Browse Source

Version 1

unknown 1 year ago
38 changed files with 385857 additions and 0 deletions
  1. BIN
      Analysis Of FreeRTOS on ESP32-Summary.pdf
  2. BIN
      Analysis of FreeRTOS on ESP32 S3.pdf
  3. 0 0
  4. BIN
      Timing Analysis/10-millisecond-delay-tick-rate-100/10 millisecond time as task delay.kvdat
  5. BIN
      Timing Analysis/10-millisecond-delay-tick-rate-100/10 millisecond time as task delay.png
  6. BIN
      Timing Analysis/10-millisecond-delay-tick-rate-100/3 task 10 millisecond delay.png
  7. BIN
      Timing Analysis/10-millisecond-delay-tick-rate-100/3 task 10 millisecond time as task delay.kvdat
  8. BIN
      Timing Analysis/100-millisecond-delay-tick-rate-100/100 millisecond time as task delay.kvdat
  9. BIN
      Timing Analysis/100-millisecond-delay-tick-rate-100/100 millisecond time as task delay.png
  10. BIN
      Timing Analysis/1000 MHz Tick Rate/1.kvdat
  11. BIN
      Timing Analysis/1000 MHz Tick Rate/1.png
  12. BIN
      Timing Analysis/1000 MHz Tick Rate/2.kvdat
  13. BIN
      Timing Analysis/1000 MHz Tick Rate/2.png
  14. BIN
      Timing Analysis/1000 MHz Tick Rate/3.kvdat
  15. 58 0
      Timing Analysis/main.c
  16. BIN
      Timing Analysis/misc/0 millisecond as time delay.png
  17. BIN
      Timing Analysis/misc/0 millisecondtime as task delay.kvdat
  18. BIN
      Timing Analysis/misc/1 millisecond default config tick rate.png
  19. BIN
      Timing Analysis/misc/1 millisecond time as task delay.kvdat
  20. BIN
      Timing Analysis/misc/1 millisecond time as task delay.png
  21. BIN
      Timing Analysis/misc/1 milliseond task delay (defualt config) of tick rate hertz.kvdat
  22. BIN
      Timing Analysis/misc/deeper analysis of 1 millisecond delay.png
  23. BIN
      Timing Analysis/misc/portTICKPERIODMS_error.png
  24. BIN
      Timing Analysis/misc/simple blink- no-rtos.png
  25. BIN
      Timing Analysis/misc/tick-period-hz-10000.png
  26. BIN
      Timing Analysis/misc/time between to taks.png
  27. 8590 0
      behavior analysis/hw-interrupts/ISR-deferred.vcd
  28. 319851 0
      behavior analysis/hw-interrupts/hw-interrupt-behavior.vcd
  29. 122 0
      behavior analysis/hw-interrupts/interrupt-task-deferred.c
  30. 52712 0
      behavior analysis/queues/higher-priority-queue-preemption.vcd
  31. 109 0
      behavior analysis/queues/queues.c
  32. 510 0
      behavior analysis/queues/simple-queue-behavior.vcd
  33. 82 0
      behavior analysis/simple task/simple-task.c
  34. 2565 0
      behavior analysis/simple task/simple-task.vcd
  35. 84 0
      behavior analysis/software timers/software-timer-different-callback.c
  36. 707 0
      behavior analysis/software timers/software-timer-different-callback.vcd
  37. 66 0
      behavior analysis/software timers/software-timer-same-callback.c
  38. 401 0
      behavior analysis/software timers/software-timer-same-callback.vcd

Analysis Of FreeRTOS on ESP32-Summary.pdf

Analysis of FreeRTOS on ESP32 S3.pdf

+ 0 - 0

Timing Analysis/10-millisecond-delay-tick-rate-100/10 millisecond time as task delay.kvdat

Timing Analysis/10-millisecond-delay-tick-rate-100/10 millisecond time as task delay.png

Timing Analysis/10-millisecond-delay-tick-rate-100/3 task 10 millisecond delay.png

Timing Analysis/10-millisecond-delay-tick-rate-100/3 task 10 millisecond time as task delay.kvdat

Timing Analysis/100-millisecond-delay-tick-rate-100/100 millisecond time as task delay.kvdat

Timing Analysis/100-millisecond-delay-tick-rate-100/100 millisecond time as task delay.png

