1'b0;
+      end
+      else begin
+        if (last_cycle)
+          packet_in_progress <= 1'b0; 
+        else if (src_valid)
+          packet_in_progress <= 1'b1;
+      end
+    end
+    // ------------------------------------------
+    // Shares
+    //
+    // Special case: all-equal shares _should_ be optimized into assigning a
+    // constant to next_grant_share.
+    // Special case: all-1's shares _should_ result in the share counter
+    // being optimized away.
+    // ------------------------------------------
+    // Input  |  arb shares  |  counter load value
+    // 0      |      1       |  0
+    // 1      |      1       |  0
+     wire [SHARE_COUNTER_W - 1 : 0] share_0 = 1'd0;
+     wire [SHARE_COUNTER_W - 1 : 0] share_1 = 1'd0;
+    // ------------------------------------------
+    // Choose the share value corresponding to the grant.
+    // ------------------------------------------
+    reg [SHARE_COUNTER_W - 1 : 0] next_grant_share;
+    always @* begin
+      next_grant_share =
+    share_0 & { SHARE_COUNTER_W {next_grant[0]} } |
+    share_1 & { SHARE_COUNTER_W {next_grant[1]} };
+    end
+    // ------------------------------------------
+    // Flag to indicate first packet of an arb sequence.
+    // ------------------------------------------
+    // ------------------------------------------
+    // Compute the next share-count value.
+    // ------------------------------------------
+    reg [SHARE_COUNTER_W - 1 : 0] p1_share_count;
+    reg [SHARE_COUNTER_W - 1 : 0] share_count;
+    reg share_count_zero_flag;
+    always @* begin
+        // Update the counter, but don't decrement below 0.
+      p1_share_count = share_count_zero_flag ? '0 : share_count - 1'b1;
+     end
+    // ------------------------------------------
+    // Update the share counter and share-counter=zero flag.
+    // ------------------------------------------
+    always @(posedge clk or posedge reset) begin
+      if (reset) begin
+        share_count <= '0;
+        share_count_zero_flag <= 1'b1;
+      end
+      else begin
+        if (update_grant) begin
+          share_count <= next_grant_share;
+          share_count_zero_flag <= (next_grant_share == '0);
+        end
+        else if (last_cycle) begin
+          share_count <= p1_share_count;
+          share_count_zero_flag <= (p1_share_count == '0);
+        end
+      end
+    end
+    always @* begin
+      update_grant = 0;
+        // ------------------------------------------
+        // The pipeline delays grant by one cycle, so
+        // we have to calculate the update_grant signal
+        // one cycle ahead of time.
+        //
+        // Possible optimization: omit the first clause
+        //    "if (!packet_in_progress & ~src_valid) ..."
+        //   cost: one idle cycle at the the beginning of each 
+        //     grant cycle.
+        //   benefit: save a small amount of logic.
+        // ------------------------------------------
+    if (!packet_in_progress & !src_valid)
+      update_grant = 1;
+    if (last_cycle && share_count_zero_flag)
+      update_grant = 1;
+    end
+    wire save_grant;
+    assign save_grant = update_grant;
+    assign grant = saved_grant;
+    always @(posedge clk, posedge reset) begin
+      if (reset)
+        saved_grant <= '0;
+      else if (save_grant)
+        saved_grant <= next_grant;
+    end
+    // ------------------------------------------
+    // ------------------------------------------
+    // Arbitrator
+    // ------------------------------------------
+    // ------------------------------------------
+    // ------------------------------------------
+    // Create a request vector that stays high during
+    // the packet for unpipelined arbitration.
+    //
+    // The pipelined arbitration scheme does not require
+    // request to be held high during the packet.
+    // ------------------------------------------
+    reg [NUM_INPUTS - 1 : 0] prev_request;
+    always @(posedge clk, posedge reset) begin
+      if (reset)
+        prev_request <= '0;
+      else
+        prev_request <= request & ~(valid & eop);
+    end
+    assign request = (PIPELINE_ARB == 1) ? valid | locked :
+    prev_request | valid | locked;
+    wire [NUM_INPUTS - 1 : 0] next_grant_from_arb;
+    altera_merlin_arbitrator
+    #(
+    .SCHEME ("round-robin"),
+    .PIPELINE (1)
+    ) arb (
+    .clk (clk),
+    .reset (reset),
+    .request (request),
+    .grant (next_grant_from_arb),
+    .save_top_priority (src_valid),
+    .increment_top_priority (update_grant)
+    );
+   assign next_grant = next_grant_from_arb;
+    // ------------------------------------------
+    // ------------------------------------------
+    // Mux
+    //
+    // Implemented as a sum of products.
+    // ------------------------------------------
+    // ------------------------------------------
+    assign sink0_ready = src_ready && grant[0];
+    assign sink1_ready = src_ready && grant[1];
+    assign src_valid = |(grant & valid);
+    always @* begin
+      src_payload =
+      sink0_payload & {PAYLOAD_W {grant[0]} } |
+      sink1_payload & {PAYLOAD_W {grant[1]} };
+    end
+    // ------------------------------------------
+    // Mux Payload Mapping
+    // ------------------------------------------
+    assign sink0_payload = {sink0_channel,sink0_data,
+    sink0_startofpacket,sink0_endofpacket};
+    assign sink1_payload = {sink1_channel,sink1_data,
+    sink1_startofpacket,sink1_endofpacket};
+    assign {src_channel,src_data,src_startofpacket,src_endofpacket} = src_payload;

+ 241 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,241 @@
+// (C) 2001-2019 Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.
+// Your use of Intel Corporation's design tools, logic functions and other 
+// software and tools, and its AMPP partner logic functions, and any output 
+// files from any of the foregoing (including device programming or simulation 
+// files), and any associated documentation or information are expressly subject 
+// to the terms and conditions of the Intel Program License Subscription 
+// Agreement, Intel FPGA IP License Agreement, or other applicable 
+// license agreement, including, without limitation, that your use is for the 
+// sole purpose of programming logic devices manufactured by Intel and sold by 
+// Intel or its authorized distributors.  Please refer to the applicable 
+// agreement for further details.
+// Your use of Altera Corporation's design tools, logic functions and other 
+// software and tools, and its AMPP partner logic functions, and any output 
+// files any of the foregoing (including device programming or simulation 
+// files), and any associated documentation or information are expressly subject 
+// to the terms and conditions of the Altera Program License Subscription 
+// Agreement, Altera MegaCore Function License Agreement, or other applicable 
+// license agreement, including, without limitation, that your use is for the 
+// sole purpose of programming logic devices manufactured by Altera and sold by 
+// Altera or its authorized distributors.  Please refer to the applicable 
+// agreement for further details.
+// $Id: //acds/rel/19.1std/ip/merlin/altera_merlin_router/altera_merlin_router.sv.terp#1 $
+// $Revision: #1 $
+// $Date: 2018/11/07 $
+// $Author: psgswbuild $
+// -------------------------------------------------------
+// Merlin Router
+// Asserts the appropriate one-hot encoded channel based on 
+// either (a) the address or (b) the dest id. The DECODER_TYPE
+// parameter controls this behaviour. 0 means address decoder,
+// 1 means dest id decoder.
+// In the case of (a), it also sets the destination id.
+// -------------------------------------------------------
+`timescale 1 ns / 1 ns
+module nios2_uc_mm_interconnect_0_router_default_decode
+  #(
+     parameter DEFAULT_CHANNEL = 2,
+               DEFAULT_WR_CHANNEL = -1,
+               DEFAULT_RD_CHANNEL = -1,
+               DEFAULT_DESTID = 2 
+   )
+  (output [80 - 79 : 0] default_destination_id,
+   output [4-1 : 0] default_wr_channel,
+   output [4-1 : 0] default_rd_channel,
+   output [4-1 : 0] default_src_channel
+  );
+  assign default_destination_id = 
+    DEFAULT_DESTID[80 - 79 : 0];
+  generate
+    if (DEFAULT_CHANNEL == -1) begin : no_default_channel_assignment
+      assign default_src_channel = '0;
+    end
+    else begin : default_channel_assignment
+      assign default_src_channel = 4'b1 << DEFAULT_CHANNEL;
+    end
+  endgenerate
+  generate
+    if (DEFAULT_RD_CHANNEL == -1) begin : no_default_rw_channel_assignment
+      assign default_wr_channel = '0;
+      assign default_rd_channel = '0;
+    end
+    else begin : default_rw_channel_assignment
+      assign default_wr_channel = 4'b1 << DEFAULT_WR_CHANNEL;
+      assign default_rd_channel = 4'b1 << DEFAULT_RD_CHANNEL;
+    end
+  endgenerate
+module nios2_uc_mm_interconnect_0_router
+    // -------------------
+    // Clock & Reset
+    // -------------------
+    input clk,
+    input reset,
+    // -------------------
+    // Command Sink (Input)
+    // -------------------
+    input                       sink_valid,
+    input  [94-1 : 0]    sink_data,
+    input                       sink_startofpacket,
+    input                       sink_endofpacket,
+    output                      sink_ready,
+    // -------------------
+    // Command Source (Output)
+    // -------------------
+    output                          src_valid,
+    output reg [94-1    : 0] src_data,
+    output reg [4-1 : 0] src_channel,
+    output                          src_startofpacket,
+    output                          src_endofpacket,
+    input                           src_ready
+    // -------------------------------------------------------
+    // Local parameters and variables
+    // -------------------------------------------------------
+    localparam PKT_ADDR_H = 55;
+    localparam PKT_ADDR_L = 36;
+    localparam PKT_DEST_ID_H = 80;
+    localparam PKT_DEST_ID_L = 79;
+    localparam PKT_PROTECTION_H = 84;
+    localparam PKT_PROTECTION_L = 82;
+    localparam ST_DATA_W = 94;
+    localparam ST_CHANNEL_W = 4;
+    localparam DECODER_TYPE = 0;
+    localparam PKT_TRANS_WRITE = 58;
+    localparam PKT_TRANS_READ  = 59;
+    localparam PKT_ADDR_W = PKT_ADDR_H-PKT_ADDR_L + 1;
+    localparam PKT_DEST_ID_W = PKT_DEST_ID_H-PKT_DEST_ID_L + 1;
+    // -------------------------------------------------------
+    // Figure out the number of bits to mask off for each slave span
+    // during address decoding
+    // -------------------------------------------------------
+    localparam PAD0 = log2ceil(64'h80000 - 64'h40000); 
+    localparam PAD1 = log2ceil(64'h81000 - 64'h80800); 
+    localparam PAD2 = log2ceil(64'h81020 - 64'h81010); 
+    localparam PAD3 = log2ceil(64'h81030 - 64'h81028); 
+    // -------------------------------------------------------
+    // Work out which address bits are significant based on the
+    // address range of the slaves. If the required width is too
+    // large or too small, we use the address field width instead.
+    // -------------------------------------------------------
+    localparam ADDR_RANGE = 64'h81030;
+    localparam RANGE_ADDR_WIDTH = log2ceil(ADDR_RANGE);
+                                  (RANGE_ADDR_WIDTH == 0) ?
+                                        PKT_ADDR_H :
+                                        PKT_ADDR_L + RANGE_ADDR_WIDTH - 1;
+    localparam RG = RANGE_ADDR_WIDTH-1;
+      reg [PKT_ADDR_W-1 : 0] address;
+      always @* begin
+        address = {PKT_ADDR_W{1'b0}};
+        address [REAL_ADDRESS_RANGE:0] = sink_data[OPTIMIZED_ADDR_H : PKT_ADDR_L];
+      end   
+    // -------------------------------------------------------
+    // Pass almost everything through, untouched
+    // -------------------------------------------------------
+    assign sink_ready        = src_ready;
+    assign src_valid         = sink_valid;
+    assign src_startofpacket = sink_startofpacket;
+    assign src_endofpacket   = sink_endofpacket;
+    wire [PKT_DEST_ID_W-1:0] default_destid;
+    wire [4-1 : 0] default_src_channel;
+    nios2_uc_mm_interconnect_0_router_default_decode the_default_decode(
+      .default_destination_id (default_destid),
+      .default_wr_channel   (),
+      .default_rd_channel   (),
+      .default_src_channel  (default_src_channel)
+    );
+    always @* begin
+        src_data    = sink_data;
+        src_channel = default_src_channel;
+        src_data[PKT_DEST_ID_H:PKT_DEST_ID_L] = default_destid;
+        // --------------------------------------------------
+        // Address Decoder
+        // Sets the channel and destination ID based on the address
+        // --------------------------------------------------
+    // ( 0x40000 .. 0x80000 )
+    if ( {address[RG:PAD0],{PAD0{1'b0}}} == 20'h40000   ) begin
+            src_channel = 4'b0100;
+            src_data[PKT_DEST_ID_H:PKT_DEST_ID_L] = 2;
+    end
+    // ( 0x80800 .. 0x81000 )
+    if ( {address[RG:PAD1],{PAD1{1'b0}}} == 20'h80800   ) begin
+            src_channel = 4'b0010;
+            src_data[PKT_DEST_ID_H:PKT_DEST_ID_L] = 1;
+    end
+    // ( 0x81010 .. 0x81020 )
+    if ( {address[RG:PAD2],{PAD2{1'b0}}} == 20'h81010   ) begin
+            src_channel = 4'b1000;
+            src_data[PKT_DEST_ID_H:PKT_DEST_ID_L] = 3;
+    end
+    // ( 0x81028 .. 0x81030 )
+    if ( {address[RG:PAD3],{PAD3{1'b0}}} == 20'h81028   ) begin
+            src_channel = 4'b0001;
+            src_data[PKT_DEST_ID_H:PKT_DEST_ID_L] = 0;
+    end
+    // --------------------------------------------------
+    // Ceil(log2()) function
+    // --------------------------------------------------
+    function integer log2ceil;
+        input reg[65:0] val;
+        reg [65:0] i;
+        begin
+            i = 1;
+            log2ceil = 0;
+            while (i < val) begin
+                log2ceil = log2ceil + 1;
+                i = i << 1;
+            end
+        end
+    endfunction

