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🗃 Xcom-API
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* [Introduction](#introduction) * [Xcom-API-Class](#xcom-api-class) * [Create and Delete an Object](#create-and-delete-an-object) * [Class-Attributes](#class-attributes) * [Information-Methods](#information-methods) * [get_source_address](#get_source_address) * [get_destination_address](#get_destination_address) * [is_crc_check_active](#is_crc_check_active) * [get_object_counter](#get_object_counter) * [get_prog_name](#get_prog_name) * [get_prog_version](#get_prog_version) * [Public-Class-Methods](#public-class-methods) * [get_read_frame](#get_read_frame) * [get_read_frame_ext](#get_read_frame_ext) * [get_write_frame](#get_write_frame) * [get_write_frame_ext](#get_write_frame_ext) * [get_data_from_frame](#get_data_from_frame) * [get_data_from_frame_ext](#get_data_from_frame_ext) * [get_bin_from_frame_flags](#get_bin_from_frame_flags) * [get_text_from_frame_flags](#get_text_from_frame_flags) * [get_text_from_error_id](#get_text_from_error_id) * [Hardware Setup](#hardware-setup) * [Hardware Information](#hardware-information) * [Xcom-232i-Setup](#xcom-232i-setup) * [Raspberry Pi Setup](#raspberry-pi-setup) * [Copy Image to a SD-Card](#copy-image-to-a-sd-card) * [Create your own Image](#create-your-own-image) * [Test-Program](#test-program) * [Run Test-Program](#run-test-program) * [Xcom-Test-Loop-Program](#xcom-test-loop-program) * [Xcom-Test-Program](#xcom-test-program) * [References](#references) ---ℹ Introduction
Welcome to the Wiki of the Xcom-API. This project is about an API (**A**pplication **P**rogramming **I**nterface) designed as a python-class, which is used to encode and decode byte-frames for communication between a Xtender-System and a PC, especially a Raspberry Pi with a Raspicomm extension module. The class also contains methods for error and frame-flag decoding and methods to get object or class informations. >**Note:** The API and the Test-Program was created with Microsoft's integrated development environment (IDE) Visual Studio Code (VSC). This is an Open-Source IDE from Microsoft for many different programming-languages for Windows, Linux and Mac with an easy to use git integration. So you can easily add this project to VSC by cloning this Git-Repository. Of course you can open the python-files with other IDE's you prefer too. > >####☁ Git-Repository-Link: https://es-lab.de:60085/mueller_to/Xcom-API
On the following pages you will find many informations about the usage of the API such like: An explanation of the methods of the API and how to invoke these methods inside a python-script. Furthermore there are test-programs called "Xcom-Test-Program" and "Xcom-Test-Loop-Program", which you can use for testing the Xcom-API and where you get some impressions of how to use the Xcom-API. There are also explanation for how to use these test-programs. This concerns the hardware and software setup of the Raspberry Pi, if you won't use the given Raspberry Pi image.🗃 Xcom-API-Class
This class is used to encode byte-frames, which are needed to communicate with Xtender-Modules over the RS232-BUS with the help of the Xcom-232i. After encoding the byte-frame, you can use the module "pyserial" to communicate with the Serial-BUS and to put the byte-frame into the write-method of "pyserial". You can also decode read-frames of the Serial-BUS with this class. The class contains methods to generate read- or write-frames, and methods to decode frames. There are pre-defined types, properties and formats for the most important parameter- and information-numbers. This reduces the effort for generating byte-frames, but there are extended methods to encode byte-frames with other parameter- and information-numbers too, that you can find in the documentation of the Xcom-232i. The class also contains methods for error and frame-flag decoding and methods to get object or class informations >**Note:** The link to the documentation of the Xcom-232i can you find under the section: [Hardware Information](#hardware-information). On the following sections, there will be describe the [Information-Methods](#information-methods), [Public-Class-Methods](#public-class-methods), [Class-Attributes](#class-attributes) and how to [create and delete an object](#create-and-delete-an-object). ### Create and Delete an Object ##### Import Xcom-API-Class: To use the Xcom-API, either you need to import the class into your python-script, or you write your code directly inside the "*Xcom_API.py*" file. If you want to import the "*Xcom_API.py*" into your own python script, make sure, that the "*Xcom_API.py*" file is located inside the python-module search path. This is either the folder/directory where your script is located or under Microsoft Windows the path: ```text💻 Hardware Setup
This section explains the hardware configuration, which is necessary to use the test-programs. The test-programs were designed especially for using a Raspberry Pi with the RaspiComm module. Of course the Xcom-API-Class itself can be used in own programs with other distributions and plattforms, which can run python code. The chart below shows the connection of the hardware. The Raspberry Pi is used to execute the test-program and with the help of the RaspiComm module is a RS232 connection to the Xcom-232i ensue. The Xcom-232i is a bridge betwenn the RS232 serial-Bus and the CAN-BUS, which handles the communication between the Xtender-System. In the following sections you will get hardware-information and setup descriptions for the Raspberry Pi and the Xcom-232i. ### Hardware Information The following table shows the needed hardware components and their usage and give you links to the product information and documentation. These components are necessary if you want to use the Xcom-Test-Program and Xcom-Test-Loop-Program. | Component | Function | Product Information | Documentation | |:----|:----|:----:|:----:| | Raspberry Pi 3 | single board computer, on which is running the program | [🔗
