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def get_text_from_frame_flags(self, bytearray_of_frame):

The "get_text_from_frame_flags" method is used to return the frame-flags as a list with explanation (string) for each bit, starting with lsb. If CRC-Check is active, it will check the byte-frame and raises a Value_Error, if a CRC-Error was detected.


The "self" argument is pointing to the object, which calls the method.

The "bytearray_of_frame" argument is the frame what you get, when you receive data from the serial port.

Return Value

Type -> list

list[0:5]: Type -> string

Example Code
>>> # create an object of the Xcom-API-Class
>>> Object = Xcom_API()
>>> # create a variable with a received frame
>>> Frame =  bytearray(b'\\xAA\\x37\\x65\\x00\\x00\\x00\\x01\\x00\\x00\\x00\\x0E\\x00\\xAA\\x66\\x02\\x01\\x01\\x00\\xB8\\x0B\\x00\\x00\\x01\\x00\\x00\\x40\\x42\\x42\\x8B\\x46')
>>> # call the Method 'get_text_from_frame_flags'
>>> Answer = Object.get_text_from_frame_flags(Frame)
>>> # print Answer
>>> print(Answer)
    ('Messages are pending.','A reset or restart was carried out.','The SD-Card is present.','The SD-Card is not full.','New datalog file on the SD-Card.','Datalogger is supported.')

Hochschule Anhalt | Anhalt University of Applied Sciences | Department 6 EMW

Tobias Müller, M. Eng.

©, 31.10.2017