+ 224 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,224 @@
+// (C) 2001-2019 Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.
+// Your use of Intel Corporation's design tools, logic functions and other 
+// software and tools, and its AMPP partner logic functions, and any output 
+// files from any of the foregoing (including device programming or simulation 
+// files), and any associated documentation or information are expressly subject 
+// to the terms and conditions of the Intel Program License Subscription 
+// Agreement, Intel FPGA IP License Agreement, or other applicable 
+// license agreement, including, without limitation, that your use is for the 
+// sole purpose of programming logic devices manufactured by Intel and sold by 
+// Intel or its authorized distributors.  Please refer to the applicable 
+// agreement for further details.
+// Your use of Altera Corporation's design tools, logic functions and other 
+// software and tools, and its AMPP partner logic functions, and any output 
+// files any of the foregoing (including device programming or simulation 
+// files), and any associated documentation or information are expressly subject 
+// to the terms and conditions of the Altera Program License Subscription 
+// Agreement, Altera MegaCore Function License Agreement, or other applicable 
+// license agreement, including, without limitation, that your use is for the 
+// sole purpose of programming logic devices manufactured by Altera and sold by 
+// Altera or its authorized distributors.  Please refer to the applicable 
+// agreement for further details.
+// $Id: //acds/rel/19.1std/ip/merlin/altera_merlin_router/altera_merlin_router.sv.terp#1 $
+// $Revision: #1 $
+// $Date: 2018/11/07 $
+// $Author: psgswbuild $
+// -------------------------------------------------------
+// Merlin Router
+// Asserts the appropriate one-hot encoded channel based on 
+// either (a) the address or (b) the dest id. The DECODER_TYPE
+// parameter controls this behaviour. 0 means address decoder,
+// 1 means dest id decoder.
+// In the case of (a), it also sets the destination id.
+// -------------------------------------------------------
+`timescale 1 ns / 1 ns
+module nios2_uc_mm_interconnect_0_router_002_default_decode
+  #(
+     parameter DEFAULT_CHANNEL = 0,
+               DEFAULT_WR_CHANNEL = -1,
+               DEFAULT_RD_CHANNEL = -1,
+               DEFAULT_DESTID = 0 
+   )
+  (output [80 - 79 : 0] default_destination_id,
+   output [4-1 : 0] default_wr_channel,
+   output [4-1 : 0] default_rd_channel,
+   output [4-1 : 0] default_src_channel
+  );
+  assign default_destination_id = 
+    DEFAULT_DESTID[80 - 79 : 0];
+  generate
+    if (DEFAULT_CHANNEL == -1) begin : no_default_channel_assignment
+      assign default_src_channel = '0;
+    end
+    else begin : default_channel_assignment
+      assign default_src_channel = 4'b1 << DEFAULT_CHANNEL;
+    end
+  endgenerate
+  generate
+    if (DEFAULT_RD_CHANNEL == -1) begin : no_default_rw_channel_assignment
+      assign default_wr_channel = '0;
+      assign default_rd_channel = '0;
+    end
+    else begin : default_rw_channel_assignment
+      assign default_wr_channel = 4'b1 << DEFAULT_WR_CHANNEL;
+      assign default_rd_channel = 4'b1 << DEFAULT_RD_CHANNEL;
+    end
+  endgenerate
+module nios2_uc_mm_interconnect_0_router_002
+    // -------------------
+    // Clock & Reset
+    // -------------------
+    input clk,
+    input reset,
+    // -------------------
+    // Command Sink (Input)
+    // -------------------
+    input                       sink_valid,
+    input  [94-1 : 0]    sink_data,
+    input                       sink_startofpacket,
+    input                       sink_endofpacket,
+    output                      sink_ready,
+    // -------------------
+    // Command Source (Output)
+    // -------------------
+    output                          src_valid,
+    output reg [94-1    : 0] src_data,
+    output reg [4-1 : 0] src_channel,
+    output                          src_startofpacket,
+    output                          src_endofpacket,
+    input                           src_ready
+    // -------------------------------------------------------
+    // Local parameters and variables
+    // -------------------------------------------------------
+    localparam PKT_ADDR_H = 55;
+    localparam PKT_ADDR_L = 36;
+    localparam PKT_DEST_ID_H = 80;
+    localparam PKT_DEST_ID_L = 79;
+    localparam PKT_PROTECTION_H = 84;
+    localparam PKT_PROTECTION_L = 82;
+    localparam ST_DATA_W = 94;
+    localparam ST_CHANNEL_W = 4;
+    localparam DECODER_TYPE = 1;
+    localparam PKT_TRANS_WRITE = 58;
+    localparam PKT_TRANS_READ  = 59;
+    localparam PKT_ADDR_W = PKT_ADDR_H-PKT_ADDR_L + 1;
+    localparam PKT_DEST_ID_W = PKT_DEST_ID_H-PKT_DEST_ID_L + 1;
+    // -------------------------------------------------------
+    // Figure out the number of bits to mask off for each slave span
+    // during address decoding
+    // -------------------------------------------------------
+    // -------------------------------------------------------
+    // Work out which address bits are significant based on the
+    // address range of the slaves. If the required width is too
+    // large or too small, we use the address field width instead.
+    // -------------------------------------------------------
+    localparam ADDR_RANGE = 64'h0;
+    localparam RANGE_ADDR_WIDTH = log2ceil(ADDR_RANGE);
+                                  (RANGE_ADDR_WIDTH == 0) ?
+                                        PKT_ADDR_H :
+                                        PKT_ADDR_L + RANGE_ADDR_WIDTH - 1;
+    localparam RG = RANGE_ADDR_WIDTH;
+    reg [PKT_DEST_ID_W-1 : 0] destid;
+    // -------------------------------------------------------
+    // Pass almost everything through, untouched
+    // -------------------------------------------------------
+    assign sink_ready        = src_ready;
+    assign src_valid         = sink_valid;
+    assign src_startofpacket = sink_startofpacket;
+    assign src_endofpacket   = sink_endofpacket;
+    wire [4-1 : 0] default_src_channel;
+    // -------------------------------------------------------
+    // Write and read transaction signals
+    // -------------------------------------------------------
+    wire read_transaction;
+    assign read_transaction  = sink_data[PKT_TRANS_READ];
+    nios2_uc_mm_interconnect_0_router_002_default_decode the_default_decode(
+      .default_destination_id (),
+      .default_wr_channel   (),
+      .default_rd_channel   (),
+      .default_src_channel  (default_src_channel)
+    );
+    always @* begin
+        src_data    = sink_data;
+        src_channel = default_src_channel;
+        // --------------------------------------------------
+        // DestinationID Decoder
+        // Sets the channel based on the destination ID.
+        // --------------------------------------------------
+        destid      = sink_data[PKT_DEST_ID_H : PKT_DEST_ID_L];
+        if (destid == 0 ) begin
+            src_channel = 4'b01;
+        end
+        if (destid == 1  && read_transaction) begin
+            src_channel = 4'b10;
+        end
+    // --------------------------------------------------
+    // Ceil(log2()) function
+    // --------------------------------------------------
+    function integer log2ceil;
+        input reg[65:0] val;
+        reg [65:0] i;
+        begin
+            i = 1;
+            log2ceil = 0;
+            while (i < val) begin
+                log2ceil = log2ceil + 1;
+                i = i << 1;
+            end
+        end
+    endfunction

+ 115 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,115 @@
+// (C) 2001-2019 Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.
+// Your use of Intel Corporation's design tools, logic functions and other 
+// software and tools, and its AMPP partner logic functions, and any output 
+// files from any of the foregoing (including device programming or simulation 
+// files), and any associated documentation or information are expressly subject 
+// to the terms and conditions of the Intel Program License Subscription 
+// Agreement, Intel FPGA IP License Agreement, or other applicable 
+// license agreement, including, without limitation, that your use is for the 
+// sole purpose of programming logic devices manufactured by Intel and sold by 
+// Intel or its authorized distributors.  Please refer to the applicable 
+// agreement for further details.
+// $Id: //acds/rel/19.1std/ip/merlin/altera_merlin_demultiplexer/altera_merlin_demultiplexer.sv.terp#1 $
+// $Revision: #1 $
+// $Date: 2018/11/07 $
+// $Author: psgswbuild $
+// -------------------------------------
+// Merlin Demultiplexer
+// Asserts valid on the appropriate output
+// given a one-hot channel signal.
+// -------------------------------------
+`timescale 1 ns / 1 ns
+// ------------------------------------------
+// Generation parameters:
+//   output_name:         nios2_uc_mm_interconnect_0_rsp_demux
+//   ST_DATA_W:           94
+//   ST_CHANNEL_W:        4
+//   NUM_OUTPUTS:         2
+//   VALID_WIDTH:         1
+// ------------------------------------------
+// Message Supression Used
+// QIS Warnings
+// 15610 - Warning: Design contains x input pin(s) that do not drive logic
+module nios2_uc_mm_interconnect_0_rsp_demux
+    // -------------------
+    // Sink
+    // -------------------
+    input  [1-1      : 0]   sink_valid,
+    input  [94-1    : 0]   sink_data, // ST_DATA_W=94
+    input  [4-1 : 0]   sink_channel, // ST_CHANNEL_W=4
+    input                         sink_startofpacket,
+    input                         sink_endofpacket,
+    output                        sink_ready,
+    // -------------------
+    // Sources 
+    // -------------------
+    output reg                      src0_valid,
+    output reg [94-1    : 0] src0_data, // ST_DATA_W=94
+    output reg [4-1 : 0] src0_channel, // ST_CHANNEL_W=4
+    output reg                      src0_startofpacket,
+    output reg                      src0_endofpacket,
+    input                           src0_ready,
+    output reg                      src1_valid,
+    output reg [94-1    : 0] src1_data, // ST_DATA_W=94
+    output reg [4-1 : 0] src1_channel, // ST_CHANNEL_W=4
+    output reg                      src1_startofpacket,
+    output reg                      src1_endofpacket,
+    input                           src1_ready,
+    // -------------------
+    // Clock & Reset
+    // -------------------
+    (*altera_attribute = "-name MESSAGE_DISABLE 15610" *) // setting message suppression on clk
+    input clk,
+    (*altera_attribute = "-name MESSAGE_DISABLE 15610" *) // setting message suppression on reset
+    input reset
+    localparam NUM_OUTPUTS = 2;
+    wire [NUM_OUTPUTS - 1 : 0] ready_vector;
+    // -------------------
+    // Demux
+    // -------------------
+    always @* begin
+        src0_data          = sink_data;
+        src0_startofpacket = sink_startofpacket;
+        src0_endofpacket   = sink_endofpacket;
+        src0_channel       = sink_channel >> NUM_OUTPUTS;
+        src0_valid         = sink_channel[0] && sink_valid;
+        src1_data          = sink_data;
+        src1_startofpacket = sink_startofpacket;
+        src1_endofpacket   = sink_endofpacket;
+        src1_channel       = sink_channel >> NUM_OUTPUTS;
+        src1_valid         = sink_channel[1] && sink_valid;
+    end
+    // -------------------
+    // Backpressure
+    // -------------------
+    assign ready_vector[0] = src0_ready;
+    assign ready_vector[1] = src1_ready;
+    assign sink_ready = |(sink_channel & {{2{1'b0}},{ready_vector[NUM_OUTPUTS - 1 : 0]}});

