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upload lora_mqtt python script

Tobias Müller 4 months ago
2 changed files with 260 additions and 0 deletions
  1. 247 0
  2. 13 0

+ 247 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,247 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python3
+MQTT Script to communicate with The Things Network and control digital output.
+Author: Tobias Müller
+Licence: GPL v3
+Date: 23-12-06
+    23-12-06 - create initial program
+    23-12-07 - change output of payload
+    23-12-12 - finish publish mqtt code
+from paho.mqtt import client as mqtt
+import pigpio
+from time import sleep
+from sys import exit
+import json
+import socket
+from base64 import b64encode
+USER=""                                     # -> Applications -> Integrations -> MQTT -> Username
+PASSWORD=""                                 # -> Applications -> Integrations -> MQTT -> Password
+DEVICE_IDS = ["eui-70b3d5e75e01131f"]       # list of device IDs in an application
+DEVICE_PORT = 125                           # standard port for watteco devices
+DEVICE_OUTPUT = 1                           # value of 1 to 4
+PULISH_PRIORITY = "NORMAL"                  # priority to puplish messages: "LOWEST", "LOW", "BELOW_NORMAL", "NORMAL", "ABOVE_NORMAL", "HIGH", "HIGHEST"
+MIN_REPORT_INTERVAL = 60                    # 0-32767; in production, value must be >= 60min/3600s to comply with the legal duty cycle in the EU at SF12
+MAX_REPORT_INTERVAL = 120                   # 0-32767; in production, value must be >= 60min/3600s to comply with the legal duty cycle in the EU at SF12
+INTERVAL_UNIT = "sec"                       # "sec" for seconds or "min" for minutes
+GPIO = 5                                    # GPIO to detect shutdown
+QOS = 0                                     # Quality of Service for MQTT
+DEBUG = False
+# Note: On The Things Network’s public community network a Fair Use
+# Policy applies which limits the uplink airtime to 30 seconds per
+# day (24 hours) per node and the downlink messages to 10
+# messages per day (24 hours) per node. Higher SF (Spreading Factor)
+# results in higher airtime usage and vice versa. Report intervals must
+# be inside those limits.
+def debounce(gpio_client):
+    active_low = 0
+    active_high = 0
+    max_cycle = 20
+    delay = 0.01
+    while active_low < max_cycle and active_high < max_cycle:
+        if
+            active_high += 1
+            active_low = 0
+        else:
+            active_high = 0
+            active_low += 1
+        sleep(delay)
+    return 0 if active_high == max_cycle else 1
+def set_payload(data):
+    frame_setting = {"Fctrl": [{1: 0x11, 2: 0x31, 3: 0x51, 4:0x71}, 2],
+                     "CmdID": [0x50, 2],
+                     "ClusterID": [0x06, 4],
+                     "Data": [2]}
+    payload = ""
+    for key, val in frame_setting.items():
+        if key == "Fctrl":
+            payload += F"{val[0].get(DEVICE_OUTPUT):0{val[-1]}X}"
+        elif key == "CmdID" or key == "ClusterID":
+            payload += F"{val[0]:0{val[-1]}X}"
+        elif key == "Data":
+            payload += F"{data:0{val[-1]}X}"
+    return b64encode(bytes.fromhex(payload)).decode()
+def report_payload():
+    frame_setting = {"Fctrl": [{1: 0x11, 2: 0x31, 3: 0x51, 4:0x71}, 2],
+                     "CmdID": [0x06, 2],
+                     "ClusterID": [0x06, 4],
+                     "AttributeID": [0x00, 4],
+                     "Attribute_type": [0x10, 4],
+                     "MinReport": [{"sec": 0x0000, "min": 0x8000}, 4],
+                     "MaxReport": [{"sec": 0x0000, "min": 0x8000}, 4],
+                     "ReportChange": [0x01, 2]}
+    payload = ""
+    for key, val in frame_setting.items():
+        if key == "Fctrl":
+            payload += F"{val[0].get(DEVICE_OUTPUT):0{val[-1]}X}"
+        elif (key == "CmdID" or key == "ClusterID" or key == "AttributeID" or
+              key == "Attribute_type" or key == "ReportChange"):
+            payload += F"{val[0]:0{val[-1]}X}"
+        elif key == "MinReport":
+            payload += F"{val[0].get(INTERVAL_UNIT)|MIN_REPORT_INTERVAL:0{val[-1]}X}"
+        elif key == "MaxReport":
+            payload += F"{val[0].get(INTERVAL_UNIT)|MAX_REPORT_INTERVAL:0{val[-1]}X}"
+    return b64encode(bytes.fromhex(payload)).decode()
+def mqtt_send(mqtt_client, payload):
+    if DEVICE_IDS:
+        for id in DEVICE_IDS:
+            topic = "v3/" + USER + "/devices/" + id + "/down/push"
+            message = '{"downlinks":[{"f_port":' + str(DEVICE_PORT) + ',"frm_payload":"' + payload + '","priority":"' + PULISH_PRIORITY + '"}]}'
+            result = mqtt_client.publish(topic, message, QOS)
+            if result[0] == 0:
+                print(F"Publish to topic: \"{topic}\", QoS: {QOS}, message ID: {result[1]}")
+            else:
+                print(F"Failed to publish to topic: \"{topic}\", QoS: {QOS}")
+    else:
+        print("There are no device IDs configured for MQTT-Subscription!")
+        raise ValueError
