Hardware Setup
Tobias Müller, M. Eng editó esta página hace 6 años

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💻 Hardware Setup

This section explains the hardware configuration, which is necessary to use the test-programs. The test-programs were designed especially for using a Raspberry Pi with the RaspiComm module. Of course the Xcom-API-Class itself can be used in own programs with other distributions and plattforms, which can run python code. The chart below shows the connection of the hardware.

The Raspberry Pi is used to execute the test-program and with the help of the RaspiComm module is a RS232 connection to the Xcom-232i ensue. The Xcom-232i is a bridge betwenn the RS232 serial-Bus and the CAN-BUS, which handles the communication between the Xtender-System.

In the following sections you will get hardware-information and setup descriptions for the Raspberry Pi and the Xcom-232i.

Hochschule Anhalt | Anhalt University of Applied Sciences | Department 6 EMW

Tobias Müller, M. Eng.
📧 Tobias.Mueller@HS-Anhalt.de

© es-lab.de, 31.10.2017