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Jian Song %!s(int64=6) %!d(string=hai) anos
Modificáronse 2 ficheiros con 220 adicións e 0 borrados
  1. 97 0
  2. 123 0

+ 97 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,97 @@
+#include <LiquidCrystal.h>
+#include <PWM.h>
+#include <DallasTemperature.h>
+#include <OneWire.h>
+LiquidCrystal lcd(13, 12, 10, 9, 8, 7);
+#define PIN_OUTPUT 3
+#define LED 5
+int tempsensor = 6;
+int Magnet = 11;
+int32_t frequency = 10;
+int Grades;
+double temperature;
+double Tmax = 30;
+int S;
+unsigned long t = 0;
+unsigned long tmax = 60000;
+int D;
+void Drehschalter();
+void LCD();
+OneWire onewirepin(tempsensor);
+DallasTemperature sensors(&onewirepin);
+void setup() {
+  lcd.begin(16, 2);
+  InitTimersSafe();
+  bool success = SetPinFrequencySafe(PIN_OUTPUT,frequency);
+  sensors.begin();
+  pinMode(Magnet, OUTPUT);
+void loop() {
+      while (t < tmax) {
+          t=millis();
+          digitalWrite(Magnet, HIGH);
+          Drehschalter();
+          sensors.requestTemperatures();
+          temperature=sensors.getTempCByIndex(0);
+          D =map(analogRead(1), 0, 1023, 0, 255);
+          pwmWrite(PIN_OUTPUT, D);
+          analogWrite(LED, D);
+          LCD();
+          S=digitalRead(2);
+          if (S == HIGH) {
+            t=tmax;
+          }
+          if (temperature > Tmax) {
+            t=tmax;
+          }
+      }
+      digitalWrite(Magnet, LOW);
+void Drehschalter() {
+          Grades = analogRead(0);
+          if (Grades >= 0 && Grades <= 205) {
+            tmax = 10000;
+            }
+          if (Grades > 205 && Grades <= 410) {
+            tmax = 20000;
+            }
+          if (Grades > 410 && Grades <= 615) {
+            tmax = 30000;
+            }
+          if (Grades > 615 && Grades <= 820) {
+            tmax = 40000;
+            }
+          if (Grades > 820 && Grades <= 1024) {
+            tmax = 50000;
+            }
+void LCD() {
+          lcd.setCursor(0, 0);
+          lcd.print("T=");
+          lcd.print(temperature);
+          lcd.print("`C ");
+          lcd.print("t=");
+          lcd.print(t/1000);
+          lcd.print("s");
+          lcd.setCursor(0, 1);
+          lcd.print("D=");
+          lcd.print((D*100)/255);
+          lcd.print("% ");
+          lcd.print("tmax=");
+          lcd.print(tmax/1000);
+          lcd.print("s   ");

+ 123 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,123 @@
+Toaster Project
+Rev 3
+Jian Song
+1. Drehschalter
+2. Auslösemagnet
+3. Temperatursensor
+4. Heizwendel
+5. Stoptaste
+6. LCD
+7. Kontrollanzeige
+void Drehschalter() {                                                           //function for calibration of the heating time
+      int Grades;                                                               //define the degrees of browning
+      unsigned long tmax = 60000;                                               //define the max. heating time
+      Grades = analogRead(0);                                                   //read the data from pin A0 of analog input
+      if (Grades >= 0 && Grades <= 205) {                                       //input range for A0 is from 0 to 1024(because of 10 bit ADC), define potentiometer as 5 steps
+        tmax = 10000;
+            }
+      if (Grades > 205 && Grades <= 410) {
+        tmax = 20000;
+            }
+      if (Grades > 410 && Grades <= 615) {
+        tmax = 30000;
+            }
+      if (Grades > 615 && Grades <= 820) {
+        tmax = 40000;
+            }
+      if (Grades > 820 && Grades <= 1024) {
+        tmax = 50000;
+            }                                        
+void Ausloesemagnet() {                                                           //function for magnet trigger
+      int Magnet = 11;                                                            //define the magnet  
+      unsigned long t = 0;                                                        //define the runtime
+      pinMode(Magnet, OUTPUT);                                                    //set pin 11 as digital output
+      while (t < tmax) {                                                          //run the loop if the runtime is less then tmax
+        t = millis();                                                             //returns the number of milliseconds since the Arduino board began running the current program
+        digitalWrite(Magnet, HIGH);                                               //turn on the magnet
+        }    
+        digitalWrite(Magnet, LOW);                                                //turn off the magnet, if the loop is broken
+void Temperatursensor() {                                                         //function for reading temperature in celsius
+      #include <OneWire.h>                                                        //use onewire library
+      #include <DallasTemperature.h>                                              //use dallastemperature library           
+      int tempsensor = 6;                                                         //define temperature sensor
