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This class is used to encode byte-frames, which are needed to communicate with Xtender-Modules over the RS232-BUS with the help of the Xcom-232i. After encoding the byte-frame, you can use the module "pyserial" to communicate with the Serial-BUS and to put the byte-frame into the write-method of "pyserial". You can also decode read-frames of the Serial-BUS with this class.
The class contains methods to generate read- or write-frames, and methods to decode frames. There are pre-defined types, properties and formats for the most important parameter- and information-numbers. This reduces the effort for generating byte-frames, but there are extended methods to encode byte-frames with other parameter- and information-numbers too, that you can find in the documentation of the Xcom-232i. The class also contains methods for error and frame-flag decoding and methods to get object or class informations
Note: The link to the documentation of the Xcom-232i can you find under the section: Hardware Information.
On the following sections, there will be describe the Information-Methods, Public-Class-Methods, Class-Attributes and how to create and delete an object.
Hochschule Anhalt | Anhalt University of Applied Sciences | Department 6 EMW
Tobias Müller, M. Eng.
📧 Tobias.Mueller@HS-Anhalt.de
© es-lab.de, 31.10.2017
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