Timing Analysis/1000 MHz Tick Rate/1.kvdat

Timing Analysis/1000 MHz Tick Rate/1.png

Timing Analysis/1000 MHz Tick Rate/2.kvdat

Timing Analysis/1000 MHz Tick Rate/2.png

Timing Analysis/1000 MHz Tick Rate/3.kvdat

+ 58 - 0
Timing Analysis/main.c

@@ -0,0 +1,58 @@
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include "freertos/FreeRTOS.h"
+#include "freertos/task.h"
+#include "driver/gpio.h"
+#include "esp_log.h"
+#define GPIO1 14
+#define GPIO2 13
+#define GPIO3 12
+void blinky1(void *pvParameter)
+    gpio_set_direction(GPIO1,GPIO_MODE_OUTPUT);
+    while(1) {    
+        gpio_set_level(GPIO1,1);
+        gpio_set_level(GPIO1,0);
+        ESP_LOGI("Task 1","From task 1");
+       vTaskDelay(pdMS_TO_TICKS(1));
+    }
+void blinky2(void *pvParameter)
+    gpio_set_direction(GPIO2,GPIO_MODE_OUTPUT);
+    while(1) {       
+        gpio_set_level(GPIO2,1);
+        gpio_set_level(GPIO2,0);
+        vTaskDelay(pdMS_TO_TICKS(1));
+    }
+void blinky3(void *pvParameter)
+    gpio_set_direction(GPIO3,GPIO_MODE_OUTPUT);
+    while(1) {
+        gpio_set_level(GPIO3,1);
+        gpio_set_level(GPIO3,0);
+        vTaskDelay(pdMS_TO_TICKS(1));
+    }
+void app_main()
+    ESP_LOGI("HEAP_MEMORY",ESP.getFreeHeap());
+    xTaskCreatePinnedToCore(&blinky1, "blinky 1", 3096,NULL,2,NULL,0 );
+    xTaskCreatePinnedToCore(&blinky2, "blinky 2", 3096,NULL,1,NULL,0 );
+    xTaskCreatePinnedToCore(&blinky3, "blinky 3", 3096,NULL,1,NULL,0 );

Timing Analysis/misc/0 millisecond as time delay.png

Timing Analysis/misc/0 millisecondtime as task delay.kvdat

Timing Analysis/misc/1 millisecond default config tick rate.png

Timing Analysis/misc/1 millisecond time as task delay.kvdat

Timing Analysis/misc/1 millisecond time as task delay.png

Timing Analysis/misc/1 milliseond task delay (defualt config) of tick rate hertz.kvdat

Timing Analysis/misc/deeper analysis of 1 millisecond delay.png

Timing Analysis/misc/portTICKPERIODMS_error.png

Timing Analysis/misc/simple blink- no-rtos.png

Timing Analysis/misc/tick-period-hz-10000.png

Timing Analysis/misc/time between to taks.png

File diff suppressed because it is too large
+ 8590 - 0
behavior analysis/hw-interrupts/ISR-deferred.vcd

File diff suppressed because it is too large
+ 319851 - 0
behavior analysis/hw-interrupts/hw-interrupt-behavior.vcd

