# TensorFlow library for adding FPGA based layers ## Components - `hostLib/` Python wrapper module - `layers/` Layer definitions - `c++/` TensorFlow custom operator library - `lib/mlfpga/` FPGA data transfer library - [/bachelor/vhdl-modules](https://gitlab.justprojects.de/bachelor/vhdl-modules) VHDL implementation ## Usage ```python import tensorflow as tf from tensorflow.keras import models from hostLib.layers.conv2d import Conv2D as Conv2DFPGA model = models.Sequential() model.add(Conv2DFPGA(1)) ``` ## Installation 1. clone repository and init submodules ```bash git clone cd ./tf-fpga git submodule init ``` 2. install dependencies (on Ubuntu Linux for example) ```bash sudo apt update sudo apt upgrade -y sudo apt autoremove sudo apt install python3 python3-pip sudo python3 -m pip install --upgrade pip # update pip globally python3 -m pip install tensorflow ``` 3. install C++ compiler ```bash sudo apt install g++ ``` 4. compile operator and fpga libraries ```bash cd ./c++ ./configure make > /usr/bin/g++ ... -o build/dummyBigOp.o src/dummyBigOp.cpp > ... > /usr/bin/g++ ... -o build/op_lib.so ... ``` 5. update `config.json` with your FPGA addresses defined in the [VHDL design](https://gitlab.justprojects.de/bachelor/vhdl-modules) ```json {"fpgas": [ { "ip": "", "port": 1234 }, { "ip": "", "port": 1234 }, { "ip": "", "port": 1234 } ]} ``` ## Adding new custom layers For more details on how to contribute to git projects see https://gist.github.com/MarcDiethelm/7303312. 0. create a computation module in the [FPGA implementation](https://gitlab.justprojects.de/bachelor/vhdl-modules) 1. add your FPGA module to the list of modules `c++/lib/mlfpga/include/modules.hpp` then the `MOD_DEF` macro creates these entries automagically: ```c++ moduleIds[Module::myNewModule]; moduleNames[Module::myNewModule]; moduleSendPayloadLength[Module::myNewModule]; moduleRecvPayloadLength[Module::myNewModule]; ``` 2. create a TF kernel implementation `MyNewOp` inherited from `AsyncOpKernel`, inside these files: `c++/src/myNewOp.cpp` and `c++/include/myNewOp.hpp` define the constructor and overwrite the `ComputeAsync` method: ```c++ class MyNewOp : public AsyncOpKernel { public: explicit MyNewOp(OpKernelConstruction* context); void ComputeAsync(OpKernelContext* context, DoneCallback done) override; } ``` using your FPGA module ```c++ auto worker = connectionManager.createWorker(Module::myNewModule, count); ``` 3. register the the kernel with a custom operator: `c++/src/entrypoint.cpp` ```c++ REGISTER_OP("MyNewOp") .Input("input: float") .Output("output: float") .SetShapeFn([](InferenceContext* c) { c->set_output(0, c->input(0)); return Status::OK(); }); ; REGISTER_KERNEL_BUILDER(Name("MyNewOp").Device(DEVICE_CPU), MyNewOp); // the custom kernel class /\ ``` `c++/include/entrypoint.hpp` ```c++ #include "myNewOp.hpp" ``` More information on creating custom TF kernels can be found [here](https://www.tensorflow.org/guide/create_op). --- 4. compile everything ```bash cd ./c++ make clean make ``` 5. append a test for your operator `tests/op_test.py` ```python def testMyNewOp(self): with self.session(): input = [1,2,3] result = load_op.op_lib.MyNewOp(input=input) self.assertAllEqual(result, input) ``` 6. add a custom layer that uses the operator `hostLib/layers/myNewLayer.py` ```python class MyNewLayer(layers.Layer): ... def call(self, inputs): return load_op.op_lib.MyNewOp(input=inputs) ``` 7. add that layer to the python module `hostLib/layers/__init__.py` ```python __all__ = ["conv2d", "myNewLayer"] ``` ## Tests There are tests for each complexity level of this project. 1. loopback test without connected FPGAs. This will only succeed for modules that have equal input and output lengths. compile the UDP echo server and run it in a seperate terminal: ```bash cd ./c++ make echo ./build/echo ``` edit `config.json`: ```json {"fpgas": [ { "ip": "localhost", "port": 1234 } ]} ``` then run any dummy module test: ```bash python3 tests/op_test.py ``` ![echo_test](doku/echo_test.png) 2. FPGA communication test `c++/tests/main.cpp` ```bash cd ./c++ make test ./build/test ``` ![comm_test](doku/comm_test.png) 3. operator validation test, based on TFs test suite `tests/op_test.py` ```bash python3 tests/op_test.py ``` ![op_test](doku/op_test.png) ## Dependencies ### C++ - libstd - libtensorflow_framework - https://github.com/nlohmann/json - `./config.json` ### Python3 - tensorflow - `c++/build/op_lib.so` Used in examples: - Pillow - CV2 - mss - numpy - IPython