+ 385 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,385 @@
+// (C) 2001-2019 Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.
+// Your use of Intel Corporation's design tools, logic functions and other 
+// software and tools, and its AMPP partner logic functions, and any output 
+// files from any of the foregoing (including device programming or simulation 
+// files), and any associated documentation or information are expressly subject 
+// to the terms and conditions of the Intel Program License Subscription 
+// Agreement, Intel FPGA IP License Agreement, or other applicable 
+// license agreement, including, without limitation, that your use is for the 
+// sole purpose of programming logic devices manufactured by Intel and sold by 
+// Intel or its authorized distributors.  Please refer to the applicable 
+// agreement for further details.
+// (C) 2001-2014 Altera Corporation. All rights reserved.
+// Your use of Altera Corporation's design tools, logic functions and other 
+// software and tools, and its AMPP partner logic functions, and any output 
+// files any of the foregoing (including device programming or simulation 
+// files), and any associated documentation or information are expressly subject 
+// to the terms and conditions of the Altera Program License Subscription 
+// Agreement, Altera MegaCore Function License Agreement, or other applicable 
+// license agreement, including, without limitation, that your use is for the 
+// sole purpose of programming logic devices manufactured by Altera and sold by 
+// Altera or its authorized distributors.  Please refer to the applicable 
+// agreement for further details.
+// $Id: //acds/rel/19.1std/ip/merlin/altera_merlin_multiplexer/altera_merlin_multiplexer.sv.terp#1 $
+// $Revision: #1 $
+// $Date: 2018/11/07 $
+// $Author: psgswbuild $
+// ------------------------------------------
+// Merlin Multiplexer
+// ------------------------------------------
+`timescale 1 ns / 1 ns
+// ------------------------------------------
+// Generation parameters:
+//   output_name:         nios2_uc_mm_interconnect_0_rsp_mux
+//   NUM_INPUTS:          4
+//   ARBITRATION_SHARES:  1 1 1 1
+//   ARBITRATION_SCHEME   "no-arb"
+//   PIPELINE_ARB:        0
+//   PKT_TRANS_LOCK:      60 (arbitration locking enabled)
+//   ST_DATA_W:           94
+//   ST_CHANNEL_W:        4
+// ------------------------------------------
+module nios2_uc_mm_interconnect_0_rsp_mux
+    // ----------------------
+    // Sinks
+    // ----------------------
+    input                       sink0_valid,
+    input [94-1   : 0]  sink0_data,
+    input [4-1: 0]  sink0_channel,
+    input                       sink0_startofpacket,
+    input                       sink0_endofpacket,
+    output                      sink0_ready,
+    input                       sink1_valid,
+    input [94-1   : 0]  sink1_data,
+    input [4-1: 0]  sink1_channel,
+    input                       sink1_startofpacket,
+    input                       sink1_endofpacket,
+    output                      sink1_ready,
+    input                       sink2_valid,
+    input [94-1   : 0]  sink2_data,
+    input [4-1: 0]  sink2_channel,
+    input                       sink2_startofpacket,
+    input                       sink2_endofpacket,
+    output                      sink2_ready,
+    input                       sink3_valid,
+    input [94-1   : 0]  sink3_data,
+    input [4-1: 0]  sink3_channel,
+    input                       sink3_startofpacket,
+    input                       sink3_endofpacket,
+    output                      sink3_ready,
+    // ----------------------
+    // Source
+    // ----------------------
+    output                      src_valid,
+    output [94-1    : 0] src_data,
+    output [4-1 : 0] src_channel,
+    output                      src_startofpacket,
+    output                      src_endofpacket,
+    input                       src_ready,
+    // ----------------------
+    // Clock & Reset
+    // ----------------------
+    input clk,
+    input reset
+    localparam PAYLOAD_W        = 94 + 4 + 2;
+    localparam NUM_INPUTS       = 4;
+    localparam SHARE_COUNTER_W  = 1;
+    localparam PIPELINE_ARB     = 0;
+    localparam ST_DATA_W        = 94;
+    localparam ST_CHANNEL_W     = 4;
+    localparam PKT_TRANS_LOCK   = 60;
+    // ------------------------------------------
+    // Signals
+    // ------------------------------------------
+    wire [NUM_INPUTS - 1 : 0]      request;
+    wire [NUM_INPUTS - 1 : 0]      valid;
+    wire [NUM_INPUTS - 1 : 0]      grant;
+    wire [NUM_INPUTS - 1 : 0]      next_grant;
+    reg [NUM_INPUTS - 1 : 0]       saved_grant;
+    reg [PAYLOAD_W - 1 : 0]        src_payload;
+    wire                           last_cycle;
+    reg                            packet_in_progress;
+    reg                            update_grant;
+    wire [PAYLOAD_W - 1 : 0] sink0_payload;
+    wire [PAYLOAD_W - 1 : 0] sink1_payload;
+    wire [PAYLOAD_W - 1 : 0] sink2_payload;
+    wire [PAYLOAD_W - 1 : 0] sink3_payload;
+    assign valid[0] = sink0_valid;
+    assign valid[1] = sink1_valid;
+    assign valid[2] = sink2_valid;
+    assign valid[3] = sink3_valid;
+    // ------------------------------------------
+    // ------------------------------------------
+    // Grant Logic & Updates
+    // ------------------------------------------
+    // ------------------------------------------
+    reg [NUM_INPUTS - 1 : 0] lock;
+    always @* begin
+      lock[0] = sink0_data[60];
+      lock[1] = sink1_data[60];
+      lock[2] = sink2_data[60];
+      lock[3] = sink3_data[60];
+    end
+    assign last_cycle = src_valid & src_ready & src_endofpacket & ~(|(lock & grant));
+    // ------------------------------------------
+    // We're working on a packet at any time valid is high, except
+    // when this is the endofpacket.
+    // ------------------------------------------
+    always @(posedge clk or posedge reset) begin
+      if (reset) begin
+        packet_in_progress <= 1'b0;
+      end
+      else begin
+        if (last_cycle)
+          packet_in_progress <= 1'b0; 
+        else if (src_valid)
+          packet_in_progress <= 1'b1;
+      end
+    end
+    // ------------------------------------------
+    // Shares
+    //
+    // Special case: all-equal shares _should_ be optimized into assigning a
+    // constant to next_grant_share.
+    // Special case: all-1's shares _should_ result in the share counter
+    // being optimized away.
+    // ------------------------------------------
+    // Input  |  arb shares  |  counter load value
+    // 0      |      1       |  0
+    // 1      |      1       |  0
+    // 2      |      1       |  0
+    // 3      |      1       |  0
+     wire [SHARE_COUNTER_W - 1 : 0] share_0 = 1'd0;
+     wire [SHARE_COUNTER_W - 1 : 0] share_1 = 1'd0;
+     wire [SHARE_COUNTER_W - 1 : 0] share_2 = 1'd0;
+     wire [SHARE_COUNTER_W - 1 : 0] share_3 = 1'd0;
+    // ------------------------------------------
+    // Choose the share value corresponding to the grant.
+    // ------------------------------------------
+    reg [SHARE_COUNTER_W - 1 : 0] next_grant_share;
+    always @* begin
+      next_grant_share =
+    share_0 & { SHARE_COUNTER_W {next_grant[0]} } |
+    share_1 & { SHARE_COUNTER_W {next_grant[1]} } |
+    share_2 & { SHARE_COUNTER_W {next_grant[2]} } |
+    share_3 & { SHARE_COUNTER_W {next_grant[3]} };
+    end
+    // ------------------------------------------
+    // Flag to indicate first packet of an arb sequence.
+    // ------------------------------------------
+    wire grant_changed = ~packet_in_progress && ~(|(saved_grant & valid));
+    reg first_packet_r;
+    wire first_packet = grant_changed | first_packet_r;
+    always @(posedge clk or posedge reset) begin
+      if (reset) begin
+        first_packet_r <= 1'b0;
+      end
+      else begin 
+        if (update_grant)
+          first_packet_r <= 1'b1;
+        else if (last_cycle)
+          first_packet_r <= 1'b0;
+        else if (grant_changed)
+          first_packet_r <= 1'b1;
+      end
+    end
+    // ------------------------------------------
+    // Compute the next share-count value.
+    // ------------------------------------------
+    reg [SHARE_COUNTER_W - 1 : 0] p1_share_count;
+    reg [SHARE_COUNTER_W - 1 : 0] share_count;
+    reg share_count_zero_flag;
+    always @* begin
+      if (first_packet) begin
+        p1_share_count = next_grant_share;
+      end
+      else begin
+            // Update the counter, but don't decrement below 0.
+        p1_share_count = share_count_zero_flag ? '0 : share_count - 1'b1;
+      end
+     end
+    // ------------------------------------------
+    // Update the share counter and share-counter=zero flag.
+    // ------------------------------------------
+    always @(posedge clk or posedge reset) begin
+      if (reset) begin
+        share_count <= '0;
+        share_count_zero_flag <= 1'b1;
+      end
+      else begin
+        if (last_cycle) begin
+          share_count <= p1_share_count;
+          share_count_zero_flag <= (p1_share_count == '0);
+        end
+      end
+    end
+    // ------------------------------------------
+    // For each input, maintain a final_packet signal which goes active for the
+    // last packet of a full-share packet sequence.  Example: if I have 4
+    // shares and I'm continuously requesting, final_packet is active in the
+    // 4th packet.
+    // ------------------------------------------
+    wire final_packet_0 = 1'b1;
+    wire final_packet_1 = 1'b1;
+    wire final_packet_2 = 1'b1;
+    wire final_packet_3 = 1'b1;
+    // ------------------------------------------
+    // Concatenate all final_packet signals (wire or reg) into a handy vector.
+    // ------------------------------------------
+    wire [NUM_INPUTS - 1 : 0] final_packet = {
+    final_packet_3,
+    final_packet_2,
+    final_packet_1,
+    final_packet_0
+    };
+    // ------------------------------------------
+    // ------------------------------------------
+    wire p1_done = |(final_packet & grant);
+    // ------------------------------------------
+    // Flag for the first cycle of packets within an 
+    // arb sequence
+    // ------------------------------------------
+    reg first_cycle;
+    always @(posedge clk, posedge reset) begin
+      if (reset)
+        first_cycle <= 0;
+      else
+        first_cycle <= last_cycle && ~p1_done;
+    end
+    always @* begin
+      update_grant = 0;
+        // ------------------------------------------
+        // No arbitration pipeline, update grant whenever
+        // the current arb winner has consumed all shares,
+        // or all requests are low
+        // ------------------------------------------
+  update_grant = (last_cycle && p1_done) || (first_cycle && ~(|valid));
+  update_grant = last_cycle;
+    end
+    wire save_grant;
+    assign save_grant = 1;
+    assign grant = next_grant;
+    always @(posedge clk, posedge reset) begin
+      if (reset)
+        saved_grant <= '0;
+      else if (save_grant)
+        saved_grant <= next_grant;
+    end
+    // ------------------------------------------
+    // ------------------------------------------
+    // Arbitrator
+    // ------------------------------------------
+    // ------------------------------------------
+    // ------------------------------------------
+    // Create a request vector that stays high during
+    // the packet for unpipelined arbitration.
+    //
+    // The pipelined arbitration scheme does not require
+    // request to be held high during the packet.
+    // ------------------------------------------
+    assign request = valid;
+    wire [NUM_INPUTS - 1 : 0] next_grant_from_arb;
+    altera_merlin_arbitrator
+    #(
+    .SCHEME ("no-arb"),
+    .PIPELINE (0)
+    ) arb (
+    .clk (clk),
+    .reset (reset),
+    .request (request),
+    .grant (next_grant_from_arb),
+    .save_top_priority (src_valid),
+    .increment_top_priority (update_grant)
+    );
+   assign next_grant = next_grant_from_arb;
+    // ------------------------------------------
+    // ------------------------------------------
+    // Mux
+    //
+    // Implemented as a sum of products.
+    // ------------------------------------------
+    // ------------------------------------------
+    assign sink0_ready = src_ready && grant[0];
+    assign sink1_ready = src_ready && grant[1];
+    assign sink2_ready = src_ready && grant[2];
+    assign sink3_ready = src_ready && grant[3];
+    assign src_valid = |(grant & valid);
+    always @* begin
+      src_payload =
+      sink0_payload & {PAYLOAD_W {grant[0]} } |
+      sink1_payload & {PAYLOAD_W {grant[1]} } |
+      sink2_payload & {PAYLOAD_W {grant[2]} } |
+      sink3_payload & {PAYLOAD_W {grant[3]} };
+    end
+    // ------------------------------------------
+    // Mux Payload Mapping
+    // ------------------------------------------
+    assign sink0_payload = {sink0_channel,sink0_data,
+    sink0_startofpacket,sink0_endofpacket};
+    assign sink1_payload = {sink1_channel,sink1_data,
+    sink1_startofpacket,sink1_endofpacket};
+    assign sink2_payload = {sink2_channel,sink2_data,
+    sink2_startofpacket,sink2_endofpacket};
+    assign sink3_payload = {sink3_channel,sink3_data,
+    sink3_startofpacket,sink3_endofpacket};
+    assign {src_channel,src_data,src_startofpacket,src_endofpacket} = src_payload;

+ 67 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,67 @@
+// nios2_uc_nios2.v
+// This file was auto-generated from altera_nios2_hw.tcl.  If you edit it your changes
+// will probably be lost.
+// Generated using ACDS version 18.1 646
+`timescale 1 ps / 1 ps
+module nios2_uc_nios2 (
+		input  wire        clk,                                 //                       clk.clk
+		input  wire        reset_n,                             //                     reset.reset_n
+		input  wire        reset_req,                           //                          .reset_req
+		output wire [19:0] d_address,                           //               data_master.address
+		output wire [3:0]  d_byteenable,                        //                          .byteenable
+		output wire        d_read,                              //                          .read
+		input  wire [31:0] d_readdata,                          //                          .readdata
+		input  wire        d_waitrequest,                       //                          .waitrequest
+		output wire        d_write,                             //                          .write
+		output wire [31:0] d_writedata,                         //                          .writedata
+		output wire        debug_mem_slave_debugaccess_to_roms, //                          .debugaccess
+		output wire [19:0] i_address,                           //        instruction_master.address
+		output wire        i_read,                              //                          .read
+		input  wire [31:0] i_readdata,                          //                          .readdata
+		input  wire        i_waitrequest,                       //                          .waitrequest
+		input  wire [31:0] irq,                                 //                       irq.irq
+		output wire        debug_reset_request,                 //       debug_reset_request.reset
+		input  wire [8:0]  debug_mem_slave_address,             //           debug_mem_slave.address
+		input  wire [3:0]  debug_mem_slave_byteenable,          //                          .byteenable
+		input  wire        debug_mem_slave_debugaccess,         //                          .debugaccess
+		input  wire        debug_mem_slave_read,                //                          .read
+		output wire [31:0] debug_mem_slave_readdata,            //                          .readdata
+		output wire        debug_mem_slave_waitrequest,         //                          .waitrequest
+		input  wire        debug_mem_slave_write,               //                          .write
+		input  wire [31:0] debug_mem_slave_writedata,           //                          .writedata
+		output wire        dummy_ci_port                        // custom_instruction_master.readra
+	);
+	nios2_uc_nios2_cpu cpu (
+		.clk                                 (clk),                                 //                       clk.clk
+		.reset_n                             (reset_n),                             //                     reset.reset_n
+		.reset_req                           (reset_req),                           //                          .reset_req
+		.d_address                           (d_address),                           //               data_master.address
+		.d_byteenable                        (d_byteenable),                        //                          .byteenable
+		.d_read                              (d_read),                              //                          .read
+		.d_readdata                          (d_readdata),                          //                          .readdata
+		.d_waitrequest                       (d_waitrequest),                       //                          .waitrequest
+		.d_write                             (d_write),                             //                          .write
+		.d_writedata                         (d_writedata),                         //                          .writedata
+		.debug_mem_slave_debugaccess_to_roms (debug_mem_slave_debugaccess_to_roms), //                          .debugaccess
+		.i_address                           (i_address),                           //        instruction_master.address
+		.i_read                              (i_read),                              //                          .read
+		.i_readdata                          (i_readdata),                          //                          .readdata
+		.i_waitrequest                       (i_waitrequest),                       //                          .waitrequest
+		.irq                                 (irq),                                 //                       irq.irq
+		.debug_reset_request                 (debug_reset_request),                 //       debug_reset_request.reset
+		.debug_mem_slave_address             (debug_mem_slave_address),             //           debug_mem_slave.address
+		.debug_mem_slave_byteenable          (debug_mem_slave_byteenable),          //                          .byteenable
+		.debug_mem_slave_debugaccess         (debug_mem_slave_debugaccess),         //                          .debugaccess
+		.debug_mem_slave_read                (debug_mem_slave_read),                //                          .read
+		.debug_mem_slave_readdata            (debug_mem_slave_readdata),            //                          .readdata
+		.debug_mem_slave_waitrequest         (debug_mem_slave_waitrequest),         //                          .waitrequest
+		.debug_mem_slave_write               (debug_mem_slave_write),               //                          .write
+		.debug_mem_slave_writedata           (debug_mem_slave_writedata),           //                          .writedata
+		.dummy_ci_port                       (dummy_ci_port)                        // custom_instruction_master.readra
+	);

+ 53 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
+# Legal Notice: (C)2020 Altera Corporation. All rights reserved.  Your
+# use of Altera Corporation's design tools, logic functions and other
+# software and tools, and its AMPP partner logic functions, and any
+# output files any of the foregoing (including device programming or
+# simulation files), and any associated documentation or information are
+# expressly subject to the terms and conditions of the Altera Program
+# License Subscription Agreement or other applicable license agreement,
+# including, without limitation, that your use is for the sole purpose
+# of programming logic devices manufactured by Altera and sold by Altera
+# or its authorized distributors.  Please refer to the applicable
+# agreement for further details.
+# Timequest JTAG clock definition
+#   Uncommenting the following lines will define the JTAG
+#   clock in TimeQuest Timing Analyzer
+#create_clock -period 10MHz {altera_reserved_tck}
+#set_clock_groups -asynchronous -group {altera_reserved_tck}
+# Set TCL Path Variables 
+set 	nios2_uc_nios2_cpu 	nios2_uc_nios2_cpu:*
+set 	nios2_uc_nios2_cpu_oci 	nios2_uc_nios2_cpu_nios2_oci:the_nios2_uc_nios2_cpu_nios2_oci
+set 	nios2_uc_nios2_cpu_oci_break 	nios2_uc_nios2_cpu_nios2_oci_break:the_nios2_uc_nios2_cpu_nios2_oci_break
+set 	nios2_uc_nios2_cpu_ocimem 	nios2_uc_nios2_cpu_nios2_ocimem:the_nios2_uc_nios2_cpu_nios2_ocimem
+set 	nios2_uc_nios2_cpu_oci_debug 	nios2_uc_nios2_cpu_nios2_oci_debug:the_nios2_uc_nios2_cpu_nios2_oci_debug
+set 	nios2_uc_nios2_cpu_wrapper 	nios2_uc_nios2_cpu_debug_slave_wrapper:the_nios2_uc_nios2_cpu_debug_slave_wrapper
+set 	nios2_uc_nios2_cpu_jtag_tck 	nios2_uc_nios2_cpu_debug_slave_tck:the_nios2_uc_nios2_cpu_debug_slave_tck
+set 	nios2_uc_nios2_cpu_jtag_sysclk 	nios2_uc_nios2_cpu_debug_slave_sysclk:the_nios2_uc_nios2_cpu_debug_slave_sysclk
+set 	nios2_uc_nios2_cpu_oci_path 	 [format "%s|%s" $nios2_uc_nios2_cpu $nios2_uc_nios2_cpu_oci]
+set 	nios2_uc_nios2_cpu_oci_break_path 	 [format "%s|%s" $nios2_uc_nios2_cpu_oci_path $nios2_uc_nios2_cpu_oci_break]
+set 	nios2_uc_nios2_cpu_ocimem_path 	 [format "%s|%s" $nios2_uc_nios2_cpu_oci_path $nios2_uc_nios2_cpu_ocimem]
+set 	nios2_uc_nios2_cpu_oci_debug_path 	 [format "%s|%s" $nios2_uc_nios2_cpu_oci_path $nios2_uc_nios2_cpu_oci_debug]
+set 	nios2_uc_nios2_cpu_jtag_tck_path 	 [format "%s|%s|%s" $nios2_uc_nios2_cpu_oci_path $nios2_uc_nios2_cpu_wrapper $nios2_uc_nios2_cpu_jtag_tck]
+set 	nios2_uc_nios2_cpu_jtag_sysclk_path 	 [format "%s|%s|%s" $nios2_uc_nios2_cpu_oci_path $nios2_uc_nios2_cpu_wrapper $nios2_uc_nios2_cpu_jtag_sysclk]
+set 	nios2_uc_nios2_cpu_jtag_sr 	 [format "%s|*sr" $nios2_uc_nios2_cpu_jtag_tck_path]
+# Set False Paths
+set_false_path -from [get_keepers *$nios2_uc_nios2_cpu_oci_break_path|break_readreg*] -to [get_keepers *$nios2_uc_nios2_cpu_jtag_sr*]
+set_false_path -from [get_keepers *$nios2_uc_nios2_cpu_oci_debug_path|*resetlatch]     -to [get_keepers *$nios2_uc_nios2_cpu_jtag_sr[33]]
+set_false_path -from [get_keepers *$nios2_uc_nios2_cpu_oci_debug_path|monitor_ready]  -to [get_keepers *$nios2_uc_nios2_cpu_jtag_sr[0]]
+set_false_path -from [get_keepers *$nios2_uc_nios2_cpu_oci_debug_path|monitor_error]  -to [get_keepers *$nios2_uc_nios2_cpu_jtag_sr[34]]
+set_false_path -from [get_keepers *$nios2_uc_nios2_cpu_ocimem_path|*MonDReg*] -to [get_keepers *$nios2_uc_nios2_cpu_jtag_sr*]
+set_false_path -from *$nios2_uc_nios2_cpu_jtag_sr*    -to *$nios2_uc_nios2_cpu_jtag_sysclk_path|*jdo*
+set_false_path -from sld_hub:*|irf_reg* -to *$nios2_uc_nios2_cpu_jtag_sysclk_path|ir*
+set_false_path -from sld_hub:*|sld_shadow_jsm:shadow_jsm|state[1] -to *$nios2_uc_nios2_cpu_oci_debug_path|monitor_go

