Hardware Information
Tobias Müller, M. Eng editou esta página 6 anos atrás

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Hardware Information

The following table shows the needed hardware components and their usage and give you links to the product information and documentation. These components are necessary if you want to use the Xcom-Test-Program and Xcom-Test-Loop-Program.

Component Function Product Information Documentation
Raspberry Pi 3 single board computer, on which is running the program



RasPiComm expansion board for the Raspberry Pi, which provides a RS232-Port over the GPIOs (UART) of the Raspberry Pi Product is EOL Product is EOL
Xcom-232i CAN to RS232 Bridge, which is used to communicate with the Xtender-Modules




RCC-02 remote control and programming unit for displaying the status informations and to program parameters of the Xtender-Modules



Xtender-Series is used as Battery charger and as DC to AC converter and to supply electrical power



Hochschule Anhalt | Anhalt University of Applied Sciences | Department 6 EMW

Tobias Müller, M. Eng.
📧 Tobias.Mueller@HS-Anhalt.de

© es-lab.de, 31.10.2017