](https://www.raspberrypi.org/products/raspberry-pi-3-model-b/) | [🔗
](https://www.raspberrypi.org/documentation/) | | RasPiComm | expansion board for the Raspberry Pi, which provides a RS232-Port over the GPIOs (UART) of the Raspberry Pi | Product is EOL | Product is EOL | | Xcom-232i | CAN to RS232 Bridge, which is used to communicate with the Xtender-Modules | [🔗
](https://www.studer-innotec.com/en/accessoires/xtender-series/communication-module-xcom-232i-770) | [🔗
](https://www.studer-innotec.com/media/document/0/studer-manuel-xcom-232i-v1.3.0_en.pdf) [🔗
](https://www.studer-innotec.com/media/document/0/technical-specification-xtender-serial-protocol-v1.6.24.zip) | | RCC-02 | remote control and programming unit for displaying the status informations and to program parameters of the Xtender-Modules | [🔗
](https://www.studer-innotec.com/en/accessoires/xtender-series/rcc-02-remote-control-and-programming-centre-767) | [🔗
](https://www.studer-innotec.com/media/document/0/manuel-rcc-v4.6.0_en.pdf) | | Xtender-Series| is used as Battery charger and as DC to AC converter and to supply electrical power | [🔗
](https://www.studer-innotec.com/en/products/xtender-series/) | [🔗
](https://www.studer-innotec.com/media/document/0/manuel-xtender-v4.7.0_en-1.pdf) ### Xcom-232i-Setup The Xcom-232i is a bridge for the RS232-BUS to the CAN-BUS. The test-programms for the Xcom-API-Class will ask you for the baudrate. So it is essential, that you know the baudrate of the Xcom-232i, otherwise the communication between the Raspberry Pi and the Xcom-232i will fails. The standard baudrate for the RS232-BUS is 38400, but you are able to change this value to 115200. To do that you need the Xcom-Configurator, which is only available for a windows operating system. > **Download-Link Xcom-Configurator:** [https://www.studer-innotec.com/media/document/0/xcomconfiguratorsetup_1.0.26.0.zip](https://www.studer-innotec.com/media/document/0/xcomconfiguratorsetup_1.0.26.0.zip) The picture below shows the Xcom-Configurator program. ![](https://es-lab.de:60085/attachments/e9025954-b549-4ea3-817c-f1aeacf68b5e) After downloading and installing the Xcom-Configurator, you are able to change the baudrate: * Remove the Micro-SD-card from the Xcom-232i and insert it into your PC. * Start the Xcom-Configurator. * Choose the SD-Card-Drive, where the SD-Card of Xcom-232i is located. * Choose a Xcom-Mode, which is either "*232i (38400 bps)*" or "*232i (115200 bps)*". * Finally click on the "*Generate*" button and a new configuration-file will be stored on the SD-Card. * Remove the SD-Card from the PC and insert it into the Xcom-232i. * The LED of the Xcom-232i should be now blinking red. This indicates, that the Xcom-232i is updating. The update is finish, when the LED is blinking green. The baudrate of the Xcom-232i is now set. >**Note:** More Informations about the LED-state can you find in the documentation of the Xcom-232i under the section: [Hardware Information](#hardware-information). ### Raspberry Pi Setup This section describes how to setup your Raspberry Pi, so that you are able to execute the test-programs. There are two ways possible: either you use the given Raspberry Pi image-file, which is ready to use, or you configure your own Raspberry Pi distribution/image. #### Copy Image to a SD-Card This section describes how to copy the given Raspberry PI image-file to a SD-card. There is a [Linux](#linux) and a [Windows](#windows) instruction available. > **Download-Link Raspberry Pi Image-File:** [https://es-lab.de:60085/mueller_to/Xcom-API/src/master/Raspberry-Pi-Image](https://es-lab.de:60085/mueller_to/Xcom-API/src/master/Raspberry-Pi-Image) ##### Linux Instruction After downloading you need to unzip the image-file first, which can be done for example with the bash-command: ```bash unzip Raspberry_Pi_Image.zip -dLogin-informations:
Username: pi
Password: iotraspi
Username: pi
Password: iotraspi
⁉ Test-Program
The test-programs demonstrate the functionality of the Xcom_API-class. To use these programs a Raspberry Pi with a Raspicomm extender module and a RS232-bridge called Xcom-232i is required. Make sure you have setup your Raspberry Pi correctly, just like explained in section [Hardware Setup](#hardware-setup) or you use the available Image-File of the Raspberry Pi, where everything is ready configured. There are two test-programs available: * [Xcom-Test-Loop-Program](#xcom-test-loop-program) * [Xcom-Test-Program](#xcom-test-program) In the following sections, there will be described these programs and explained how to run these programs. ### Run Test-Program To run the test-programs make sure, that the Xcom_API.py is inside the python search-path. More Informations about that can you find in section: [Create and Delete an Object](#create-and-delete-an-object). The test-programs needs the following python-modules: * ptvsd * serial (pyserial) * pigpio You can check, whether these modules are available with the bash-command: ```bash pip3 list ``` If one of these modules are missing, you can install it with the bash-command: ```bash pip3 install📚 References
**[1]** Raspberry PiTobias Müller, M. Eng.
📧 Tobias.Mueller@HS-Anhalt.de
© es-lab.de, 10.07.2018