La diferencia del archivo ha sido suprimido porque es demasiado grande
+ 5658 - 0

+ 162 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,162 @@
+//Legal Notice: (C)2020 Altera Corporation. All rights reserved.  Your
+//use of Altera Corporation's design tools, logic functions and other
+//software and tools, and its AMPP partner logic functions, and any
+//output files any of the foregoing (including device programming or
+//simulation files), and any associated documentation or information are
+//expressly subject to the terms and conditions of the Altera Program
+//License Subscription Agreement or other applicable license agreement,
+//including, without limitation, that your use is for the sole purpose
+//of programming logic devices manufactured by Altera and sold by Altera
+//or its authorized distributors.  Please refer to the applicable
+//agreement for further details.
+// synthesis translate_off
+`timescale 1ns / 1ps
+// synthesis translate_on
+// turn off superfluous verilog processor warnings 
+// altera message_level Level1 
+// altera message_off 10034 10035 10036 10037 10230 10240 10030 
+module nios2_uc_nios2_cpu_debug_slave_sysclk (
+                                               // inputs:
+                                                clk,
+                                                ir_in,
+                                                sr,
+                                                vs_udr,
+                                                vs_uir,
+                                               // outputs:
+                                                jdo,
+                                                take_action_break_a,
+                                                take_action_break_b,
+                                                take_action_break_c,
+                                                take_action_ocimem_a,
+                                                take_action_ocimem_b,
+                                                take_action_tracectrl,
+                                                take_no_action_break_a,
+                                                take_no_action_break_b,
+                                                take_no_action_break_c,
+                                                take_no_action_ocimem_a
+                                             )
+  output  [ 37: 0] jdo;
+  output           take_action_break_a;
+  output           take_action_break_b;
+  output           take_action_break_c;
+  output           take_action_ocimem_a;
+  output           take_action_ocimem_b;
+  output           take_action_tracectrl;
+  output           take_no_action_break_a;
+  output           take_no_action_break_b;
+  output           take_no_action_break_c;
+  output           take_no_action_ocimem_a;
+  input            clk;
+  input   [  1: 0] ir_in;
+  input   [ 37: 0] sr;
+  input            vs_udr;
+  input            vs_uir;
+reg              enable_action_strobe /* synthesis ALTERA_ATTRIBUTE = "SUPPRESS_DA_RULE_INTERNAL=\"D101,D103\""  */;
+reg     [  1: 0] ir /* synthesis ALTERA_ATTRIBUTE = "SUPPRESS_DA_RULE_INTERNAL=\"D101,R101\""  */;
+reg     [ 37: 0] jdo /* synthesis ALTERA_ATTRIBUTE = "SUPPRESS_DA_RULE_INTERNAL=\"D101,R101\""  */;
+reg              jxuir /* synthesis ALTERA_ATTRIBUTE = "SUPPRESS_DA_RULE_INTERNAL=\"D101,D103\""  */;
+reg              sync2_udr /* synthesis ALTERA_ATTRIBUTE = "SUPPRESS_DA_RULE_INTERNAL=\"D101,D103\""  */;
+reg              sync2_uir /* synthesis ALTERA_ATTRIBUTE = "SUPPRESS_DA_RULE_INTERNAL=\"D101,D103\""  */;
+wire             sync_udr;
+wire             sync_uir;
+wire             take_action_break_a;
+wire             take_action_break_b;
+wire             take_action_break_c;
+wire             take_action_ocimem_a;
+wire             take_action_ocimem_b;
+wire             take_action_tracectrl;
+wire             take_no_action_break_a;
+wire             take_no_action_break_b;
+wire             take_no_action_break_c;
+wire             take_no_action_ocimem_a;
+wire             unxunused_resetxx3;
+wire             unxunused_resetxx4;
+reg              update_jdo_strobe /* synthesis ALTERA_ATTRIBUTE = "SUPPRESS_DA_RULE_INTERNAL=\"D101,D103\""  */;
+  assign unxunused_resetxx3 = 1'b1;
+  altera_std_synchronizer the_altera_std_synchronizer3
+    (
+      .clk (clk),
+      .din (vs_udr),
+      .dout (sync_udr),
+      .reset_n (unxunused_resetxx3)
+    );
+  defparam the_altera_std_synchronizer3.depth = 2;
+  assign unxunused_resetxx4 = 1'b1;
+  altera_std_synchronizer the_altera_std_synchronizer4
+    (
+      .clk (clk),
+      .din (vs_uir),
+      .dout (sync_uir),
+      .reset_n (unxunused_resetxx4)
+    );
+  defparam the_altera_std_synchronizer4.depth = 2;
+  always @(posedge clk)
+    begin
+      sync2_udr <= sync_udr;
+      update_jdo_strobe <= sync_udr & ~sync2_udr;
+      enable_action_strobe <= update_jdo_strobe;
+      sync2_uir <= sync_uir;
+      jxuir <= sync_uir & ~sync2_uir;
+    end
+  assign take_action_ocimem_a = enable_action_strobe && (ir == 2'b00) && 
+    ~jdo[35] && jdo[34];
+  assign take_no_action_ocimem_a = enable_action_strobe && (ir == 2'b00) && 
+    ~jdo[35] && ~jdo[34];
+  assign take_action_ocimem_b = enable_action_strobe && (ir == 2'b00) && 
+    jdo[35];
+  assign take_action_break_a = enable_action_strobe && (ir == 2'b10) && 
+    ~jdo[36] && 
+    jdo[37];
+  assign take_no_action_break_a = enable_action_strobe && (ir == 2'b10) && 
+    ~jdo[36] && 
+    ~jdo[37];
+  assign take_action_break_b = enable_action_strobe && (ir == 2'b10) && 
+    jdo[36] && ~jdo[35] &&
+    jdo[37];
+  assign take_no_action_break_b = enable_action_strobe && (ir == 2'b10) && 
+    jdo[36] && ~jdo[35] &&
+    ~jdo[37];
+  assign take_action_break_c = enable_action_strobe && (ir == 2'b10) && 
+    jdo[36] &&  jdo[35] &&
+    jdo[37];
+  assign take_no_action_break_c = enable_action_strobe && (ir == 2'b10) && 
+    jdo[36] &&  jdo[35] &&
+    ~jdo[37];
+  assign take_action_tracectrl = enable_action_strobe && (ir == 2'b11) &&  
+    jdo[15];
+  always @(posedge clk)
+    begin
+      if (jxuir)
+          ir <= ir_in;
+      if (update_jdo_strobe)
+          jdo <= sr;
+    end

+ 239 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,239 @@
+//Legal Notice: (C)2020 Altera Corporation. All rights reserved.  Your
+//use of Altera Corporation's design tools, logic functions and other
+//software and tools, and its AMPP partner logic functions, and any
+//output files any of the foregoing (including device programming or
+//simulation files), and any associated documentation or information are
+//expressly subject to the terms and conditions of the Altera Program
+//License Subscription Agreement or other applicable license agreement,
+//including, without limitation, that your use is for the sole purpose
+//of programming logic devices manufactured by Altera and sold by Altera
+//or its authorized distributors.  Please refer to the applicable
+//agreement for further details.
+// synthesis translate_off
+`timescale 1ns / 1ps
+// synthesis translate_on
+// turn off superfluous verilog processor warnings 
+// altera message_level Level1 
+// altera message_off 10034 10035 10036 10037 10230 10240 10030 
+module nios2_uc_nios2_cpu_debug_slave_tck (
+                                            // inputs:
+                                             MonDReg,
+                                             break_readreg,
+                                             dbrk_hit0_latch,
+                                             dbrk_hit1_latch,
+                                             dbrk_hit2_latch,
+                                             dbrk_hit3_latch,
+                                             debugack,
+                                             ir_in,
+                                             jtag_state_rti,
+                                             monitor_error,
+                                             monitor_ready,
+                                             reset_n,
+                                             resetlatch,
+                                             tck,
+                                             tdi,
+                                             tracemem_on,
+                                             tracemem_trcdata,
+                                             tracemem_tw,
+                                             trc_im_addr,
+                                             trc_on,
+                                             trc_wrap,
+                                             trigbrktype,
+                                             trigger_state_1,
+                                             vs_cdr,
+                                             vs_sdr,
+                                             vs_uir,
+                                            // outputs:
+                                             ir_out,
+                                             jrst_n,
+                                             sr,
+                                             st_ready_test_idle,
+                                             tdo
+                                          )
+  output  [  1: 0] ir_out;
+  output           jrst_n;
+  output  [ 37: 0] sr;
+  output           st_ready_test_idle;
+  output           tdo;
+  input   [ 31: 0] MonDReg;
+  input   [ 31: 0] break_readreg;
+  input            dbrk_hit0_latch;
+  input            dbrk_hit1_latch;
+  input            dbrk_hit2_latch;
+  input            dbrk_hit3_latch;
+  input            debugack;
+  input   [  1: 0] ir_in;
+  input            jtag_state_rti;
+  input            monitor_error;
+  input            monitor_ready;
+  input            reset_n;
+  input            resetlatch;
+  input            tck;
+  input            tdi;
+  input            tracemem_on;
+  input   [ 35: 0] tracemem_trcdata;
+  input            tracemem_tw;
+  input   [  6: 0] trc_im_addr;
+  input            trc_on;
+  input            trc_wrap;
+  input            trigbrktype;
+  input            trigger_state_1;
+  input            vs_cdr;
+  input            vs_sdr;
+  input            vs_uir;
+reg     [  2: 0] DRsize /* synthesis ALTERA_ATTRIBUTE = "SUPPRESS_DA_RULE_INTERNAL=\"D101,D103,R101\""  */;
+wire             debugack_sync;
+reg     [  1: 0] ir_out;
+wire             jrst_n;
+wire             monitor_ready_sync;
+reg     [ 37: 0] sr /* synthesis ALTERA_ATTRIBUTE = "SUPPRESS_DA_RULE_INTERNAL=\"D101,D103,R101\""  */;
+wire             st_ready_test_idle;
+wire             tdo;
+wire             unxcomplemented_resetxx1;
+wire             unxcomplemented_resetxx2;
+  always @(posedge tck)
+    begin
+      if (vs_cdr)
+          case (ir_in)
+              2'b00: begin
+                  sr[35] <= debugack_sync;
+                  sr[34] <= monitor_error;
+                  sr[33] <= resetlatch;
+                  sr[32 : 1] <= MonDReg;
+                  sr[0] <= monitor_ready_sync;
+              end // 2'b00 
+              2'b01: begin
+                  sr[35 : 0] <= tracemem_trcdata;
+                  sr[37] <= tracemem_tw;
+                  sr[36] <= tracemem_on;
+              end // 2'b01 
+              2'b10: begin
+                  sr[37] <= trigger_state_1;
+                  sr[36] <= dbrk_hit3_latch;
+                  sr[35] <= dbrk_hit2_latch;
+                  sr[34] <= dbrk_hit1_latch;
+                  sr[33] <= dbrk_hit0_latch;
+                  sr[32 : 1] <= break_readreg;
+                  sr[0] <= trigbrktype;
+              end // 2'b10 
+              2'b11: begin
+                  sr[15 : 2] <= trc_im_addr;
+                  sr[1] <= trc_wrap;
+                  sr[0] <= trc_on;
+              end // 2'b11 
+          endcase // ir_in
+      if (vs_sdr)
+          case (DRsize)
+              3'b000: begin
+                  sr <= {tdi, sr[37 : 2], tdi};
+              end // 3'b000 
+              3'b001: begin
+                  sr <= {tdi, sr[37 : 9], tdi, sr[7 : 1]};
+              end // 3'b001 
+              3'b010: begin
+                  sr <= {tdi, sr[37 : 17], tdi, sr[15 : 1]};
+              end // 3'b010 
+              3'b011: begin
+                  sr <= {tdi, sr[37 : 33], tdi, sr[31 : 1]};
+              end // 3'b011 
+              3'b100: begin
+                  sr <= {tdi, sr[37],         tdi, sr[35 : 1]};
+              end // 3'b100 
+              3'b101: begin
+                  sr <= {tdi, sr[37 : 1]};
+              end // 3'b101 
+              default: begin
+                  sr <= {tdi, sr[37 : 2], tdi};
+              end // default
+          endcase // DRsize
+      if (vs_uir)
+          case (ir_in)
+              2'b00: begin
+                  DRsize <= 3'b100;
+              end // 2'b00 
+              2'b01: begin
+                  DRsize <= 3'b101;
+              end // 2'b01 
+              2'b10: begin
+                  DRsize <= 3'b101;
+              end // 2'b10 
+              2'b11: begin
+                  DRsize <= 3'b010;
+              end // 2'b11 
+          endcase // ir_in
+    end
+  assign tdo = sr[0];
+  assign st_ready_test_idle = jtag_state_rti;
+  assign unxcomplemented_resetxx1 = jrst_n;
+  altera_std_synchronizer the_altera_std_synchronizer1
+    (
+      .clk (tck),
+      .din (debugack),
+      .dout (debugack_sync),
+      .reset_n (unxcomplemented_resetxx1)
+    );
+  defparam the_altera_std_synchronizer1.depth = 2;
+  assign unxcomplemented_resetxx2 = jrst_n;
+  altera_std_synchronizer the_altera_std_synchronizer2
+    (
+      .clk (tck),
+      .din (monitor_ready),
+      .dout (monitor_ready_sync),
+      .reset_n (unxcomplemented_resetxx2)
+    );
+  defparam the_altera_std_synchronizer2.depth = 2;
+  always @(posedge tck or negedge jrst_n)
+    begin
+      if (jrst_n == 0)
+          ir_out <= 2'b0;
+      else 
+        ir_out <= {debugack_sync, monitor_ready_sync};
+    end
+//synthesis translate_off
+  assign jrst_n = reset_n;
+//synthesis translate_on
+//synthesis read_comments_as_HDL on
+//  assign jrst_n = 1;
+//synthesis read_comments_as_HDL off