+def mqtt_on_connect_callback(client, userdata, flags, rc):
+    if rc == 0:
+        print(F"Connected successfully to MQTT broker \"{PUPLIC_MQTT_TLS_ADDRESS}:{PUPLIC_MQTT_TLS_PORT}\"")
+    else:
+        raise ConnectionError(F"Could not connect to MQTT-Broker \"{PUPLIC_MQTT_TLS_ADDRESS}:{PUPLIC_MQTT_TLS_PORT}\"" +
+                              F"\nReturn-Code: {rc}")
+def mqtt_on_message_callback(client, userdata, message):
+    print("\nMessage received on topic '" + message.topic + "' with QoS = " + str(message.qos))
+    parsed_json = json.loads(message.payload)
+    if DEBUG:
+        print(f"Full Message (json):\n{json.dumps(parsed_json, indent=4)}")
+    else:
+        print("Message:")
+        for key, val in parsed_json["end_device_ids"].items():
+            if key == "device_id":
+                print(F"\tDevice ID: {val}")
+            if key == "application_ids":
+                print(F"\tApplication ID: {val['application_id']}")
+        for key, val in parsed_json["uplink_message"].items():
+            if key == "f_port":
+                print(F"\tPort: {val}")
+            if key == "frm_payload":
+                print(F"\tPayload: {val}")
+            if key == "decoded_payload":
+                print(F"\tDecoded Payload:")
+                try:
+                    print(F"\t\tDate: {val['data'][0]['date']}")
+                    print(F"\t\tLabel: {val['data'][0]['label']}")
+                    print(F"\t\tValue: {val['data'][0]['value']}")
+                except KeyError:
+                    print("\t\tCould not decode payload.")
+            if key == "settings":
+                print(F"\tFrequency: {val['frequency']}")
+                print(F"\tBandwidth: {val['data_rate']['lora']['bandwidth']}")
+                print(F"\tSpreading Factor: {val['data_rate']['lora']['spreading_factor']}")
+            if key == "consumed_airtime":
+                print(F"\tAirtime: {val}")
+def mqtt_on_subscribe_callback(client, userdata, mid, granted_qos):
+    print(F"Subscription succesfull on message id: {mid}, and QoS: {granted_qos[0]}")
+def mqtt_on_disconnect_callback(client, userdata, rc):
+    print(F"Disconnect from MQTT with result code: {rc}")
+def mqtt_on_publish_callback(client, userdata, mid):
+    print(F"Publish succesfull on message ID: {mid}")
+def init_mqtt():
+    mqtt_client = mqtt.Client(f"axxeo_monitoring-client")
+    mqtt_client.on_connect = mqtt_on_connect_callback
+    mqtt_client.on_message = mqtt_on_message_callback
+    mqtt_client.on_subscribe = mqtt_on_subscribe_callback
+    mqtt_client.on_disconnect = mqtt_on_disconnect_callback
+    mqtt_client.on_publish = mqtt_on_publish_callback
+    mqtt_client.username_pw_set(USER, PASSWORD)
+    mqtt_client.tls_set()
+    if DEVICE_IDS:
+        for id in DEVICE_IDS:
+            topic = "v3/" + USER + "/devices/" + id + "/up"
+            result = mqtt_client.subscribe(topic, QOS)
+            if result[0] == 0:
+                print(F"Subscribe to topic: \"{topic}\", QoS: {QOS}, message ID: {result[1]}")
+            else:
+                print(F"Failed to subsribe to topic: \"{topic}\", QoS: {QOS}")
+    else:
+        print("There are no device IDs configured for MQTT-Subscription!")
+        raise ValueError
+    payload = report_payload()
+    mqtt_send(mqtt_client, payload)
+    return mqtt_client
+def init_gpio():
+    gpio_client = pigpio.pi()
+    if not gpio_client.connected:
+        print("The pigpio daemon is not running!")
+        raise ConnectionError
+    gpio_client.set_mode(GPIO, pigpio.INPUT)
+    return gpio_client
+def main():
+    try:
+        print("Initialize GPIO")
+        gpio_client = init_gpio()
+        print("Initialize MQTT")
+        mqtt_client = init_mqtt()
+        print("\nStart Communication:")
+        old_val = debounce(gpio_client)
+        payload = set_payload(old_val)
+        mqtt_send(mqtt_client, payload)
+        while True:
+            new_val = debounce(gpio_client)
+            if old_val != new_val:
+                old_val = new_val
+                if old_val:
+                    print("\nSwitch on windpower plant!")
+                else:
+                    print("\nSwitch off windpower plant!")
+                payload = set_payload(new_val)
+                mqtt_send(mqtt_client, payload)
+            mqtt_client.loop(10)
+    except KeyboardInterrupt:
+        exit(0)
+    except ConnectionError:
+        exit(1)
+    except socket.gaierror:
+        print(F"\nNo address associated with hostname \"{PUPLIC_MQTT_TLS_ADDRESS}\"")
+        exit(1)
+    except ValueError:
+        exit(1)
+    finally:
+        if "mqtt_client" in locals() and mqtt_client.is_connected():
+            mqtt_client.disconnect()
+        if "gpio_client" in locals() and gpio_client.connected:
+            gpio_client.stop()
+        print("\nExit program!")
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+    main()

+ 13 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+Description=LoRa-MQTT Handler ttn-station.service