Tobias Müller, M. Eng hat diese Seite bearbeitet vor 6 Jahren

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The Public-Class-Methods are used to encode and decode byte-frames. There are also Private-Class-Methods of the API, but they are only used inside the API for internal instructions and they are not available for the user. So the Private-Class-Methods will not be further described. The Public-Class-Methods are:

There are Methods either to encode 'read' or 'write' byte-frames and there are Methods to decode byte-frames. Furthermore there are also Methods to decode frame-flags and error-id as well.

The non extended methods, these are methods without an '_ext' expression inside the method names, can only be used with a known Object_ID, which are listed in the section Class-Attributes. These known Object_IDs contains info and parameter numbers, which are often used. So you can easily encode and decode byte-frames without the need to know of the background informations of the byte-frame structure.

If you want to encode and decode byte-frames with other Object-IDs, you must used the extended methods. To use these Methods, you need background informations of the byte-frame structure, wich are well explained in the technical documentation of the Xcom-232i. Otherwise the Xtender-System will possibly not understand the byte-frame and will send you an error.

Note: The link to the documentation of the Xcom-232i can you find under the section: Hardware Information.

Hochschule Anhalt | Anhalt University of Applied Sciences | Department 6 EMW

Tobias Müller, M. Eng.

©, 31.10.2017