+ 122 - 0
behavior analysis/hw-interrupts/interrupt-task-deferred.c

@@ -0,0 +1,122 @@
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include "freertos/FreeRTOS.h"
+#include "freertos/task.h"
+#include "driver/gpio.h"
+#define LED_RED GPIO_NUM_5
+#define PushButton GPIO_NUM_14
+#define LED_BLUE GPIO_NUM_4 
+SemaphoreHandle_t binSem ;
+// hardware interrupt , 
+static void IRAM_ATTR intrHandlePushButton(void *args){
+  //vPrintString("inside interrupt service routine");
+  BaseType_t xHigherPriorityTaskWoken ;
+  xHigherPriorityTaskWoken = pdFALSE;
+  gpio_set_level(LED_GREEN,1);
+  xSemaphoreGiveFromISR(binSem , &xHigherPriorityTaskWoken);
+  if (xHigherPriorityTaskWoken){
+    gpio_set_level(LED_GREEN,0);
+     portYIELD_FROM_ISR( xHigherPriorityTaskWoken );
+  }
+  else{
+  gpio_set_level(LED_GREEN,0);
+  }
+static void IRAM_ATTR intrHandleLEDYELLOW(void *args){
+  //vPrintString("inside interrupt service routine");
+  gpio_set_level(LED_YELLOW,1);
+  gpio_set_level(LED_YELLOW,0);
+void led_task_Red(void *pvParameter)
+  while (1) {
+    gpio_set_level(LED_RED, 1);
+    gpio_set_level(LED_RED, 0);
+    printf("inside LED routine \n");
+    vTaskDelay(1);
+ vTaskDelete( NULL );
+void led_task_Intr(void *pvParameter)
+  while (1) {
+    xSemaphoreTake(binSem,portMAX_DELAY);
+    gpio_set_level(LED_BLUE, 1);
+    gpio_set_level(LED_BLUE, 0);
+    printf("inside ISR routine\n");
+    vTaskDelay(1);
+ vTaskDelete( NULL );
+extern "C" void app_main() {
+  //printf("\n%d",xPortGetCoreID());
+  //setup GPIO to input and Output
+  gpio_set_direction(LED_RED, GPIO_MODE_OUTPUT);
+  gpio_set_direction(LED_GREEN,GPIO_MODE_OUTPUT);
+  gpio_set_direction(LED_BLUE,GPIO_MODE_OUTPUT);
+  gpio_set_direction(LED_YELLOW,GPIO_MODE_OUTPUT);
+  gpio_set_direction(PushButton , GPIO_MODE_INPUT);
+  gpio_set_level(PushButton,0);
+  gpio_set_level(LED_RED,0);
+  gpio_set_level(LED_GREEN,0);
+  gpio_set_level(LED_BLUE,0);
+  gpio_set_level(LED_YELLOW,0);
+   //attach GPIO to interrupt
+  gpio_set_intr_type(LED_RED,GPIO_INTR_POSEDGE);
+  gpio_install_isr_service(0);
+  gpio_isr_handler_add(LED_RED,intrHandlePushButton,NULL);
+  gpio_set_intr_type(LED_GREEN,GPIO_INTR_POSEDGE);
+  gpio_install_isr_service(1);
+  gpio_isr_handler_add(LED_GREEN,intrHandleLEDYELLOW,NULL);
+  binSem =  xSemaphoreCreateBinary();
+  if (binSem != NULL){
+      xTaskCreate(
+      &led_task_Red, // task function
+      "red_led_task", // task name
+      2048, // stack size in words
+      NULL, // pointer to parameters
+      1, // priority
+      NULL); // out pointer to task handle
+       xTaskCreate(
+      &led_task_Intr, // task function
+      "Intr_led_task", // task name
+      2048, // stack size in words
+      NULL, // pointer to parameters
+      3, // priority
+      NULL); // out pointer to task handle
+  }
+  }

File diff suppressed because it is too large
+ 52712 - 0
behavior analysis/queues/higher-priority-queue-preemption.vcd

+ 109 - 0
behavior analysis/queues/queues.c

@@ -0,0 +1,109 @@
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include "freertos/FreeRTOS.h"
+#include "freertos/task.h"
+#include "driver/gpio.h"
+#define LED_RED GPIO_NUM_2
+QueueHandle_t xQueue;
+void getQueueValue(void *pvParameter)
+  int32_t value_to_recieve;
+  BaseType_t xStatusRecieve;
+  //const TickType_t xTicksToWait = pdMS_TO_TICKS( 50 );
+  gpio_num_t red_led = LED_RED ;
+  //uint8_t led_value = 0;
+  //gpio_reset_pin(red_led);
+  gpio_set_direction(red_led, GPIO_MODE_OUTPUT);
+  for(;;){
+    //led_value = 1;
+    gpio_set_level(red_led, 1);
+  xStatusRecieve = xQueueReceive(xQueue, &value_to_recieve, 0);
+  //printf("%d get value task \n",uxTaskGetStackHighWaterMark(NULL));
+  //if(xStatusRecieve != pdPASS){
+   // printf("cant get value \n");
+  //}
+  //else{
+  //printf("value recieved is %d \n",value_to_recieve);
+  //}
+  //led_value = 0;
+  gpio_set_level(red_led, 0);
+  vTaskDelay(pdMS_TO_TICKS(200));
+  }
+void putQueueValue(void *pvParameters) {
+int32_t value_to_send = (int32_t ) pvParameters;
+//value_to_send = (int32_t) pvParameters ;
+BaseType_t xStatusSend;
+//TickType_t xTicksToWait = 1000;
+gpio_num_t green_led = LED_GREEN ;
+  //uint8_t led_value = 0;
+  //gpio_reset_pin(green_led);
+  gpio_set_direction(green_led, GPIO_MODE_OUTPUT);
+gpio_set_level(green_led, 1);
+xStatusSend = xQueueSendToBack(xQueue,&value_to_send,0);
+  gpio_set_level(green_led, 0);
+  vTaskDelay(pdMS_TO_TICKS(1000));
+  }
+extern "C" void app_main()
+//void app_main(void) //requires setup- and loop function
+  xQueue = xQueueCreate(1,sizeof(int32_t));
+  if (xQueue != NULL){
+  xTaskCreate(putQueueValue,"Sender",2048,(void*)100 , 1,NULL);
+  xTaskCreate(getQueueValue,"Reciever",2048,NULL,1,NULL);
+  }
+  else{
+    printf("not enough space");
+  }

