Tobias Müller, M. Eng 於 6 年之前 修改了此頁面

📜 Table of Contents

ℹ Introduction

Welcome to the Wiki of the Xcom-API. This project is about an API (Application Programming Interface) designed as a python-class, which is used to encode and decode byte-frames for communication between a Xtender-System and a PC, especially a Raspberry Pi with a Raspicomm extension module. The class also contains methods for error and frame-flag decoding and methods to get object or class informations.

Note: The API and the Test-Program was created with Microsoft's integrated development environment (IDE) Visual Studio Code (VSC). This is an Open-Source IDE from Microsoft for many different programming-languages for Windows, Linux and Mac with an easy to use git integration. So you can easily add this project to VSC by cloning this Git-Repository. Of course you can open the python-files with other IDE's you prefer too.

On the following pages you will find many informations about the usage of the API such like: An explanation of the methods of the API and how to invoke these methods inside a python-script.

Furthermore there are test-programs called "Xcom-Test-Program" and "Xcom-Test-Loop-Program", which you can use for testing the Xcom-API and where you get some impressions of how to use the Xcom-API. There are also explanation for how to use these test-programs. This concerns the hardware and software setup of the Raspberry Pi, if you won't use the given Raspberry Pi image.

Hochschule Anhalt | Anhalt University of Applied Sciences | Department 6 EMW

Tobias Müller, M. Eng.
📧 Tobias.Mueller@HS-Anhalt.de

© es-lab.de, 31.10.2017