# Oszi_Software Software for simple continued ploting of BioSignals known Bugs: oszi_software: -ax zeit isnt functioning properly at this point analyse_software: -Slider are little bit buggy needed libarys: customtkinter csv tkinter random math sample rate=ca200Hz beta version is the fastest, but can also be unstable. how to use: Oszi: in the code is a function called get_data(), change it as needed, but keep the return format strict constant, is is intendet to return one value at the time, timestamp is added automaticly Analyse: just load an Csv File, the max amount of Datapoints at this time is 10tsd., if a file is larger only the last datapoints are used. Future Ai Classification is intendet (Heartbeat only) The genrealised CSV File Format for the above Software is: Timestamp,Value Timestamp is the unix time in python through time.time()