+ 510 - 0
behavior analysis/queues/simple-queue-behavior.vcd

@@ -0,0 +1,510 @@
+$version Generated by $end
+$date Sat, 29 Jul 2023 14:20:45 GMT $end
+$timescale 1ns $end
+$scope module logic $end
+$var wire 1 ! D2 $end
+$var wire 1 " D4 $end
+$upscope $end
+$enddefinitions $end

+ 82 - 0
behavior analysis/simple task/simple-task.c

@@ -0,0 +1,82 @@
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include "freertos/FreeRTOS.h"
+#include "freertos/task.h"
+#include "driver/gpio.h"
+#define LED_RED GPIO_NUM_2
+#define LED_BLUE GPIO_NUM_5
+struct led_task_parameters_t
+  gpio_num_t led_gpio;
+  TickType_t blink_time;
+  char led_name[10];
+static led_task_parameters_t red_led_gpio = {LED_RED, 2000,"Red"};
+static led_task_parameters_t blue_led_gpio = {LED_BLUE, 2000,"Blue"};
+static led_task_parameters_t green_led_gpio = {LED_GREEN, 2000,"Green"};
+void led_task(void *pvParameter)
+  gpio_num_t led_gpio = ((led_task_parameters_t *)pvParameter)-> led_gpio;
+  TickType_t blink_time = ((led_task_parameters_t *)pvParameter)-> blink_time;
+  char *led_name = ((led_task_parameters_t *)pvParameter)-> led_name;
+  uint8_t led_value = 0;
+  gpio_reset_pin(led_gpio);
+  gpio_set_direction(led_gpio, GPIO_MODE_OUTPUT);
+  while (1) {
+    gpio_set_level(led_gpio, led_value);
+    led_value = !led_value;
+    //printf("%s \n",led_name);
+    //printf("%d \n",(xPortGetFreeHeapSize()));
+    printf("%d in %s \n",(uxTaskGetStackHighWaterMark(NULL)),led_name);
+    vTaskDelay(blink_time / portTICK_PERIOD_MS);
+  }
+  vTaskDelete( NULL );
+extern "C" void app_main()
+  xTaskCreate(
+    &led_task, // task function
+    "red_led_task", // task name
+    2048, // stack size in words
+    &red_led_gpio, // pointer to parameters
+    5, // priority
+    NULL); // out pointer to task handle
+  xTaskCreate(
+    &led_task, // task function
+    "blue_led_task", // task name
+    2048, // stack size in words
+    &blue_led_gpio, // pointer to parameters
+    5, // priority
+    NULL); // out pointer to task handle
+  xTaskCreate(
+    &led_task, // task function
+    "green_led_task", // task name
+    2048, // stack size in words
+    &green_led_gpio, // pointer to parameters
+    5, // priority
+    NULL); // out pointer to task handle

File diff suppressed because it is too large
+ 2565 - 0
behavior analysis/simple task/simple-task.vcd

