12345678910111213141516171819202122232425262728293031323334 |
- import IPython.display
- import numpy as np
- import json
- def Audio(audio: np.ndarray, rate: int):
- """
- Use instead of IPython.display.Audio as a workaround for VS Code.
- `audio` is an array with shape (channels, samples) or just (samples,) for mono.
- """
- if np.ndim(audio) == 1:
- channels = [audio.tolist()]
- else:
- channels = audio.tolist()
- return IPython.display.HTML("""
- <script>
- if (!window.audioContext) {
- window.audioContext = new AudioContext();
- window.playAudio = function(audioChannels, sr) {
- const buffer = audioContext.createBuffer(audioChannels.length, audioChannels[0].length, sr);
- for (let [channel, data] of audioChannels.entries()) {
- buffer.copyToChannel(Float32Array.from(data), channel);
- }
- const source = audioContext.createBufferSource();
- source.buffer = buffer;
- source.connect(audioContext.destination);
- source.start();
- }
- }
- </script>
- <button onclick="playAudio(%s, %s)" style="padding: 10px">Play</button>
- """ % (json.dumps(channels), rate))