[![](https://gogs.es-lab.de/attachments/5a362329-e45e-40d0-a018-b7ddafd296f9)](https://www.hs-anhalt.de/startseite.html) ### **Xcom-Test-Loop-Program** [![]( https://img.shields.io/badge/documentation-wiki-yellow.svg?style=plain)](https://gogs.es-lab.de/mueller_to/Xcom-API/wiki/Xcom-Test-Loop-Program) This program demonstrate the functionality of the Xcom_API-class. It sends permanently a request for a known object_id and display the answer from the Xtender-System. To use this program a Raspberry Pi with a Raspicomm extender module and a RS232-bridge called Xcom-232i is required. More information about the hardware-setup and the usage of the program you can find on the Wiki-Page. ----- **Hochschule Anhalt | Anhalt University of Applied Sciences | Department 6 EMW

Tobias Müller, M. Eng.
📧 Tobias.Mueller@HS-Anhalt.de

© es-lab.de, 31.10.2017