+ 222 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,222 @@
+//Legal Notice: (C)2020 Altera Corporation. All rights reserved.  Your
+//use of Altera Corporation's design tools, logic functions and other
+//software and tools, and its AMPP partner logic functions, and any
+//output files any of the foregoing (including device programming or
+//simulation files), and any associated documentation or information are
+//expressly subject to the terms and conditions of the Altera Program
+//License Subscription Agreement or other applicable license agreement,
+//including, without limitation, that your use is for the sole purpose
+//of programming logic devices manufactured by Altera and sold by Altera
+//or its authorized distributors.  Please refer to the applicable
+//agreement for further details.
+// synthesis translate_off
+`timescale 1ns / 1ps
+// synthesis translate_on
+// turn off superfluous verilog processor warnings 
+// altera message_level Level1 
+// altera message_off 10034 10035 10036 10037 10230 10240 10030 
+module nios2_uc_nios2_cpu_debug_slave_wrapper (
+                                                // inputs:
+                                                 MonDReg,
+                                                 break_readreg,
+                                                 clk,
+                                                 dbrk_hit0_latch,
+                                                 dbrk_hit1_latch,
+                                                 dbrk_hit2_latch,
+                                                 dbrk_hit3_latch,
+                                                 debugack,
+                                                 monitor_error,
+                                                 monitor_ready,
+                                                 reset_n,
+                                                 resetlatch,
+                                                 tracemem_on,
+                                                 tracemem_trcdata,
+                                                 tracemem_tw,
+                                                 trc_im_addr,
+                                                 trc_on,
+                                                 trc_wrap,
+                                                 trigbrktype,
+                                                 trigger_state_1,
+                                                // outputs:
+                                                 jdo,
+                                                 jrst_n,
+                                                 st_ready_test_idle,
+                                                 take_action_break_a,
+                                                 take_action_break_b,
+                                                 take_action_break_c,
+                                                 take_action_ocimem_a,
+                                                 take_action_ocimem_b,
+                                                 take_action_tracectrl,
+                                                 take_no_action_break_a,
+                                                 take_no_action_break_b,
+                                                 take_no_action_break_c,
+                                                 take_no_action_ocimem_a
+                                              )
+  output  [ 37: 0] jdo;
+  output           jrst_n;
+  output           st_ready_test_idle;
+  output           take_action_break_a;
+  output           take_action_break_b;
+  output           take_action_break_c;
+  output           take_action_ocimem_a;
+  output           take_action_ocimem_b;
+  output           take_action_tracectrl;
+  output           take_no_action_break_a;
+  output           take_no_action_break_b;
+  output           take_no_action_break_c;
+  output           take_no_action_ocimem_a;
+  input   [ 31: 0] MonDReg;
+  input   [ 31: 0] break_readreg;
+  input            clk;
+  input            dbrk_hit0_latch;
+  input            dbrk_hit1_latch;
+  input            dbrk_hit2_latch;
+  input            dbrk_hit3_latch;
+  input            debugack;
+  input            monitor_error;
+  input            monitor_ready;
+  input            reset_n;
+  input            resetlatch;
+  input            tracemem_on;
+  input   [ 35: 0] tracemem_trcdata;
+  input            tracemem_tw;
+  input   [  6: 0] trc_im_addr;
+  input            trc_on;
+  input            trc_wrap;
+  input            trigbrktype;
+  input            trigger_state_1;
+wire    [ 37: 0] jdo;
+wire             jrst_n;
+wire    [ 37: 0] sr;
+wire             st_ready_test_idle;
+wire             take_action_break_a;
+wire             take_action_break_b;
+wire             take_action_break_c;
+wire             take_action_ocimem_a;
+wire             take_action_ocimem_b;
+wire             take_action_tracectrl;
+wire             take_no_action_break_a;
+wire             take_no_action_break_b;
+wire             take_no_action_break_c;
+wire             take_no_action_ocimem_a;
+wire             vji_cdr;
+wire    [  1: 0] vji_ir_in;
+wire    [  1: 0] vji_ir_out;
+wire             vji_rti;
+wire             vji_sdr;
+wire             vji_tck;
+wire             vji_tdi;
+wire             vji_tdo;
+wire             vji_udr;
+wire             vji_uir;
+  //Change the sld_virtual_jtag_basic's defparams to
+  //switch between a regular Nios II or an internally embedded Nios II.
+  //For a regular Nios II, sld_mfg_id = 70, sld_type_id = 34.
+  //For an internally embedded Nios II, slf_mfg_id = 110, sld_type_id = 135.
+  nios2_uc_nios2_cpu_debug_slave_tck the_nios2_uc_nios2_cpu_debug_slave_tck
+    (
+      .MonDReg            (MonDReg),
+      .break_readreg      (break_readreg),
+      .dbrk_hit0_latch    (dbrk_hit0_latch),
+      .dbrk_hit1_latch    (dbrk_hit1_latch),
+      .dbrk_hit2_latch    (dbrk_hit2_latch),
+      .dbrk_hit3_latch    (dbrk_hit3_latch),
+      .debugack           (debugack),
+      .ir_in              (vji_ir_in),
+      .ir_out             (vji_ir_out),
+      .jrst_n             (jrst_n),
+      .jtag_state_rti     (vji_rti),
+      .monitor_error      (monitor_error),
+      .monitor_ready      (monitor_ready),
+      .reset_n            (reset_n),
+      .resetlatch         (resetlatch),
+      .sr                 (sr),
+      .st_ready_test_idle (st_ready_test_idle),
+      .tck                (vji_tck),
+      .tdi                (vji_tdi),
+      .tdo                (vji_tdo),
+      .tracemem_on        (tracemem_on),
+      .tracemem_trcdata   (tracemem_trcdata),
+      .tracemem_tw        (tracemem_tw),
+      .trc_im_addr        (trc_im_addr),
+      .trc_on             (trc_on),
+      .trc_wrap           (trc_wrap),
+      .trigbrktype        (trigbrktype),
+      .trigger_state_1    (trigger_state_1),
+      .vs_cdr             (vji_cdr),
+      .vs_sdr             (vji_sdr),
+      .vs_uir             (vji_uir)
+    );
+  nios2_uc_nios2_cpu_debug_slave_sysclk the_nios2_uc_nios2_cpu_debug_slave_sysclk
+    (
+      .clk                     (clk),
+      .ir_in                   (vji_ir_in),
+      .jdo                     (jdo),
+      .sr                      (sr),
+      .take_action_break_a     (take_action_break_a),
+      .take_action_break_b     (take_action_break_b),
+      .take_action_break_c     (take_action_break_c),
+      .take_action_ocimem_a    (take_action_ocimem_a),
+      .take_action_ocimem_b    (take_action_ocimem_b),
+      .take_action_tracectrl   (take_action_tracectrl),
+      .take_no_action_break_a  (take_no_action_break_a),
+      .take_no_action_break_b  (take_no_action_break_b),
+      .take_no_action_break_c  (take_no_action_break_c),
+      .take_no_action_ocimem_a (take_no_action_ocimem_a),
+      .vs_udr                  (vji_udr),
+      .vs_uir                  (vji_uir)
+    );
+//synthesis translate_off
+  assign vji_tck = 1'b0;
+  assign vji_tdi = 1'b0;
+  assign vji_sdr = 1'b0;
+  assign vji_cdr = 1'b0;
+  assign vji_rti = 1'b0;
+  assign vji_uir = 1'b0;
+  assign vji_udr = 1'b0;
+  assign vji_ir_in = 2'b0;
+//synthesis translate_on
+//synthesis read_comments_as_HDL on
+//  sld_virtual_jtag_basic nios2_uc_nios2_cpu_debug_slave_phy
+//    (
+//      .ir_in (vji_ir_in),
+//      .ir_out (vji_ir_out),
+//      .jtag_state_rti (vji_rti),
+//      .tck (vji_tck),
+//      .tdi (vji_tdi),
+//      .tdo (vji_tdo),
+//      .virtual_state_cdr (vji_cdr),
+//      .virtual_state_sdr (vji_sdr),
+//      .virtual_state_udr (vji_udr),
+//      .virtual_state_uir (vji_uir)
+//    );
+//  defparam nios2_uc_nios2_cpu_debug_slave_phy.sld_auto_instance_index = "YES",
+//           nios2_uc_nios2_cpu_debug_slave_phy.sld_instance_index = 0,
+//           nios2_uc_nios2_cpu_debug_slave_phy.sld_ir_width = 2,
+//           nios2_uc_nios2_cpu_debug_slave_phy.sld_mfg_id = 70,
+//           nios2_uc_nios2_cpu_debug_slave_phy.sld_sim_action = "",
+//           nios2_uc_nios2_cpu_debug_slave_phy.sld_sim_n_scan = 0,
+//           nios2_uc_nios2_cpu_debug_slave_phy.sld_sim_total_length = 0,
+//           nios2_uc_nios2_cpu_debug_slave_phy.sld_type_id = 34,
+//           nios2_uc_nios2_cpu_debug_slave_phy.sld_version = 3;
+//synthesis read_comments_as_HDL off

