# TensorFlow library for adding FPGA based layers ## Components - `hostLib/` Python wrapper module - `layers/` Layer definitions - `c++/` TensorFlow custom operator library - `lib/mlfpga/` FPGA data transfer library - [/bachelor/vhdl-modules](/bachelor/vhdl-modules) VHDL implementation ## Usage ```python import tensorflow as tf from tensorflow.keras import models from hostLib.layers.conv2d import Conv2D as Conv2DFPGA model = models.Sequential() model.add(Conv2DFPGA(1)) ``` ## Installation 1. clone repository and init submodules ```bash git clone cd ./tf-fpga git submodule init ``` 2. install dependencies (on Ubuntu Linux for example) ```bash sudo apt update sudo apt upgrade -y sudo apt autoremove sudo apt install python3 python3-pip sudo python3 -m pip install --upgrade pip # update pip globally python3 -m pip install tensorflow ``` 3. install C++ compiler ```bash sudo apt install g++ ``` 4. compile operator and fpga libraries ```bash cd ./c++ ./configure make > /usr/bin/g++ ... -o build/dummyBigOp.o src/dummyBigOp.cpp > ... > /usr/bin/g++ ... -o build/op_lib.so ... ``` 5. update `config.json` with your FPGA addresses defined in the [VHDL design](/bachelor/vhdl-modules) ```json {"fpgas": [ { "ip": "", "port": 1234 }, { "ip": "", "port": 1234 }, { "ip": "", "port": 1234 } ]} ``` ## Adding new custom layers For more details on how to contribute to git projects see https://gist.github.com/MarcDiethelm/7303312. 0. create a computation module in the [FPGA implementation](/bachelor/vhdl-modules) 1. add your FPGA module to the list of modules `c++/lib/mlfpga/include/modules.hpp` then the `MOD_DEF` macro creates these entries automagically: ```c++ moduleIds[Module::myNewModule]; moduleNames[Module::myNewModule]; moduleSendPayloadLength[Module::myNewModule]; moduleRecvPayloadLength[Module::myNewModule]; ``` 2. create a TF kernel implementation `MyNewOp` inherited from `AsyncOpKernel`, inside these files: `c++/src/myNewOp.cpp` and `c++/include/myNewOp.hpp` define the constructor and overwrite the `ComputeAsync` method: ```c++ class MyNewOp : public AsyncOpKernel { public: explicit MyNewOp(OpKernelConstruction* context); void ComputeAsync(OpKernelContext* context, DoneCallback done) override; } ``` using your FPGA module ```c++ auto worker = connectionManager.createWorker(Module::myNewModule, count); ``` 3. register the the kernel with a custom operator: `c++/src/entrypoint.cpp` ```c++ REGISTER_OP("MyNewOp") .Input("input: float") .Output("output: float") .SetShapeFn([](InferenceContext* c) { c->set_output(0, c->input(0)); return Status::OK(); }); ; REGISTER_KERNEL_BUILDER(Name("MyNewOp").Device(DEVICE_CPU), MyNewOp); // the custom kernel class /\ ``` `c++/include/entrypoint.hpp` ```c++ #include "myNewOp.hpp" ``` More information on creating custom TF kernels can be found [here](https://www.tensorflow.org/guide/create_op). --- 4. compile everything ```bash cd ./c++ make clean make ``` 5. append a test for your operator `tests/op_test.py` ```python def testMyNewOp(self): with self.session(): input = [1,2,3] result = load_op.op_lib.MyNewOp(input=input) self.assertAllEqual(result, input) ``` 6. add a custom layer that uses the operator `hostLib/layers/myNewLayer.py` ```python class MyNewLayer(layers.Layer): ... def call(self, inputs): return load_op.op_lib.MyNewOp(input=inputs) ``` 7. add that layer to the python module `hostLib/layers/__init__.py` ```python __all__ = ["conv2d", "myNewLayer"] ``` ## Tests There are tests for each complexity layer of this project. 1. loopback test without connected FPGAs `c++/tests/main.cpp` edit `config.json`: ```json {"fpgas": [ { "ip": "localhost", "port": 1234 } ]} ``` then run UDP echo server in the background: ```bash python3 tests/echo.py & cd ./c++ make test ./build/test ``` 2. FPGA communication test `c++/tests/main.cpp` ```bash cd ./c++ make test ./build/test ``` 3. operator validation test, based on TFs test suite `tests/op_test.py` ```bash python3 tests/op_test.py ``` ## Dependencies ### C++ - libstd - libtensorflow_framework - https://github.com/nlohmann/json - `./config.json` ### Python3 - tensorflow - `c++/build/op_lib.so` Used in examples: - Pillow - CV2 - mss - numpy - IPython