+      double temperature;                                                         //define the temperature
+      double Tmax = 50;                                                           //define the max. temperature
+      OneWire onewirepin(tempsensor);                                             //setup a onewire instance to communicate with any onewire devices
+      DallasTemperature sensors(&onewirepin);                                     //pass our oneWire reference to dallas temperature
+      sensors.begin();                                                            //start the library up
+      sensors.requestTemperatures();                                              //send the command to get temperatures
+      temperature=sensors.getTempCByIndex(0);                                     //get the temperature from the first sensor only
+      if (temperature > Tmax) {                                                   //compare the current temperature and max. temperature. if higher than max. , set t as tmax, then that while loop condition in function of ausloesemagnet is not true anymore, so the while loop will be broken until reset.
+        t = tmax;
+      }
+void Heizwendel() {                                                               //function for controlling the heater
+      #include <PWM.h>                                                            //use PWM library
+      #define PIN_OUTPUT 3                                                        //define pin 3 as output of PWM
+      int D;                                                                      //set the dutycycle for PWM(8 bit timer can provide a range from 0 to 255 steps for PWM)
+      int32_t frequency = 10;                                                     //set the frequency of PWM in hertz
+      InitTimersSafe();                                                           //initialize all timers except for 0, to save time keeping functions(for UNO timer0 and timer2 are 8 bit, timer1 is 16 bit; pins 5 and 6: controlled by timer0; pins 9 and 10: controlled by timer1; pins 11 and 3: controlled by timer2)
+      bool success = SetPinFrequencySafe(PIN_OUTPUT,frequency);                   //sets the frequency for pin 3
+      D = map(analogRead(1), 0, 1023, 0, 255);                                    //re-maps the range of analog input A1 from 0 - 1023 to 0 - 255
+      pwmWrite(PIN_OUTPUT, D);                                                    //use this functions instead of analogWrite on pin 3
+void Stoptaste() {                                                                //function for the stop button
+      int S;                                                                      //define the push button as stop button
+      S = digitalRead(2);                                                         //read HIGH or LOW digital signal from pin 2
+      if (S == HIGH) {                                                            //if the button is pressed, set t as tmax, then that while loop condition in function of ausloesemagnet is not true anymore, so the while loop will be broken until reset.
+        t = tmax;
+      }
+void LCD() {
+      #include <LiquidCrystal.h>                                                 //use LCD library
+      LiquidCrystal lcd(13, 12, 10, 9, 8, 7);                                    //initialize the library with the numbers of the interface pins
+      lcd.begin(16, 2);                                                           //set up the LCD's number of columns and rows
+      lcd.setCursor(0, 0);                                                        //set the cursor to column 0, line 0(line 0 is the first row, since counting begins with 0)
+      lcd.print("T=");                                                            //print "Temperature = "
+      lcd.print(temperature);                                                     //print temperature in celsius
+      lcd.print("`C ");
+      lcd.print("t=");                                                            //print "Time = "
+      lcd.print(millis()/1000);                                                   //print current runtime in seconds
+      lcd.print("s");
+      lcd.setCursor(0, 1);                                                        //set the cursor to column 0, line 1
+      lcd.print("D=");                                                            //print "Dutycycle = "
+      lcd.print((D*100)/255);                                                     //print current dutycycle in percent
+      lcd.print("% ");
+      lcd.print("tmax=");                                                         //print "max. runtime = "
+      lcd.print(tmax/1000);                                                       //print preset of max. runtime in seconds
+      lcd.print("s   ");
+void Kontrollanzeige() {                                                          //shows the status, if PWM is working
+     #define LED 5
+     analogWrite(LED, D);                                                         //put a LED and resistor between pin 5 and GND