+ 656 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,656 @@
+//Legal Notice: (C)2020 Altera Corporation. All rights reserved.  Your
+//use of Altera Corporation's design tools, logic functions and other
+//software and tools, and its AMPP partner logic functions, and any
+//output files any of the foregoing (including device programming or
+//simulation files), and any associated documentation or information are
+//expressly subject to the terms and conditions of the Altera Program
+//License Subscription Agreement or other applicable license agreement,
+//including, without limitation, that your use is for the sole purpose
+//of programming logic devices manufactured by Altera and sold by Altera
+//or its authorized distributors.  Please refer to the applicable
+//agreement for further details.
+// synthesis translate_off
+`timescale 1ns / 1ps
+// synthesis translate_on
+// turn off superfluous verilog processor warnings 
+// altera message_level Level1 
+// altera message_off 10034 10035 10036 10037 10230 10240 10030 
+module nios2_uc_nios2_cpu_test_bench (
+                                       // inputs:
+                                        D_iw,
+                                        D_iw_op,
+                                        D_iw_opx,
+                                        D_valid,
+                                        E_valid,
+                                        F_pcb,
+                                        F_valid,
+                                        R_ctrl_ld,
+                                        R_ctrl_ld_non_io,
+                                        R_dst_regnum,
+                                        R_wr_dst_reg,
+                                        W_valid,
+                                        W_vinst,
+                                        W_wr_data,
+                                        av_ld_data_aligned_unfiltered,
+                                        clk,
+                                        d_address,
+                                        d_byteenable,
+                                        d_read,
+                                        d_write,
+                                        i_address,
+                                        i_read,
+                                        i_readdata,
+                                        i_waitrequest,
+                                        reset_n,
+                                       // outputs:
+                                        av_ld_data_aligned_filtered,
+                                        test_has_ended
+                                     )
+  output  [ 31: 0] av_ld_data_aligned_filtered;
+  output           test_has_ended;
+  input   [ 31: 0] D_iw;
+  input   [  5: 0] D_iw_op;
+  input   [  5: 0] D_iw_opx;
+  input            D_valid;
+  input            E_valid;
+  input   [ 19: 0] F_pcb;
+  input            F_valid;
+  input            R_ctrl_ld;
+  input            R_ctrl_ld_non_io;
+  input   [  4: 0] R_dst_regnum;
+  input            R_wr_dst_reg;
+  input            W_valid;
+  input   [ 71: 0] W_vinst;
+  input   [ 31: 0] W_wr_data;
+  input   [ 31: 0] av_ld_data_aligned_unfiltered;
+  input            clk;
+  input   [ 19: 0] d_address;
+  input   [  3: 0] d_byteenable;
+  input            d_read;
+  input            d_write;
+  input   [ 19: 0] i_address;
+  input            i_read;
+  input   [ 31: 0] i_readdata;
+  input            i_waitrequest;
+  input            reset_n;
+wire             D_is_opx_inst;
+wire             D_op_add;
+wire             D_op_addi;
+wire             D_op_and;
+wire             D_op_andhi;
+wire             D_op_andi;
+wire             D_op_beq;
+wire             D_op_bge;
+wire             D_op_bgeu;
+wire             D_op_blt;
+wire             D_op_bltu;
+wire             D_op_bne;
+wire             D_op_br;
+wire             D_op_break;
+wire             D_op_bret;
+wire             D_op_call;
+wire             D_op_callr;
+wire             D_op_cmpeq;
+wire             D_op_cmpeqi;
+wire             D_op_cmpge;
+wire             D_op_cmpgei;
+wire             D_op_cmpgeu;
+wire             D_op_cmpgeui;
+wire             D_op_cmplt;
+wire             D_op_cmplti;
+wire             D_op_cmpltu;
+wire             D_op_cmpltui;
+wire             D_op_cmpne;
+wire             D_op_cmpnei;
+wire             D_op_crst;
+wire             D_op_custom;
+wire             D_op_div;
+wire             D_op_divu;
+wire             D_op_eret;
+wire             D_op_flushd;
+wire             D_op_flushda;
+wire             D_op_flushi;
+wire             D_op_flushp;
+wire             D_op_hbreak;
+wire             D_op_initd;
+wire             D_op_initda;
+wire             D_op_initi;
+wire             D_op_intr;
+wire             D_op_jmp;
+wire             D_op_jmpi;
+wire             D_op_ldb;
+wire             D_op_ldbio;
+wire             D_op_ldbu;
+wire             D_op_ldbuio;
+wire             D_op_ldh;
+wire             D_op_ldhio;
+wire             D_op_ldhu;
+wire             D_op_ldhuio;
+wire             D_op_ldl;
+wire             D_op_ldw;
+wire             D_op_ldwio;
+wire             D_op_mul;
+wire             D_op_muli;
+wire             D_op_mulxss;
+wire             D_op_mulxsu;
+wire             D_op_mulxuu;
+wire             D_op_nextpc;
+wire             D_op_nor;
+wire             D_op_op_rsv02;
+wire             D_op_op_rsv09;
+wire             D_op_op_rsv10;
+wire             D_op_op_rsv17;
+wire             D_op_op_rsv18;
+wire             D_op_op_rsv25;
+wire             D_op_op_rsv26;
+wire             D_op_op_rsv33;
+wire             D_op_op_rsv34;
+wire             D_op_op_rsv41;
+wire             D_op_op_rsv42;
+wire             D_op_op_rsv49;
+wire             D_op_op_rsv57;
+wire             D_op_op_rsv61;
+wire             D_op_op_rsv62;
+wire             D_op_op_rsv63;
+wire             D_op_opx_rsv00;
+wire             D_op_opx_rsv10;
+wire             D_op_opx_rsv15;
+wire             D_op_opx_rsv17;
+wire             D_op_opx_rsv21;
+wire             D_op_opx_rsv25;
+wire             D_op_opx_rsv33;
+wire             D_op_opx_rsv34;
+wire             D_op_opx_rsv35;
+wire             D_op_opx_rsv42;
+wire             D_op_opx_rsv43;
+wire             D_op_opx_rsv44;
+wire             D_op_opx_rsv47;
+wire             D_op_opx_rsv50;
+wire             D_op_opx_rsv51;
+wire             D_op_opx_rsv55;
+wire             D_op_opx_rsv56;
+wire             D_op_opx_rsv60;
+wire             D_op_opx_rsv63;
+wire             D_op_or;
+wire             D_op_orhi;
+wire             D_op_ori;
+wire             D_op_rdctl;
+wire             D_op_rdprs;
+wire             D_op_ret;
+wire             D_op_rol;
+wire             D_op_roli;
+wire             D_op_ror;
+wire             D_op_sll;
+wire             D_op_slli;
+wire             D_op_sra;
+wire             D_op_srai;
+wire             D_op_srl;
+wire             D_op_srli;
+wire             D_op_stb;
+wire             D_op_stbio;
+wire             D_op_stc;
+wire             D_op_sth;
+wire             D_op_sthio;
+wire             D_op_stw;
+wire             D_op_stwio;
+wire             D_op_sub;
+wire             D_op_sync;
+wire             D_op_trap;
+wire             D_op_wrctl;
+wire             D_op_wrprs;
+wire             D_op_xor;
+wire             D_op_xorhi;
+wire             D_op_xori;
+wire    [ 31: 0] av_ld_data_aligned_filtered;
+wire             av_ld_data_aligned_unfiltered_0_is_x;
+wire             av_ld_data_aligned_unfiltered_10_is_x;
+wire             av_ld_data_aligned_unfiltered_11_is_x;
+wire             av_ld_data_aligned_unfiltered_12_is_x;
+wire             av_ld_data_aligned_unfiltered_13_is_x;
+wire             av_ld_data_aligned_unfiltered_14_is_x;
+wire             av_ld_data_aligned_unfiltered_15_is_x;
+wire             av_ld_data_aligned_unfiltered_16_is_x;
+wire             av_ld_data_aligned_unfiltered_17_is_x;
+wire             av_ld_data_aligned_unfiltered_18_is_x;
+wire             av_ld_data_aligned_unfiltered_19_is_x;
+wire             av_ld_data_aligned_unfiltered_1_is_x;
+wire             av_ld_data_aligned_unfiltered_20_is_x;
+wire             av_ld_data_aligned_unfiltered_21_is_x;
+wire             av_ld_data_aligned_unfiltered_22_is_x;
+wire             av_ld_data_aligned_unfiltered_23_is_x;
+wire             av_ld_data_aligned_unfiltered_24_is_x;
+wire             av_ld_data_aligned_unfiltered_25_is_x;
+wire             av_ld_data_aligned_unfiltered_26_is_x;
+wire             av_ld_data_aligned_unfiltered_27_is_x;
+wire             av_ld_data_aligned_unfiltered_28_is_x;
+wire             av_ld_data_aligned_unfiltered_29_is_x;
+wire             av_ld_data_aligned_unfiltered_2_is_x;
+wire             av_ld_data_aligned_unfiltered_30_is_x;
+wire             av_ld_data_aligned_unfiltered_31_is_x;
+wire             av_ld_data_aligned_unfiltered_3_is_x;
+wire             av_ld_data_aligned_unfiltered_4_is_x;
+wire             av_ld_data_aligned_unfiltered_5_is_x;
+wire             av_ld_data_aligned_unfiltered_6_is_x;
+wire             av_ld_data_aligned_unfiltered_7_is_x;
+wire             av_ld_data_aligned_unfiltered_8_is_x;
+wire             av_ld_data_aligned_unfiltered_9_is_x;
+wire             test_has_ended;
+  assign D_op_call = D_iw_op == 0;
+  assign D_op_jmpi = D_iw_op == 1;
+  assign D_op_op_rsv02 = D_iw_op == 2;
+  assign D_op_ldbu = D_iw_op == 3;
+  assign D_op_addi = D_iw_op == 4;
+  assign D_op_stb = D_iw_op == 5;
+  assign D_op_br = D_iw_op == 6;
+  assign D_op_ldb = D_iw_op == 7;
+  assign D_op_cmpgei = D_iw_op == 8;
+  assign D_op_op_rsv09 = D_iw_op == 9;
+  assign D_op_op_rsv10 = D_iw_op == 10;
+  assign D_op_ldhu = D_iw_op == 11;
+  assign D_op_andi = D_iw_op == 12;
+  assign D_op_sth = D_iw_op == 13;
+  assign D_op_bge = D_iw_op == 14;
+  assign D_op_ldh = D_iw_op == 15;
+  assign D_op_cmplti = D_iw_op == 16;
+  assign D_op_op_rsv17 = D_iw_op == 17;
+  assign D_op_op_rsv18 = D_iw_op == 18;
+  assign D_op_initda = D_iw_op == 19;
+  assign D_op_ori = D_iw_op == 20;
+  assign D_op_stw = D_iw_op == 21;
+  assign D_op_blt = D_iw_op == 22;
+  assign D_op_ldw = D_iw_op == 23;
+  assign D_op_cmpnei = D_iw_op == 24;
+  assign D_op_op_rsv25 = D_iw_op == 25;
+  assign D_op_op_rsv26 = D_iw_op == 26;
+  assign D_op_flushda = D_iw_op == 27;
+  assign D_op_xori = D_iw_op == 28;
+  assign D_op_stc = D_iw_op == 29;
+  assign D_op_bne = D_iw_op == 30;
+  assign D_op_ldl = D_iw_op == 31;
+  assign D_op_cmpeqi = D_iw_op == 32;
+  assign D_op_op_rsv33 = D_iw_op == 33;
+  assign D_op_op_rsv34 = D_iw_op == 34;
+  assign D_op_ldbuio = D_iw_op == 35;
+  assign D_op_muli = D_iw_op == 36;
+  assign D_op_stbio = D_iw_op == 37;
+  assign D_op_beq = D_iw_op == 38;
+  assign D_op_ldbio = D_iw_op == 39;
+  assign D_op_cmpgeui = D_iw_op == 40;
+  assign D_op_op_rsv41 = D_iw_op == 41;
+  assign D_op_op_rsv42 = D_iw_op == 42;
+  assign D_op_ldhuio = D_iw_op == 43;
+  assign D_op_andhi = D_iw_op == 44;
+  assign D_op_sthio = D_iw_op == 45;
+  assign D_op_bgeu = D_iw_op == 46;
+  assign D_op_ldhio = D_iw_op == 47;
+  assign D_op_cmpltui = D_iw_op == 48;
+  assign D_op_op_rsv49 = D_iw_op == 49;
+  assign D_op_custom = D_iw_op == 50;
+  assign D_op_initd = D_iw_op == 51;
+  assign D_op_orhi = D_iw_op == 52;
+  assign D_op_stwio = D_iw_op == 53;
+  assign D_op_bltu = D_iw_op == 54;
+  assign D_op_ldwio = D_iw_op == 55;
+  assign D_op_rdprs = D_iw_op == 56;
+  assign D_op_op_rsv57 = D_iw_op == 57;
+  assign D_op_flushd = D_iw_op == 59;
+  assign D_op_xorhi = D_iw_op == 60;
+  assign D_op_op_rsv61 = D_iw_op == 61;
+  assign D_op_op_rsv62 = D_iw_op == 62;
+  assign D_op_op_rsv63 = D_iw_op == 63;
+  assign D_op_opx_rsv00 = (D_iw_opx == 0) & D_is_opx_inst;
+  assign D_op_eret = (D_iw_opx == 1) & D_is_opx_inst;
+  assign D_op_roli = (D_iw_opx == 2) & D_is_opx_inst;
+  assign D_op_rol = (D_iw_opx == 3) & D_is_opx_inst;
+  assign D_op_flushp = (D_iw_opx == 4) & D_is_opx_inst;
+  assign D_op_ret = (D_iw_opx == 5) & D_is_opx_inst;
+  assign D_op_nor = (D_iw_opx == 6) & D_is_opx_inst;
+  assign D_op_mulxuu = (D_iw_opx == 7) & D_is_opx_inst;
+  assign D_op_cmpge = (D_iw_opx == 8) & D_is_opx_inst;
+  assign D_op_bret = (D_iw_opx == 9) & D_is_opx_inst;
+  assign D_op_opx_rsv10 = (D_iw_opx == 10) & D_is_opx_inst;
+  assign D_op_ror = (D_iw_opx == 11) & D_is_opx_inst;
+  assign D_op_flushi = (D_iw_opx == 12) & D_is_opx_inst;
+  assign D_op_jmp = (D_iw_opx == 13) & D_is_opx_inst;
+  assign D_op_and = (D_iw_opx == 14) & D_is_opx_inst;
+  assign D_op_opx_rsv15 = (D_iw_opx == 15) & D_is_opx_inst;
+  assign D_op_cmplt = (D_iw_opx == 16) & D_is_opx_inst;
+  assign D_op_opx_rsv17 = (D_iw_opx == 17) & D_is_opx_inst;
+  assign D_op_slli = (D_iw_opx == 18) & D_is_opx_inst;
+  assign D_op_sll = (D_iw_opx == 19) & D_is_opx_inst;
+  assign D_op_wrprs = (D_iw_opx == 20) & D_is_opx_inst;
+  assign D_op_opx_rsv21 = (D_iw_opx == 21) & D_is_opx_inst;
+  assign D_op_or = (D_iw_opx == 22) & D_is_opx_inst;
+  assign D_op_mulxsu = (D_iw_opx == 23) & D_is_opx_inst;
+  assign D_op_cmpne = (D_iw_opx == 24) & D_is_opx_inst;
+  assign D_op_opx_rsv25 = (D_iw_opx == 25) & D_is_opx_inst;
+  assign D_op_srli = (D_iw_opx == 26) & D_is_opx_inst;
+  assign D_op_srl = (D_iw_opx == 27) & D_is_opx_inst;
+  assign D_op_nextpc = (D_iw_opx == 28) & D_is_opx_inst;
+  assign D_op_callr = (D_iw_opx == 29) & D_is_opx_inst;
+  assign D_op_xor = (D_iw_opx == 30) & D_is_opx_inst;
+  assign D_op_mulxss = (D_iw_opx == 31) & D_is_opx_inst;
+  assign D_op_cmpeq = (D_iw_opx == 32) & D_is_opx_inst;
+  assign D_op_opx_rsv33 = (D_iw_opx == 33) & D_is_opx_inst;
+  assign D_op_opx_rsv34 = (D_iw_opx == 34) & D_is_opx_inst;
+  assign D_op_opx_rsv35 = (D_iw_opx == 35) & D_is_opx_inst;
+  assign D_op_divu = (D_iw_opx == 36) & D_is_opx_inst;
+  assign D_op_div = (D_iw_opx == 37) & D_is_opx_inst;
+  assign D_op_rdctl = (D_iw_opx == 38) & D_is_opx_inst;
+  assign D_op_mul = (D_iw_opx == 39) & D_is_opx_inst;
+  assign D_op_cmpgeu = (D_iw_opx == 40) & D_is_opx_inst;
+  assign D_op_initi = (D_iw_opx == 41) & D_is_opx_inst;
+  assign D_op_opx_rsv42 = (D_iw_opx == 42) & D_is_opx_inst;
+  assign D_op_opx_rsv43 = (D_iw_opx == 43) & D_is_opx_inst;
+  assign D_op_opx_rsv44 = (D_iw_opx == 44) & D_is_opx_inst;
+  assign D_op_trap = (D_iw_opx == 45) & D_is_opx_inst;
+  assign D_op_wrctl = (D_iw_opx == 46) & D_is_opx_inst;
+  assign D_op_opx_rsv47 = (D_iw_opx == 47) & D_is_opx_inst;
+  assign D_op_cmpltu = (D_iw_opx == 48) & D_is_opx_inst;
+  assign D_op_add = (D_iw_opx == 49) & D_is_opx_inst;
+  assign D_op_opx_rsv50 = (D_iw_opx == 50) & D_is_opx_inst;
+  assign D_op_opx_rsv51 = (D_iw_opx == 51) & D_is_opx_inst;
+  assign D_op_break = (D_iw_opx == 52) & D_is_opx_inst;
+  assign D_op_hbreak = (D_iw_opx == 53) & D_is_opx_inst;
+  assign D_op_sync = (D_iw_opx == 54) & D_is_opx_inst;
+  assign D_op_opx_rsv55 = (D_iw_opx == 55) & D_is_opx_inst;
+  assign D_op_opx_rsv56 = (D_iw_opx == 56) & D_is_opx_inst;
+  assign D_op_sub = (D_iw_opx == 57) & D_is_opx_inst;
+  assign D_op_srai = (D_iw_opx == 58) & D_is_opx_inst;
+  assign D_op_sra = (D_iw_opx == 59) & D_is_opx_inst;
+  assign D_op_opx_rsv60 = (D_iw_opx == 60) & D_is_opx_inst;
+  assign D_op_intr = (D_iw_opx == 61) & D_is_opx_inst;
+  assign D_op_crst = (D_iw_opx == 62) & D_is_opx_inst;
+  assign D_op_opx_rsv63 = (D_iw_opx == 63) & D_is_opx_inst;
+  assign D_is_opx_inst = D_iw_op == 58;
+  assign test_has_ended = 1'b0;
+//synthesis translate_off
+  //Clearing 'X' data bits
+  assign av_ld_data_aligned_unfiltered_0_is_x = ^(av_ld_data_aligned_unfiltered[0]) === 1'bx;
+  assign av_ld_data_aligned_filtered[0] = (av_ld_data_aligned_unfiltered_0_is_x & (R_ctrl_ld_non_io)) ? 1'b0 : av_ld_data_aligned_unfiltered[0];
+  assign av_ld_data_aligned_unfiltered_1_is_x = ^(av_ld_data_aligned_unfiltered[1]) === 1'bx;
+  assign av_ld_data_aligned_filtered[1] = (av_ld_data_aligned_unfiltered_1_is_x & (R_ctrl_ld_non_io)) ? 1'b0 : av_ld_data_aligned_unfiltered[1];
+  assign av_ld_data_aligned_unfiltered_2_is_x = ^(av_ld_data_aligned_unfiltered[2]) === 1'bx;
+  assign av_ld_data_aligned_filtered[2] = (av_ld_data_aligned_unfiltered_2_is_x & (R_ctrl_ld_non_io)) ? 1'b0 : av_ld_data_aligned_unfiltered[2];
+  assign av_ld_data_aligned_unfiltered_3_is_x = ^(av_ld_data_aligned_unfiltered[3]) === 1'bx;
+  assign av_ld_data_aligned_filtered[3] = (av_ld_data_aligned_unfiltered_3_is_x & (R_ctrl_ld_non_io)) ? 1'b0 : av_ld_data_aligned_unfiltered[3];
+  assign av_ld_data_aligned_unfiltered_4_is_x = ^(av_ld_data_aligned_unfiltered[4]) === 1'bx;
+  assign av_ld_data_aligned_filtered[4] = (av_ld_data_aligned_unfiltered_4_is_x & (R_ctrl_ld_non_io)) ? 1'b0 : av_ld_data_aligned_unfiltered[4];
+  assign av_ld_data_aligned_unfiltered_5_is_x = ^(av_ld_data_aligned_unfiltered[5]) === 1'bx;
+  assign av_ld_data_aligned_filtered[5] = (av_ld_data_aligned_unfiltered_5_is_x & (R_ctrl_ld_non_io)) ? 1'b0 : av_ld_data_aligned_unfiltered[5];
+  assign av_ld_data_aligned_unfiltered_6_is_x = ^(av_ld_data_aligned_unfiltered[6]) === 1'bx;
+  assign av_ld_data_aligned_filtered[6] = (av_ld_data_aligned_unfiltered_6_is_x & (R_ctrl_ld_non_io)) ? 1'b0 : av_ld_data_aligned_unfiltered[6];
+  assign av_ld_data_aligned_unfiltered_7_is_x = ^(av_ld_data_aligned_unfiltered[7]) === 1'bx;
+  assign av_ld_data_aligned_filtered[7] = (av_ld_data_aligned_unfiltered_7_is_x & (R_ctrl_ld_non_io)) ? 1'b0 : av_ld_data_aligned_unfiltered[7];
+  assign av_ld_data_aligned_unfiltered_8_is_x = ^(av_ld_data_aligned_unfiltered[8]) === 1'bx;
+  assign av_ld_data_aligned_filtered[8] = (av_ld_data_aligned_unfiltered_8_is_x & (R_ctrl_ld_non_io)) ? 1'b0 : av_ld_data_aligned_unfiltered[8];
+  assign av_ld_data_aligned_unfiltered_9_is_x = ^(av_ld_data_aligned_unfiltered[9]) === 1'bx;
+  assign av_ld_data_aligned_filtered[9] = (av_ld_data_aligned_unfiltered_9_is_x & (R_ctrl_ld_non_io)) ? 1'b0 : av_ld_data_aligned_unfiltered[9];
+  assign av_ld_data_aligned_unfiltered_10_is_x = ^(av_ld_data_aligned_unfiltered[10]) === 1'bx;
+  assign av_ld_data_aligned_filtered[10] = (av_ld_data_aligned_unfiltered_10_is_x & (R_ctrl_ld_non_io)) ? 1'b0 : av_ld_data_aligned_unfiltered[10];
+  assign av_ld_data_aligned_unfiltered_11_is_x = ^(av_ld_data_aligned_unfiltered[11]) === 1'bx;
+  assign av_ld_data_aligned_filtered[11] = (av_ld_data_aligned_unfiltered_11_is_x & (R_ctrl_ld_non_io)) ? 1'b0 : av_ld_data_aligned_unfiltered[11];
+  assign av_ld_data_aligned_unfiltered_12_is_x = ^(av_ld_data_aligned_unfiltered[12]) === 1'bx;
+  assign av_ld_data_aligned_filtered[12] = (av_ld_data_aligned_unfiltered_12_is_x & (R_ctrl_ld_non_io)) ? 1'b0 : av_ld_data_aligned_unfiltered[12];
+  assign av_ld_data_aligned_unfiltered_13_is_x = ^(av_ld_data_aligned_unfiltered[13]) === 1'bx;
+  assign av_ld_data_aligned_filtered[13] = (av_ld_data_aligned_unfiltered_13_is_x & (R_ctrl_ld_non_io)) ? 1'b0 : av_ld_data_aligned_unfiltered[13];
+  assign av_ld_data_aligned_unfiltered_14_is_x = ^(av_ld_data_aligned_unfiltered[14]) === 1'bx;
+  assign av_ld_data_aligned_filtered[14] = (av_ld_data_aligned_unfiltered_14_is_x & (R_ctrl_ld_non_io)) ? 1'b0 : av_ld_data_aligned_unfiltered[14];
+  assign av_ld_data_aligned_unfiltered_15_is_x = ^(av_ld_data_aligned_unfiltered[15]) === 1'bx;
+  assign av_ld_data_aligned_filtered[15] = (av_ld_data_aligned_unfiltered_15_is_x & (R_ctrl_ld_non_io)) ? 1'b0 : av_ld_data_aligned_unfiltered[15];
+  assign av_ld_data_aligned_unfiltered_16_is_x = ^(av_ld_data_aligned_unfiltered[16]) === 1'bx;
+  assign av_ld_data_aligned_filtered[16] = (av_ld_data_aligned_unfiltered_16_is_x & (R_ctrl_ld_non_io)) ? 1'b0 : av_ld_data_aligned_unfiltered[16];
+  assign av_ld_data_aligned_unfiltered_17_is_x = ^(av_ld_data_aligned_unfiltered[17]) === 1'bx;
+  assign av_ld_data_aligned_filtered[17] = (av_ld_data_aligned_unfiltered_17_is_x & (R_ctrl_ld_non_io)) ? 1'b0 : av_ld_data_aligned_unfiltered[17];
+  assign av_ld_data_aligned_unfiltered_18_is_x = ^(av_ld_data_aligned_unfiltered[18]) === 1'bx;
+  assign av_ld_data_aligned_filtered[18] = (av_ld_data_aligned_unfiltered_18_is_x & (R_ctrl_ld_non_io)) ? 1'b0 : av_ld_data_aligned_unfiltered[18];
+  assign av_ld_data_aligned_unfiltered_19_is_x = ^(av_ld_data_aligned_unfiltered[19]) === 1'bx;
+  assign av_ld_data_aligned_filtered[19] = (av_ld_data_aligned_unfiltered_19_is_x & (R_ctrl_ld_non_io)) ? 1'b0 : av_ld_data_aligned_unfiltered[19];
+  assign av_ld_data_aligned_unfiltered_20_is_x = ^(av_ld_data_aligned_unfiltered[20]) === 1'bx;
+  assign av_ld_data_aligned_filtered[20] = (av_ld_data_aligned_unfiltered_20_is_x & (R_ctrl_ld_non_io)) ? 1'b0 : av_ld_data_aligned_unfiltered[20];
+  assign av_ld_data_aligned_unfiltered_21_is_x = ^(av_ld_data_aligned_unfiltered[21]) === 1'bx;
+  assign av_ld_data_aligned_filtered[21] = (av_ld_data_aligned_unfiltered_21_is_x & (R_ctrl_ld_non_io)) ? 1'b0 : av_ld_data_aligned_unfiltered[21];
+  assign av_ld_data_aligned_unfiltered_22_is_x = ^(av_ld_data_aligned_unfiltered[22]) === 1'bx;
+  assign av_ld_data_aligned_filtered[22] = (av_ld_data_aligned_unfiltered_22_is_x & (R_ctrl_ld_non_io)) ? 1'b0 : av_ld_data_aligned_unfiltered[22];
+  assign av_ld_data_aligned_unfiltered_23_is_x = ^(av_ld_data_aligned_unfiltered[23]) === 1'bx;
+  assign av_ld_data_aligned_filtered[23] = (av_ld_data_aligned_unfiltered_23_is_x & (R_ctrl_ld_non_io)) ? 1'b0 : av_ld_data_aligned_unfiltered[23];
+  assign av_ld_data_aligned_unfiltered_24_is_x = ^(av_ld_data_aligned_unfiltered[24]) === 1'bx;
+  assign av_ld_data_aligned_filtered[24] = (av_ld_data_aligned_unfiltered_24_is_x & (R_ctrl_ld_non_io)) ? 1'b0 : av_ld_data_aligned_unfiltered[24];
+  assign av_ld_data_aligned_unfiltered_25_is_x = ^(av_ld_data_aligned_unfiltered[25]) === 1'bx;
+  assign av_ld_data_aligned_filtered[25] = (av_ld_data_aligned_unfiltered_25_is_x & (R_ctrl_ld_non_io)) ? 1'b0 : av_ld_data_aligned_unfiltered[25];
+  assign av_ld_data_aligned_unfiltered_26_is_x = ^(av_ld_data_aligned_unfiltered[26]) === 1'bx;
+  assign av_ld_data_aligned_filtered[26] = (av_ld_data_aligned_unfiltered_26_is_x & (R_ctrl_ld_non_io)) ? 1'b0 : av_ld_data_aligned_unfiltered[26];
+  assign av_ld_data_aligned_unfiltered_27_is_x = ^(av_ld_data_aligned_unfiltered[27]) === 1'bx;
+  assign av_ld_data_aligned_filtered[27] = (av_ld_data_aligned_unfiltered_27_is_x & (R_ctrl_ld_non_io)) ? 1'b0 : av_ld_data_aligned_unfiltered[27];
+  assign av_ld_data_aligned_unfiltered_28_is_x = ^(av_ld_data_aligned_unfiltered[28]) === 1'bx;
+  assign av_ld_data_aligned_filtered[28] = (av_ld_data_aligned_unfiltered_28_is_x & (R_ctrl_ld_non_io)) ? 1'b0 : av_ld_data_aligned_unfiltered[28];
+  assign av_ld_data_aligned_unfiltered_29_is_x = ^(av_ld_data_aligned_unfiltered[29]) === 1'bx;
+  assign av_ld_data_aligned_filtered[29] = (av_ld_data_aligned_unfiltered_29_is_x & (R_ctrl_ld_non_io)) ? 1'b0 : av_ld_data_aligned_unfiltered[29];
+  assign av_ld_data_aligned_unfiltered_30_is_x = ^(av_ld_data_aligned_unfiltered[30]) === 1'bx;
+  assign av_ld_data_aligned_filtered[30] = (av_ld_data_aligned_unfiltered_30_is_x & (R_ctrl_ld_non_io)) ? 1'b0 : av_ld_data_aligned_unfiltered[30];
+  assign av_ld_data_aligned_unfiltered_31_is_x = ^(av_ld_data_aligned_unfiltered[31]) === 1'bx;
+  assign av_ld_data_aligned_filtered[31] = (av_ld_data_aligned_unfiltered_31_is_x & (R_ctrl_ld_non_io)) ? 1'b0 : av_ld_data_aligned_unfiltered[31];
+  always @(posedge clk)
+    begin
+      if (reset_n)
+          if (^(F_valid) === 1'bx)
+            begin
+              $write("%0d ns: ERROR: nios2_uc_nios2_cpu_test_bench/F_valid is 'x'\n", $time);
+              $stop;
+            end
+    end
+  always @(posedge clk)
+    begin
+      if (reset_n)
+          if (^(D_valid) === 1'bx)
+            begin
+              $write("%0d ns: ERROR: nios2_uc_nios2_cpu_test_bench/D_valid is 'x'\n", $time);
+              $stop;
+            end
+    end
+  always @(posedge clk)
+    begin
+      if (reset_n)
+          if (^(E_valid) === 1'bx)
+            begin
+              $write("%0d ns: ERROR: nios2_uc_nios2_cpu_test_bench/E_valid is 'x'\n", $time);
+              $stop;
+            end
+    end
+  always @(posedge clk)
+    begin
+      if (reset_n)
+          if (^(W_valid) === 1'bx)
+            begin
+              $write("%0d ns: ERROR: nios2_uc_nios2_cpu_test_bench/W_valid is 'x'\n", $time);
+              $stop;
+            end
+    end
+  always @(posedge clk or negedge reset_n)
+    begin
+      if (reset_n == 0)
+        begin
+        end
+      else if (W_valid)
+          if (^(R_wr_dst_reg) === 1'bx)
+            begin
+              $write("%0d ns: ERROR: nios2_uc_nios2_cpu_test_bench/R_wr_dst_reg is 'x'\n", $time);
+              $stop;
+            end
+    end
+  always @(posedge clk or negedge reset_n)
+    begin
+      if (reset_n == 0)
+        begin
+        end
+      else if (W_valid & R_wr_dst_reg)
+          if (^(W_wr_data) === 1'bx)
+            begin
+              $write("%0d ns: ERROR: nios2_uc_nios2_cpu_test_bench/W_wr_data is 'x'\n", $time);
+              $stop;
+            end
+    end
+  always @(posedge clk or negedge reset_n)
+    begin
+      if (reset_n == 0)
+        begin
+        end
+      else if (W_valid & R_wr_dst_reg)
+          if (^(R_dst_regnum) === 1'bx)
+            begin
+              $write("%0d ns: ERROR: nios2_uc_nios2_cpu_test_bench/R_dst_regnum is 'x'\n", $time);
+              $stop;
+            end
+    end
+  always @(posedge clk)
+    begin
+      if (reset_n)
+          if (^(d_write) === 1'bx)
+            begin
+              $write("%0d ns: ERROR: nios2_uc_nios2_cpu_test_bench/d_write is 'x'\n", $time);
+              $stop;
+            end
+    end
+  always @(posedge clk or negedge reset_n)
+    begin
+      if (reset_n == 0)
+        begin
+        end
+      else if (d_write)
+          if (^(d_byteenable) === 1'bx)
+            begin
+              $write("%0d ns: ERROR: nios2_uc_nios2_cpu_test_bench/d_byteenable is 'x'\n", $time);
+              $stop;
+            end
+    end
+  always @(posedge clk or negedge reset_n)
+    begin
+      if (reset_n == 0)
+        begin
+        end
+      else if (d_write | d_read)
+          if (^(d_address) === 1'bx)
+            begin
+              $write("%0d ns: ERROR: nios2_uc_nios2_cpu_test_bench/d_address is 'x'\n", $time);
+              $stop;
+            end
+    end
+  always @(posedge clk)
+    begin
+      if (reset_n)
+          if (^(d_read) === 1'bx)
+            begin
+              $write("%0d ns: ERROR: nios2_uc_nios2_cpu_test_bench/d_read is 'x'\n", $time);
+              $stop;
+            end
+    end
+  always @(posedge clk)
+    begin
+      if (reset_n)
+          if (^(i_read) === 1'bx)
+            begin
+              $write("%0d ns: ERROR: nios2_uc_nios2_cpu_test_bench/i_read is 'x'\n", $time);
+              $stop;
+            end
+    end
+  always @(posedge clk or negedge reset_n)
+    begin
+      if (reset_n == 0)
+        begin
+        end
+      else if (i_read)
+          if (^(i_address) === 1'bx)
+            begin
+              $write("%0d ns: ERROR: nios2_uc_nios2_cpu_test_bench/i_address is 'x'\n", $time);
+              $stop;
+            end
+    end
+  always @(posedge clk or negedge reset_n)
+    begin
+      if (reset_n == 0)
+        begin
+        end
+      else if (i_read & ~i_waitrequest)
+          if (^(i_readdata) === 1'bx)
+            begin
+              $write("%0d ns: ERROR: nios2_uc_nios2_cpu_test_bench/i_readdata is 'x'\n", $time);
+              $stop;
+            end
+    end
+  always @(posedge clk or negedge reset_n)
+    begin
+      if (reset_n == 0)
+        begin
+        end
+      else if (W_valid & R_ctrl_ld)
+          if (^(av_ld_data_aligned_unfiltered) === 1'bx)
+            begin
+              $write("%0d ns: WARNING: nios2_uc_nios2_cpu_test_bench/av_ld_data_aligned_unfiltered is 'x'\n", $time);
+            end
+    end
+  always @(posedge clk or negedge reset_n)
+    begin
+      if (reset_n == 0)
+        begin
+        end
+      else if (W_valid & R_wr_dst_reg)
+          if (^(W_wr_data) === 1'bx)
+            begin
+              $write("%0d ns: WARNING: nios2_uc_nios2_cpu_test_bench/W_wr_data is 'x'\n", $time);
+            end
+    end
+//synthesis translate_on
+//synthesis read_comments_as_HDL on
+//  assign av_ld_data_aligned_filtered = av_ld_data_aligned_unfiltered;
+//synthesis read_comments_as_HDL off