+ 84 - 0
behavior analysis/software timers/software-timer-different-callback.c

@@ -0,0 +1,84 @@
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include "freertos/FreeRTOS.h"
+#include "freertos/task.h"
+#include "driver/gpio.h"
+#define LED_RED GPIO_NUM_5
+#define LED_BLUE GPIO_NUM_4
+static TimerHandle_t led1 , led2 ,led3= NULL ;  
+void TimerLedControlRed(TimerHandle_t xtimer){
+ // uint32_t led_timer_id = (uint32_t) pvTimerGetTimerID(xtimer) ;
+  //red led
+  gpio_set_level(LED_RED,!gpio_get_level(LED_RED));
+ printf(" from RED %d\n",ESP.getFreeHeap());
+  //printf("inside timer\n");
+void TimerLedControlGreen(TimerHandle_t xtimer){
+ // uint32_t led_timer_id = (uint32_t) pvTimerGetTimerID(xtimer) ;
+  gpio_set_level(LED_GREEN,!gpio_get_level(LED_GREEN));
+  printf(" from GREEN %d\n",ESP.getFreeHeap());
+  //printf("inside timer\n");
+void TimerLedControlBlue(TimerHandle_t xtimer){
+ // uint32_t led_timer_id = (uint32_t) pvTimerGetTimerID(xtimer) ;
+  //red led
+  gpio_set_level(LED_BLUE,!gpio_get_level(LED_BLUE));
+printf(" from BLUE %d\n",ESP.getFreeHeap());
+  //printf("inside timer\n");
+extern "C" void app_main()
+  //setting GPIO Direction (INPUT , OUTPUT)
+ printf(" from main 1 %d\n",ESP.getFreeHeap());
+  gpio_set_direction(LED_RED, GPIO_MODE_OUTPUT);
+  gpio_set_direction(LED_GREEN, GPIO_MODE_OUTPUT);
+  gpio_set_direction(LED_BLUE, GPIO_MODE_OUTPUT);
+  //timer tasks
+ printf(" from main 2 %d\n",ESP.getFreeHeap());
+  led1 = xTimerCreate("LED Red", pdMS_TO_TICKS(100),pdTRUE,(void *) 0,TimerLedControlRed);
+  led2 = xTimerCreate("LED Green", pdMS_TO_TICKS(100),pdTRUE,(void *) 1,TimerLedControlGreen);
+  led3 = xTimerCreate("LED Blue", pdMS_TO_TICKS(100),pdTRUE,(void *) 2,TimerLedControlBlue);
+  xTimerStart(led1,0);
+  xTimerStart(led2,0);
+  xTimerStart(led3,0);
+ printf(" from main 3 %d\n",ESP.getFreeHeap());

+ 707 - 0
behavior analysis/software timers/software-timer-different-callback.vcd

@@ -0,0 +1,707 @@
+$version Generated by $end
+$date Sat, 05 Aug 2023 15:21:26 GMT $end
+$timescale 1ns $end
+$scope module logic $end
+$var wire 1 ! D0 $end
+$var wire 1 " D1 $end
+$var wire 1 # D2 $end
+$upscope $end
+$enddefinitions $end

+ 66 - 0
behavior analysis/software timers/software-timer-same-callback.c

@@ -0,0 +1,66 @@
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include "freertos/FreeRTOS.h"
+#include "freertos/task.h"
+#include "driver/gpio.h"
+#define LED_RED GPIO_NUM_5
+#define LED_BLUE GPIO_NUM_4
+static TimerHandle_t led1 , led2 ,led3= NULL ;  
+void TimerLedControl(TimerHandle_t xtimer){
+  uint32_t led_timer_id = (uint32_t) pvTimerGetTimerID(xtimer) ;
+  //red led
+  if (led_timer_id == 0){
+  gpio_set_level(LED_RED,!gpio_get_level(LED_RED));
+  }
+  //green led
+  if (led_timer_id == 1){
+  gpio_set_level(LED_GREEN,!gpio_get_level(LED_GREEN));
+  }
+  //blue led
+  if (led_timer_id == 2){
+  gpio_set_level(LED_BLUE,!gpio_get_level(LED_BLUE));
+  }
+  printf("inside timer\n");
+extern "C" void app_main()
+  //setting GPIO Direction (INPUT , OUTPUT)
+  gpio_set_direction(LED_RED, GPIO_MODE_OUTPUT);
+  gpio_set_direction(LED_GREEN, GPIO_MODE_OUTPUT);
+  gpio_set_direction(LED_BLUE, GPIO_MODE_OUTPUT);
+  //timer tasks
+  led1 = xTimerCreate("LED Red", pdMS_TO_TICKS(100),pdTRUE,(void *) 0,TimerLedControl);
+  led2 = xTimerCreate("LED Green", pdMS_TO_TICKS(100),pdTRUE,(void *) 1,TimerLedControl);
+  led3 = xTimerCreate("LED Blue", pdMS_TO_TICKS(100),pdTRUE,(void *) 2,TimerLedControl);
+  xTimerStart(led1,0);
+  xTimerStart(led2,0);
+  xTimerStart(led3,0);

+ 401 - 0
behavior analysis/software timers/software-timer-same-callback.vcd

@@ -0,0 +1,401 @@
+$version Generated by $end
+$date Sat, 05 Aug 2023 13:31:53 GMT $end
+$timescale 1ns $end
+$scope module logic $end
+$var wire 1 ! D0 $end
+$var wire 1 " D1 $end
+$var wire 1 # D2 $end
+$upscope $end
+$enddefinitions $end