Create your own Image
Tobias Müller, M. Eng이(가) 6 년 전에 이 페이지를 수정함

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Create your own Image

Sometimes it is necessary, that you create your own image-file. For Example: If you want to use a newer or another Raspberry Pi Linux-Version as the given Raspberry Pi image-file. To do so, you need to do some configurations at the fresh installation of the Raspberry Pi operating system. The first step is to download your favorite Linux operating system for the Raspberry Pi and to install the image file to a SD-Card. This is the same procedure, which was explained in section: Copy Image to a SD-Card.

Note: Other Linux operating systems especially for the Raspberry Pi can you find under:

To setup your own raspberry pi image-file is classified into the following steps:

After completing the setup of your Raspberry Pi Image you can download the API and the test-programs from the repository and test it.

Raspberry Pi Config

After booting up your Raspberry Pi you need to activate the serial port. If you want to communicate with the Pi over ethernet, you also need to activate SSH. To do so, run the bash-command:

sudo raspi-config

The picture below shows the raspi-config.

Under the category "Interfacing-Options" you can activate SSH and the serial-port. If you want, you can also do changes at the localization, hostname, etc. or you can activate other interfaces you need [1].

Activate UART

Note: This step is only necessary, if you use a Raspberry Pi 3.

The biggest change of Raspberry Pi 3 was the integrated WLAN and Bluetooth. But the Bluetooth module uses the serial (UART) interface of the Pi. So after activating the serial interface with raspi-config, there only a Mini-UART available over the GPIO pins. The Mini-UART has a big disatvantage: the baudrate of the Mini-UART depends of the Clock-Speed of the CPU, so a stable serial connection is not possible. You can change that by disabling the Bluetooth module and reconfigure the UART to the GPIO pins.

Open the "config.txt" at the boot directory with admin privilege.

sudo nano /boot/config.txt

Add a new line with dtoverlay=pi3-disable-bt and if it is not set by raspi-config, add a line with enable_uart=1 [2]. Now open the file:

sudo nano /boot/cmdline.txt

Delete the part with console=serial0,115200 [3]. Now you need to stop BT modem trying to use UART:

sudo systemctl disable hciuart

After a reboot, the UART should work like at the previous Raspberry Pi version. The UART is available under "/dev/ttyAMA0".

Install Python-Packages

The test-programs needs the following python-modules:

  • ptvsd
  • serial (pyserial)
  • pigpio

You can check, whether these modules are available with the bash-command:

pip3 list

If one of these modules are missing, you can install it with the bash-command:

pip3 install <module-name>

Activate PiGPIO-Daemon

The test-programs uses PiGPIO to access the GPIO pins. The PiGPIO module needs a daemon-process, which handles the communication between GPIOs and the module [4]. You can start the daemon-process with:

sudo pigpiod

If you want to start the daemon-process with every bootup of the Raspberry pi, you need to open the rc.local:

sudo nano /etc/rc.local

There you add a line with pigpiod before exit 0. The file should be look like:

#!/bin/sh -e
# rc.local
# This script is executed at the end of each multiuser runlevel.
# Make sure that the script will "exit 0" on success or any other
# value on error.
# In order to enable or disable this script just change the execution
# bits.
# By default this script does nothing.

# Print the IP address
_IP=$(hostname -I) || true
if [ "$_IP" ]; then
  printf "My IP address is %s\n" "$_IP"


exit 0


    [1]  Raspberry Pi

    [2]  Hudson, G.
           Raspberry Pi 3 compatibility (BT disable & serial port remap fix)

    [3]  Raspberry Tips
           UART auf dem RaspberryPi nutzen

    [4]  PiGPIO
           PiGPIO Daemon

Hochschule Anhalt | Anhalt University of Applied Sciences | Department 6 EMW

Tobias Müller, M. Eng.

©, 31.10.2017