+ 89 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,89 @@
+//Legal Notice: (C)2020 Altera Corporation. All rights reserved.  Your
+//use of Altera Corporation's design tools, logic functions and other
+//software and tools, and its AMPP partner logic functions, and any
+//output files any of the foregoing (including device programming or
+//simulation files), and any associated documentation or information are
+//expressly subject to the terms and conditions of the Altera Program
+//License Subscription Agreement or other applicable license agreement,
+//including, without limitation, that your use is for the sole purpose
+//of programming logic devices manufactured by Altera and sold by Altera
+//or its authorized distributors.  Please refer to the applicable
+//agreement for further details.
+// synthesis translate_off
+`timescale 1ns / 1ps
+// synthesis translate_on
+// turn off superfluous verilog processor warnings 
+// altera message_level Level1 
+// altera message_off 10034 10035 10036 10037 10230 10240 10030 
+module nios2_uc_onchip_memory2 (
+                                 // inputs:
+                                  address,
+                                  byteenable,
+                                  chipselect,
+                                  clk,
+                                  clken,
+                                  freeze,
+                                  reset,
+                                  reset_req,
+                                  write,
+                                  writedata,
+                                 // outputs:
+                                  readdata
+                               )
+  parameter INIT_FILE = "nios2_uc_onchip_memory2.hex";
+  output  [ 31: 0] readdata;
+  input   [ 15: 0] address;
+  input   [  3: 0] byteenable;
+  input            chipselect;
+  input            clk;
+  input            clken;
+  input            freeze;
+  input            reset;
+  input            reset_req;
+  input            write;
+  input   [ 31: 0] writedata;
+wire             clocken0;
+wire    [ 31: 0] readdata;
+wire             wren;
+  assign wren = chipselect & write;
+  assign clocken0 = clken & ~reset_req;
+  altsyncram the_altsyncram
+    (
+      .address_a (address),
+      .byteena_a (byteenable),
+      .clock0 (clk),
+      .clocken0 (clocken0),
+      .data_a (writedata),
+      .q_a (readdata),
+      .wren_a (wren)
+    );
+  defparam the_altsyncram.byte_size = 8,
+           the_altsyncram.init_file = INIT_FILE,
+           the_altsyncram.lpm_type = "altsyncram",
+           the_altsyncram.maximum_depth = 51200,
+           the_altsyncram.numwords_a = 51200,
+           the_altsyncram.operation_mode = "SINGLE_PORT",
+           the_altsyncram.outdata_reg_a = "UNREGISTERED",
+           the_altsyncram.ram_block_type = "AUTO",
+           the_altsyncram.read_during_write_mode_mixed_ports = "DONT_CARE",
+           the_altsyncram.read_during_write_mode_port_a = "DONT_CARE",
+           the_altsyncram.width_a = 32,
+           the_altsyncram.width_byteena_a = 4,
+           the_altsyncram.widthad_a = 16;
+  //s1, which is an e_avalon_slave
+  //s2, which is an e_avalon_slave

+ 67 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,67 @@
+//Legal Notice: (C)2020 Altera Corporation. All rights reserved.  Your
+//use of Altera Corporation's design tools, logic functions and other
+//software and tools, and its AMPP partner logic functions, and any
+//output files any of the foregoing (including device programming or
+//simulation files), and any associated documentation or information are
+//expressly subject to the terms and conditions of the Altera Program
+//License Subscription Agreement or other applicable license agreement,
+//including, without limitation, that your use is for the sole purpose
+//of programming logic devices manufactured by Altera and sold by Altera
+//or its authorized distributors.  Please refer to the applicable
+//agreement for further details.
+// synthesis translate_off
+`timescale 1ns / 1ps
+// synthesis translate_on
+// turn off superfluous verilog processor warnings 
+// altera message_level Level1 
+// altera message_off 10034 10035 10036 10037 10230 10240 10030 
+module nios2_uc_pio_LED (
+                          // inputs:
+                           address,
+                           chipselect,
+                           clk,
+                           reset_n,
+                           write_n,
+                           writedata,
+                          // outputs:
+                           out_port,
+                           readdata
+                        )
+  output  [ 31: 0] out_port;
+  output  [ 31: 0] readdata;
+  input   [  1: 0] address;
+  input            chipselect;
+  input            clk;
+  input            reset_n;
+  input            write_n;
+  input   [ 31: 0] writedata;
+wire             clk_en;
+reg     [ 31: 0] data_out;
+wire    [ 31: 0] out_port;
+wire    [ 31: 0] read_mux_out;
+wire    [ 31: 0] readdata;
+  assign clk_en = 1;
+  //s1, which is an e_avalon_slave
+  assign read_mux_out = {32 {(address == 0)}} & data_out;
+  always @(posedge clk or negedge reset_n)
+    begin
+      if (reset_n == 0)
+          data_out <= 0;
+      else if (chipselect && ~write_n && (address == 0))
+          data_out <= writedata[31 : 0];
+    end
+  assign readdata = {32'b0 | read_mux_out};
+  assign out_port = data_out;

+ 13 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+/* Quartus Prime Version 18.1.1 Build 646 04/11/2019 SJ Lite Edition */
+	FileRevision(JESD32A);
+	DefaultMfr(6E);
+	P ActionCode(Cfg)
+		Device PartName(EP4CE115F29) Path("/home/sstudent/HS-Codesign/HS-Codesign/niosii_20201119/output_files/") File("myfirst_niosii.sof") MfrSpec(OpMask(1));
+	ChainType(JTAG);

+ 14 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+  <sld_infos>
+    <sld_info hpath="nios2_uc:u0" name="u0">
+      <assignment_values>
+        <assignment_value text="QSYS_NAME nios2_uc HAS_SOPCINFO 1 GENERATION_ID 1605800269"/>
+      </assignment_values>
+    </sld_info>
+    <sld_info hpath="sld_hub:auto_hub|alt_sld_fab:\instrumentation_fabric_with_node_gen:instrumentation_fabric" library="alt_sld_fab" name="instrumentation_fabric">
+      <assignment_values>
+        <assignment_value text="QSYS_NAME alt_sld_fab HAS_SOPCINFO 1"/>
+      </assignment_values>
+    </sld_info>
+  </sld_infos>

+ 0 - 0



La diferencia del archivo ha sido suprimido porque es demasiado grande
+ 2505 - 0


La diferencia del archivo ha sido suprimido porque es demasiado grande
+ 1381 - 0

+ 1 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1 @@

+ 1 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1 @@

+ 0 - 0

+ 34 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
+ * "Hello World" example.
+ *
+ * This example prints 'Hello from Nios II' to the STDOUT stream. It runs on
+ * the Nios II 'standard', 'full_featured', 'fast', and 'low_cost' example
+ * designs. It runs with or without the MicroC/OS-II RTOS and requires a STDOUT
+ * device in your system's hardware.
+ * The memory footprint of this hosted application is ~69 kbytes by default
+ * using the standard reference design.
+ *
+ * For a reduced footprint version of this template, and an explanation of how
+ * to reduce the memory footprint for a given application, see the
+ * "small_hello_world" template.
+ *
+ */
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include "altera_avalon_pio_regs.h"
+int main()
+  printf("Hello from Nios II!\n");
+  int count = 0;
+  while(true) {
+	  printf("%d\n", count);
+	  for(int i=0; i<2000000; i++) {
+	  }
+  }
+  return 0;

+ 33 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+ * "Hello World" example.
+ *
+ * This example prints 'Hello from Nios II' to the STDOUT stream. It runs on
+ * the Nios II 'standard', 'full_featured', 'fast', and 'low_cost' example
+ * designs. It runs with or without the MicroC/OS-II RTOS and requires a STDOUT
+ * device in your system's hardware.
+ * The memory footprint of this hosted application is ~69 kbytes by default
+ * using the standard reference design.
+ *
+ * For a reduced footprint version of this template, and an explanation of how
+ * to reduce the memory footprint for a given application, see the
+ * "small_hello_world" template.
+ *
+ */
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include "altera_avalon_pio_regs.h"
+int main()
+  printf("Hello from Nios II!\n");
+  int count = 0;
+  while(true) {
+	  for(int i=0; i<2000000; i++) {
+	  }
+  }
+  return 0;

+ 35 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
+ * "Hello World" example.
+ *
+ * This example prints 'Hello from Nios II' to the STDOUT stream. It runs on
+ * the Nios II 'standard', 'full_featured', 'fast', and 'low_cost' example
+ * designs. It runs with or without the MicroC/OS-II RTOS and requires a STDOUT
+ * device in your system's hardware.
+ * The memory footprint of this hosted application is ~69 kbytes by default
+ * using the standard reference design.
+ *
+ * For a reduced footprint version of this template, and an explanation of how
+ * to reduce the memory footprint for a given application, see the
+ * "small_hello_world" template.
+ *
+ */
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include "altera_avalon_pio_regs.h"
+#include <system.h>
+int main()
+  printf("Hello from Nios II!\n");
+  int count = 0;
+  while(1) {
+	  printf("%d\n", count);
+	  for(int i=0; i<100000; i++) {
+	  }
+  }
+  return 0;

+ 35 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
+ * "Hello World" example.
+ *
+ * This example prints 'Hello from Nios II' to the STDOUT stream. It runs on
+ * the Nios II 'standard', 'full_featured', 'fast', and 'low_cost' example
+ * designs. It runs with or without the MicroC/OS-II RTOS and requires a STDOUT
+ * device in your system's hardware.
+ * The memory footprint of this hosted application is ~69 kbytes by default
+ * using the standard reference design.
+ *
+ * For a reduced footprint version of this template, and an explanation of how
+ * to reduce the memory footprint for a given application, see the
+ * "small_hello_world" template.
+ *
+ */
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include "altera_avalon_pio_regs.h"
+#include <system.h>
+int main()
+  printf("Hello from Nios II!\n");
+  int count = 0;
+  while(1) {
+	  printf("%d\n", count);
+	  for(int i=0; i<2000000; i++) {
+	  }
+  }
+  return 0;

+ 34 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
+ * "Hello World" example.
+ *
+ * This example prints 'Hello from Nios II' to the STDOUT stream. It runs on
+ * the Nios II 'standard', 'full_featured', 'fast', and 'low_cost' example
+ * designs. It runs with or without the MicroC/OS-II RTOS and requires a STDOUT
+ * device in your system's hardware.
+ * The memory footprint of this hosted application is ~69 kbytes by default
+ * using the standard reference design.
+ *
+ * For a reduced footprint version of this template, and an explanation of how
+ * to reduce the memory footprint for a given application, see the
+ * "small_hello_world" template.
+ *
+ */
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include "altera_avalon_pio_regs.h"
+int main()
+  printf("Hello from Nios II!\n");
+  int count = 0;
+  while(1) {
+	  printf("%d\n", count);
+	  for(int i=0; i<2000000; i++) {
+	  }
+  }
+  return 0;

+ 35 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
+ * "Hello World" example.
+ *
+ * This example prints 'Hello from Nios II' to the STDOUT stream. It runs on
+ * the Nios II 'standard', 'full_featured', 'fast', and 'low_cost' example
+ * designs. It runs with or without the MicroC/OS-II RTOS and requires a STDOUT
+ * device in your system's hardware.
+ * The memory footprint of this hosted application is ~69 kbytes by default
+ * using the standard reference design.
+ *
+ * For a reduced footprint version of this template, and an explanation of how
+ * to reduce the memory footprint for a given application, see the
+ * "small_hello_world" template.
+ *
+ */
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include "altera_avalon_pio_regs.h"
+#include <system.h>
+int main()
+  printf("Hello from Nios II!\n");
+  int count = 0;
+  while(1) {
+	  printf("%d\n", count);
+	  for(int i=0; i<500000; i++) {
+	  }
+  }
+  return 0;

+ 34 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
+ * "Hello World" example.
+ *
+ * This example prints 'Hello from Nios II' to the STDOUT stream. It runs on
+ * the Nios II 'standard', 'full_featured', 'fast', and 'low_cost' example
+ * designs. It runs with or without the MicroC/OS-II RTOS and requires a STDOUT
+ * device in your system's hardware.
+ * The memory footprint of this hosted application is ~69 kbytes by default
+ * using the standard reference design.
+ *
+ * For a reduced footprint version of this template, and an explanation of how
+ * to reduce the memory footprint for a given application, see the
+ * "small_hello_world" template.
+ *
+ */
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include "altera_avalon_pio_regs.h"
+#include <system.h>
+int main()
+  printf("Hello from Nios II!\n");
+  int count = 0;
+  while(1) {
+	  printf("%d\n", count);
+	  //for(int i=0; i<100000; i++) {
+	  //}
+  }
+  return 0;

+ 34 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
+ * "Hello World" example.
+ *
+ * This example prints 'Hello from Nios II' to the STDOUT stream. It runs on
+ * the Nios II 'standard', 'full_featured', 'fast', and 'low_cost' example
+ * designs. It runs with or without the MicroC/OS-II RTOS and requires a STDOUT
+ * device in your system's hardware.
+ * The memory footprint of this hosted application is ~69 kbytes by default
+ * using the standard reference design.
+ *
+ * For a reduced footprint version of this template, and an explanation of how
+ * to reduce the memory footprint for a given application, see the
+ * "small_hello_world" template.
+ *
+ */
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include "altera_avalon_pio_regs.h"
+int main()
+  printf("Hello from Nios II!\n");
+  int count = 0;
+  while(1) {
+	  printf("%d\n", count);
+	  for(int i=0; i<2000000; i++) {
+	  }
+  }
+  return 0;

+ 24 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+ * "Hello World" example.
+ *
+ * This example prints 'Hello from Nios II' to the STDOUT stream. It runs on
+ * the Nios II 'standard', 'full_featured', 'fast', and 'low_cost' example
+ * designs. It runs with or without the MicroC/OS-II RTOS and requires a STDOUT
+ * device in your system's hardware.
+ * The memory footprint of this hosted application is ~69 kbytes by default
+ * using the standard reference design.
+ *
+ * For a reduced footprint version of this template, and an explanation of how
+ * to reduce the memory footprint for a given application, see the
+ * "small_hello_world" template.
+ *
+ */
+#include <stdio.h>
+int main()
+  printf("Hello from Nios II!\n");
+  return 0;















+ 4 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@

+ 2 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@

+ 2 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@

La diferencia del archivo ha sido suprimido porque es demasiado grande
+ 2 - 0

La diferencia del archivo ha sido suprimido porque es demasiado grande
+ 3 - 0

+ 2 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@

+ 5 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@

+ 3 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+org.eclipse.debug.ui.PREF_LAUNCH_PERSPECTIVES=<?xml version\="1.0" encoding\="UTF-8" standalone\="no"?>\n<launchPerspectives/>\n

+ 4 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@

+ 2 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@

+ 2 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@

+ 3 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@

+ 2 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@

+ 2 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@

+ 2 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@

+ 17 - 0
software/.metadata/.plugins/org.eclipse.debug.core/.launches/hello_world Nios II Hardware configuration.launch

@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>
+<launchConfiguration type="com.altera.sbtgui.launch.hardware.Nios2HardwareLaunchConfiguration">
+<stringAttribute key="byteStreamDeviceCableName" value="USB-Blaster on localhost [3-9]"/>
+<stringAttribute key="byteStreamDeviceDeviceID" value="1"/>
+<stringAttribute key="byteStreamDeviceInstanceID" value="0"/>
+<booleanAttribute key="downloadProgram" value="true"/>
+<stringAttribute key="elfFile" value="/home/sstudent/HS-Codesign/HS-Codesign/niosii_20201119/software/hello_world/hello_world.elf"/>
+<stringAttribute key="org.eclipse.cdt.launch.DEBUGGER_ID" value="com.altera.debug.cdi.gdb.plugin.Nios2GdbCdiDebugger"/>
+<stringAttribute key="org.eclipse.cdt.launch.DEBUGGER_START_MODE" value="run"/>
+<booleanAttribute key="org.eclipse.cdt.launch.DEBUGGER_STOP_AT_MAIN" value="true"/>
+<stringAttribute key="org.eclipse.cdt.launch.PROGRAM_NAME" value="hello_world.elf"/>
+<stringAttribute key="org.eclipse.cdt.launch.PROJECT_ATTR" value="hello_world"/>
+<stringAttribute key="processorCableName" value="USB-Blaster on localhost [3-9]"/>
+<stringAttribute key="processorDeviceIndex" value="1"/>
+<stringAttribute key="processorInstanceId" value="0"/>
+<booleanAttribute key="runProgram" value="true"/>

+ 27 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>
+<launchGroup id="org.eclipse.debug.ui.launchGroup.profilee">
+<launchGroup id="org.eclipse.debug.ui.launchGroup.debug">
+<launch memento="&lt;?xml version=&quot;1.0&quot; encoding=&quot;UTF-8&quot; standalone=&quot;no&quot;?&gt;&#10;&lt;launchConfiguration local=&quot;true&quot; path=&quot;hello_world Nios II Hardware configuration&quot;/&gt;&#10;"/>
+<launchGroup id="org.eclipse.debug.ui.launchGroup.profile">
+<launchGroup id="org.eclipse.ui.externaltools.launchGroup">
+<launchGroup id="org.eclipse.debug.ui.launchGroup.run">
+<launch memento="&lt;?xml version=&quot;1.0&quot; encoding=&quot;UTF-8&quot; standalone=&quot;no&quot;?&gt;&#10;&lt;launchConfiguration local=&quot;true&quot; path=&quot;hello_world Nios II Hardware configuration&quot;/&gt;&#10;"/>

+ 0 - 0

Algunos archivos no se mostraron porque demasiados archivos cambiaron en este cambio